Two men banned from "approaching girls"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If through mental illness or years of abuse the girl can't make a proper decision to have sexual intercourse then she should be protected. It's not even a grey area.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Because there are no pedos or groomigng rings run by white europeans *cough*jimmy saville *cough*

If shes 17 now it makes it more difficult to take action as shes no longer a minor, if they had suspicions of abuse since she was 13 why wait until now to take action?
Doubt anyone would be delusional enough to disagree but the cases in Birmingham specifically have been very public and involving the Muslim Asian community.

edit: you also have to consider how they typically see these western girls, nothing more than prostitutes in a decadent society. All by the way they dress. Despite the publicity which they try to put out Islam is not a religion of tolerance at all. Particularly for women.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I also believe the law on the appropriate age should be changed.... I do not believe that girls are generally ready for intercourse at 16...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc they are...and they will still do it regardless of the law (as they do now!) better sex education would be good though.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I also believe the law on the appropriate age should be changed.... I do not believe that girls are generally ready for intercourse at 16...
Nope, we need better sex education all that'll happen is that more horny 16 year lads will be persecuted by parents that don't like the kid.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I also believe the law on the appropriate age should be changed.... I do not believe that girls are generally ready for intercourse at 16...
Lots of people have lost their Virginity before that age already. It won't change anything. Isn't it like 14 is some scandiwegian countries?


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Lots of people have lost their Virginity before that age already. It won't change anything. Isn't it like 14 is some scandiwegian countries?
I thought it was 15 in Sweden but that map say 14.
Age of consent is a tricky business. Personal growth in different individuals taken a side i think 14 is way to low. In some ways 16 is low too, but as @Gwadien said, raising it to 18 would open up a rotting can of statutory rape cases with two "kids" falling in love and getting busy, while their parents disaprove.
I know i was all sorts of horny at that age and i doubt i was the only one. Let the young kids go at it but make sure there is proper sex ed. and contraception available for free or very low cost. I think 16 is a proper age, it feels like it got a good balance between "horny as hell" and "i think i know what i'm doing".


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I also believe the law on the appropriate age should be changed.... I do not believe that girls are generally ready for intercourse at 16...

Rubbish tbfh.

All it'd mean is more people get criminalised for behaviour they're going to do anyway and more kids'll feel guilt and anguish.

better sex education would be good though.



Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I don't believe I'm being obsurd.... I do believe that 16 is way way too young for shagging.... It's not something a society should be proud of if loads of people are getting it on at 14... I actually think it's quite horrible and thank god I don't have any children to worry about


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Frankly, who the fuck cares. It's their body.

What business is it of yours?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Lets see, just as a quick example.

You cant drink till 18
You cant drive till 17
You cant vote till 18

Yet you are deemed to be able to cope with a kid of your own from the age of 16... from that point of view it seriously does not match up in the age limits. Wether the above are too high, or legal age of sex is too low is the debate though.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You do realise that sex does not always equal reproduction...right?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Lets see, just as a quick example.

You cant drink till 18
You cant drive till 17
You cant vote till 18

Yet you are deemed to be able to cope with a kid of your own from the age of 16... from that point of view it seriously does not match up in the age limits. Wether the above are too high, or legal age of sex is too low is the debate though.
You can die for your country before 18 too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
You do realise that sex does not always equal reproduction...right?
no shit batman... but you do realise that if someone cant make an informed decision to vote then how you expect them to make an informed decision on sex, reproduction preventative etc.

considering sex is highly emotive based decision you more likely to fuck up that decision than a vote etc etc,

They seriously should pick an age and say "you an adult, you can do all this shit now" and that's that. there no logic in the differences when the possible life changing ones (sex/babies and army enrollment etc) can be done at under 17/18 and ones such as voting cant


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Joining the army before 18 can only be done with parental consent.

Pretty much everyone has sex before 16 and it doesn't leave them scarred for life. Sex is made out to be this big taboo, that is what causes all the hang ups over it. Further criminalising the most natural thing in the world isn't going to help.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Sex isnt a taboo to me, just the logic between age limits doesn't make any sense. Needing parent consent or not makes no difference, the fact is you can decide to do it at under 18 whilst less drastic things you not even allowed to do with consent.

Look I really dont care. It doesn;t affect me. Just stating that you can see why people argue 16 is too low when you compare it to other age restricted things.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
no shit batman... but you do realise that if someone cant make an informed decision to vote then how you expect them to make an informed decision on sex

Why do you need to make "an informed decision" on sex? It's not a complex subject that requires a PhD - it's the most natural part of human existence.

Does it feel good?

Do you enjoy it?

Do you have to get pregnant?

In this day and age sex is nothing more than a recreational sport.

You can die for your country before 18 too.

