WAR, whoes going and what server?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Well, to try and stop what happened on here, ( server population shortages ) instead of everyone going off to different servers, maybe we should all go to one, i don't have any idea what are they are called atm, I doubt anyone does unless a DAOC GM can tell us :)

Would be nice to see the big names in WAR :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
I ain`t goin to no sheep shagger server!! Oh and i won`t be on a GOA 1 either... /Forest


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not sure yet, very much doubt it will be a GOA one though :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Ill go wherever the majority of me mates and guildies go from DAoC.
I would like us all to go to the same server but that just aint gona happen unfortunately :-(
Once the servers have been announced, im sure there will be a thread where you will be able to tell where people are heading etc.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
<waves to Gwadien and Ashgen> ;)

I'll be in WAR. Our guild will be playing on the bad guys side as usual and will be looking for lots of wannabe-hero types to maim, hurt and generally be unpleasant towards. We'll encompass solo, grouped and epic scale warfare as I already know our people want all of those.

Any guilds forming from the old game are welcome to coordinate and ally.

Warning in advance there will be strict rules for behaviour. On your own, do what you want. With allied guilds, you behave (ie be nice and work as team). Or leave. Common sense stuff. Guilds that make up the alliance will form the actual code of conduct / charter from what's agreed between us and will nail down the details. This of course assumes we're having a hand in setting stuff up. If someone already has a working structure in place and it approximates the above ethos, we'll happily slot in with that.

Squabblers that want quick results and whine when they don't get them will be spotted fast and shown the door. Collectively, we have a lot of experience at spotting these toe-rags and we'll be looking for like-minded people that will put the time into working together to have some seriously hero-smearing fun. If you think I've got a low tolerance for whiners, you should meet some of the people I play with :D

We fully expect as usual for there to be multiple alliances on any given server we play on. We're going to be looking to coordinate with them too. We've done this in DAoC, we've done this in WoW. We're going to do it in WAR as well.

I'll likely be reiterating this a lot over the coming months :D



I know I sound a bit arrogant and pompous when I make posts like this. I don't care. I know what I want from a game. WoW doesn't deliver it. DAoC doesn't have enough people on the English servers any more for me to get the online warfare I enjoy the most (but is still waaaay better than the other games I've played). I'll happily join in things other people organise (yay, I get to be a lazy good-for-nothing) but I won't hang around waiting for it to never happen.

So hopefully see a few of you there. There are a lot of nice peeps from the various realms I've played at various times that I hope to see in WAR, even if not allied, simply so we can be on the same side together.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Not sure I'll be playing anyhow, but concensus seems to be in NFD to go to a Mythic server not GoA.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Hi ill be somewhere kicking around.

I aint sure where to go though....ive always been a kind of a loner save a few old friends who know me. I used to be in the Sylvan retards 5 years ago on hib but have floated around since. Im sure there will be a home for me somewhere where i can come and annoy people.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
as you can see in a poll (made by a very very very intellifent guy) in the warhammer section.. lots of ppl think it's a good idea. So yeh give server names! <and if servers will be called; GOA1 GOA2 etc.. ill play us:p)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
ill play with as many daocers as possible. Looking at behavior and respect for other ppl id prefer the ones i know, from the ppl i expect to be like the wow players.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
if your a europlayer that wants to play WAR but opts to play on a mythic server... send GOA and email explaining calmly and concisely why...

im saying this because I think they need to know...

I also think that the VAST majority of english speaking server players, that left DAOC to play US because of the low pop will opt to play mythic servers. I think a large chunk of the remaining Dyvet population left might opt for a mythic server from the fear of a WAR server "dying" like dyvet has 2-3 years down the line. I think peeps that used to play euro but quite at some point might consider playing a mythic server based on their recollection of the service they received when playing daoc on a GOA server.

The people I have dealt with in GOA have been real nice solid people.. but if im brutally honest I think GOA as a company operate in a way which alienates a lot of its customers... There is no concept of delivery with GOA... everything is too slow and they will quite happily loose business in favour of a chillem approach which leaves me with the impression they are either severly under-resourced, or have their priorities in the wrong place at a managerial level, or they dont care too much (takes an extreme customer base reaction to even get a moderate response), or their management are very very inconsiderate and incompetant and focused on short term profitability rather than sustaining a long term lucrative project...

im not really in a position to make these claims with any accuracy.. but these are my impressions...

the exceptions to the rules are the dyvet CM's which are/were helpfull, knowledgable hard working people that I think value the game and the players... and always work in the interests of trying to make the game better... pitty they dont have the support of the company or more authority to govern the companies direction to service.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
ill b e going WAR and as some said above im 100% certain it wont be a GOA server.. ill be using USA servers.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I'll be on Euro servers. The peeps I've spoken to will be playing Euro servers too.

