Tour around the Midgard.



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I think it was Phoenix Legion person. Jupitus? Fetch please. :D

Fetch it yerself Brannor.

My view? Bug abusers should be punished full stop. If these guys aren't then others will only think they can get away with this kind of thing too, and then the next guy or possibly the one after will run into a lower level enemy, and gank 'em. Gradually things get out of control unless nipped in the bud early on. I want a decent playing atmosphere, not a game with players cheating all over the place.


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus

Fetch it yerself Brannor.


/em dons protective clothing and goes onto an Alb forum...



Discussion Thread
Response (CS) - 06/18/2002 02:24 PM

Anything that hinder the other players experience is forbidden.
Spying is considered forbidden. Any account created for the sole purpose to spy will be banned along with the "main account" of the spy.

Sincerely yours,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Customer (name deleted) - 06/12/2002 03:35 PM
Is owning more than one account for the purpose of spying on different realms on the same server legal?

For instance, could person A have a character in Midgard on Prydwen, then buy a second account and create a character in Albion on Prydwen, for the sole purpose of obtaining information on when raids are going to be launched against Midgard?

Mythic have changed their CoC to reflect that this is, in fact, illegal. I ask because there are a lot of reports of this kind of behaviour on Prydwen, and some on Excalibur, too.

Look forward to getting a response soon!


Taken from Phoenix Legion Forums.

/em tosses the protective clothing in the incinerator. ;)




I really wish layl hadnt posted these screens because really its nothing to gloat about that we got it, but ye we did it by accident and once there looked around
Really if anyone else had got in who hadnt seen that realm b4 they would also have looked round, its human nature

Either way kemor just spoken to me (hence i now know about this post) and im awaiting a response

Brannor McThife

Hmmm.... Phoenix Legion forum:
19th June 2002 13:21

19-06-02 17:50

That puts me 4 hours and 29 minutes to the good...if they're running on the same date/time settings... ;)




/em backs away from thread gently

mmmmm on BW it is posted by:

Breni, Smurf and proud of it

and yet is was posted earlier on PL forum by an ex-PL member

I think it was Phoenix Legion person. Jupitus? Fetch please.

... so it wasn't a PL member, and technically we are both right:rolleyes:

Call it quits, eh?

/em wipes his brow

/em runs away


I'm outta here!


Just thought that people saw us already, might be good thing to post ourselves instead someone else. Honesty etc etc.


I posted that from work and then from home...hence the time diff :)

Still, good to see that my research has come in handy somewhere other than it was originally intended =)

My view on this? Exactly as it should be - you should have reported this rather than going walkabout. You can't use the excuse "it gets fixed in later patches" because, quite frankly, that's not good enough. Later patches are exactly that - later. Not now, or even soon. We'll see them in a month or so - does that mean it's OK for everyone to abuse this little exploit/bug/whatever until such a time as it's fixed?

I think not.

I've deleted my old Albion characters on Prydwen and am now taking a tour of Hibernia from the ground up. So it'll take me a while, but at least I get to experience it first-hand and without fear of getting slapped by someone like Sinister, abusing a known bug.

I'm not saying delete and start over, just use your options, rather than taking a back door that might well get you excluded from this very worthwhile game.


If GOA kept the policy that is written u think they would make money? surely they would ban about 10 people aday for using relog bug to get above and into keeps? I dont really care if they went to midgard or not they didnt do any harm so why u crying like a baby Brannor...


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

I suspect you'll get the standard 2-4 week suspension.


2-4 weeks? I remember Sinister's little excursion into Albion some months ago...

Instead of being a "tourist bug abuser", he shot newbies at bindstones and caused grief in general.

What did he get? A 3 DAY suspension. I remember him gloating about it on the old official boards.

I do not condone cheating or bug abusing- but I certainly go for fair play. On and offline.

Dunno, Brannor... I always thought you to be a reasonable guy but lately you have taken off into some strange orbit.
Ah... now I got it...
you are abusing the "all important" bug.



