Twitter is shit


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Better then being a forum warrior twat I suppose.

What with you being both, I would assume that you are an expert on such things and so I defer to your clearly superior knowledge.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think it was more that chodax was giving the impression we were somehow trying to deceive him, rather than stating he disagreed. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Or maybe I have an opinion that you don't agree with? Oh and I am pretty sure name calling makes you the idiot. ;)

It's not that I don't agree with your opinion, it's that I don't consider it a valid opinion at all. If you really think that Twitter is all about following well-known people who are never going to respond to anything to say to them, then you have no idea what many of Twitter's users actually use it for.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I think it was more that chodax was giving the impression we were somehow trying to deceive him, rather than stating he disagreed. ;)

You are! :D ;) :p

No but really, I hadn't even read beyond the first few replies before I chipped in. Have used twitter for about 6 months and it left me cold, I also find all the hype highly annoying, especially from parasite celebs who only use it as a tool to develop a larger audience to earn (feed) from. The thing is, as a concept twitter is sound and it was created with the best of intentions but it really doesn't do anything that a handful of other social networks do to a higher standard yet you would swear it was the second coming if you listen to avid users, the media or celebs.

When Facebook really started to explode I hated it, not because of what it was but because of all the bullshit and hype that went with it. A few years later and my opinion has changed, I actually find it to be quite a useful tool for organising my social life and also a highly convenient way to keep in touch with friends and family as a group. You can use it in a number of different ways and they keep adding features, some great some stupid but always moving forward, for all those reasons it just engages me far more than twitter.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Oh lord. Can't stand it when you tweet something, then some annoying company tweets you with their website because you happen to mention some tag word they somehow hook into even tho they're not following you...


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I don't mind it, just use it to keep up to date with clothing companies, bands, game developers, comedians etc. I usually just use it while I'm having a poo or using public transport.

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