


i just heard that chances are that a mate will be banned from server because he was reported by some people.

I do understand that annoying kids are beeing reported.
I do understand that stupid behaviour is beeing reported.

Wonderful. Good for you.


I do not understand that this person was reported, rumors go that a certain HAZEALOT had something to do with it. So ppl u meet this person, remember this.


well he was levelling a necromance, he had a nice cleric with him, so he put his pet on

So what are you accusing people of?

Are you telling me your "friend" was reported for healing a necro pet?

Using RightNow someone wrote...

"Ironheart's friend is healing a Necro pet"


You are asking us to believe that on the basis of that someone was banned?

Of course they fricking weren't.

I'm no fan of GOAs performance, but did you even read what you are saying here?

Are you perhaps accusing GOA of banning your "Friend" for running 2 accounts? Despite the fact that they have confirmed that this isn't in itself a problem?

If this tale of woe had any kind of point it would, for a start, tell us why GOA told your "friend" that they banned him. Then maybe we can discuss whether as a community we think that GOAs reasons are sensible.

Even this, of course, has no relevance to the actual content of your small minded and rather spiteful little post. You seem to be suggesting that if a player believes they have found someone doing something you won't discuss but that the observer believed was cheating then they shouldn't inform GOA?

What kind of crack-induced vision gave you that idea?

This is easy stuff Ironheart...

Cheating = Bad

Only GOA have the tools to determine if someone is cheating - so you tell them about, rather than kicking up a stink on cheapass message boards.


And incidentally coming in here and accusing named individuals of crimes you won't identify while not actually identifying your "friend", or for that matter even your own characters is pathetic.


If I saw a person I suspected of cheating I would report it straight away just look at what happened to Diablo and Legend of Mir (If anyone actually played this)

In the end most people just gave up cos unless you resorted to cheating as well you didnt stand a chance of a fair game.

Its one short step from afk levelling to then using another sort of prog to give you extra skills or whatever rationlising it as its ok because others are doing it so it cant be cheating can it !

I dont even use a buffbot solo cos I personally consider it like cheating but thats a whole different arguement ;)

Most online games will ,and quite rightly so ,crack down on afk levelling ,crafting or whatever simply because your using an outside prog to alter the game.

my 2 cents worth

DeaD GuRu

quote to vim

did not expect more from a person nicked as a dishwashing product

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Belomar
You don't listen, do you? It has been stated over and over in this thread, and the concept is very simple: your friend was reported because another player suspected him of using a macro to level his necro and cleric. That is a violation of the CoC. If he is found guilty of this by GOA, he may well be punished in some way, perhaps by suspension or banning.

Everyone Ahh, and the age argument again. Judging from your post history, with this last thread as a shining beacon, I would not enter any maturity discussion if I were you.

btw, u think i have a rep; i may have one, it may not be the one u like. But it seems that things have been solved, no bann... but a shitload of probs caused by paranoid, jealous, imature KIDS

and u want to question my age do u?
one more thing , freedom of speech, i know it may be hard for u to comprehend. As for my writing, i don't bother using spellcheckers. Grammar, don't even bother. Still , i seem to be able to write more plausable quotes to ignorant people.


pls , don't let me check ur grammar and vocabulary


Where did this big guild thing enter the discussion? Or rather why? If I saw them doing what they apparantly did, I'd report them - doesn't matter which guild I was in. Everyone else has lvled their chars to 50 the hard way, and I'll be damned if someone should be doing it while sleeping. If everyone did that, we'd all be lvl 50 by now.

Get a grip Ironheart - it seems to me the biggest problem here is that it's a few of your budies, and as such you're just as "bad" as us in the "big" guilds... Your view is biased by your personal relations to the ppl involved, right?


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
all i wanted to say is: what was the reason for those ppl to report him. Because he ignored a ress call?? because he ignored PM's?? don't think that is a reason to think someone is abusing the game. If there was a person of GOA / MYTHIC involved, i would agree, if they tracked it all down, NO problem.

When i started this game , i spoke with some ppl of that "service" from complaints, all u get as reply is , we will look into this thing or this is normal.... ( was a complaint of behaviour on PVP server, not ours btw)

Big guilds-----small minds (not all of em off course)

I just think it's about time the gouvernment puts an age lable on software all over the globe. ROFL

Why are you wondering? Are you angry at people being suspicious? If he is innocent he wouldn't get banned (Not sure if this person, have no clue on whom it is, is banned atm).

