WAR, whoes going and what server?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
just hope GOA prepares for the release week with sufficient spare resources, just in case. ;)
Just remember the first couple of days of WoW, doubling the amount of servers like twice a week ... and still increasing I'd guess.

<continues to work on a heap of computer-voodoo-doll-things>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'll probably stay Euro servers. One of the more fun things about this game has been meeting players from other European countries. The Yanks just don't have the same appeal for me.

Agree about coordinating server choice though, if WAR takes off in a big way and we don't the old names could be spread a bit thin . . .


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
....why I aint gooing EU: (/me watches all the care faces arround:p)

main reason: i dont think NFD is gooing 2..

now why oh why is that? just a small thing for example...


.....aaaannndd breaths out..

feeling much better now;)

/me is gooing to the MotoGP in meh town! watching v.rossi breaking a ankle or 2:)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I've been playing with zerging swedish hypocrite retards (hallo Septina) and AC'ing greeks and simpleton players who think DAoC is for the leet skilled for too long to make the same mistake in WAR.

So see you not there.


P.S.: Mythic server for sure with some mates I guess.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Never ACed :p

But generally i am not convinced WAR will even be a good game tbh :p
But IF i was to play ... it would almost defo be on US servers. GOA...just cant cut it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i'l be playing on a GOA server as there will be loads and loads and loads more ppl in my timezone there then the extreme minority of ex daoc'ers on the US servers.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
just hope GOA prepares for the release week with sufficient spare resources, just in case. ;)
Just remember the first couple of days of WoW, doubling the amount of servers like twice a week ... and still increasing I'd guess.

yeah they still open new servers every now and then. but mostly to make the overpopulated servers a tad more playabled rather then any huge subscriber increase.

but yeah, heres hoping GOA have sufficient servers ready just in case.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
You'll probably find that there are far more tabletop gamers and people who enjoy the various Warhammer franchises that will make up a higher proportion of the intial WAR customer base than the number that have played DAoC down the years.



FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
IF EA/GOA do a good marketing job in UK then Euro Server would be an option for me. However I fully expect them to repeat what they did in UK for DAOC, f*ck all! If that is the case then I'll go US. Get better pings to US anyway.

I don't think they (GOA) care about the UK market at all, their actions, or lack of, over the past 6 years have proved that to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
IF EA/GOA do a good marketing job in UK then Euro Server would be an option for me. However I fully expect them to repeat what they did in UK for DAOC, f*ck all! If that is the case then I'll go US. Get better pings to US anyway.

I don't think they (GOA) care about the UK market at all, their actions, or lack of, over the past 6 years have proved that to me.

one thing to remember with this is though, we're talking about Warhammer here, that means Games Workshop, and those guys are keeping a very close look at what's happening with whatever uses their brand. The games that got released lately and had the Warhammer (fantasy or 40k) were some really great ones imo.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
one thing to remember with this is though, we're talking about Warhammer here, that means Games Workshop, and those guys are keeping a very close look at what's happening with whatever uses their brand. The games that got released lately and had the Warhammer (fantasy or 40k) were some really great ones imo.

that and the MMORPG market is a tiny tad bigger now then when DAoC launched. but the whiners are happily forgetting that.

GOA did do a whole lot of advertising when daoc launched, they also kept advertising a few years after that. but then many other mmorpg's had launched that were a fair bit better then this game was. so ppl picked those games insted of this.

but again, selective memory rocks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
iirc that's coming from practically no advertisment in the UK. Germany and france still receive the odd add here and there in gaming mags.

Even if it's rather odd ones at times, seen one that was practically an Alienware PC and a tiny little screen of daoc, but the line on the bottom was "Dark Ages of Camelot" :p


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I have no interest in this game, my interest only extended to working in the game and tbh i'd rather play daoc or beta test something else, hope you guys enjoy what is atm a imbalanced game and i look forward to reading your whines xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
hope you guys enjoy what is atm a imbalanced game and i look forward to reading your whines xD
what did you expect? Its a beta like 8 months before release, its the whole point of the beta to balance and fix.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I have no interest in this game, my interest only extended to working in the game and tbh i'd rather play daoc or beta test something else, hope you guys enjoy what is atm a imbalanced game and i look forward to reading your whines xD

yes because we all know that beta tests, and MMORPG's in general are 100% balanced and totally fair towards everyone...

*slaps hand on forehead*


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
what did you expect? Its a beta like 8 months before release, its the whole point of the beta to balance and fix.

Daoc has been out for years, in every patch a new class becomes imbalanced. So why would you think the only reason the new game is imbalanced is beta?

