Tour around the Midgard.



Oh, woops, didn't know that there was more to it, the Brannor's hibernia history.
/emote steers clear of this thread.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Your personal "hatred" for me stems from my days in Hibernia, perhaps clarrifying that would let everyone understand your feelings towards me. The fact that I dropped out of Sidhe Brotherhood with 3 others without so much as a goodbye, something that I regretted.

No this got absolutly nothing to do with Hib/Excal-Sidhe/etc... This is purely about this post.

The way you come in here and judge someone and telling them in advance that they're facing a few weeks ban cause the COC prohibits it is just childish.

Reporting this doesn't earn me brownie points, in fact, all I did was pass the link.

This is exactly why I get into this verbal war with you. I think it's completly childish to "report" someone based on the few pics you saw here in this forum.

Let's say she gets banned for 4 weeks, well I hope you're happy then. The only person I see here ruining someones gameplay is you, purely based on the fact that the COC says it's not allowed and you feel the need to report her to RightNow/Kemor/Whatever.

However I also agree that it's not the right thing to do and I hate cheaters too but calling someone a cheater or bugabuser based on these few pics on the forum makes absolutly no sense. What harm has it done, who was affected by it? Why do you feel the need to report her, I can't imagine that cause there's a COC that you feel obligated to report her.

Azal gave gave them a tour around Midgard so it sure as hell doesn't look like they went on a griefing trip.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

I started my posts off with sarcasm, because I was trying to get him NOT to say anything. I respect every single person of SotL, they're good players, but they did make a mistake, like human beings. Like me. Your personal "hatred" for me stems from my days in Hibernia, perhaps clarrifying that would let everyone understand your feelings towards me. The fact that I dropped out of Sidhe Brotherhood with 3 others without so much as a goodbye, something that I regretted. I had put that behind me, it seems you still hold it against me. I'm sorry about that.


Lol.. I've seen this before.. easy tactic of bringing up something personal and irrelevant to switch the focus... lol totally lame. :)


I recently saw a similiar topic on the Excalibur-part of this forum where someone actually started killing people after abusing the bug. Some people in that thread thought it was kind of cool and there you have it...

Since I've played CS for quite some time I learned that people cheat. People use bugs. It was a sad sight to see and everything from bunnyjumpers to aimbots and teamkillers that couldnt be kicked/killed whatever...

...if bug-users and cheaters that take advantage of it gets common then there won't be anyone suprised when it start to happen more often.

I do not feel safe that GOA will make a correct call in this case. If, as I've read, Sinister was in Albion doing lots of "cool" forbidden stuff and he only got a three-day suspension then the bug-abuse and cheating will increase. The guy in this thread and the Excalibur guy just decided to tell everyone...I guess not many people do and that's why you need to set a example.

I would hate if cheating and bugs became the trademark for yet another good game.

Since I've stopped playing CS after 1.4 I can't say if there are less or more cheaters out there.


Well... I never said Layl spoiled the game for ME...just others.

Well, I guess I spoiled their day buy giving em a change in the normal "exp in safe zone" day? I saw actually around 5 or 6 mids. (Remembered Narve saw us earlier but forgot to mention it) 3 of em saw me, Narve and few others which actually told in /gu /as etc and eventually got a msg in IRC why was I there. Those 3 others I tried to avoid, just saw em, and ran different direction. No one saw a single death message from me, Delket nor my pets. I didnt 'cause deaths, I didnt killsteal, I didnt run around in n00blands and cause confusion etc which would be slowign exp. Only thing I really regret was being seen. Since that ruined the fun for me. AFAIK no one has complained on boards, IRC or anywhere I know that me and Delket basically ruined the effect.

Layl, you said yourself you gained two items which nobody else in Alb could get, that didn't make you think that maybe it was wrong?

Yeah I got two items. Über chain armor (cant remember what part, sleeves perhaps) and obviously Layl cant use it, neither could Delket (cleric should be able to use chain ayeh?). And the other "item" was a ticket to Gna Faste from charmed merchant (which is I guess bug abusing, tho the ticket aint no use, since merchant didnt allow me to ride, said "This is not a valid ticket"). So I gained nothing useful, except souveniers. Like some cap from a bar or something. Souvenier.

And Cerebus, no one has to worry about getting killed in Safe Zone by someone from another realm. Its not something that happens each day om regular basis.

