Film Transformers 2


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Not going to spoil anything from the movie. Just say, Bay learnt his lesson.

Good movie, I thought it was a lot better than the first actually. Worth seeing at the cinema.

For those who see it:

Since when could they mega-transform? 6-7 turning into 1 seemed new.
Fox wasn't as hot :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
The film was brilliant he bettered everything he did in the first film, it's more open not tight streets etc where it's hard to see what is actually going on.

Major things take place in nice open spaces so you can actually see the robots in all their glory.

Triple changers? check.

Constructicons? check.

Devastator? check.

Any Transformers fan will totally love this film, the best way i could sum it up is Transformers 2 is what Terminator 2 is for that series, better in every way.

Shia has already said in interviews that he is pushing for the Dinobots to be in the next film man i cannot wait!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2008
2 hours until i go see it, i so cannot wait.

megan fox mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Just got back from watching it, I enjoyed it but thought it was a bit long, some of the egypt scenes dragged on a bit.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2008
liked it, could have been much better though. still very much a movie about humans with big robots rather than the other way around.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
^ agreed. it should be more about the robots, I don't care about any of the human characters (apart from the mum, who is awesome)


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Wow. Just wow!

What the hell did they do with my favourite Decepticon? (Soundwave) He was just a giant mass floating in space :(

Oh and when I saw the planes I started thinking aerialbots / Superion but alas, it wasn't to be.

Laughed at Devastator being a monkey like robot. With balls. Literally.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2008
Wow. Just wow!

What the hell did they do with my favourite Decepticon? (Soundwave) He was just a giant mass floating in space :(

Oh and when I saw the planes I started thinking aerialbots / Superion but alas, it wasn't to be.

Laughed at Devastator being a monkey like robot. With balls. Literally.

Yeah completely agree, it was a great spin on him initially but thought he would have come down for a bit of action

devestator was terrible, he didnt actually kill anything and died much much too easily, he was meant to be the hardest fucker around and he goes out like a school girl

character development of the robots in general was shocking, what was the deal with arcee? autobots and decepticons alike were getting blown to shit and there was no inclination of who they were or if they actually died or lived.

Remember the 86 animated movie? It was all about the robots, they all had personalities, they were the characters and the humans were added interest. The end when Hot Rod opened up the Matrix and you heard Prime say "arise Rodimus Prime" - I was so happy at the idea that Prime was maybe still alive. Even when they killed Iron hide, Brawn, Ratchet and Prowl at the start of the cartoon movie I was like wtf? I couldnt believe it. In this the robots just seem expendable and when there are deaths you dont really care (or even know if they are dead). I was hoping for more of the cartoon experience from the movie but maybe thats just the 6 year old in me talking. I guess if if they did the budget would have to be upped to like 500 million though so I doubt it will ever happen.....


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It was a good movie, however
Was I the only one that thought, hmm, that's a bit gay, the fallen got his ass beat down in a matter of seconds and in the first film, prime couldn't put megatron away for all the tea in china. Oh and don't give me the "Jetfire power" bit, that battle should have been epic and it just wasn't.

Also, I thought it was a bit of a shame that they did the pretenders thing but didn't exploit its full potential. If they'd kept the old school of pretender can leave and then control it's shell then when Sam/Mckayla were fighting there would have been more options. "I dun hit it with a box" didn't do it
Oh and whilst soundwave might look shit, I think he still rocks it hard, original voice actor for the win.

Here's hoping the next one has unicron & galvatron (hopefully complete with Nemoy voice)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2008
What the hell did they do with my favourite Decepticon? (Soundwave) He was just a giant mass floating in space :(

Oh and when I saw the planes I started thinking aerialbots / Superion but alas, it wasn't to be.

Laughed at Devastator being a monkey like robot. With balls. Literally.

Now that i think about it yeah it would have been awesome had the aerial bots come out of that museum and then a superion / devestator fight at the end would have been 100 times better than "oh that top secret prototype super weapon that is conveniently just of the coast of egypt"

Was I the only one that thought, hmm, that's a bit gay, the fallen got his ass beat down in a matter of seconds and in the first film, prime couldn't put megatron away for all the tea in china. Oh and don't give me the "Jetfire power" bit, that battle should have been epic and it just wasn't.