You should rather pad these people on the back for actually telling. And being suspicious on things that seem odd. Good people indeed.


one more thing , freedom of speech, i know it may be hard for u to comprehend.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910),

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

No one has a finer command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut.
Sam Rayburn (1882 - 1961)


a shitload of probs caused by paranoid, jealous, imature KIDS

Wonder where they are then....

i just heard that chances are that a mate will be banned from server because he was reported by some people.

I do understand that annoying kids are beeing reported.
I do understand that stupid behaviour is beeing reported.


I do not understand that this person was reported, rumors go that a certain HAZEALOT had something to do with it. So ppl u meet this person, remember this.


well he was levelling a necromance, he had a nice cleric with him, so he put his pet on a nice spot, let it fight and clear the spot while his cleric healed the pet!!!!!

what is wrong with that!!!!!!!!

the way he does it??? did he act rude??? or did those kiddies, full of envie and jealousy just do it to act up???

i'm sure that all high level necromancers haven't been created fair.
no offence, wildfire... , all the rest, they used every means to get there. As do all other player. I don't mind PL, i don't mind using a bot......but i do HATE those kids.

<<<<<i may not have a second pc and account from my daddy so i will report those that do..............
<<<<<nobody want me in a group.......so i'll report all those that rock solo

omg, KIDS go play counterstrike pls, a nice expansion will be out due soon, get lost!!!!!

BTW: People that are playing in one of the BIG guilds in our realm seem to be able to do all, they ar protected by their ppl, PPL that are in a FRIENDS guild , only have their friends to count on. So now u may understand why BIG guilds are BIG. Thats the main reason why i will never join one of those. I'd rather play unguilded and acheive my goals my way, without having to HIDE behind the banner of a guild to act up.

Found one!

DeaD GuRu

case seems to be solved,

the person does not seem to be banned atm.
About the reporting thing. Just had a good nights rest and....
cheating is indeed lame, it is no good for other ppl. But when it comes to reporting.. who are we to tell if someone is cheating.. we have no means of checking if this is so. So why make someone suspicious?
Goa mythic , it's their job to check these things, we pay to play the game, do we have to pay to do their job as well?
I do not aprove cheating, i even hate it. never have, never will do it. But there is no way for us ppl ingame to tell when one is or is not cheating. Reporting things can only start a fight. Ok, u can hide behind the anonimous label, but why, rumors start spreading, word flow.

Therefore, i would first like to apolegize to hazelot for mentioning his, name, it was founded on a rumour, so sozz. But if u would have reported things, think: why do it? have u got a vast reason for doing this, can u confirm that u weren't annoyed by the fact hat he was spawncamping and u had a hard time that moment.

i know cheating is lame, but when is one cheating, i have no idea. Most weird fenomena i see in game are just MAJOR program buggs, LAG, weird spawn movements etc... but i would not know when a person is cheating. Crafters would be cheating most of the time then, because none ever seem to answer a call for help. Dunno,
ok, just want to close this topic, sorry to the ppl that i would have harrased or insulted. BUT hey, i'm but an old wizard. My eyes let me down from time to time



Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
case seems to be solved,

the person does not seem to be banned atm.
About the reporting thing. Just had a good nights rest and....
cheating is indeed lame, it is no good for other ppl. But when it comes to reporting.. who are we to tell if someone is cheating.. we have no means of checking if this is so. So why make someone suspicious?
Goa mythic , it's their job to check these things, we pay to play the game, do we have to pay to do their job as well?
I do not aprove cheating, i even hate it. never have, never will do it. But there is no way for us ppl ingame to tell when one is or is not cheating. Reporting things can only start a fight. Ok, u can hide behind the anonimous label, but why, rumors start spreading, word flow.

Therefore, i would first like to apolegize to hazelot for mentioning his, name, it was founded on a rumour, so sozz. But if u would have reported things, think: why do it? have u got a vast reason for doing this, can u confirm that u weren't annoyed by the fact hat he was spawncamping and u had a hard time that moment.

i know cheating is lame, but when is one cheating, i have no idea. Most weird fenomena i see in game are just MAJOR program buggs, LAG, weird spawn movements etc... but i would not know when a person is cheating. Crafters would be cheating most of the time then, because none ever seem to answer a call for help. Dunno,
ok, just want to close this topic, sorry to the ppl that i would have harrased or insulted. BUT hey, i'm but an old wizard. My eyes let me down from time to time


Well put..

The reason I would report someone I thought was cheating is simple. Dont want any cheats in the game I play, I've seen it too many times before and its inevitably a downward spiral..

