Unacceptable Ingame Support...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Amaru-Synergy said:
E&Es anyone? bound to be one of us on, to contact a GM... did you search for one of us? im on pretty much all weekend, and looking at my msn, there is always a GM around, willing to go that extra mile to pop on and sort an issue out, on a DAY OFF !

Hell GOA arent perfect, but really you should make more of an effort to find solutions, than just grabbing the tissue box !

I think I have asked over 20 issues from camlann the last 30 days. Got help 3 times, those was fast as there was GM's around and I say thanks. But all those other is just said wait til GM gets around or use rightnow, sure then it takes another 2-3 days before I/we get help.

My account ran out this weekend. no way in hell I will go to WoW. Atm I am playing my BB account til it runs out. See no reason to renew as we can't get the help we want, the lag seems to be back and getting worse every night(got a ping plotter log over 500k packets now to prove that) so until we get the support that a online service should offer you have 2 less accounts playing the game. :(

After reading some more replays I can only agree on what some of you others say. Even if the GM's can't help with a encounter that is okey for me I can wait til mythic fix it or do the raid a other day. The problem is that during prime time(most ppl plays evenings, nights and weekends) there aren't enough GM's around. I don't blame any of those GM's that help us and they can't work 24/7. But then they should be given the help they need(if that is man power or better pay to work strange hours) to do thier work as thier and your(GOA) customers want.


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
Phoebee-v- said:
the lag seems to be back and getting worse every night(got a ping plotter log over 500k packets now to prove that)

can you send it to me please?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Agree that this is not a 'how good the GMs / E&E's are' issue it is that a decision was taken not to provide 24/7 support. GoA - and ultimately Mythic - have to live with the consequences of that.

Yes I said Mythic. GoA have decided on a level of support and I make no attempt to defend their decision not to provide a higher standard of service.

Stop for a moment though and consider what the original poster has a problem with .... a ToA encounter. An unfixed bug in ToA after 15+ months.

The really sad thing about this is that this was highlighted as a problem that would hit the EU servers when ToA went live. Unfixed bugs without 24/7 support = a situation.

And that is why Mythic are responsible as well. It is easier, far easier, to maintain a reliable system than one that you have to constantly fix.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
I would not quit a game just because thers no support in weekends/late hours.

I would like support on these hours, and if this idd will result in a bit higher payment, so be it.

If ppl quit because of this it means less income for goa/myth(f)ix, i think an extra gm or two can stop this.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
To me it seems that support has been getting a lot better lately, have had a GM fix a problem plenty of times. Unacceptable thing is that zoarkat enc is STILL bugged, been "only" since the very first toa patch, hello mythic?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
< quotes his trip to blizard offices in paris :D >

one of the interesting questions that they asked me at my interview was what i thought about technical support in dark age of camelot.

I unfortunatly had to say it wasnt that great then they gave me a big speal about how thye were offering 24/7 gm support and would i be prepared to work shifts :D

Tbh although ive not had a personal problem with bugged encounters because of people trying to cheese it.

I have asked if there has been an E&E online or had to go onto irc to find someone to assit. And although people do diserve a weekend or time off i would have to say that it would be feasable to have at least weekend staff that cover problems or eventuallities. ive done /who 100 before and not seen anyone online.

I would request that it might be feasable for goa to hire at least 2 more gms to cover the english servers over off peak times. maybe even a few more although that means spending money :)

although then again i would hate to think of some poor soul sat a computer at 3 in the morning with nothing to do but to wait for the server fall over, or spending weekends listening to complaints.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Awarkle said:
I would request that it might be feasable for goa to hire at least 2 more gms to cover the english servers over off peak times. maybe even a few more although that means spending money :)

GoA woill not provide Extra GM's when they are losing players, just as the same reason there is not a third english server (not including Camalann), if all of a sudden 3000 more english players suddenly appeared then maybe they would think about it (after a few months).

I dont think 3k players though are suddenly going to appear out of the woodwork, unless GoA do what Anarchy online did, and that is give away a free 1 year or 6 month "classic" subscription to hook players in. Cant see that happening either though..



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
One funny thing to notice is that there's free phone support for wow in norway, in beta. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
its free at the moment because then they can use the clause if they screw up, well its beta but it will probbly change to a premium rate phone line when it goes live and people are paying subs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Amaru-Synergy said:
speaking as a E&E, Albion... Ive contacted GM's, over 50 times over the weekend to fix bugged encounters, and gms are only too willing to help... you should be cheering them, not slating them since its there day off... would you work on your day off?

Do i have to mention this is a 24/7 game?

I'm sure those people want some days off, hell who doesn't. But what he is saying is there should be more gm's covering the shifts the others are off and thus make it indeed a 24/7 game.
It ain't rocketscience.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
not sure I'd want to pay however much more a month it'd require to have 24/7 support so that once every few weeks some group could have their artifact spawn fixed at 6 in the morning or whatever.

Don't really see the value in that... how much RightNow stuff do you think there would be for the GMs to solve in the graveyard shift?