Still no answer, how did I abuse (gained something usefull from it)?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Sickofit, since you want to troll...take a trip down memory lane and read the fact that (all together now) I am not GOA. "Suspect" != FACT. And that lame line about "I always thought you to be a reasonable guy but lately..." ROFLMAO! Bwahahahahaaa. Man...gotta show that one to the others...what a laugh. I was #1 hated mod on the DAoC forums. Get over it, your whiny little comments mean nothing to me. :sleeping:

Uhm, I think you are the troll here, Sire holier than holy...
Show me where exactly I flamed you troll-style (other than my "GOA event team meeting" thread...). Please.

Just because I am the self proclaimed board troll, doesn't mean I can't have a subjective opion I can get across in a civil fashion.

A) Fact is = Sinister got banned 3 days (three in case it has to be spelled out for you) for griefing and bug abusing. Fact.
You on the other hand, most likely with a sneer on your face (there... a spark of a flame...), threaten Kr0n with 2-4 weeks banishment.
Yes, they violated the CoC. Yes, they might have to be punished to set an example so others won't go site seeing.
But not 2-4 weeks. Even three days would be an insult after Sinister's antics (didn't I read somewhere that he did that numerous times? If yes- then ban that little shithead...).

That was my point, you arrogant prick. And I didn't flame you then other than some well dosed critizism.

B) Yes, you are not on GOA's payroll but you certainly act like their most faithful employee of the month...
C) Reasonable guy... I actually meant that. With "used to be" emphasized. I have been playing DA since beta and since the launch of the full version I have frequented the boards...
... I said reasonable as in - 'opinionated' but trying to back it up with arguments. Which I do respect.
I never said I worshipped the very words you say... gee, I remember you editing a post of mine because of "blasphemy"...
Gawds...what did I laugh then.

And now I will step over to the chorus line and say:
Crawl back under that rock, MENSA troll.



Bite me :flame:


"Still no answer, how did I abuse (gained something usefull from it)?"

It dosn't matter one bit that you didn't get something useful out of it. If it isn't fixed then it won't stop the next one to kill players (RPs), get OTDs or whatever you like.'s not allowed to enter another realm just because you can. It IS as simple as that.


Well, afaik CoC doesnt say its illegal :) Literally ;-) But if you read the right sentences in the right context, it might include that yeah. I admit, its a bit cheesy. But you gotto admit, I didnt do any harm of anykind to anyone. Except caused Brannor to burn out few keyboards writing answers here ;-)


I'll agree to that.

I still think that it can't pass unoticed. One of the biggest things I thought was great about this game, the fact that PKers won't whack you unless you go to RvR, isn't a fact anymore and that's what's upsets me.

I love online gaming and the battle against bug-users and cheaters won't get smaller since more and more start playing online so I think companies like Mythic, Blizzard and Valve for example, needs to put the foot down and get serious in trying to halt/stop it. At least as serious as those who actively makes small programs to make cheating easier. Such actions has yet to appear and I do actually wonder what will happen to Multiplayer gaming if it isn't stopped. As it is now, in CS for example, everyone thinks everyone else is a cheater and a good player will get banned as easiley as the ones that cheat.

In my experience it's often (NOT ALWAYS) young people the seem to think cheats and such is cool and that's why it has to hurt them as well when they are discovered using unallowed methods.



Tomorrow is patch day yey. Might even fix the hole :-E


Yeah, then you can be the only person on Albion with a horse ticket to Gna Faste ;)

Brannor McThife

Hmm. Stupid login timeout...wrote a message...but will sumarise.

1) Sinister suspended for 3 days != fact.

2) Fay (Middie in Hibbieville) got a warning. Best bet for Layl & Delket. But please...this is a guess...not a threat... :rolleyes:

3) Ingame CS a must for "policing" (At least)

4) I'm not GOA, don't like GOA, just ask Kemor and other E&E. ;)

5) Oh, there was some blah blah blah :sleeping: in there too.

6) Failure to report stuff on my side would not be right. Yes, I didn't take the screenies, but screenies and logs are the only thing we as E&E can submit.

7) My apologies to Layl and Delket if I came across too strong, was never meant...I get carried away sometimes.

8) Hope to see L&D out there soon.


Kerram Darktyde

By posting you compacted the error now some people may attempt to emulate you especially if you get off with just a warning. Others will try to get into enemy realm safe zones
Possible thinking of another player
"Well Layl only got a warning and Sinister only got 3 days for killing loads of people so if i only kill one or two i will get one or two days suspension at worst well it is worth it to scare some albs/mids/hibs"

And it is not that you did not grief while in midgard it is that you could have , you were somewhere that you were not supposed to be..

