Two teams in the league..



Alright, I understand your concerns about having two teams in the league. I will point out now, that under no circumstances will players from the division 1 team be allowed to play in the division 2 team. If neccessary I will moderate both CCC and tds's movements in this matter personally. Each admin will also be instructed to deny any division 1 players to play in the division 2 team.
As for the accusation that CCC and tds were allowed to have two teams in the league because they have admin here, simply isn't true. I know that both of these clans have alot of players, and would like all of them to get a few games in. If any clan signed up to the league wishes to add a second team I will gladly add you to the list. The only reason I added them after the 1st of september was because I'm still figuring out the fixtures and other issues, so it didn't do any harm.
Again, if any clan wishes to add a second team, please email me. Create the team on the Barrysworld site, then give me the ID number in the email.
Any other concerns you may have about this, either email me or reply to this post.


5v5 ???

Hi Spanksta

Are the rules gonna be set in place so that ALL games are 5v5 no more, no less. Then both tds and ourselves can set a team of 5 + 3 subs for team 1 and the same for team 2 and they will be the SET player swapping between teams...that includes the subs. Everything can be set and tactics wise and team wise with no fear oh one week playing a 5v5 and the next week having to play a 7v7 and all tactics going out the window.....not to mention it only leaving 1 sub available for the team.

If this can be addresssed im sure everyone will be happier in planning tactics and such and it would also kill this playing swapping rumour because as i say, both =CCC= and tds can submit there 2 teams and subs b4 this thing kicks off and admins can check the teams b4 a game thus insuring NO FOUL PLAY.

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers m8



Well "V" , 1st of all, We're not posting shit about ccc or tds in this and/or other threads on the bwefl forum concerning this matter (at least I'm not). These threads/topics are about the rules in bwefl, If it had been helix or majesty or who ever who had put in 2nd teams , I"m sure we still would have had this argument with different names then.
It's a matter of principals.

Why can't we make a separate division with just 2nd teams? There are plenty clans who can make 2nd teams.

And let's say we kick off the way it is now, what will happen to the champion? Are there rules regarding promotion/degradation?


Oh, and offcourse the clans who only have one team, would also want to let as many members play, so YOU want to cut them down 2 players each match because YOU want to put in 2 teams??
So you are proposing this: you want 2 teams so you can have more mebers playing. The rest of the clans should give up 2 playerspots a match for the sake of let your 2nd team play??

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a bit too mutch to ask?


Oh, and offcourse the clans who only have one team, would also want to let as many members play, so YOU want to cut them down 2 players each match because YOU want to put in 2 teams??
So you are proposing this: you want 2 teams so you can have more mebers playing. The rest of the clans should give up 2 playerspots a match for the sake of let your 2nd team play??

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a bit too mutch to ask?


I agree with rabbit our clan have 14 or 15 members so we have to few for two teams but enough for one team 8vs8 with subs
You "V" propose to play 5vs5 with 3 subs so your two teams can play with no switching of members between team1 and team2

This we dont like!!!!!
We like to play 8vs8 with 2 or 3 subs so everyone from our team can play.


How the ****** did that come in here twice ?



This solution is what we are all asking for.
No-one is accusing these 2 team clans or plotting to cheat.
All we are saying is:

Put the clans 2nd teams in a seperate division!
That way, they don't have the opportunity to win seperate divisions, would be unfair on the other clans.

V is agreeing to this, so DO IT !


8v8 ??? aye ???

8v8 games...nobody would want to play 8v8 cos it causes more lag n stuff.....and its impossible anyway. If im not mistaken the limit on a barrys server is 16 where does the admin go.... ????? If you can have more people on a bookable server then 16 then ignore this.

As for the other post regarding 5v5 games being for our benefit is stupid.....I would be happy if they were 6v6, even 7v7...All im saying is aslong as there set constant.....not 5v5 1 week and 7v7 the next. It would be a nightmare to plan tactics n stuff for.

Again too teflon...yes if team2 has to play in a team2 division or something thats fine by me. It seems u think were trying to OWN the division...were not...we just wanna get as many playing BWEFL as possible.....2 teams.....2 sets of players....2 sets of subs.....

Personally im slightly confused why there are 3 divisions anyway. In my opinion there should be just 2 Division...The 1st Division has all the clans in it....the 2nd Division has all the clans second teams in it.....that to me seems fair...that way everyone plays everyone and the 2nd teams also can play.....what do u think ?




