United States of Po-Po


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Did you guys read the post or just look at the pretty pictures?

Yup. My pot/kettle post wasn't in direct response to yours - I find you quite balanced for a yank tbfh.

Bit racist, ignorant of muslims and unable to see the hypocricy in wanting to legislate to protect [your] western culture. But balanced. :)

I wouldn't legislate against the wearing of a swastika, goose-stepping across Munich airport, or the chanting of racist homophobic anti-christian slogans in a gay black church.

We're only free if we're free to be cunts.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
typical white american christians



Apparently you refuse to read as well.

Yes, you got me. I totally hang out with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptists.
We are so typically American, it's crazy.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I don't see anything wrong with that picture, they're clearly trying to put the flag out. There's even a warterbottle there. Bless their hearts.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently you refuse to read as well.

Yes, you got me. I totally hang out with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptists.
We are so typically American, it's crazy.

Apparently you're a bit of a hypocrite and are refusing to read yourself.

People have pointed out that muslims aren't all like the flag-burning arseholes you've posted pictures of - and have totally failed to grasp that pictures of the westboro baptists are as representative of the christian population as your pictures of muslims.

And bear in mind - muslims have a lot more to be pissed off about with the US than the US has to be pissed off about with them - considering your military has been tooling around the planet bombing them to shit and invading their homes, with tanks, for decades.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Pretty much said all i would've said. Not in so many words.

Now i feel dirty for agreeing with Scouse... :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ah, someone who understands that ignore isn't a tool to have free pops, refreshing :p

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Apparently you're a bit of a hypocrite and are refusing to read yourself.

People have pointed out that muslims aren't all like the flag-burning arseholes you've posted pictures of - and have totally failed to grasp that pictures of the westboro baptists are as representative of the christian population as your pictures of muslims.

And bear in mind - muslims have a lot more to be pissed off about with the US than the US has to be pissed off about with them - considering your military has been tooling around the planet bombing them to shit and invading their homes, with tanks, for decades.

Holy crap, Scouse - you're losing it a bit.

A) I've never and not once said all muslims are flag burning assholes. Do quote me where I did, please.
I voiced my personal opinion that the burka is a symbol for the oppression of muslim women, which it is.
Please don't tell me it's just a fashion fad and that they love wearing it. They're made to wear it and accept it.
End of story.

If you want to live in a country that does not permit it, you don't wear it. Or you go back where you can. It's really that simple.
Nobody forces you to live in France. Does it make me a hypocrite that I don't support your overly liberal "oh, there shouldn't
be any laws prohibiting wearing a burka"? Fine then, I'm a hypocrite. I'm for women's rights and against fascist minorities
ruining the lives of others.

And again, just to clarify it for you once more, since you're such a bleeding heart liberal: burning flag pics and muslims going
bologna over shit, the woman getting stoned - all aspects of the sharia laws. And so is the burka. Can you make this connection
or do I need to break out the crayons for you??

B) What the fuck do I care about the Westboro Baptist Church? They're fucking nutters. They don't fly air planes into abortion clinics
but I don't agree with them either. Where did I make this a Christian vs. Muslim thing? Do quote me where I did, please.

C) I also never made this into an "America saves you" thing either. Do quote me where I did, please.

So, in conclusion - I personally like the anti burka laws because I personally think it's a bad thing. That's what I've been saying from the
get-go. Do quote me where I said otherwise, please.

Love the US bashing, considering I haven't -once- invoked the powers of the all-mighty bald eagle.
Who is the hypocrite, I wonder.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, ban burkas in public and it changes nothing as they're forced to wear them at home. Those women who come alone, aren't forced to do antying ofcourse.

Also, wouldn't your thinking apply to school uniforms as well? On the other hand, what of the women who do wear it to pride in their culture, YOU are forcing them to remove it.

So, are you against forcing people to do things, or are you just against forcing burkas on women? clarify-

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Well, ban burkas in public and it changes nothing as they're forced to wear them at home. Those women who come alone, aren't forced to do antying ofcourse.

Also, wouldn't your thinking apply to school uniforms as well? On the other hand, what of the women who do wear it to pride in their culture, YOU are forcing them to remove it.

