United States Corrupt Twattery


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Only because he doesn't have the answers @Gwadien

Well. That and he doesn't comprehend the question.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
He gave an opinion on my thoughts..thats it.

I asked you to explain how Post-Brexit/Trump politics are going to give you what you want to achieve.

Basically, I want you to support your ideology instead of the usual attacks on others.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I went out on my bike.

They should be banned..though its difficult, if its legal, then its down to the morality of the investor.
The fact that the National Trust has 30m in fossil fuel investments gives you a clue on that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I went out on my bike.

They should be banned..though its difficult, if its legal, then its down to the morality of the investor.
The fact that the National Trust has 30m in fossil fuel investments gives you a clue on that.
So casino owners and fraudsters are bad people?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I asked you to explain how Post-Brexit/Trump politics are going to give you what you want to achieve.

Basically, I want you to support your ideology instead of the usual attacks on others.
You didnt ask me that..but I'll answer the the question you thought you asked.
Brexit is far more important than Trump, I'm not looking to him for more than the faces on the snowflakes.
Fedaralism has to be stopped..its actually a bigger version of the nationalism they seem to hate.
In reality the EU wants all the power..how the living fuck is a strong federal, militarised Europe that in their own words is a defence against other countries any different from individual countries wanting the same thing.
The difference is power and control...they want rid of individual patriotism and nationalism in the same way the army breaks the spirit of its recruits so they can control them.
It is a power grab..simple as that, sold as harmony, they will fuck us over and cause a war.
Its not progressive liberalism, its power corrupts.
Ffs Hitler did practically the same thing...word for word.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So casino owners and fraudsters are bad people?
Well runing a casino isnt fraud in a legal sense, though its morally wrong, but that morality changes with perception in the culture.
Is sellind alcohol morally wrong?
Native americans are big casino owners, should we fuck them over twice by banning it?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well runing a casino isnt fraud in a legal sense, though its morally wrong, but that morality changes with perception in the culture.
Is sellind alcohol morally wrong?
Native americans are big casino owners, should we fuck them over twice by banning it?
Different things. Casino owning. Fraud. What about people who commit fraud by conning veterans out of their life savings? Bad people?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If youre looking for a strain of capitalism that should be hung and quartered.
This fucking twat
She's an online casino owner. But clearly you're backtracking quickly from wanting to hang her and cut her open before having her pulled in four different directions.

Fraudsters though? You've not 'gone soft' on fraud in the last hour have you?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
If youre looking for a strain of capitalism that should be hung and quartered.
This fucking twat.

The misery that gambling descends on the gullible.

Bet365 founder paid herself an 'obscene' £265m in 2017

I think a lot more needs to be done to tackle gambling, I also think that is a lot of money but I've noticed that while most the news articles do indeed mention the fact she owns 50% of the company it seems to be a lower and indeed lesser priority than criticising her first.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I think a lot more needs to be done to tackle gambling, I also think that is a lot of money but I've noticed that while most the news articles do indeed mention the fact she owns 50% of the company it seems to be a lower and indeed lesser priority than criticising her first.

Taking nearly half a billion quid out of a company in salary in two years is a bit odd; its horribly tax inefficient for a start, she might just be a greedy bitch, but previous behaviour doesn't seem to indicate that, so something's going on, taking money out before a sale perhaps. It is quite strange.

Now, whether that has anything to do with problem gambling...no, it doesn't. The Gambling Act of 2004 liberalised gambling in the UK and the market blew up. While problem gambling protections in the UK are pretty good (although nowhere near as good as Norway where every penny spent on gambling by every individual is centrally tracked), the sheer scale of betting opportunities inevitably means that even the small percentage of problem gamblers becomes a large absolute number.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Taking nearly half a billion quid out of a company in salary in two years is a bit odd; its horribly tax inefficient for a start, she might just be a greedy bitch, but previous behaviour doesn't seem to indicate that, so something's going on, taking money out before a sale perhaps. It is quite strange.

Now, whether that has anything to do with problem gambling...no, it doesn't. The Gambling Act of 2004 liberalised gambling in the UK and the market blew up. While problem gambling protections in the UK are pretty good (although nowhere near as good as Norway where every penny spent on gambling by every individual is centrally tracked), the sheer scale of betting opportunities inevitably means that even the small percentage of problem gamblers becomes a large absolute number.

