


I think macroing should be allowed. Concerning macro-exping being cheating??? how the fuck do you reason then? Ok it is a violation to the rules and regulations set up by mythic/goa, but is it really CHEATING?

How does macro exping hurt anyone? The only reason for people to complain is pure envy. They have to suffer through the extremely boring game of DAoC PvE when someone has a smarter way to do it they get all jealous and start to cry. Since there is no real competition in this game it can't be called cheating.

I understand radar etc in RvR can be called cheating but something that helps you EXPING wtf are you all retards ?
Exping is pure pain, NO fun... it's as much fun as bashing your head against the wall. If someone find RvR fun and want to get to 50 fast and not experience this PAIN (have heard rumours that there actually are people that kinda like exping?!?! but don't know if these sick bastards really exist) THEN HOW DOES MACRO OR POWERLEVLING TAKE AWAY YOUR FUN YOU SELFISH ASSHOLES.

No one can come up with any other explanation than PURE ENVY from the people who are against powerlevling or macro levling since there is NO OTHER EXPLANATION. People using bugs/macro etc to level fast does not do any harm to anyone else thus it CAN NOT be called cheating, they DONT GET ANY ADVANTAGE over the other players thus it CAN NOT be called cheating.

I kinda have a feeling about the answers you retards will come up with, and they will be retarded trust me. You can not prove me wrong because I'm right in every single way. Flame on dumbfucks I'm looking forward to laugh some more at your foolish posts.

The father, the Son and the Holy Ghost

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Pin

Yeah, maybe the menu screen of the game should just allow you to create your characters at level 50, maxed out craft skills, masterpiece armour and weapons and with 27 mithril in the bank. That would surely be great for the game! :rolleyes:

well if u see that someone can create a lvl 50 in two weeks time, i think other , less fortunate ppl should get a chance on levelling, it may be slower then gaming urselfe, who know. and i don't think exagurated characters would be created. Farming money for a day, eg with a macro. Why should u sit on a post and keep clicking, while u can cook dinner :)))


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart

nice piece of work those programs i must say, and i envie the skills needed. But still not aprovable to all other ppl playing. I have no clue how these things work. I have to be honest and i have had a look to see what it means... didn't understand a thing...

Maybee mythic could expand their macro radius so all can do it????

What good is skills if u don't use it in the right way. Then it's just bad. My view of intelligence are = you are not intelligent if you do bad things with your thaughts, a intelligent man is only intelligent if he acts right witht he gifts he might have recieved. I'd call a person who don't know why they are antiracist (for example) more intelligent than a jerk who made up all the arguments in the world to prove his own stupidity.

The guy who mad this code(?) is plain stupid.


Originally posted by o_O
Concerning macro-exping being cheating??? how the fuck do you reason then? Ok it is a violation to the rules and regulations set up by mythic/goa, but is it really CHEATING?
GOA and Mythic owns the game, therefore they decide the rules. If you break the rules, you are cheating. It's very simple.
How does macro exping hurt anyone? [...] Since there is no real competition in this game it can't be called cheating.
I can think of a million ways of how an afk-levelling character can spoil the fun of normal players (kill-stealing, endless camping of a good xp spot, etc), but it's a moot point. GOA and Mythic say it's cheating. End of story.
I understand radar etc in RvR can be called cheating but something that helps you EXPING wtf are you all retards ?
There, you said it.
Exping is pure pain, NO fun... it's as much fun as bashing your head against the wall.
And then again, that's your opinion. This is a RPG where you are supposed to create a character and follow him as he grows in power and skill. If you want a game where everyone is the same and just run around in RvR and gank, then go back to playing CS.
You can not prove me wrong because I'm right in every single way. Flame on dumbfucks I'm looking forward to laugh some more at your foolish posts.
Hehe, obvious troll here. And I thought we had such a nice time telling Ironheart off, and here you come and make this thread suspectible to locking. :(

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Belomar
This is a RPG where you are supposed to create a character and follow him as he grows in power and skill. If you want a game where everyone is the same and just run around in RvR and gank, then go back to playing CS.Hehe, obvious troll here. And I thought we had such a nice time telling Ironheart off, and here you come and make this thread suspectible to locking. :(

at least we agree on some ppl going back to CS :p

ps: check PM box pls


Originally posted by skile

What good is skills if u don't use it in the right way. Then it's just bad. My view of intelligence are = you are not intelligent if you do bad things with your thaughts, a intelligent man is only intelligent if he acts right witht he gifts he might have recieved. I'd call a person who don't know why they are antiracist (for example) more intelligent than a jerk who made up all the arguments in the world to prove his own stupidity.

The guy who mad this code(?) is plain stupid.

You dear sir is an idiot.


omg YOU guys are ALL idiots, and I hate you all IRL.

Yours sincerly, God.


u know ...

i thought the reason of ur post was cuz u were pissed that someone was being accused and his "good name" would be tarnished...

But u did the exact opposite , if u didnt post the story here, only a handful of people would have known about the so called cheating..

nice going

and yes i saw the persons in question ,was levelling my merc in barrows, they didnt even reply or accept the res a guildmate gave them after the cleric and necro both died, so uhmmm .. hmmmmmm...


