


Yes I forgot about that! That move was complete cheddar, but highly amusing to use when playing against someone with a short temper.


well not true

megamix had both modes of play which removed certain things

so you could do fighting vipers or vf2 style :p

either way fighters megamix rocks
the move are superior....

i dont remember tekken having such stunning moves...
anyone ever sucessfully done BM's finishing move?

I didnt think so...

tekken is to easy to win with little skill, plus 4 button pads for a fighting game.... pfffffft.

need 6 buttons clearly

saturn pad 0wned the psx pad
maybe was the most comfortable but it had 6 buttons and that meant its fighting games were way above that of the psx

same applies for ps2 imo
4 buttons dont work >:|


Saturn pads r0><0r. Ascii fighting pads for Dreamcast are quite good too, think they do em for ps2 now too.


Well compared to PSX pads Saturn pads were amazing, infact compared to the PSX the Saturn was amazimg....

Better games, usually cheaper games, nicer pad, no stupid adverts on tv with a stupid whispering fuck who says "playstation" etc.etc.

Guardian Heroes = r0x0r game :D


Skyler, I used to think you were gay. Now I know it.


Originally posted by Skyler
well not true

megamix had both modes of play which removed certain things

so you could do fighting vipers or vf2 style :p

Well, yeah... but no. Megamix's main engine was always based on Fighting Vipers'. The difference between the VF mode and FV mode on Megamix was only really the removal of the outrageos and FV specific moves.

Basically playing VF mode on Megamix is a totally different experience to playing VF2.


Originally posted by caLLous
well the n64 controller 0wned them both.

No way. The regular D-Pad was useless, how can you reach over there with your thumb?

The Saturn pads were great

The PSX pads were comfy

The Dreamcast pads are comfy

The Gamecube pads look good

The X-Box pads were made by a gorilla with numb hands.


The best all-round pad about is the Playstation Pad. It's functional, comfy and has everything you could need.

The N64 pads, while good for FPS games like Goldeneye (when I say good I mean good in a console, joypad sense. Obviously a mouse and keyboard is better for FPS), many games can be a bit of a nightmare. Playing ISS on N64 was much more hassle than playing the PS version.

The second generation Saturn pads were - and still are - absolute genius for fighting games. The six-button layout and excellent D-Pad just makes it the perfect choice.

Dreamcast pads are totally reliant on the size of the hands of the gamer in question. If you have normal hands then it's a fine joypad, particularly good for racing games. If you have large ape-like hands then it's a nightmare.


Originally posted by Jayminator
The best all-round pad about is the Playstation Pad. It's functional, comfy and has everything you could need.

No, that'll be the GC pad. It's very similar to the PS pad, only it's considerable more comfortable, and everything is in better positions. And it has proper pressure sensitive triggers.


Originally posted by Wazzerphuk

No, that'll be the GC pad. It's very similar to the PS pad, only it's considerable more comfortable, and everything is in better positions. And it has proper pressure sensitive triggers.

so does the ps2 pad..

plus, 4 buttons is all you need for tekken, left punch right punch, left kick right kick. and there are some bloody excelent moves in tekken, but they *tend* to be based more in reality (yes not always).. which is why they look so cool. that and the fact that they're motion captured.


Originally posted by Nath

so does the ps2 pad..

plus, 4 buttons is all you need for tekken, left punch right punch, left kick right kick. and there are some bloody excelent moves in tekken, but they *tend* to be based more in reality (yes not always).. which is why they look so cool. that and the fact that they're motion captured.

No, the PS2 pad does not have pressure sensitive triggers.


4 buttons is all you need for tekken...
that sounds about right..

any beat em up that uses 4 buttons normally = WANK

all the good ones use 6 :p

and as for the ps pads they are horrible they make ones hands hurt, especially big handed people... id much rather have an n64 pad or a dc pad.... or a saturn pad for that matter


I dunno, there have been some good games that use a limited number of buttons. Pocket Fighter used only 3 buttons (punch, kick, special) for combat, and that worked exceedingly well (or I was just blinded by my unwavering love for SD [Super Deformed - resemble children] animé characters) and that was based on the Street Fighter series, which used double the buttons and a hugely more complex specials system.