On the other hand, I dont think theres many people that run about lodging complaints left, right and centre. Unless they're traffic wardens in real life :) :) :) :)


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
and u want to question my age do u?
Nope. Sorry, selective reading again. It was you who groundlessly accused Hazelot of being a kid (and you did again above, look carefully). I didn't connect age with you, but I did talk about maturity. Interpret it according to your own liking.
one more thing , freedom of speech, i know it may be hard for u to comprehend.
Oh? Another groundless accusation, is it? Just because we are not all yielding to your superior intellect, we are violating your freedom of speech? And on the other hand, you are essentially saying that no one is allowed to report other players to GOA (at least not if they are your friends), how is that for freedom of speech, buster?
As for my writing, i don't bother using spellcheckers. Grammar, don't even bother. Still , i seem to be able to write more plausable quotes to ignorant people.
Hmm, I never did attack your writing, so I can only wonder why you brought it up. In fact, one might even go so far as to wonder who's the ignorant one here?
pls , don't let me check ur grammar and vocabulary
Please do. Since I am not a native English speaker and have modest writing ambitions, I would love to get your valuable input.


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
I just think it's about time the gouvernment puts an age lable on software all over the globe. ROFL

It would have to be a mental age label I think...

and what would you do to pass the time when you were no longer able to buy and play games Ironheart?

I know four year olds who can conduct more intelligent conversations and have less stupid views of the world.


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart

Goa mythic , it's their job to check these things, we pay to play the game, do we have to pay to do their job as well?
I do not aprove cheating, i even hate it. never have, never will do it. But there is no way for us ppl ingame to tell when one is or is not cheating. Reporting things can only start a fight. Ok, u can hide behind the anonimous label, but why, rumors start spreading, word flow.

Report to GOA - GOA investigate using tools, if they find guilty fellow - banned, if not - still playing. Pretty simple. Despite what you may believe I don't think GOA have an employee per player to wander around following them 24/7.

Where's the problem here? If I send to RightNow: That Ironheart was using radar in RvR! they're not going to go oh well, Flimgoblin said that: quick ban them now! they'll go look at the evidence, find it lacking and then ignore the appeal. If I keep appealing that same thing they'll think I'm just being vindictive and probably ignore everything else I send in.

If, instead of sending a RightNow, I came here and spammed barrysworld with a whole load of baseless accusations, calling into question that person's age, ability to write, ethics, morals and how nice their guild is then that really wouldn't be very nice. It's called slander (or is it libel.. can never remember which), defamation of character - a personal attack.

Sending a RightNow if you suspect someone of cheating is the right wayto go about it.
Trying to blacken someone's name on BW because you think they might be cheating is the wrong way to go about it.

Trying to blacken the name of someone and their entire guild because they used RightNow?

Absolute stupidity, and a damned good way to lose the respect of anyone who still has it for you.

Please, go and find some of the maturity and intelligence that's supposed to accompany your much-vaunted age.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Belomar
Nope. Sorry, selective reading again. It was you who groundlessly accused Hazelot of being a kid (and you did again above, look carefully). I didn't connect age with you, but I did talk about maturity. Interpret it according to your own liking.Oh? Another groundless accusation, is it? Just because we are not all yielding to your superior intellect, we are violating your freedom of speech? And on the other hand, you are essentially saying that no one is allowed to report other players to GOA (at least not if they are your friends), how is that for freedom of speech, buster?Hmm, I never did attack your writing, so I can only wonder why you brought it up. In fact, one might even go so far as to wonder who's the ignorant one here?Please do. Since I am not a native English speaker and have modest writing ambitions, I would love to get your valuable input.


read last topic i wrote, i does seem u even do not understand the word apolegy. i know the abbreviation of ur guild is SS don't act like one, U native english speaker. At least i have met some descent members of ur guild, nice ppl, but u seem to beat it all.

read the part in my former quote starting with: therefore....

gargh, ur lucky, just deleted three lines of swearing..........

and what accusation? i made a mere suggestion.... if he would have..........aa, i see, it was in that first remark.

your quote

Oh? Another groundless accusation, is it? Just because we are not all yielding to your superior intellect, we are violating your freedom of speech? And on the other hand, you are essentially saying that no one is allowed to report other players to GOA (at least not if they are your friends), how is that for freedom of speech, buster?

ever heard of destrucive and construcive behaviour? u can be free to speak for constructive purposes, even destructive, but u won't get acknowledged for destructive behaviour my dear friend.
what i mean is reporting is destructive to friendship and game sphere, if the word gets around that is. Do u want to risk a possible friendship then? Just because u have a bad moment...
just like i was pissed at the person(s) that reported this thing for starters. Therefore i just want to put this thing at rest....
Could be we even would be having a chat on a totally different subject as friends do... who knows.

and btw; sorry if i do defend ppl that i like having fun with, that is really totally imature of me. To be honest , i do understand u defending ur guildmate.........And for the reporting thing, sorry that some are so naive to help a company doing their job and even pay for it. Even if one is cheating (still is lame) or if he is not. as said, u can not determine if he is. Or u would be hacking or preeking his machine and that would be a violation of privacy, punishable by law

let's forget this whole thing, maybe we can discuss some topics in-game.