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
maybee, they should just allow this to happen, my oppinnion, ok, the realm would be swarming with crafters....
BUT, also less fortunate ppl playing this game and haven't 7 hours a day 7/7 a week time to play could get the same results and try these things out. Not just until they can do a bit, but can go all the way. They can start a macro, go to work or whatever. At least they could also enjoye the benefits of beeing a legendairy crafter. I have become a legendairy a couple of weeks ago and i can tell, it just ain't that easy to get there. Hours of boring labour, hours of doing nothing but watch tv... also with wireless clicking , as we can call it. I think it is unfair to those people that do have a life. (hmmmmmm) So i would say give them a chance, maybe make it as easy for everybody then

And what about the people who can't leave their machines on all day, or have a 2 hour internet cut off or... There's always someone at a disadvantage.

This is a game, you're suppose to PLAY it.

It's a MMORPG, massively multiplayer, the idea being there is a large community to interact with. What would be the point if everyone was a macrobot? Why would we need all the fancy graphics if noone was watching the screen?


DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by old.[BF]MaD
u know ...

i thought the reason of ur post was cuz u were pissed that someone was being accused and his "good name" would be tarnished...

But u did the exact opposite , if u didnt post the story here, only a handful of people would have known about the so called cheating..

nice going

and yes i saw the persons in question ,was levelling my merc in barrows, they didnt even reply or accept the res a guildmate gave them after the cleric and necro both died, so uhmmm .. hmmmmmm...

hey, first of all, i don't think a lot of ppl know and care who or what.
secondly digging grave?
don't really think so, since that person is in the clear, thats what was unfair!!! he was ok

btw the person u are talking about, it ain't him
so sssssssssssssssssssssst


why bother even having a gameworld if everything is macro controlled?.

Imagine an actual player wandering through fields of macro controlled XP parties..

Imagine the banter after you've just cracked that 'one joke in a lifetime' joke in the barrows, to find theres no-one to laugh at it.

Imagine the sense of achievement when you're bot controlled character hits 50 (yay!), and in the time its taken, you've coded another macro to do all the epics and quests you want done!!

Nah, thats not for me, and its obviously not for GOA (or indeed mythic). Some aspects of the game can be tedious, but if you are using a macro for any reason, maybe its time to question why you actually pay your fees every month?.. why not play a game you actually play (and enjoy).

Even better, go down the pub and get drunk, macro-driven DAOC characters will be the last thing on your mind at the end of the night.

DeaD GuRu

imagine all the people....... living for todayy hey heyeyeyeye


After reading this thread i have been thinking..
What sort of moron would set up a macro'ed cleric and put it in an area where there are many people about who would be able to see that there is something fishy going on....?

And another thing.. why is afk leveling illegal???

get a sorc/necro/cabal who is buffed.. put it in the middle of camp of non-faction neutral yellows/blues and then go afk with the pet set to aggro.. of course the bonedancer can do this most effectively and i presume this person is using the same methods of how the bonedancers pets work.. i mean how hard could it be to look up the script codes of these pets and transfer them over to your. cleric for instance using DAOX??

But then again that wouldn't explain the healing every so often.. where the hell are you suppoesed to find proggys like this.. or are they "homemade"


Hmmmm just read the whole thread quite interesting banter and nice discussion without anyone getting a little over excited bar some un-named people

However I will place my 2 cents to try and put some closure to this topic

Anyone is entitled to report anyone they feel is cheating, GOA then analyses and sees if they are cheating over a period of time and the person is left alone or banned regarding there decision with evidence to boot

In my opinion if you don't cheat you have nothing to worry about

As for the flaming going on Ironheart did apologise and no matter what he said before or after that, does takes big balls to apologise over something u have argued over 2 pages of a BW Forum

So go little easy on him

Oh and peace


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

ROFL !!!


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Hmmmm just read the whole thread quite interesting banter and nice discussion without anyone getting a little over excited bar some un-named people

However I will place my 2 cents to try and put some closure to this topic

Anyone is entitled to report anyone they feel is cheating, GOA then analyses and sees if they are cheating over a period of time and the person is left alone or banned regarding there decision with evidence to boot

In my opinion if you don't cheat you have nothing to worry about

As for the flaming going on Ironheart did apologise and no matter what he said before or after that, does takes big balls to apologise over something u have argued over 2 pages of a BW Forum

So go little easy on him

Oh and peace

Yeah the arsecandle apologised and then went on the offensive against Belo and as im sure EVERYONE within the realm of albion knows, Belomar is one of the nicest people around and doesnt deserve shit off Mr IronHeart. As for the big balls bit...nah i doubt it.


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
btw the person u are talking about, it ain't him
so sssssssssssssssssssssst
Yes, I do believe Mad is referring to the correct person.


Originally posted by **Aligro**
get a sorc/necro/cabal who is buffed.. put it in the middle of camp of non-faction neutral yellows/blues and then go afk with the pet set to aggro..
No, this is not legal according to the CoC and the EULA, and, more importantly, people have been banned and/or suspended for doing it.

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