For those of you willing to spend some time downloading here is a DAoC movie made by Euinar.
It consists of mixed footage from AC/FL/PuGs over the last year and a half and has minstrel+rogbard PoV. He sent it to me for personal viewing, but as I don't have a way of contacting all of those we played with for sharing I thought this would be a better option.
Having almost retired at last from this game I got warm fuzzy feelings inside watching this, if only because it captures the banter and good time we've had together ingame quite well. While playing actively it's easy to become involved in the negative spirals of whining and bitching at people for various reasons, but with a break and some perspective it's the good parts that stay in your memory!
Finally, with this movie I am sure Euinar is not claiming to be better than any of you hardcore mofos out there so don't feel threatened. This is just a way of remembering some great action and saying thanks a lot to everyone involved!
Enjoy Tribute!
PS: If anyone feels inclined to host or seed feel free.
It consists of mixed footage from AC/FL/PuGs over the last year and a half and has minstrel+rogbard PoV. He sent it to me for personal viewing, but as I don't have a way of contacting all of those we played with for sharing I thought this would be a better option.
Having almost retired at last from this game I got warm fuzzy feelings inside watching this, if only because it captures the banter and good time we've had together ingame quite well. While playing actively it's easy to become involved in the negative spirals of whining and bitching at people for various reasons, but with a break and some perspective it's the good parts that stay in your memory!
Finally, with this movie I am sure Euinar is not claiming to be better than any of you hardcore mofos out there so don't feel threatened. This is just a way of remembering some great action and saying thanks a lot to everyone involved!
Enjoy Tribute!
PS: If anyone feels inclined to host or seed feel free.