The CoC does not say anything about you abusing as you try to defend your actions with but says

Players undertake not to make use of any bug, not to use any undocumented functions and not to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults they may discover to GOA personnel as soon as possible

Yes you could have found the hole by accident but then you used the bug to go have a tour of Midgard, kill a merchant and obtain 2 items not possible for you to get.

It is not for us to judge you Layl GOA will do that..
I doubt that you will do it again and that you regret posting here.
A possible suggestion is not to tell anyone about your punishment or lack off

If sinister only got 3 days for his actions then he got off too lightly
If Layl and Delket get more time then it shows that GOA wants to put off other people using bugs in thier game..

The Important part of message below

If bug use is not policed effectively then it could stand a good chance of spoiling the game.. Mythic jump on the problem quickly(ish) and fix it with a patch. GOA must be able to do something similar like they did with the bow of Flames fixing it before the offical patch that fixed it and by putting up the Spirits of albion over the albion hole.
Why did they not fix all holes? Mythic must know of their locations..??

Brannor McThife

Guest're going down a road I've run down with a battering ram...and sadly it's a dead end. :(

A simple zone checking algorythm, that checks your realm, vs what realms are allowed in that zone.


<cross border between Muspelheim and Vale of Mularn>
- Println("You have enterred "+;
- If player.realm != zone.allowed[], then player.release()

It's that friggin' simple. But noooooo, Mythic couldn't be arsed to code it in originally. That one simple line of code (probably a few more) would have resulted in NONE of these occurences.



It really is amazing how simple the cure could be isn't it? :)
I mean GOA did fix the bow of flames with a small patch during a maintenance downtime, can they not do this to the hole aswell... but I wonder is it fixed today in the afternoon since then we have 1.48! :D


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
A simple zone checking algorythm, that checks your realm, vs what realms are allowed in that zone.


<cross border between Muspelheim and Vale of Mularn>
- Println("You have enterred "+;
- If player.realm != zone.allowed[], then player.release()

Hmm, a little tweak ;)
if (!zone.allowed(player.realm)) player.setPosition(EZDragon.coordinates);


Originally posted by Trahg

Hmm, a little tweak ;)
if (!zone.allowed(player.realm)) player.setPosition(EZDragon.coordinates);
Hahahaha.... nice one :)

Why not make it an insta decrease exp punishment while you're at it :)


I think this could have been worse... they didn't go around slaughtering people for which some respect is due....

Going there in the first place is well dodgy though so I guess some punishment/warnings should be handed around (if only because someone could work out how to get in from their screenies..?)

Brannor McThife

Nice on Trahg. Oh, I must give credit to Verata for the original code change idea, I (and he and others) just worked on it a bit, so it's not my idea.

Also, I put forward this extra line...but it got voted down 34 to 1. :(

An extra THEN line...

If player.realm != zone.allowed[], then {




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
If player.realm != zone.allowed[], then {
LOL :flame:
As evil as it gets, *discards character* ;)


LOL nice piccys. cant believe you killed the merchant :(

and why is brannor bitching for? cant you bitch about your own realm mate bug abusers? whats wrong with this its funny and also she managed to stroll into the realm, didnt affect anyone and those screenys could be edits and no one would know (who knows)

and people delibrately stuck in walls killing people is far worst than this.

These bugs are used because they are all know because we get patchs so slow and all the americans can just tell us the bugs. Patch faster then GOA!

next time dress like a norse


I must agree on what you just said Kladen. It is much worse when people get on top of MGs or go inside walls with the pure intention of getting easier kills or making it harder for youself to be killed...

old.Faye Arwen

Kladen just a note.

we DO tell our realmmembers when they exploit a bug, we dislike any use of an bug/exploit and that goes for ALL realms, we just want a fair game. (at least I do) :p

Brannor McThife

Shhhhh. Let's try not get into the "It's GOA's fault they broke the CoC" argument... ;) And if you've read some other posts, I do bitch about any realms cheaters. Since I don't go to the frontier much anymore, I can't really catch them now. I was there when that Hibbie did the wallshooting...we took flak for that one too.

Difference is. I can speak to the Middies ingame and check up personally on what they're doing. And I can't get everywhere. If you catch a Middie cheating, please, I BEG you, take the screenshots and send them in. Sure Rightnow has the response of a...well...let's not go there...but they still do handle these. Make it GOA's problem.


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