"Liberals" and the "left" in my opinion are always for censorship
What on earth brought you to this conclusion? Freedom of speech has very little to do with being right or left wing, perhaps only Libertarianism can claim it as a core tenet of its ideology.
Throdgrain, have you ever made a post on these forums that didn't contain the word 'left' ?
Also, with regards to Clarkson being a 'man of the people'. I'm sure he never claimed that title, and I didn't insinuate that he did, however you can not deny that he plays up to the tag at times.
The Daily Mail must be horribly conflicted over this. They think Clarkson's great, they probably tacitly agree with him....and yet.... it's hard to pass up another opportunity to have a pop at the BBC....
What to do?
21,000 people who have played directly into his hands. This wasn't a spontaneous remark - he's made a career out of appealing to small-minded, Daily Mail middle class bullies and yobbos. That's his demographic - the sort of people most likely to use the phrase "political correctness gone mad", which is exactly what they'll be saying about this storm in a teacup, no doubt just as he planned. He's got a book out and all publicity is good publicity. Calling for him to be fired or prosecuted is exactly what he wanted to happen. Well done complainers - you've given him exactly what he wanted. What do you suppose will be the subject of his next ghost-written column for The Sun?
My fave comment:
This.it was a very off-the-cuff remark, that made perfect sense in the context of what he'd said just before.
I'd like to see Clarkson run the country and publicly execute the leaders of Unison.
Am i a bad man?![]()
When was he underground? He's been on the BBC since I was born![]()
What on earth brought you to this conclusion? Freedom of speech has very little to do with being right or left wing, perhaps only Libertarianism can claim it as a core tenet of its ideology.
Did you watch the Question Time when Nick Griffin was on? I think hes an idiot who talks shit but the lefties tried to prevent him appearing by mass picketing the show and then that idiot dimbleby organised a ridiculous charade of a witch hunt all because they didnt trust the public to make up their own minds.
It was a fantastic demonstration of how anti free speech the left really is.
Not wanting to get off topic, but as with the topic story, check facts before jumping on bandwagons*I know some teachers do care and are excellent. Low paid Nurses deserve every penny rich doctors go fuck themselves.
Nurses deserve every penny they are the closet things to saints on earth. But some of the GPs like the one who earns £500k plus can and should get fucked. My post was not clear again.Not wanting to get off topic, but as with the topic story, check facts before jumping on bandwagonsI know a lot of good doctors (and nurses) and they don't deserve comments like that. They get treated like shit these days and most are certainly not 'rich'. You and a lot of people close to you (and me) would be fucked without them.
*hides from inevitable backlash*![]()
Have you seen the entire piece for yourself Aoami? Including the bit where he said the strikes were "wonderful"?
my mate posted this on facebook which may ring true
"Basically Jeremy Clarkson's comment was definitely a joke. However, it was such a crap, unfunny joke that loads of people haven't actually realised it was a joke, and have complained. It's all just a big misunderstanding which stems from Jeremy Clarkson not being funny."