Yeah. You can make an informed decision on killing other people because some cunt tells you to - but you can't have quick fuck for fun without some over-emotional hand-wringing and years of "education" about how serious a decision it is to do exactly what humans are designed to do?


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Of course you can have a quick fuck for fun once your old enough to make an informed decision. There is no taboo in sex but I do believe that it should be an informed decision that is made.... and sorry chaps but 16 isn't old enough to deal with the emotional side.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Of course you can have a quick fuck for fun once your old enough to make an informed decision. There is no taboo in sex but I do believe that it should be an informed decision that is made.... and sorry chaps but 16 isn't old enough to deal with the emotional side.

age has almost nothing to do with it its a maturity thing, and that varies wildly from person to person


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Of course you can have a quick fuck for fun once your old enough to make an informed decision. There is no taboo in sex but I do believe that it should be an informed decision that is made.... and sorry chaps but 16 isn't old enough to deal with the emotional side.

I disagree wholeheartedly. The only reason there's such an over-arching "emotional side" is that people tell you it's a big thing - when it isn't.

It's almost exclusively applied to daughters - you can't take a cock in your designed-for-cock mimsy without having to think about the emotional consequences first young girl - but boys? - you throw that straight in there boy - well done son. Just don't get her pregnant.

The "emotional side" comes around entirely because parents hate the idea of their daughters getting fucked by some ugly spotty oik that they hate. "Informed decision" is shorthand for "don't fuck people we don't like" - and if you make the decision to have sex with someone your parents don't like then you're clearly not "emotionally mature" enough to experience orgasm with another human being.

Sex isn't a big deal. Spain would be, socially speaking, in complete shit if it was, given that the age of consent there is 12. But it isn't and they ain't.

The countries where this is a problem is where there's prudish christian hangover - i.e. the UK and US. And it's only a problem here because of the reasons above...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think there's a disconnect between the female readiness to do the sex and the male.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Of course you can have a quick fuck for fun once your old enough to make an informed decision. There is no taboo in sex but I do believe that it should be an informed decision that is made.... and sorry chaps but 16 isn't old enough to deal with the emotional side.

In your opinion. I was 15. No emotional hangups ensued, but then I wasn't indoctrinated by God-botherers to think it was a problem.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
All this talk of informed decisions, yet how many grownup-happy-fun-times happen when you're not in a so "well informed" state ;)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
@Scouse you think there is no difference between girls and boys in how they grow up and how they handle things.

Also I be,I've that there is a big difference in the repercussions of sex for a girl and a boy. Which leads to bigger questions for the female than a guy just dipping his wick


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
@DaGaffer i didn't mention God..... I'm not sure about the differences between men and women, as I am not male. I do know that having sex at 15 / 16 is and was a massive thing for us girls.... From a female point of view there can be enormous pressure to shag from boyfriends... It feels like boys just need to shoot their load and all is good (the pressure for boys appears to be to lose their virginity and any anxiety that is associated with ensuring they don't ejaculate too early). Girls normally need some kind of emotional investment..... At between the age of 14 and 16 we are driven by hormones, our brains translate lust into love and obsession.. Massive inner turmoil ensues. I was put under immense pressure by what I thought was my boyfriend of the time I was 16 and he was 23... I didn't have sex with him, he left me... Don't worry I didn't care .....He was a friend of my brothers we are still in contact and it transpired when we were both made godparents to a mutual friends child that he was also shagging his now wife. So looking back had we fucked, to him I would have just been a 16 year old convent school trophy and I would have been obsessed and bitter.

See no mention of the wrath of God.... My parents for Catholics were very practical. I went on the pill with their support when I was ready and I remember my dad giving me a pack of British std condoms before going to the U.S. with the comment... i know you are on the pill but please make sure if you have sex they use one of these.. (My dad was awesome).

I had sex when I was ready much to the frustration of a few chaps... However I remember so many of my girlfriends emotionally broken because after they had sex, there was no phonecall, no hearts and unicorns, no nothing except regret and bitterness which they carried with them for many years afterwards.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
All i've gathered from both sides is this;

When you're ready.

That's it, no age, no law, just that. Anything else is willywash.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I had sex when I was ready much to the frustration of a few chaps... However I remember so many of my girlfriends emotionally broken because after they had sex, there was no phonecall, no hearts and unicorns, no nothing except regret and bitterness which they carried with them for many years afterwards.

Times are a changing. Talk to a lot of youngsters now they don't appear have the same hangups. This current generation appears to be more 'me focused' and will do what they want when they want. A generation back and girls were under more pressure to not be the sluts etc. The whole girl power thing put them back in control of that and they don't give a fuck what others think. Probably different depending on location but I certainly see changes. Have three friends who are teachers and they often talk about how sex education is so behind the times.

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