Urgent Account Hacked!!!!


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Hello i just got my sub-infomation today from goa went to re-sub and found out my account already has been subbed was subbed 3 days earlyer and not by myself.

i was ofc worried over my charectors because i did not even have accsess to the sub page on that date.

upon loading into the game i find my charector Martok standing in only artis all sc + rare items and money all gone. same on all my other charectors.

i need your help to find out who has done this. have any of you seen martok apear on your friends list or about over the last few days with teh exception of 18:00 uk time today as this is when i logged in to discover this.

looks like i wont be playing daoc unless goa manage to do somthing.

If its urgent why post on FH? rightnow is your answer .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
if the guy actualy subbed to nick martoks stuff, dont you have his card details on your billing statement?
If not then GoA / who ever does there billing can certainly trace a name and address for it :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Hope you get your account back mate.

As for what is said above, Goa have the card details but do they get an address from that? Im sure you cant get an address from bank details only but i might be wrong :eek:

Good luck!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
goa do not have the card number they have a number that they use to carry out the transaction in card transaction on line there is 3 party's involved the bank the retailer and the middle management software is is due to the retail not storing card numbers with user information the bank cant store information that has details what the transaction is for. so the retailer ask the middle software for x cash with this ref number (this relates to the ref number created at the time of sale) the middle soft ware then looks up the card number from the ref number then send the request to the bank

hence this mean unless the card holder reports a fraud GOA will not be able to get the address. plus how says the cards not stolen too ? and if you put it on auto renew and use the card you will get caught and prosecuted for card fraud

am sure GOA will do What they can but dont expect them to give you much information that relates to a real world ID (data protection act) its hard enough gets this information as a member of law enforcement.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
goa do not have the card number they have a number that they use to carry out the transaction in card transaction on line there is 3 party's involved the bank the retailer and the middle management software is is due to the retail not storing card numbers with user information the bank cant store information that has details what the transaction is for. so the retailer ask the middle software for x cash with this ref number (this relates to the ref number created at the time of sale) the middle soft ware then looks up the card number from the ref number then send the request to the bank

hence this mean unless the card holder reports a fraud GOA will not be able to get the address. plus how says the cards not stolen too ? and if you put it on auto renew and use the card you will get caught and prosecuted for card fraud

am sure GOA will do What they can but dont expect them to give you much information that relates to a real world ID (data protection act) its hard enough gets this information as a member of law enforcement.

i work as a dept collector in our legale department i am well awear of all the above also the transaction reference number can be traced but i am not going to do that ofc. (abuse of power)

my account got hacked again last night so in desperate means to make sure no one gets martok again i have deleated him! RIP to martok.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
goa do not have the card number they have a number that they use to carry out the transaction in card transaction on line there is 3 party's involved the bank the retailer and the middle management software is is due to the retail not storing card numbers with user information the bank cant store information that has details what the transaction is for. so the retailer ask the middle software for x cash with this ref number (this relates to the ref number created at the time of sale) the middle soft ware then looks up the card number from the ref number then send the request to the bank.

Actually Wannado does store card numbers. I had a double payment issue and after requiel redirected me to a site were my 2 (4) payments were with my credit card number, value and time of transaction, they just didnt have the validation code ofc.
There are always at least 3 points of a transaction, where i live its 4, and they all have access to detailed information regarding the movement.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
i work as a dept collector in our legale department i am well awear of all the above also the transaction reference number can be traced but i am not going to do that ofc. (abuse of power)

my account got hacked again last night so in desperate means to make sure no one gets martok again i have deleated him! RIP to martok.

If you changed password meanwhile, then im sure ýour pc is not safe.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
yeah changeing the subs pass and ingame pass should solve ur problems...


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
i have re-formatted my pc. if goa find and resolve the issue i am sure they will also restore my charectors.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
i have re-formatted my pc. if goa find and resolve the issue i am sure they will also restore my charectors.

Like Einstein said im only sure about 2 things marty, infinite stupidity of man and that the universe is infinite...and im having doubts about the Universe.
I wouldnt have deleted Martok tbh, but whats done its done. If you come on msn ill test your machine integrity if you want.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
i have re-formatted my pc. if goa find and resolve the issue i am sure they will also restore my charectors.

theres a catch to restoring characters:) you must have them restored before a new patch takes place otherwise they are wiped from the database (happend with my poor little hero :() also change the e-mail address u have the account registered + change your secret answer.. if they're gaining access to it so easily they know all your email details... also a suggestion would be to choose a secret answer like.... say its "Whats your fathers job" do something like redorangetheweatherisnicetodayandheisaminer - although that may seem completely stupid it gives you maximum protection where as if u just put his real occupation they can just continue to guess it over and over and over until they hit jackpot.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Argh :eek: I'd never delete a character with so much time put into it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Argh :eek: I'd never delete a character with so much time put into it.

i would prefer to deleate then se some one else in control of it after my 6 years 2 relationships and hard times.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
sry to hear this Martok :( Your a nice guy, so hope u can work this out..

if i can help with anything Just let me know..



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i have re-formatted my pc. if goa find and resolve the issue i am sure they will also restore my charectors.

only if its before the next patch. bit of a silly thing to do, deletion. You should have asked GOA to freeze thee account and get them to look into who knicked the stuff


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2007
Put your acc on auto renewal and you can play daoc for free on that persons cost for the rest of your life aslong as that person doesnt call his/her bank and cancel the payment.

rofl thats probs best thing to do let em pay for there theft of ur items :)

sorry to see this happening in daoc hope all terns out for the good

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