I think u need to have several divisions in any league.
It gives the clans something to shoot for, knowing that they might be able to work their way up the divisions.
Anyone who knows the community, knows who the top clans are.
If they are all in one division, then you can predict who the winners might be. Therefore there would be no point in participating.

One option might be to have one big contest to start off with, then split the clans into divisions after the clans have been fairly ranked.

The end result would be, a winner for each division.
This is much more fun for the whole community, which is what the league should be all about.

old.[OD] Napalm

I agree with V, the match team size should b set b4 the league starts and it should b the same for all clans, whatever the size is. I also agree that 8V8 at league level is a bit 2 much and perhaps 5V5 / 6V6 would b better.

I have no problem with the 2nd teams. If it wasnt 2 late we might have entered one (25+ members). As long as the squads for each team r declared b4 the league starts, no swapping goes on and the teams r in seperate divisions I dont c a problem.

I also agree with Teflon tho, it's a good idea with the 3 divisions. The elite clans should b in Division 1, it's obvious who they r. Div 2 is for clans with less experience who r hopefully gonna join these clans in the future. Division 3 for clans who r in this just for the experience or those with a lot of newbie members. This makes for a better season for all clans.

I think BWEFL has the right balance so far and it's being run well.

[OD] Napalm



Keep them seperate yes, but not in a division which is meant for less experienced or newbie players!


CCC dont want 8v8's because if they played Wrld, -MAJ- or TDS in an 8v8 they would suck big time, they think that be having a 5v5 ie using there best 5 peeps they might have a chance ROFL



Hahahaa Geekiller you are both dumb and ignorant mate

8v8 games..mmmmmm....the server only holds the admin would be where ???? LOL....get a grip!

And we can field a team of 8 quality players no probs m8

If we lose to tds or wrld, so what...we dont care aslong as we play our best!

Are u even in a clan mate? ?? ? ? ?? ? Or are u just a solo player butting his fucking ore in ?



*pops his head around the door*

"god its all go in this forum"

*runs back to the EF forum*

:clap: Starman :sleeping:


Well Virus my lame assed friend, it just shows how many clan matches you have played, to think that 8v8 is not possible LMAOAU


ahahahhahahahashahahahh ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a a a a a hahahahahaHAHAHAH I just cant stop LMAOAU


I find it more satisfying, and a more enjoyable game, when it's 5v5 (6v6 at a push, depends on the map). Also, the original Raven maps have recommended max players listed for them, most being around about 12 players, that's 6-a-side in case you couldn't work it out.

Not sure what drugs GeekKILLA is taking, but they seem to be kicking in. Got any spare? :)


GeekyTWAT = Handpump

You taking the piss !?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

You on the windup or what ???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

OK.....Im sorry........You probably havent gone through your 10+ test yet so ill break this down for you...nice n easy like:

8v8 game - 8+8=16 / 16=Max Server Limit / +1 Admin = 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doh 1 too many...Dooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh..........your a spanner with the interlect of a bit of wood!!!

Also dickhead 8v8's mean more lag n shit.....Dohhhhhhhh again!!!!!!!

Also it may pay you to check the =CCC= website and visit our matches section. There you will see many 8v8 games......All of which we have won i might add.......But I forgot....U dont care your just on the windup talkling absolute cobblers

So carry on Geekyboy or whatever your name is from whatever fucked up clan your from.......You amuse me :clap:

Im happy in the knowledge your sitting there with your finger up your arse going "Dohhhhhhh......i iz a bit fick"

:upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours:

Once again......Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!



Right lets think about this.................. I have played many clan matchs 8v8+2 admins admins...........=18. You try to be smart but your stupidity always prevails, your a proper thick cunt arent you?

In every post you contredict yourself which proves that your one hell of a thicko eg:- "8v8 game - 8+8=16 / 16=Max Server Limit / +1 Admin = 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
a few lines later "Also it may pay you to check the =CCC= website and visit our matches section. There you will see many 8v8 games" LOL

D'oh da V man does it again ROFL

Give it up m8 you make yourself look dupid (stupid)

And if you are worried about lag(lol) why dont we forget 8v8, 7v7, 6v6 and have 1v1 LOL.............................your that dude aint ya?retard with a phaser lol


thats right...I am a proper thicko..........Doooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! There u go again..........LMAO!!!!