Also, I thought it was a bit of a shame that they did the pretenders thing but didn't exploit its full potential. If they'd kept the old school of pretender can leave and then control it's shell then when Sam/Mckayla were fighting there would have been more options. "I dun hit it with a box" didn't do it

Yeah I was expecting something a lot better for the final fight, it was too easy and pretty underwhelming. Why after the fight did Prime just ditch all the Jetfire bits that had seemingly made him so kick ass?

Also what happened to all the funky futuristic weapons? Remember the opening of the first film and all the funky shit blackout had? Since then its been all conventional machine guns and rockets.

I guess with the pretenders they just opted for as non complicated as possible, the series is no doubt targeted at the younger audience (unfortunately) and maybe they thought it would just over complicate it for the kiddies


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Forgot to mention.

<3 Ravage. If they had managed to get Rumble in (together with his witty comments) I'd have cried.

Oh and Wheelie didn't quite seem like Wheelie :( He seemed like a pussy instead of the cheeky, fearless robot who punched above his weight.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I've got a question, why didn't the main guy use the chip fragment to save Prime instead of using it to activate the other robot?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cos prime was dead, jetfire wasn't & megatron was overloaded in the first one iirc


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting how this film has generally good feedback, despite being action-based explosions and boom with terrible direction and writing, whereas Terminator has been lambasted for it. Why can't people turn their brains off for Terminator, like they need to for it and this? :]


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Have you seen Terminator Salvation yet? I was actually thinking of T:S while watching Transformers. I was aware this is one of those films where it *was* valid to suggest that you watch it with your brain switched off, I couldn't quite make myself stupid enough to enjoy it as I always had that nagging thought in my head that this was the stupidest shit I've ever seen but as far as action films go it was competent. T:S however didn't have that effect on me at all, I couldn't see how trying to switch off my brain would help, it was just a bad movie in so many respects.

Basically, Michael Bay is an awful director which some skills in making exciting/gripping action sequences and not a lot else. McG doesn't even have that.

I think I'm just getting too old for this type of film, piss, fart and bollock humour just doesn't do it for me anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2008
Interesting how this film has generally good feedback, despite being action-based explosions and boom with terrible direction and writing, whereas Terminator has been lambasted for it. Why can't people turn their brains off for Terminator, like they need to for it and this? :]

The action was much better in this than in terminator, there were some funny bits, there were more transformers in the first twenty minutes than there was terminators in the whole of T:S, plus I am a huge transformers fan so a bit biased (and megan fox!). Yeah the story sucked and there were things that could have been a lot better, but it was above average.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously she tries *way* too hard and just looks like a bit of a retard slapper. Plus, lets face it, she'd have to be a retard to get those tats that she has. Have you seen the Marilyn Monroe one on her arm?

She clearly uses Homer Simpsons make-up shotgun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Massively overrated and common looking if you ask me, but to each their own.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Massively overrated and common looking if you ask me, but to each their own.

QFT, I'm glad i'm not the only one who doesn't get the whole Megan Fox hype, she has that look like she is about to quote something from Harry Enfields 'Kevin the teenager' character

'I hate you....god....its so unfair!!!'

Lets face it, she's no Charlize Theron is she



Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting how this film has generally good feedback, despite being action-based explosions and boom with terrible direction and writing, whereas Terminator has been lambasted for it. Why can't people turn their brains off for Terminator, like they need to for it and this? :]
If anything I went into Terminator with no real expectations and it failed miserably whereas I went into this with quite high expectations and felt that it didn't meet up to what I wanted.

That said this film managed to hang together... Terminator didn't... end of.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting how this film has generally good feedback, despite being action-based explosions and boom with terrible direction and writing, whereas Terminator has been lambasted for it. Why can't people turn their brains off for Terminator, like they need to for it and this? :]

Terminator was shit, Soundwave could have played John Connor better than Batman.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
That was a deeply silly film. And people can see airplanes over Giza from Jordan? O rly.

But Megan Fox was hot and the best action sequence of the first film got recreated almost to a tee. Was worth £6.60 of my money and missing the gymn for a night.

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