A GM shift during the weekends (3-11 or whatever) might be ok but if it's more than just a group of people camping an artifact (e.g. a 100 person ML raid or whatever) then the E&E can get in contact with GMs anyway... having the GMs work weekend shifts would involve more expense.

It's just not needed. I mean is having zoakart up and running RIGHT NOW THIS MINUTE really that important? If the servers went down and noone was able to play - that's pretty serious, and if it happens there's peoiple there to fix it.

If it's just that someone has to go do a different artifact instead, or RvR instead of doing the bracer of zo'akart this weekend....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
A GM shift during the weekends (3-11 or whatever) might be ok but if it's more than just a group of people camping an artifact (e.g. a 100 person ML raid or whatever) then the E&E can get in contact with GMs anyway... having the GMs work weekend shifts would involve more expense.

It's just not needed. I mean is having zoakart up and running RIGHT NOW THIS MINUTE really that important? If the servers went down and noone was able to play - that's pretty serious, and if it happens there's peoiple there to fix it.

If it's just that someone has to go do a different artifact instead, or RvR instead of doing the bracer of zo'akart this weekend....

:twak: Flimgoblin

You don't have a RL or don't lead raids I guess. I consider myself to be a causul gamer(flame away on the spelling). When I plan and lead raids many factors as my real life is important in the planning. So when I tell my wife that I will be busy for the next 4hours cause I will do a ml3 raid and lead it. Then I shouldn't get angry when I can't get help from a GM when 3.10 is bugged and we done all other steps with 30+ people?

I should just accept that I get loads of angry people on me for setting a "stuiped" new time and date after 2-3 days when RN has fixed it? I should just enjoy joining a other full ml3 raid to just get the missing step? Or should I enjoy leading 2-3 new 3.10 raids that will take 1.5h each just to gather people and get started lotto etc.

I don't talk about a singel artifact nor a singel time a ML encounter is bugged. I got several RN cases during the last few months with canceled raids most of them with 24+ people on it.

Sure the encounters is fixed but shouldn't it be able to get the help when we do the raid?

PS. It wasn't like I didn't ask in E&E I was there and asked. I used RN and I know the name on the 3 most active GM's around that wasn't on the server. We waited over 45min each time for a respons before I called of the raid. DS.

PS2. The point is those time we got in touch with a GM, either directly in-game or pass E&E we got the help we needed or a good enough answer why we couldn't. The GM's are doing a great job so is E&E when we can get in touch with them DS2. :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
If you're planning to run large weekend raids, it's worth contacting an E&E and GM first. The GM's are pretty good at checking for obvious bugged encounters before a major raid, and may allow themselves to be contactable via an E&E for the raid.

I have led several raids, including 3.10 three times last time I tried it. I'm hoping the raids I'm running on Thursday and Sunday go better !



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Darzil said:
If you're planning to run large weekend raids, it's worth contacting an E&E and GM first. The GM's are pretty good at checking for obvious bugged encounters before a major raid, and may allow themselves to be contactable via an E&E for the raid.

I have led several raids, including 3.10 three times last time I tried it. I'm hoping the raids I'm running on Thursday and Sunday go better !


Have done ml3 several times w/o problems aswell. :) Thing is that my main server is camlann. Not like I post on FH or any other public places when I plan to do a ml/dragon/epic/relic or any other raid cause of there is "spys" around. Sad but true to have people telling enemys what you are doing,.... but allways nice to make a few rps on a raid anyway :cheers:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
IMO 24/7 support would be lovly, WoW seems to provide it, and with the same cost per month as GoA. Thou i se the problems to, but i still hope, that somehow, sometime we will get atleast some kind of support at evenings in the weekends/friday evenings.

ALOT of raids happens from 6gmt-00-01 am, in weekends, and its there i hoped that we could get a extra gm to be on duty. You rarly see a /who 100 online in the evenings while raids are being run :(


[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
I'm going to make a simple point. I sit available on the servers on average six hours a day, that isn't me being contactable to log in, that is being ON the server and I get on average maybe 5 questions in that 6 hours and about once every 3 days I reset an encounter gone pearshaped-- and that is when I'm working an evening shift which covers up until 11pm CET which is considered prime game time. Now expand that to a corporate view... I sit doing nothing for 6 hours on the off chance something goes wrong... (shrug) do the math.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wazkyr said:
IMO 24/7 support would be lovly, WoW seems to provide it, and with the same cost per month as GoA.

WoW europe currently has about 24 ENGLISH servers, not 2 (and a half), they would probably make more money aswell due to the huge amount of players :rolleyes:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Phoebee-v- said:
Then I shouldn't get angry when I can't get help from a GM when 3.10 is bugged and we done all other steps with 30+ people?

didn't say that ;) read where I said about "more than a few people after an artifact"...

meh ToA and PvP servers = nightmare (and not just from the raid killers - the bugs ar e stupid - how long has Kirkleis been fireballing himself to death?). Same on Mordred.

What exactly bugged with 3.10 btw?