Okay in clan friendly 8v8 games we play....we do not require an admin present therefore 8+8 = 16 (MAX BARRYS SERVER LIMIT) so no probs in friendlys.....BUT in league games an Admin must be there....Sooo 8+8 = 16 (MAX BARRYS SERVER LIMIT) + 1 admin = 17 Dohhhhhhhhhhhh again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a fucking twat and no mistake

If you have nothing inteligent or productive to write, which, from reading your previous posts, you havent! Then fuck off and annoy someone else you fucking lepper!

If however you are involved in BWEFL, try not to be such a pratt and get back to what were all discussing which is tds and ourselves having 2 teams!!!! Also if you are involved...which clan do you play for.....cos im starting to suspect your a solo player sticking his ore in!!!!!!



DING DING DING the retard bus has arraived its got a message for the V man

/rcon sv_maxclients


Yeah I do play on my own, its pure chance that about 25 other peeps have the same tag as me.

BTW quote "cos im starting to suspect your a solo player sticking his ore in!!!!!!" dont suspect m8, that involves thinking, something you havent done since the first time you saw your reflection in a mirror at the zoo when you was a little monkey.
Even now 5 years on when dupid dadda monkey turns your monitor off you shreik at the screen wondering who it is.




Max Clients is 16 on barrys bookable servers as standard and to change it just because your a muppet is rediculous!!! Jesus Im sure your clan are proud of the way you have conducted yourself!!! Hahahahaha....Ok Dickhead......MOST clans prefer a 5v5, 6v6 game even 7v7 at a stretch....but 8v8 sucks....too laggy......Most clan leaders here will tell you the same....Atleast, any clan who are half decent will anyway.....We used to play 8v8 at the start and then we realised that it sucks ass!!! To much lag....To crowded.....etc......

get a life man!!!!!

OBTW.....You never told me which clan your from! I wonder why ???????? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

again...LMAO @ thick twat with his thumb up his arse!



Actually I dont remember stating or implying anywhere that I or my clan wanted to play 8v8, it was you that said it couldnt be done, wasnt it 8+8 some shit?!* you were babling on about or did you forget that part?...........................I know it must have been......... what 2 hours ago?


ouch man...

As I could read in ur last message, u don´t play in a Clan GeekKILLA, so I wonder why u start to cause trouble in this league...´cause it´s not ur prob what´s happining here, is it? And btw: ur arguments are a bit say that CCC is not skilled enough to play a 8 vs 8 match proves u are a pretty newbie.
But I ask u: Which leage offers 8 vs 8 matches???
Not only ´cause of the lag, also ´cause maps are too full with 16 players for some Clans.
I think u shouldn´t interfere in things u don´t understand. If u want to prove ur power cause u had a bad childhood, go and play a bit offline against some bots...u can offend them and they even won´t defend against it.
But pleez keep outa here ´cause I want a nice and quiet season without any geeks like u. :sleeping:


quote "to say that CCC is not skilled enough to play a 8 vs 8 match proves u are a pretty newbie" LOL. Whos the newbie? Me? LOL

Your a newbie muppet thats being playing on Barrysworld to much and have seen CCC members owning it when they come on and cain lemons like you.

Get real they shall be owned by TDS, Wrld and -MAJ-..........................only a newbie would talk the shit you have just come out with, because they havent seen anything better.

Dont get me wrong I havent got anything againts CCC but I have a problem with muppets and retards..............sadly you fall into both of those catagorys.

BTW To Cameleon my clan plays in the "I'm not a lamer league" ..........................thank god we shall never meet.

Also who is causing trouble, I think your grasp of english needs to be addressed.

And Virus you didnt reply my post above, you just lmao at some moron.................I wonder why?

This all started by me pointing out that you could have more than an 8v8 match with admins included, and the -V- man repeatedly rabbiting on about 8+8+1=17, now I didnt say we wanted 8v8's or that we play 8v8's or anything else that you didnt quite understand.

The conclusion to the -V- man saying that 8v8+1admin isnt possible is that hes wrong and thats the end of it, nothing more nothing less, now if you people want to continue spooling crap be my guest, I mean if someone (-V-) makes a statment and its wrong and when it is corrected it turns to some long draw out BS now with retards putting there newbie comments in...........................well what can I say.

BTW 2+2=5 LOL

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