DeaD GuRu

ps: i'm not here to earn respect from ppl, i'm here to do what i want with the ppl i want to, if not so, i would not be playing an RPG. Just as these post, witch seem to be ingame probs... going out game and back. Most guild i see running in there are so...........................................................useless, empty, waist of time, no depth, no ground, no basics, not even friends. Some guilds are.....good


I think Fing summed it up nicely I totally agree with his post.

If anyone has the slightest inclination that someone may be cheating they should report it to right now for investigation.

This garbage about it being GOAs job to monitor everyone is nonsense, if you see someone get murdered in the street do you say, hmmm it's a shame the police didn't see that, but hey it's not my job to report it?

The only thing Ironheart has achieved with his post is to make me think whoever he is talking about IS cheating in some way.



Originally posted by Mr Ironheart

And for the reporting thing, sorry that some are so naive to help a company doing their job and even pay for it. Even if one is cheating (still is lame) or if he is not. as said, u can not determine if he is. Or u would be hacking or preeking his machine and that would be a violation of privacy, punishable by law

You still don't get it, do you?

Reporting someone you suspect of cheating is THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

An individual does not need to be able to prove that the person is cheating in order to report it, they just need to suspect it. Then it is down to GOA to investigate the individual concerned and determine if, beyond reasonable doubt, they were cheating or not.

Again, GOA don't even need to prove to anyone else that a person was cheating, just look at the evidence and decide for themselves if they were cheating. And they certainly don't need to hack into your computer to do that.

The individual accused hasn't been banned, but will have been given a warning (otherwise this thread would never have been started - GOA won't inform you if you are under investigation, and won't inform you if an allegation against you has been proven to be groundless). So all I can say is that the person in question will be treading on thin ice from now on and any further violations almost certainly would result in a suspension/ban.

Oh, and cheating by using third-party programs to gain an advantage is also punishable by law (in that you are bound by the EULA).

And everything you have said in this thread has been purely idiotic.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Talifer
I think Fing summed it up nicely I totally agree with his post.

If anyone has the slightest inclination that someone may be cheating they should report it to right now for investigation.

This garbage about it being GOAs job to monitor everyone is nonsense, if you see someone get murdered in the street do you say, hmmm it's a shame the police didn't see that, but hey it's not my job to report it?

The only thing Ironheart has achieved with his post is to make me think whoever he is talking about IS cheating in some way.


lol, i am

on life

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Pin

You still don't get it, do you?

Reporting someone you suspect of cheating is THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

An individual does not need to be able to prove that the person is cheating in order to report it, they just need to suspect it. Then it is down to GOA to investigate the individual concerned and determine if, beyond reasonable doubt, they were cheating or not.

Again, GOA don't even need to prove to anyone else that a person was cheating, just look at the evidence and decide for themselves if they were cheating. And they certainly don't need to hack into your computer to do that.

The individual accused hasn't been banned, but will have been given a warning (otherwise this thread would never have been started - GOA won't inform you if you are under investigation, and won't inform you if an allegation against you has been proven to be groundless). So all I can say is that the person in question will be treading on thin ice from now on and any further violations almost certainly would result in a suspension/ban.

Oh, and cheating by using third-party programs to gain an advantage is also punishable by law (in that you are bound by the EULA).

And everything you have said in this thread has been purely idiotic.

absolutely true, so lets cut the crap then, have fun


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
ps: i'm not here to earn respect from ppl,

That's good, because you certainly aren't getting any.

Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
i'm here to do what i want with the ppl i want to, if not so, i would not be playing an RPG. Just as these post, witch seem to be ingame probs... going out game and back.

Sorry, but wasn't it you bringing an ingame problem to the boards?

Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
Most guild i see running in there are so...........................................................useless, empty, waist of time, no depth, no ground, no basics, not even friends. Some guilds are.....good

Oh dear... It's sometimes hard not to pity people as retarted as you.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Pin

That's good, because you certainly aren't getting any.

Sorry, but wasn't it you bringing an ingame problem to the boards?

