Very sad news (if it's true)

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FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
hah, the biggest retard in game gone.. i owe you one whoever did this. :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004


Sincerely hope goa dont let him get his chars back.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Bugz said:
I don't see how being rebels of the realm means you've made your own bed - refering to the deletion of 4 years of work.

Care to expand?
Care to read? Dafft is complaining about the community, a community Chaos Theory have single-handedly turned against themselves, incidentally also through years of work. As I said in my original post, I, and I would imagine most of the community with me, am not at all in favor of someone deleting someone else's characters purely out of malice due to some past wrong. However, by the same token, don't expect the community to show any compassion when it happens either.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
as much as I think it's a shitty thing to do you've gotta love karma ;)

Assuming it's not an april fools joke/hoax (the name "owned" must surely be taken?)....
Would've been better to use the same names on a diff realm xD


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
LMAO at all the holier than tho bollox from the likes of Dafft and Bugzy. For ages now Jarvio and his other buddies have single mindeldly shafted Albion players. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for them?..GET A FUCKING CLUE.

There is an old saying...what goes around comes around, if CT and its hangers on don't like what is happening maybe its time to clear the guild of griefing wankers and tidy up their act.

As has been posted, GOA are unable to deal with what has occurred and its up to the community to do it. If that means the shit flies in the direction of anyone connected to this pair perhaps they will do as GoL did.

I feel absolutely nothing but contempt for players who see fit to spoil others play in the manner in which Jarvio and Maxpower did recently. If anything bad comes of their actions they only have themselves to blame.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Bugz said:
To be honest, ingame attitude should never ever warrent the deletion of 4 years of work.

Your all acting like tossers tbh :m00: :(

It took him 4 years of saving pocket money to save up and ebay his character?
Maybe he should just of spent it on sweeties at the local shop like other 5 year olds!

Looks like CT are awefully good at giving it out but can't take any of it back. Hardly a surprise, most kids are like that before puberty.

Dafft said:
And what a great community this proved to be.

The community appears to be fairly good, your just upset because your not a part of it!
It's funny that when CT do stuff to the server, we are all clueless newbs, haha isn't it great. But when for 2 days the rest of the server behaves like CT it's all so unfair and you arn't being nice to us boo hooo..
Take a long step back, and realise we are doing nothing to you that you haven't done to the rest of us for a very long time. Now in the words of your "great mate" Jarvio, haha QQ noob!


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Golena said:
It took him 4 years of saving pocket money to save up and ebay his character?
Maybe he should just of spent it on sweeties at the local shop like other 5 year olds!

Looks like CT are awefully good at giving it out but can't take any of it back. Hardly a surprise, most kids are like that before puberty.

The community appears to be fairly good, your just upset because your not a part of it!
It's funny that when CT do stuff to the server, we are all clueless newbs, haha isn't it great. But when for 2 days the rest of the server behaves like CT it's all so unfair and you arn't being nice to us boo hooo..
Take a long step back, and realise we are doing nothing to you that you haven't done to the rest of us for a very long time. Now in the words of your "great mate" Jarvio, haha QQ noob!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Golena again :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
heh, even if the chars were deleted, replacing them with owned or whatever they can still be replaced, nice joke to who taught it up tho...

anyway, hibs will remember aphios - after i got told he was deleted i created my own aphios ns to check if it was true, which it was... then 2 months later or what ever i dont know i see him outside dl spamming... ofc i log in my own aphios and to my surprise he still works :/ got very confused and sad :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
trycorn said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Golena again :(

Don't worry, I took care of it! :)

I'm curious; do you think Mr. T would 'pity da fool'?


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Someone should delete Xioeen and Barker as well! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Doing this to anyone's account is completely out of order.

Should simply have got a ban. I can't believe that deliberately scamming 115 other players and then gloating about it in the chatgroup wasn't a bannable offence.

Still, based on the posts over the last few days, Chaos Theory get no groups, raids or crafting from me. Not that they'll cry about it.



