United States Corrupt Twattery


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And the solution doesn't mean you automatically jump to Das Kapital
But the solution does for @Bodhi. Otherwise his narrative breaks down.

And you're a commie, or you're being patronising, or you're just being a fucking stupid utopian wanting to even discuss alternatives when there are clearly none. :rolleyes:

You can't even suggest small functional changes to the existing system that would bring about small rebalancing whilst leaving it essentially unchanged.

Bodhi's not only defeatist - he either gets some sort of glee out of watching a system punish the majority of mankind or feels he has something to lose by even discussing alternatives.

Very strange boy.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
CH4 news reading out Boltons book in glorious detail as if they were reading out complete facts.

Followed by a highly edited piece on the Police shooting in which they left out all the defence and skipped to a black family spokesman calling for the death penalty.

CH4 is a fucking disease.


Can't get enough of FH
May 15, 2010
He's been charged with felony murder which has no chance of sticking in law, which probably means more riots/unrest when "justice isn't served"
Fuck being a cop in america right now.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Fuck being a cop in america right now.
Yeah. It's a real pain in the ass when you can't shoot someone twice in the back whilst he's fleeing, leave him on the floor bleeding to death for two minutes and instead of giving medical assistance alternatively give him a kicking for good measure, without getting prosecuted for murder.



Can't get enough of FH
May 15, 2010
Yeah. It's a real pain in the ass when you can't shoot someone twice in the back whilst he's fleeing, leave him on the floor bleeding to death for two minutes and instead of giving medical assistance alternatively give him a kicking for good measure, without getting prosecuted for murder.


Was talking about the vast majority of officers that do a pretty thankless but decent job, but lets tar them all with the same brush amirite?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Was talking about the vast majority of officers that do a pretty thankless but decent job, but lets tar them all with the same brush amirite?

If they keep getting their Union reps to hold press conferences defending murderers, yes, it looks like we do have to tar them with the same brush. "The few bad apples" argument doesn't wash anymore; there's an endemic cultural problem with the way policing is done in the US that makes "bad apples".


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Im pretty sure he's going to be found innocent, more riots..more dead black people.

He actually followed procedures to the letter....struggling and grabbing a police weapon, then attempting to use it on an officer.

Game over, justifiable homicide.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Im pretty sure he's going to be found innocent, more riots..more dead black people.

He actually followed procedures to the letter....struggling and grabbing a police weapon, then attempting to use it on an officer.

Game over, justifiable homicide.
According to the BBC article the rules don't even allow the police to tazer him in the back if he's running away, so there's zero chance that shooting a fleeing subject twice in the back if fair game.

This is obvious, and that is why he was immediately sacked and is being prosecuted for murder.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Lovely chap.
Battery, child imprisonment and cruelty

Possesing weapons during crime.

Felony cruelty to children.

Obstructing officer

He was on probabion and had all ready broken it so the DUI would have meant jail.
Hmmm why dont I get drunk and fall asleep in a burger joint queue.

You did ask for links :)

How is that relevant to being murdered by a policemen by being shot in the back?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I didnt say it was.
What did you go to the trouble of posting four separate links for then?

You never bother linking, so to do four in one post means that you must have a very important point to make.

Considering the subject under discussion is his murder, why did you bring it up?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Out of interest.
If you had to decide now, that one of the three people involved had to die...which one would you choose?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Im not totally sure, did they do a background check on him?
Stop clutching at straws. The restuarant called the Police, they turned up, had a 40 minute chat with him, then decided to cuff him. No mention of a warrant for his arrest so again not relevant to the outcome.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Modern slavery based on a sort of agreed definition.
View attachment 41820
View attachment 41821

Notice anything?

A little more recent ( Global Findings | Global Slavery Index), with the following key trends:


Many of the countries with the highest estimated levels of prevalence are marked by conflict
– Eritrea, Burundi, Central African Republic, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Pakistan all appear among the 10 countries with highest prevalence. The role that conflict plays in compounding vulnerability to slavery is widely recognised and finds support in an assessment of vulnerability at the national level. In the Walk Free Foundation’s assessment of vulnerability across five dimensions – governance issues, lack of basic needs, inequality, disenfranchised groups, and effects of conflict – countries with high vulnerability due to effects of conflict generally have higher vulnerability scores across the remaining four dimensions. This is not surprising given the disruption to, and often complete dismantling of, the rule of law, as well as damage to critical infrastructure and limited access to education, health care, and food and water as a result of conflict. Similarly, the Walk Free Foundation’s government response data highlight the disruption caused by conflict to government functions. Eritrea, Central African Republic, Pakistan, and Iran all score lowly on government responses, while Afghanistan and South Sudan were excluded from the government response assessment this year due to significant ongoing conflict.


The improved measurement of state-imposed forced labour reveals the substantial impact this form of slavery has on populations. The three countries with highest prevalence – North Korea, Eritrea, and Burundi – stand out has having a very high prevalence of state–imposed forced labour. State-imposed forced labour includes citizens recruited by their state authorities to participate in agriculture or construction work for purposes of economic development, young military conscripts forced to perform work that is not of military nature, those forced to perform communal services that were not decided upon at the community level and do not benefit them, or prisoners forced to work against their will.28 In North Korea, one in 10 people are in modern slavery with the vast majority being forced to work by the state. See "Spotlight: Forced Labour in North Korea" on this page for further analysis.

Governments that regularly impose forced labour on their citizens perform poorly across other measures of vulnerability. For example, they tend to be more autocratic, are believed to have lower quality policy and regulations, perform below the global average in ensuring access to necessities such as food and water and health care, and typically do not protect the rights of highly discriminated groups in the broader population. More specifically, the presence of state–imposed forced labour undermines at best, and at worst renders meaningless, any government response to modern slavery. North Korea has the weakest response to modern slavery globally due to the state’s role in forced labour both within North Korea and of North Koreans abroad. The abuse of civic duties in Burundi and conscription in Eritrea also threatens any concrete actions these governments may be taking.


The prevalence of modern slavery in highly developed, high–income countries is higher than previously understood.
This learning reflects improvements in the methodology, in particular, the ability to systematically count cases at the point of exploitation which was made possible with a substantially larger number of surveys. For example, if an Indian man reported being exploited in the construction sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), that case was attributed to UAE. In the five-year reference period for the estimates, while surveys were conducted in 48 countries, men, women, and children were reported to have been exploited in 79 countries. This results in higher estimates in countries such as the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and several other European nations.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Stop clutching at straws. The restuarant called the Police, they turned up, had a 40 minute chat with him, then decided to cuff him. No mention of a warrant for his arrest so again not relevant to the outcome.
What straws am I clutching here, if they did background check him and then went on to pre judge, that would be an important part of the trial.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Both issues are relevant.

You can't say "depletion of fisheries in the North sea isn't important because of the deforestation of the rainforest in Brazil".

Why not fuck off for a few days?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
But we are only talking about one side of the story.

Black lives matters is soley concentrating on blaming white people in the west.
I dont see ending the black slave trade in the mission statements, which is kinda weird for a black lives matter movement.
Unless you can find it.
Its all about us being guilty for doing it 200 years ago.

Or will you dismiss the huge fucking fat fuck of an elephant in the room because I said it.
But you know...promotion matters.

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