And if you know an encounter bugs often - tell an E&E or a GM in advance and ask if they can look after the encounter. Try and do it during the week instead of at the weekend? until it gets patched that is (though if it's a PvP bug you'll probably be waiting a while...)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Zenythe said:
I'm going to make a simple point. I sit available on the servers on average six hours a day, that isn't me being contactable to log in, that is being ON the server and I get on average maybe 5 questions in that 6 hours and about once every 3 days I reset an encounter gone pearshaped-- and that is when I'm working an evening shift which covers up until 11pm CET which is considered prime game time. Now expand that to a corporate view... I sit doing nothing for 6 hours on the off chance something goes wrong... (shrug) do the math.

First off, i doubt any new players would EVER know they even have a chance to contact a GM ingame, i certainly didn't and i started half a year ago or so. Who on earth knows they need to contact some E&E which to be honest, they will never know who is? I dont know how to contact them, or who they are this day, so how will a new player? And also, who would ever think /who 100 would show the GM's online, cmon? Far from all visit these forums, because lets face it... its not the official forums.

I am willing to bet you 100$ that if you get some proper ingame support like lets say UO's you will have a fulltime job x 4. (UO's work like this: You page your question/problem, get in queue if there is one, and the GM's can browse the questions asked by all players, and.... answer them/fix them.)

Ofcourse there is close to nothing for you to do on servers since no one except the selected few knows they even have a chance to contact you. That RightNow "thing" needs to go, and use the $$ on proper ingame support.

Dont want to sound rude, but seriously, i didnt believe it, when i discovered the (lack of?) support of this game... no forums & no ingame support. Thats the most important things in my humble oppinion.



Dec 26, 2003
Zenythe said:
I get on average maybe 5 questions in that 6 hours
If i see a GM online, i think he's busy and doesn't want to be annoyed with even more questions/problems.


Dec 26, 2003
Requiel said:
It's not possible. To reset encounters requires you to have access to pretty much the full suite of GM commands.

I know alot games who made a Lite version Admin mod from the Admin command list. In counterstrike there are ppl who can start a mapvoting or kick someone and that's it.

the "power'" problem is easily fixed too. if you just force the E&E ppl to enter a valid reason( extra parameter) which you guys can check / read. they can't abuse it. Also you're their boss, means you can check them , abuse = remove their "powers".

or wait, why doesn't mythic fucking fix that encounter. it almost looks like that encounter works like intended.


Dec 26, 2003
Aussie said:
If i see a GM online, i think he's busy and doesn't want to be annoyed with even more questions/problems.
ah I remember now, I ported away with SoM cloak, some idiot pm'd Requiel that the encounter was bugged (it was 24:00 or maybe a bit later). He resetted the encounter and stayed until the encounter was finished. later i heard he missed his last bus to home.. i felt so guilty xD

sorry ;(


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Aussie said:
If i see a GM online, i think he's busy and doesn't want to be annoyed with even more questions/problems.

I honestly also think like this...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Aussie said:
ah I remember now, I ported away with SoM cloak, some idiot pm'd Requiel that the encounter was bugged (it was 24:00 or maybe a bit later). He resetted the encounter and stayed until the encounter was finished. later i heard he missed his last bus to home.. i felt so guilty xD

sorry ;(

couldn't let you get another SoM could i now Aussie.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Aussie said:
If i see a GM online, i think he's busy and doesn't want to be annoyed with even more questions/problems.
Got same fealing... thou seems its time to ask about minor problems to then :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
didn't say that ;) read where I said about "more than a few people after an artifact"...

meh ToA and PvP servers = nightmare (and not just from the raid killers - the bugs ar e stupid - how long has Kirkleis been fireballing himself to death?). Same on Mordred.

What exactly bugged with 3.10 btw?

And if you know an encounter bugs often - tell an E&E or a GM in advance and ask if they can look after the encounter. Try and do it during the week instead of at the weekend? until it gets patched that is (though if it's a PvP bug you'll probably be waiting a while...)

Yeah I know. Kurkleis is fixed in 1.73 and if goa holds thier state ment with catacombs in march then at least there is 1 bug less in ToA. Only took about 18months or so to fix it..... We got/get help with this as GM easy can spawn the mob if we just set a date/time with a gm so that works out.

3.10 bug was that the door was closed and couldn't be opened eventhou no one was fighting her. It was closed before we even had cleared all the statues. Shouldn't been a problem if a GM just could transfered us inside(we sat at the door whooping statues while waiting for a answer) but we had to cancel after 45-60min cause people wanted to sleep.

About doing the raids normal workdays might work for some but try to have a child and start the work 7 in the morning and play on a PK server..... It isn't like a quick run to do a full ML raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
GMs advertising their availability - that would be a step forward.

GMs answering NO queries in a 6 hour period that would be a step forward as well - it would imply that the game was working. In a support job doing nothing is good - maintenance engineers who are there to fix machines if they fail stopping production, the Samaritans, whatever. Doing nothing = having nothing to do is good. Yes there is a cost which you factor in.

And the comparison with other games. Stop - don't go there. In-game support, actively seeks to capture people problems in game and on forums that they run. Right Now - it just isn't the same. Its just another example of poor game design by Mythic coupled with a penny pinching attitude that has help crippled the game. Design it and they will play - but once the competition arrives watch out for the avalanche.

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