The folk going to the US servers may be loud but they certainly aren't the entirety (and probably aren't even the majority) of the Euro mmo-playing population.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Joining the bandwagon and probably going to go USA and find some nice ex-euro daoc:er guild :p safes lot of nerves.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I've not got a particular beef with GoA and have never been one of the bolshy ones, however they don't bring any 'added value' to the 'english-speaking' player. The added value they bring to the euroservers is the translation and the german/french etc community management.

And to me it seems inevitable the english speaking player will always end up hung out to dry at the the final phase of the game, being the minority. Not GoAs fault perhaps, mebbe it is and they could/should have found a solution already, I don't know. What I do know however, is if they don't find one soon, then alot on english speakers will see the same thing happening 5yrs down the line in WAR and go to the US.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It will be with GOA, mainly because the peak hours are suitable for a european player.

Also the patch cycle will be in step. No more of this wait x months. Blizzard have shown the way on this.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Not sure if i will play WAR or just enjoy the last days of DAOC with my SB in dyveth truly roleplaying a ghost in a ghost town. :p
If i play it will be in euro servers, french, german or english ones, doesn't matter. It will depend a lot where my friends will play.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
seems to be a lot of assumption going on atm
who knows how many copies of WAR are going to sell ? who knows how long it will be played for. its a UK company, i dont know how big Warhammer is in the states, but it will sell massively over here on the label on the box alone - tho how long they stay around is another argument.

people are talking like there is going to be two WAR servers. and how many people saw that large a subs base for WOW coming ? no, i dont think it will match WoW, but i think it may do better than alot of people seem to think.

and bear in mind the catch 22 your creating.. i wont play on EU cos there wont be anyone on EU.. well , if everyone leaves, no there wont be.



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
seems to be a lot of assumption going on atm
who knows how many copies of WAR are going to sell ? who knows how long it will be played for. its a UK company, i dont know how big Warhammer is in the states, but it will sell massively over here on the label on the box alone - tho how long they stay around is another argument.

people are talking like there is going to be two WAR servers. and how many people saw that large a subs base for WOW coming ? no, i dont think it will match WoW, but i think it may do better than alot of people seem to think.

and bear in mind the catch 22 your creating.. i wont play on EU cos there wont be anyone on EU.. well , if everyone leaves, no there wont be.


There's a solid reason why people wanna start fresh on Mythic Servers dude -.-


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Goa have offices in Dublin now, so it remains to be seen where the game will be hosted


Dec 22, 2003
Lol just because a few noobs on the forums say "we r rollin teh mythick" doesn't mean the servers will be empty. Daoc players are a piss in the ocean compared to the MMORPG market.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Lol just because a few noobs on the forums say "we r rollin teh mythick" doesn't mean the servers will be empty. Daoc players are a piss in the ocean compared to the MMORPG market.

Thats it in a nutshell basically though I'd be kinder to the peeps going to US servers - they have a percieved grievance and don't want to continue with GOA. It just won't have quite the impact that they would like in their need to 'get back at GOA'.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Thats it in a nutshell basically though I'd be kinder to the peeps going to US servers - they have a percieved grievance and don't want to continue with GOA. It just won't have quite the impact that they would like in their need to 'get back at GOA'.

We don't want nothing tbh, we are just stating that we gonna start on Usa.
Also u should go and check other forums, to have an idea what's the general feeling people have towards Goa after 1st War steps.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As Gamah and Roo said, the number of players on DAOC are a drop in the ocean compared to the player base available to Warhammer Online. Yes there are disaffected players out there and with solid reasons for it.

However, there will be alot of WoW guilds who have old DAOC players in them who will be looking for something new, and they will drag people over with them, who have no prior experience of DAOC. So will not have any pre disposition to GOA. They will want to play prime time, which is not US, its Europe and there will be alot of them. This will be a definite per order for me.

The design of War is addressing alot of issues I had with DAOC and refining areas that I always felt were clunky. Remember we play atm a game which had a structure which was ok for 6 years ago. There is a limit to the restructuring of the game that is possible without a complete gutting, which has bandages ontop of bandages.

So I will give GOA a chance, but if they drop the ball I will happily jump to the US, but the old addage that the grass is always green could be said to apply here.

PS - This thread should really be in the Warhammer section.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Lol just because a few noobs on the forums say "we r rollin teh mythick" doesn't mean the servers will be empty. Daoc players are a piss in the ocean compared to the MMORPG market.

daoc players will constitute a significant preportion of the target market for WAR.

mainly because they can market to this audience for free....

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
daoc players will constitute a significant preportion of the target market for WAR.

mainly because they can market to this audience for free....

You'll probably find that there are far more tabletop gamers and people who enjoy the various Warhammer franchises that will make up a higher proportion of the intial WAR customer base than the number that have played DAoC down the years.

As pointed out above, there will be many looking to move on from WoW for something a bit different. WoW has massively expanded the MMO market and with any luck, WAR should be able to hook into that also.

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