Now bite me :flame:


Originally posted by Delket

I really wish layl hadnt posted these screens because really its nothing to gloat about that we got it, but ye we did it by accident and once there looked around
Really if anyone else had got in who hadnt seen that realm b4 they would also have looked round, its human nature

Either way kemor just spoken to me (hence i now know about this post) and im awaiting a response

I could possibly accept that one person getting through to another realm was an accident (although I highly doubt that it was in this case), but a second person going through as well is definitely not an accident. It's a case of "Hey m8 .. I'm through!! Now .. just walk along right where I did, and you'll be through too! .. Keep trying .. you saw where I went through, right? YAY!! you made it!! Now .. let's go scare the crap outta some n00bs!"


HAHAHA LOOOOOL... laughing my ass off here... I could understand if someone got flamed like this if he had murdered a child or something... this flaming is so ridiculous that I'm starting to wonder if the flamers can really be actual human beings or just some AI's "trying" to make someone laugh... well, keep it comming... atleast I can have a good laugh at you.

old.Faye Arwen

biggles id rather have 200 less people then bugexploiters

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Biggle why u crying like a baby Brannor...

They broke the rules. And like ANYONE, from ANY realm. They will face judgement. I don't care what realm you're from, you abuse a bug, you face the penalty.

Sickofit, since you want to troll...take a trip down memory lane and read the fact that (all together now) I am not GOA. "Suspect" != FACT. And that lame line about "I always thought you to be a reasonable guy but lately..." ROFLMAO! Bwahahahahaaa. Man...gotta show that one to the others...what a laugh. I was #1 hated mod on the DAoC forums. Get over it, your whiny little comments mean nothing to me. :sleeping:


PS. I have a few possible cheaters I've found in Midgard...I just need to confirm. And, you can ask a few middies, I've interrogated them about their positioning at keeps.


Well, in my humble opinion, Layl should not deserve a harsher punishment then what Sinister did... ESPECIALLY since he did not harm other players at all and the merchant incident was quite harmless aswell. On top of this Layl told about this himself and really had no intention what-so-ever to cover up what he has done.
Most of the major points have already been made in this thread, so I will leave at that....



You the GOA police that has to warn everyone about the COC whenever you feel they done something wrong? Do you really have to convince everyone that it's against the rules and that they'll get banned for xx amount of time.

In other words, stop acting like a prick and move along.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I've interrogated them about their positioning at keeps.

LOL, you really think you're the police right? Who the hell do you think you are? I've seen a lot of crap come outta your mouth but this beats it all.

Brannor McThife

Well V. I'm part of the E&E team. And there have been sooooo many people complaining about people cheating and using log-jumping or whatever other means to cheat that if we see somebody doing something suspicious, we ask them to prove that it was done using legit game mechanics.

The E&E team or around more as observers, we don't enforce the law. If we see someone that we believe is cheating, we talk to them (maybe interrogate was too strong a word), and see if it's legit. Of course, we generally take screenshots first, and then ask questions.

Go right ahead, make me the bad guy. I have zero tolerance for cheaters. If I catch someone, I'll file a report both via RightNow and via the E&E forums. My "standard" suspension was based on what I've read of some US DAoC suspensions and their rules. If Sinister was indeed only suspended for 3 days well...IMHO that was far too little, but that's just it. MY OPINION. I'm nothing more than an observer.

Whether you like me or not V, has nothing to do with facts. Bug abuse is against the CoC. Abuse = ANY form of taking advantage of it.

Love me, hate me, doesn't really bug me. I've always respected you for your knowledge, guess the feelings never been mutual. Oh well.

/em shrugs.



Brannor, how many E&E has Hibernia got now?

I seem to remember an earlier post of yours giving quite a low number compared to the other realms, I'm just wondering if they've fixed that now.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

They broke the rules. And like ANYONE, from ANY realm. They will face judgement. I don't care what realm you're from, you abuse a bug, you face the penalty.

I am not GOA.

PS. I have a few possible cheaters I've found in Midgard...I just need to confirm. And, you can ask a few middies, I've interrogated them about their positioning at keeps.

Do you even read what you type? You scream you aint GOA but why is it that you try very hard to act like a GOA employee.

If you find a bug/cheat you report it, you sure as hell aint the person who's gonna do the "I've interrogated them" part of the story. Face it, you wanted to be a GOA employee really bad but they dumped you.

It doesn't matter how high your shove your head up their arse, they'll still never hire you. Brown nosing them by "interrogating suspects" and reporting abusers won't change the fact that you've been ditched by them. You're downright rude in every single post of yours where you try to shove your "opinion" down everyones throat.

