


A good Warden is not a healing Warden. That's completely untrue, Tyka. That's like saying a good Eld is a mezzing Eld and screw the nukes.

A good Warden is one who knows when to heal, when to fight and how to use their various chants depending on the situation. It's very difficult to be a full time healer. As if we didn't already have a pathetically small mana pool, we're expected to keep bubble running 90% of the time AND heal. The mana drain is ridiculous.

For my money a good Warden is one who heals/rezzes when needed and spends the rest of their time interrupting casters and healers. With a fast weapon added to our self haste, it's piss easy to hit the 1.5s spd cap and that's gonna piss and casting class off :)


Hey this thread is for people to post their opinions right? so whats all this aggro i get, i never said how you should spec your gimped chars ilaya, i couldnt care less, just posted my opinion, live with it.

Verata maybe a good eld is a mezzing eld, what do i know? :p thats your opinion and im sure you have your reasons for it.

Sure wardens are supposed to fight now and then depending on what kind of situation they're in. But there are a few wardens i seen out in the battle field that do better than others, i can't say i remember when a warden fought in battles and saved my life and told him "geez great fight there u saved us all", but i do remember when they heal and i told them good work etc. I dont expect a warden to heal me to be honest, so when i see one, i tell them good work. :D

Thats my opinion and i have not told anyone how to play, if you dont like it Mr Squirrelslayer then please, STFU.


Well, maybe this was my stupidity at believing mythic, not having played the beta, but i believed the "formidable fighter" line when i started DoaC.


However i dont have the time, nor the inclination to level another melee character to 50, so im playing a warden the way i anticipated it would be played when i read "formidable fighter", and having the most fun i can with it - i dont see a healing warden as fun - i signed up to fight - if i wanted to heal i would have rolled a druid.


Originally posted by panzer
Well, maybe this was my stupidity at believing mythic, not having played the beta, but i believed the "formidable fighter" line when i started DoaC.

Never read that, and never expected it ( ; But in Pve I can use heals to taunt aggro on me, and then I can still take a good beating before real tanks and nukers take the mob out.

I RvR, you can do the same thing. Heal first, when that draws the attention, you can put up quite a decent fight still. If you don't want to be a healer, spec in nurture, weapon and parry, and just leave regrowth at 2. With bubble, high parry, weapon at 44 with item bonus to 50, high dex for block/parry rate and the right RA's you can still do more damage than any naturalist, while being as hard to hit as a shield tank. You just have fewer hits, no shield styles, but in exchange you have baseline heals, buffs and chants to support the group. I would have gone with this spec if I didn't use the lvl 16 regrowth res so often in RvR.


I must admit when I rolled my first Warden in beta I was also going by the "formidable fighter" official description. I expected to be a fighter who could heal as well. I only got my beta Warden to 28 tho and during that period all Wardens are good meleers.

Since then I've come to realise what Wardens really are and have adjusted my spec and playing styles to compensate, although it hasn't in any way dimished the enjoyment I get from playing my class.

And Tyka, that wasn't meant to be hostility, mate - I just enjoy arguing on behalf of Wardens and wanted to throw in a counter-opinion ;)


I don't mind what the warden does as long as they run bubble...
Offering mana regen 5 for 6s bubble! :D


new hope for wardens

The team lead report for the warden, while not the most shining example of good writing, does cover most of the issues we all know about the warden class.

Go take a look at the team leads over on VGN boards. All the classes are there and you can post your ideas for them to look at.

Basically, if wardens were simply moved from the healer damage/to hit table to the hybrid one, it would go a long way to evening things out.

And yes, Tyka, we are just having fun :) I hope you werent offended by anything I said.


I actually tried a lot of specs but with spellcrafting coming I respecced again. With all the plusses from items etc. I now can make the following spec with Realm Rank 6:

54 - Nurture 49 + 5
33 - Regrowth 17 + 11 + 5 (fast heals are about 300 hp)
50 - Blunt 34 +11 +5
50 - Parry 22 + 11 + 5 +12 (Mastery of parrying II = +12)


Since I read the ppls opinions and experiences about warden in this post my ideal warden concept was likely a fighter ( crap but at least fighter ) My template was
48 Nurture / 39 Blade / 16 Regrowth / 15 Parry

I was almost happy but after some time in RvR I started to get bored cuz it wasnt my dream to be a crap dmg dealer.. I was attracted by " Formidable Fighter !! " too..

While I was reading all the experiences and opinions here I started to think about my spec and my ideal role in RvR.. Then I realised why daoc lost its charm on me.. It was all about my expectations from a warden and the crap that I found totally different from my expectations..
As I dont have the strength to roll another char to fit my needs I decided to change my char and my expectations a little :)

3 days ago I respecced all my skills and RA's from fighter warden to support warden...

Now my spec is like;
49 Nurture / 33 Regrowth / 20 Blade / 21 Parry
( 0 skill points left with 20 blade and 21 parry )

and RA's
MCL 2 , Aug Aculity 2 , Serenity 2 , AoM 2 , First Aid

B4 this template I was trying to take the mages out of combat, and most of the times while I was trying this I was going down fast and leaving my group without buble.. I had TWF as a RA and most of the time while I was trying to aim the ground target to right place I was missing the combat or making mistakes.. tbh I was a bad warden ;)

Now with my new RA's and skills I feel myself much more effective, with my heals and buble my group is staying alive longer then b4 and while I'm trying to avoid from aggros to stay alive I get more rp.. With my new RA's my mana doesnt seem to be a problem.. If I get oom I can still attack casters or others who'r still alive..

There may be really good fighter wardens out there, who knows when to attack or when to stay low but for sure its not me :)

Warden is a really nice class, u can play it in many ways.. depends on ur style and spec. I choose to be a healer warden and I'm happy with my current position.. As an old fighter warden I can just say that if its played right a fighter warden can be really effective 2.. decision is all yours..

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