Tekken is pretty good, there've been many a good multi-player 'sesh' that lasted an entire night, but the same can be said for almost any half-decent fighter. A good third of a game is made up by the players, and unless you're up against button bashing lameoid newbies, most can last :)


Originally posted by Skyler
4 buttons is all you need for tekken...
that sounds about right..

any beat em up that uses 4 buttons normally = WANK

all the good ones use 6 :p

and as for the ps pads they are horrible they make ones hands hurt, especially big handed people... id much rather have an n64 pad or a dc pad.... or a saturn pad for that matter

I dun like PS pads. Saturn for me all the way :D


Any fighting game that requires a different button for block (as opposed to just pushing away) is by definition shit.


Bodhi thats crap :)

VF is one of the most skilled beatemups ever....

Anyone remember one of the last gamesmasters where they had some jap guy on a vf3 arcade machine... and he fought 100 of the uk's best vf3 peeps or something..... and beat them all

he had such quality f00king skill....

you dont see that kinda stuff in tekken


oh please, dont talk crap of course you get uber skillz0red people in tekken. infact i take great pleasure in going to leicester square and playing the arcades as all the jap tourists are there. they ALL use heihachi/jin/kazuya, and have no idea what to expect when i pummle the shit out of them with bryan. it's most enoyable.

that's beside the point.. tekken is a very skilled game, you obviously havent played it with decent opposition.

Oh and wazzerphuk, the ps2 DOES have pressure sensitive buttons. Just not to the degree of say the dc shoulder buttons.


p.s. Skyler, i have massive ape like hands and the ps2 pad is totally comfortable for me.


Originally posted by Nath
Oh and wazzerphuk, the ps2 DOES have pressure sensitive buttons. Just not to the degree of say the dc shoulder buttons.

No - it does not. The DC does not have pressure sensitive triggers - the first pad to do so is the GC pad. The way you use the triggers on the GC pad has greatly different effects. If you hold say a DC pad trigger half way down and keep it there, it has the same effect as having the trigger pulled down all the way. With the GC pad, these two are totally seperate. For example - in a driving game, you'd go much much slower. The PS2 pads do not have pressure sensitve triggers - just normal ones.


Originally posted by Lead Nibbler

OK. Pushing away seems much better instinctively than pressing a block button. All the best beat em ups have done it this way (Street Fighter, Tekken), whilst the crap ones seem to rely on a block button (Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter).

As for the pressure sensitive PS2 Trigger, I'm not entirely sure which bit is the trigger tbh, but I know that all the buttons on a PS2 pad are fully analog, just not many games have actually been written to take advantage of them yet.


If you press x gently in gran turismo 3, you will accelerate slowly, push it hard and you zoom off.

I'm starting to get confused when you say pressure sensitive trigger though.. explain a bit more. plus the ps2 pad buttons are not just normal ones, they are (as bodhi said) analogue, is that what you mean by pressure sensitive?


Originally posted by Bodhi

OK. Pushing away seems much better instinctively than pressing a block button. All the best beat em ups have done it this way (Street Fighter, Tekken), whilst the crap ones seem to rely on a block button (Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter).

But how can one teenie weenie detail make a game go from good to completley crap.

Soul Calibur has a block button, is that bad? No. (Even though you'll probably disagree ;))


there's a lot more thats bad about VF than that you need to hold down a button to block. Also the fact that you have to hold down a button to block in soul calibur IS bad, but the game itself is good (but that's cos it's by namco and they rox0r at making beatemups)


The fact that many of you think the need to have a seperate block button in VF is a bad thing, shows your ignorance and why you shouldn't be taking part in the debate at all.

VF works different to street fighter. Much different. Blocking with a button is better for the VF mechanic but because of years of pushing away SF2 style, some un-skilled gamers simply can't get used to it and rather than admit that they have a problem with this method, they try and slate it as being rubbish, to make themselves feel better.

And the DC DOES have pressure sensitive triggers. Anyone who's played Sega Rally or MSR knows this.


Tekken pour homme.
Virtua Fighter pour femme.

As Jayminator has just proved, with his ill advised attempt at being superior.


well I liked what jaymintor said :p
basically tekken is lame for lamers who like lame things :p

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