Seakul said:How sad is mid, only people with skill played valk pre un needed love now you have tards everywhere making 2 valks.... Getting pathetic. People can’t play valks pre love because they need skill now you have half the realm jumping on them.
Seakul said:How sad is mid, only people with skill played valk pre un needed love now you have tards everywhere making 2 valks.... Getting pathetic. People can’t play valks pre love because they need skill now you have half the realm jumping on them.
Twinky said:just a question.. why u need a large shield on a valk?
wont a fast medium or small crafted one be enough?
Seakul said:How sad is mid, only people with skill played valk pre un needed love now you have tards everywhere making 2 valks.... Getting pathetic. People can’t play valks pre love because they need skill now you have half the realm jumping on them.
By like 10k rps in a set 8man group? Before I stopped playing there was like 2 very close to each other on prydwen one was Mirani? And sent or something similar. On excal there were none really, apart from rog noobs and ppl going s/s on both servers being rp cows. When I rechecked xml few months after this other guy was like double rps then Mirani and was doing great as a valk and proved they were a fine class as they are imo. 3 months break? Since when, I have always seen you on FH, xml and in game a lot as a stealthier.xxManiacxx said:Created my valk first day of cata when everyone else was rolling warlocks.
Was the first valk on pryd to ding RR5 aswell before taking a 3 month long brake.
just about somes it up for most mid noobs dosnt it?lpep said:its fotm now so why not
Seakul said:How sad is mid, only people with skill played valk pre un needed love now you have tards everywhere making 2 valks.... Getting pathetic. People can’t play valks pre love because they need skill now you have half the realm jumping on them.
Isn't needed, see the few decent valks pre love, know how to play there class and can sure deal some sick damage / interupts and warguard + battler to counter ma trains too.Cylian said:some people rolled a valk for one simple reason: they just can't get nerfed
but the loving heading their way sure is a reason to TOA them![]()
Reavers cant buffshear, reavers can't do a anytimer for 800 damage includeing aoe dd. Reavers are waterred down version of a valk imo pre patch.Cylian said:valks are just a waterred down version of a reaver. Just that they get bits of a paladin too now, and thanes ... Valks are like Frankensteins monster![]()
Who isnt rolling a valkLythande said:So, unlike the hundreds of sorcs and bainshees rolled, ppl rolling a valk that was considered weaker than a thane before 1.83 is suddenly a bad thing?
I just recently returned to the game and decided to roll a valk when I saw they were getting charge. Sue me.
Seakul said:By like 10k rps in a set 8man group? Before I stopped playing there was like 2 very close to each other on prydwen one was Mirani? And sent or something similar. On excal there were none really, apart from rog noobs and ppl going s/s on both servers being rp cows. When I rechecked xml few months after this other guy was like double rps then Mirani and was doing great as a valk and proved they were a fine class as they are imo. 3 months break? Since when, I have always seen you on FH, xml and in game a lot as a stealthier.
OhxxManiacxx said:I am Mirani. Sentimos was the other that later on got perma banned. I was RR5l2 I think when I took my break. Sentimos were around 4l8-4l9 then. When I got back he was 6l5ish and got to RR7 before he was banned.
My break was last summer may-july.
xxManiacxx said:I am Mirani. Sentimos was the other that later on got perma banned. I was RR5l2 I think when I took my break. Sentimos were around 4l8-4l9 then. When I got back he was 6l5ish and got to RR7 before he was banned.
My break was last summer may-july but I always check forums etc. And my SB was played by others from time to time during that period.
Edit: And I ran 3 times aprox with Maelmix group and twice with BaF group. Rest is more or less solo or PuGs with some keep defence
Agrigo said:My valk prepatch is 43 OW 42 Shield 47 Sword.
My valk after patch will be 43 OW 50 Sword rest Shield.
That is as long as i dont get severly pissed off between now and then and decide to spec for godmode mend !![]()
but if ur gonna run in a fg do u think that ull need the large guthlac.. will that make u better? Wont it be easier to make temp with a crafted shield even tho stats may be worse, u can still choose what stats to imbue.. not sure on how fast medium and small shields r, but i guess there is one thas faster then guthlac..vavires said:Reason for the guthlac...
Konstantin said:made movie whit my valk right after release... ran whit HoS innit.and im prolly gona reroll to try a diff speck
Twinky said:but if ur gonna run in a fg do u think that ull need the large guthlac.. will that make u better? Wont it be easier to make temp with a crafted shield even tho stats may be worse, u can still choose what stats to imbue.. not sure on how fast medium and small shields r, but i guess there is one thas faster then guthlac..