I do wonder if they'll restrict the advertising sometime in the future and what they'll then advertise during the football, I've seen many more Ray Winstone adverts than I've seen his films that is for sure.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I do wonder if they'll restrict the advertising sometime in the future and what they'll then advertise during the football, I've seen many more Ray Winstone adverts than I've seen his films that is for sure.

Nah, it'll only increase, too many Tories are invested in gambling companies.

It's a bit like the Tory minister that recently resigned for exactly this reason and no-one gave a shit, it's hilarious.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
She's an online casino owner. But clearly you're backtracking quickly from wanting to hang her and cut her open before having her pulled in four different directions.

Fraudsters though? You've not 'gone soft' on fraud in the last hour have you?
@Job ?

Fraudsters are bad yes?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Nah, it'll only increase, too many Tories are invested in gambling companies.

It's a bit like the Tory minister that recently resigned for exactly this reason and no-one gave a shit, it's hilarious.

I'd be careful with the party politics aspect considering the party that super charged the flame was Labour, besides all the platitudes from all sides of solving the issue of problem gambling it comes with the natural result of losing government revenue.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'd be careful with the party politics aspect considering the party that super charged the flame was Labour, besides all the platitudes from all sides of solving the issue of problem gambling it comes with the natural result of losing government revenue.

Okay, I'll rephrase it.

Under the current Government we will not see major gambling reforms because in the House of Commons too many MPs are financially invested in gambling companies.

I'm not suggesting that it would be different under Labour, but what I am saying is that the Minister responsible for this shit resigned over it and no-one (IE the Public) gave a shit that there was a Minister of a Government suggesting that the MPs were motivated by their financial gain rather than the good of the people.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
That was pretty shocking tbh..though it did push the issue to the front.
There are 10 and 20 quid scratchcards in the poor estate shops near us.
Stand in the queue.
Its ciggies, beer and scratchcard.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That was pretty shocking tbh..though it did push the issue to the front.
There are 10 and 20 quid scratchcards in the poor estate shops near us.
Stand in the queue.
Its ciggies, beer and scratchcard.

That’s pretty restrictive; the lotteries in the US often offer $200 scratchcards. From memory in Ireland we could offer €50 but didn’t, I think that might be the same for Camelot in the UK.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Okay, I'll rephrase it.

Under the current Government we will not see major gambling reforms because in the House of Commons too many MPs are financially invested in gambling companies.

I'm not suggesting that it would be different under Labour, but what I am saying is that the Minister responsible for this shit resigned over it and no-one (IE the Public) gave a shit that there was a Minister of a Government suggesting that the MPs were motivated by their financial gain rather than the good of the people.

Um, have you seen the amount of things this government has either banned or tried to ban? They're even worse bansturbators than Nu Labia, and that's saying something. They're currently going after Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Online Gambling is next.

However there's quite an easy way to get rid of lobbying from the Private Sector in Parliament. Pay MP's closer to what they'd get in the Private Sector, but tell them they can't receive cash from anywhere else. Compare the PM's salary to a CEO's and compare the difference in responsibilities. Whilst I don't like it I do understand why they investigate alternative finding streams.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Um, have you seen the amount of things this government has either banned or tried to ban? They're even worse bansturbators than Nu Labia, and that's saying something. They're currently going after Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Online Gambling is next.

However there's quite an easy way to get rid of lobbying from the Private Sector in Parliament. Pay MP's closer to what they'd get in the Private Sector, but tell them they can't receive cash from anywhere else. Compare the PM's salary to a CEO's and compare the difference in responsibilities. Whilst I don't like it I do understand why they investigate alternative finding streams.

Paying MPs private sector rates makes no difference to their propensity for sucking at the lobbyists’ teat. TDs in Ireland are the highest paid MPs in Europe and they’re all at it, even though it’s illegal (it’s called “brown envelope” culture over here).

Despite all the scandals in the past British MPs still have an incredibly generous expenses regime, they just need the confidence to stand over their spending as public servants. What should happen in Parliament and in Select committees is a transparent list of their assets, directorships and offshore holdings, available for public scrutiny, literally attached as a UKGov link against all their public correspondence. And they have to sign a GDPR exemption when they become an MP. And so do their wives.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
That’s pretty restrictive; the lotteries in the US often offer $200 scratchcards. From memory in Ireland we could offer €50 but didn’t, I think that might be the same for Camelot in the UK.
I don't know where you've seen $200 scratch tickets in the US. In Washington state the cap is $30. The ones that sell most (from what I've seen working inside convenience stores) are $2, and $5.

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