So, are you against forcing people to do things, or are you just against forcing burkas on women? clarify-

You're giving me a headache, Toto. You got to start somewhere, make a stand?? It's called raison d'etat.
If it happens in your house, you get to say what's what. What the hell is wrong with being a patriot and making a stand for
-your- country? What is wrong with that? That doesn't make you a fascist by default. It simply shows that you care about
where you live and what your way of living stands for. You can be a patriot without an NRA membership.

There is nothing wrong with multiple cultures living together. Look at the US, it's -the- melting pot.
But it's give and take and adjust. The burka is a symbol - a bad one. Why is that so hard to understand?
And what is wrong with legislating against it? There are laws against child molestation. Laws are enacted for a reason.
You know what female circumcision is, Toto - for example? All that shit can be found in the burka corner.
Lets do away with it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I just think you're making too big of a deal about it, a personal issue instead of a cultural preservation thing.

As said above, the burka isn't a symbol of oppression to all muslims, so why do you want to remove it from those who would wear it proudly?

If you think that it's ok for it to happen at their homes, yet simply want the burka banned from public so you can imagine that it's changed something, it's just for your own personal comfort and xenophobia.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There is nothing wrong with multiple cultures living together. Look at the US, it's -the- melting pot.

My experience of the US is that it's most definitely not a "melting pot". A straight run out of Chicago from the centre out to the suburbs show that - it's amazingly divided - a corporate bit, a white bit, a hispanic bit, a no-go black bit.

You don't actually mix.

(And I couldn't find a curry anywhere, either Indian or Pakistani, when I visited - epic withdrawal!)

You know what female circumcision is...All that shit can be found in the burka corner.

That's really funny considering 60% of males in the US were still being circumcised for no good reason at the turn of the century (although the CDC says that the rate is now down to "just" 35%).

And I don't see you jew-hating in the same way as you muslim-hate even though they perform cock-mutilation on babies as part of their religion.

Yup. Routinely chopping bits of babies penises off is much less controversial than making women wear ninja outfits.

Lets do away with it.

As long as "it" means only seeing the bad in other countries whilst failing to see the hypocricy of our own country then I'm all in support of you m8 :)

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
My experience of the US is that it's most definitely not a "melting pot". A straight run out of Chicago from the centre out to the suburbs show that - it's amazingly divided - a corporate bit, a white bit, a hispanic bit, a no-go black bit.

You don't actually mix.

(And I couldn't find a curry anywhere, either Indian or Pakistani, when I visited - epic withdrawal!)

That's really funny considering 60% of males in the US were still being circumcised for no good reason at the turn of the century (although the CDC says that the rate is now down to "just" 35%).

And I don't see you jew-hating in the same way as you muslim-hate even though they perform cock-mutilation on babies as part of their religion.

Yup. Routinely chopping bits of babies penises off is much less controversial than making women wear ninja outfits.

As long as "it" means only seeing the bad in other countries whilst failing to see the hypocricy of our own country then I'm all in support of you m8 :)

Chicago is not the US, Scouse. There are still cultural dividers, I'm not denying it, but as a whole it is a melting pot of different cultures.
Never claimed it was perfection. I've been to the UK. I don't claim to know the country by having seen London and Brighton.
I was also on the HMS Victory. Now I know everything about the Royal Navy.

And you do realize that female circumcision cannot be compared to the partial removal of the male foreskin at all?

I didn't realize that I was propagating circumcision in any way. Personally I don't condone it.

I also don't muslim hate. I don't jew hate. I don't christian hate. You keep insinuating I do, though. And it's getting old.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
If you want to ban burkas, then all jews should stop wearing the yarmulke and the amish should shave and stop wearing those silly hats. Only fair. </sarcasm>

Religion is bad, it will probably never dissapear as a phenomenon - masses need to feel they are not alone in their strife. Doesn't mean we should ban religious symbols or customs when it really doesn't hurt the personal freedom of others. Where's the democracy or personal freedom that the US trumps about then, if we start banning stuff based on religious grounds?

You know, the pair of you dissapoint me - there are more pressing issues out there than religion, yet you keep lobbying it.

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