Seriously what game have you been playing? :eek2:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
There are a lot of people in WoW who are interested in WAR, luckily for them they have been advised to go US :p unless they have a huge amount of content off the bat they are going to struggle, there is so much to do in WoW now at level 70 it makes TOA look like a quick hand in quest :p

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Heh. Lvl70 in WoW is three things: endlessly grind rep, spec for raids/heroic or shite PvP.

There was arguably a wider area of places to play at 60 before they upped the cap and narrowed down the effective gaming area to the Outland zones.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Heh. Lvl70 in WoW is three things: endlessly grind rep, spec for raids/heroic or shite PvP.

There was arguably a wider area of places to play at 60 before they upped the cap and narrowed down the effective gaming area to the Outland zones.

yeah, so much went bad when TBC came :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
US servers all the way.

If GOA always do what they always did, player base will get what they always got .......very little and I see nothing new from them with War


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
It will be with GOA, mainly because the peak hours are suitable for a european player.

Also the patch cycle will be in step. No more of this wait x months. Blizzard have shown the way on this.

I'll be trying it on Euro servers, for the same reason that I can't be (and frankly don't want to be) up til silly o'clock.

seems to be a lot of assumption going on atm
who knows how many copies of WAR are going to sell ? who knows how long it will be played for. its a UK company, i dont know how big Warhammer is in the states, but it will sell massively over here on the label on the box alone - tho how long they stay around is another argument.

people are talking like there is going to be two WAR servers. and how many people saw that large a subs base for WOW coming ? no, i dont think it will match WoW, but i think it may do better than alot of people seem to think.

and bear in mind the catch 22 your creating.. i wont play on EU cos there wont be anyone on EU.. well , if everyone leaves, no there wont be.


Don't forget - this being A GW product, many of the gaming types from the table top who haven't already played MMORPG's will give it a go, so lots of new (and likely young) people who don't know much about these sorts of games will be playing. For me that's a good thing, but for others who are intolerant (and I know there's plenty of intolerants) they may well get annoyed for a bit.

Mythic server for sure with some mates I guess.

You sure you have any? :eek7:

Frankly though, I don't see the point scepticising until I see a close-to finished version or a logistical layout about servers and support. I look forward to it, but I'm not going to look forward enough so that it gets built up beyond all proportion then doesn't deliver. Some people are going on as if this is the Holy Grail of gaming and will be their secret to a better life - FFS, it's a game.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
FFS, it's a game.
no its not
Warhammer is a fully-realized hobby experience. It's books, miniatures, comics, pen and paper RPGs, PC games and - of course - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Warhammer is the last hobby you'll ever need.
They even said in some video they want us to use ALL our time on it lol.
And if you have seen Pure Pwnage(Pure Pwnage - 'taking n00bs to school since 2004') like fps doug says: MMOs take all your time and money


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Warhammer is a fully-realized hobby experience. It's books, miniatures, comics, pen and paper RPGs, PC games and - of course - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Warhammer is the last hobby you'll ever need.

Games Wankshop and their mighty PR engine alongside Mythic, can't argue with the pull factor.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Must admit I hope a lot of you whiners don`t play WAR. Will be nice to not have to listen to your inceccent whinging about GOA, the game, overpoweredness, having a small cock ect ect.

Why are people lucky to have chosen US servers exactly? GOA have improved year on year since the very start, they listen to community feedback and we've had some really excellent GM's and I see no reason why the ovrall improvement cannot continue into WAR . You look on US servers with rose tinted glasses.

In response to whining about balance on a game that is currently in extremely early closed beta you really need to get a clue from somewhere I really don`t think I need to say anymore ^^

Incidently if you hate the way MMORPG's work why the hell are you playing them? Get the hell out of the forums and go whine on someone else's forums about flowers or babies or some other shit.

rant over....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
You'll probably find that there are far more tabletop gamers and people who enjoy the various Warhammer franchises that will make up a higher proportion of the intial WAR customer base than the number that have played DAoC down the years.

As pointed out above, there will be many looking to move on from WoW for something a bit different. WoW has massively expanded the MMO market and with any luck, WAR should be able to hook into that also.

yea I think yer right about the tabletoppers and the WOWers, if WAR was my first MMO to start with I would just grab a eurocopy as everyone else so I guess the euroservers will be crowded.

GOA vs Mythic.. well Mythic ofc. Depends on how GOA place the servers mainly, if they all cluster up in France then its opentranshit and no ty to that.. If GOA place some servers in Dublin or Sweden then that is an option ofc.

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