Tzee's Weekly Dragon Raid




small hint: ditch the idea and keep the stones the way they are, as a payment for attending =)


due to continued disinterest for people to raid the dragon, dragon raids from me are now cancelled. <note: dragon raids, not GS, Galla, TS, Fomor etc>

i know a lot of people still need stones, but unfortunately not many people seem to want to support you to get those, sorry for that.

Was good while it lasted, thanks to all who came along and made it the experience it was :)

Edit: lotto'ed the remaining stones I had amongst people who were there today.


it was pretty sad yeh, i hope there will still be invite raids or that someone else tries to organise a dragon raid, there are still a lot of people who'd like a stone


I've been on two DR's so far. Both were successful. The first was the first ever successful Raid. And I went on it coz i'd never been on one b4. I went on the 2nd coz my Guild group needed a druid. And both of them were great fun.

But i dont want a respec stone, I'm happy with how my chars are spec'ed. And if i want to try a different spec, i'll roll another character. Maybe that's why i've got 3 druids. I thought for a while that i wanted to spec Light on my eld. Then i thought i'd like to go back to Void. But tbh i'm happy with mana and can w8 till 1.62, see if the aoe snare is any good, then maybe do a single line respec.

Only other reason for going would be the lotto. But i dont really wanna talk about that again.

So i just wonder how many other hibs feel like i do. Or maybe its just that DF was open at the time as the Raid.

Anyway gratz to Tzee for organising the first successful DR. I won't forget that one in a hurry. But plz dont think we don't appreciate all the hard work you put into the raids. I'm sure a lot of people have been relieved to get their hands on a stone.


I know how you feel Tzee, I get the same thing on my Galla hunts, people don't show when they say they will, and the WORST is the people who come, stick and go afk for 95% of the hunt. I get PM's all day every day asking for more Galla raids, but people don't want to put the effort into it.
Personally, I don't see why Hibernia's raid leaders should put their time and energy into making raids for people show so little intrest when the time comes.
I think the major problem with it is over flooding. There's already so many stones out there, ppl don't need so many now. Same with Galla, there's so many uber galla items in the realm atm that ppl have no motivation for it, and lets face it, very very few ppl do raids for fun anymore.
I've decided to cancel my Galla raids for a while now, untill the new flock of 50's grow up and need items. I'll give it time to settle down and ppl build up the lust for Galla items again, untill then I'll strip mine the frontier dungons for a while...GS, mainly.


first page plz:)

seams like some ppl dont know these rulez

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