English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
It isn't true.
Please remember that while you may want to express how much you dislike a person, breaking the CoC is punished regardless of the target. Doing bad things to bad people will get you into trouble just as fast as doing bad things to anyone else. There are legitimate ways for the community to express how it feels and effective methods available to deal with individuals like this. Use them.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Requiel said:
It isn't true.
Please remember that while you may want to express how much you dislike a person, breaking the CoC is punished regardless of the target. Doing bad things to bad people will get you into trouble just as fast as doing bad things to anyone else. There are legitimate ways for the community to express how it feels and effective methods available to deal with individuals like this. Use them.
like port scanners and packet loggers, right?


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2004
Jarvio and shadowflex isnt even the same person so just stop it


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Rasoul said:
Jarvio and shadowflex isnt even the same person so just stop it

There is only one asshole with many faces (and faeces I suppose)


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
elbeek said:
LMAO at all the holier than tho bollox from the likes of Dafft and Bugzy. For ages now Jarvio and his other buddies have single mindeldly shafted Albion players. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for them?..GET A FUCKING CLUE.

I never asked you to give him sympathy. Maybe you should get a clue?

But making a thread, delieberately intended to start flames of some type, delibertalely aimed at stirring up a situation and to take the 'piss' out of someone who could have lost a lot of what he owned is called being a tosser.

GG to him, he mugged you off and he did it within the CoC. That is called using your head. As for losing some ML 9 items, oh noes.

People play how they want in a game. If other's put trust into them (why you did I don't know since many have said CT sucked since they were first born) then your putting YOURSELF at risk. So qq about losing some ml 9 items and stop acting like tossers on a forum and swooping below the level of the oppoent. Tricking 110 people on a raid is low, someone hacking his account, deleting all his characters with intent to pursue him directly whilst 20-30 other people laugh about it on a forum is lower.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Bugz said:
I never asked you to give him sympathy. Maybe you should get a clue?

But making a thread, delieberately intended to start flames of some type, delibertalely aimed at stirring up a situation and to take the 'piss' out of someone who could have lost a lot of what he owned is called being a tosser.

GG to him, he mugged you off and he did it within the CoC. That is called using your head. As for losing some ML 9 items, oh noes.

People play how they want in a game. If other's put trust into them (why you did I don't know since many have said CT sucked since they were first born) then your putting YOURSELF at risk. So qq about losing some ml 9 items and stop acting like tossers on a forum and swooping below the level of the oppoent. Tricking 110 people on a raid is low, someone hacking his account, deleting all his characters with intent to pursue him directly whilst 20-30 other people laugh about it on a forum is lower.

When are you two getting married?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bugz said:
Tricking 110 people on a raid is low, someone hacking his account, deleting all his characters with intent to pursue him directly whilst 20-30 other people laugh about it on a forum is lower.

not really .. He is a complete wanker an have done stuff like this over an over again an goa is just to stupid (imo) to do anything about it.. Really hard not to thrust a raid leader when he was from a guild like guardians of light an really nice that he got kickt as well so ppl still can thrust the guild..


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Bugz said:
I never asked you to give him sympathy. Maybe you should get a clue?

But making a thread, delieberately intended to start flames of some type, delibertalely aimed at stirring up a situation and to take the 'piss' out of someone who could have lost a lot of what he owned is called being a tosser.

GG to him, he mugged you off and he did it within the CoC. That is called using your head. As for losing some ML 9 items, oh noes.

People play how they want in a game. If other's put trust into them (why you did I don't know since many have said CT sucked since they were first born) then your putting YOURSELF at risk. So qq about losing some ml 9 items and stop acting like tossers on a forum and swooping below the level of the oppoent. Tricking 110 people on a raid is low, someone hacking his account, deleting all his characters with intent to pursue him directly whilst 20-30 other people laugh about it on a forum is lower.

So you applaud them?....I guess we know where you stand in all of this.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Right - what Requiel said stands.

I would also like to remind you of the FH CoC which warns against consistent abuse of other users... please be warned.:twak:
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