Oh dear... It's sometimes hard not to pity people as retarted as you.

tsssss, i don't seem te get my point here do u?
btw: i have what i need ingame, don't need it from ppl that start slendering with names. I apolegized to that person i called in my assumption. I braught this here cause, creating problems for other ppl by reporting them is bringing in game out here also.


Regarding chat log. There are already third-party programs out that read the chat log from memory and sticks it into a log file on disk in real time to make the cheaty bot proggys work again.
Also there are programs out there that recognize colors (con) on text in game and react to that aswell. There are several macro/bot-hunters avaliable, tho most require some programming-skills to get to work. They arent very clever tho but they can do most that is required.


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
read last topic i wrote, i does seem u even do not understand the word apolegy.
I did see your apology, but I also did see a lot of direct accusations against me in a previous post that I felt I had the right to respond to.
i know the abbreviation of ur guild is SS don't act like one, U native english speaker. At least i have met some descent members of ur guild, nice ppl, but u seem to beat it all.
Like I said, I'm not a native English speaker. And yes, our guild is filled with nice and decent people (in my own humble opinion of course), regardless of your views of so called "big guilds". However, I do make it my personal business to defend my guild against people looking to tarnish the good name of our members.
gargh, ur lucky, just deleted three lines of swearing..........
Yep, you're right.
what i mean is reporting is destructive to friendship and game sphere, if the word gets around that is.
If there is one thing that is destructive to a game, it's cheating. Indirectly, this means that not reporting suspicious behavior is destructive, too.
let's forget this whole thing, maybe we can discuss some topics in-game.
Fine with me.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Regarding chat log. There are already third-party programs out that read the chat log from memory and sticks it into a log file on disk in real time to make the cheaty bot proggys work again.
Also there are programs out there that recognize colors (con) on text in game and react to that aswell. There are several macro/bot-hunters avaliable, tho most require some programming-skills to get to work. They arent very clever tho but they can do most that is required.

nice piece of work those programs i must say, and i envie the skills needed. But still not aprovable to all other ppl playing. I have no clue how these things work. I have to be honest and i have had a look to see what it means... didn't understand a thing...

Maybee mythic could expand their macro radius so all can do it????


Well just to add my 2cent, 1st off I've been a software developer for a bit over 6 years now, Having a ruff guess at times i think i could knock up a quick universal app that could level any char in about 3 - 5 hours. as stated above all u need is an app that sends keystrokes and checks colours in certain x - y pos on the screen. As for the char being AFK its easy enough to add in an option to text message your mobile with any /sends and even reply to them via text message if you really really want to be sneaky.

Its pretty much down to how honest the player is, imo DAOC is doing pretty well when you look at EQ / UO where EVERYONE macro's.



P.S NO I will not write this programme so dont ask!


most of games have macro progs, but its also on those game CoC that u cant be afk while using them, if u get gought by being afk and using macro, u r banned.

i dont c nothing wrong for some macro progs, in this game it dont work though good, but f.ex in UO it worked good.

and is my crafting being called macro crafting, while i lay down at sofa, with wireless kb, and click number and watch TV =)?

DeaD GuRu

maybee, they should just allow this to happen, my oppinnion, ok, the realm would be swarming with crafters....
BUT, also less fortunate ppl playing this game and haven't 7 hours a day 7/7 a week time to play could get the same results and try these things out. Not just until they can do a bit, but can go all the way. They can start a macro, go to work or whatever. At least they could also enjoye the benefits of beeing a legendairy crafter. I have become a legendairy a couple of weeks ago and i can tell, it just ain't that easy to get there. Hours of boring labour, hours of doing nothing but watch tv... also with wireless clicking , as we can call it. I think it is unfair to those people that do have a life. (hmmmmmm) So i would say give them a chance, maybe make it as easy for everybody then


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
maybee, they should just allow this to happen, my oppinnion, ok, the realm would be swarming with crafters....
BUT, also less fortunate ppl playing this game and haven't 7 hours a day 7/7 a week time to play could get the same results and try these things out. Not just until they can do a bit, but can go all the way. They can start a macro, go to work or whatever. At least they could also enjoye the benefits of beeing a legendairy crafter. I have become a legendairy a couple of weeks ago and i can tell, it just ain't that easy to get there. Hours of boring labour, hours of doing nothing but watch tv... also with wireless clicking , as we can call it. I think it is unfair to those people that do have a life. (hmmmmmm) So i would say give them a chance, maybe make it as easy for everybody then

Yeah, maybe the menu screen of the game should just allow you to create your characters at level 50, maxed out craft skills, masterpiece armour and weapons and with 27 mithril in the bank. That would surely be great for the game! :rolleyes:

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