So what if someone else entered a realm. It's upto GOA to tell the suspect what's wrong with it, definetly NOT you. It's none of your damn bussiness and it's time you start to realise that!

You're NOT an authority in the BW forums so please stop trying to act like one. The fact that you're E&E doesn't change it, go report them to rightnow or post it in your E&E forum but don't try to shove it down our throat in the BW forums.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.cerebus
Brannor, how many E&E has Hibernia got now?

I seem to remember an earlier post of yours giving quite a low number compared to the other realms, I'm just wondering if they've fixed that now.

I don't think I ever listed numbers. Did I? Honestly can't recall. But yeah, i think HibbieVille were a few trees short. ;)

I think it has been looked into and resolved somewhat, can't really say. Pretty sure that sometime later we'll become more visible to players...a la patch.

Which Hibernia (server), btw?


Brannor McThife

Someone give Verena a chillpill. Sure, I applied to become an Event Supervisor, and sure, I never got in. That's public knowledge. I never applied to become a GM; never wanted to be one. I'm rude in 100% of my posts about CoC violation? Really? Wow. I'll go back and check. :rolleyes:

It's none of your damn bussiness and it's time you start to realise that!
Wrong. It is my business. I pay to play this game. If you break the rules, you spoil the game for others.

From the CoC:
These voluntary workers take care to ensure that the charter is respected (screenshots, log, etc.) and, if necessary, collect the evidence required to prove that a user has not respected the charter, in order to justify any decision taken concerning such a player and to avoid any subsequent dispute connected with this decision.
So, you're saying that as E&E, I should just shut up. I'll pass your sentiments on to the case they don't read your comments themselves.

And while you're on the BW thing. You ain't any person of authority either, so STFU and move along yerself. :m00:



Please lock this thread ;-) And hmm... Everytime I think about it I come to the same conclusion. Tell me again, how did I abuse that "hole in the wall"-bug. I mean, I never got any RPs. I got fine screenies yey. I got two items which any other alb doesnt have. And I cant use. So how did I actually abuse the bug? Abusing is something you do something that was never intenented but can be done and gaining something. I didnt gain a thing. Well, you might say its a bug and you walked through, you abused. I know its prohibited now, by GOA/Mythic etc, but it aint really abusing, its just... exploration.


Originally posted by the DAoC manual
Here, PvP is team-based. Moreover, you will be able to rise to medium-level without having to worry about being marauded by high-level enemies.



Verena rocks :)

Brannor, you said you reported via the E&E forums, and RightNow, about the problem?

So why do you keep going on about it?

It is very easy to construe it as gloating.

You've made your point, so why not simply leave it at that?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Wrong. It is my business. I pay to play this game. If you break the rules, you spoil the game for others.

Please show me how she affected your gameplay by entering Midgard. Show me the screenshot where she killed you ruthlessly, making you loose all the exp you worked so hard for that day. Show me the moment where she ruined your day, ooh wait I get it. It's about the merchant offcourse, he's got a wife and kids and she killed him. Ok, I admit it must have been heartbreaking for you to see that cause you miss out on your sleep tonight.

Please enlighten me, how does it affect your gameplay? If GOA sees that it deserves a ban then GOA will ban her. You have got absolutly nothing to do with it, and NO I don't see E&E as an authority. Do you pay more then me, what makes you different from all the rest of the paying costumers. I pay just as much as you and so does every other player out there.

So, you're saying that as E&E, I should just shut up. I'll pass your sentiments on to the case they don't read your comments themselves.

If you have a problem or you see a cheater. Report it to RightNow as much as you like and you can chit chat forever in your E&E forums about it but comming in here and judging another paying costumer like you just did is childish. If you got a problem report it to RightNow and while you're at it take your time to climb even further up GOA's arse.

She affected your gameplay my ass. You just want to think that you're a hotshot who happens to has kissed his way upto the E&E team by reporting abusers or should I say criminals. Stop makig a bigger fool outta yourself and climb back under that rock you came from. And shove that COC where the sun don't shine, right next to your head.

This is a game and you're in the illusion that this is the real life. Well sorry to burst your bubble but do you report your friends to the police cause they threw a cigarette on the ground.

: Hey don't you know the law, you're not allowed to do that. I'm gonna report you to the police and hope you end up in jail for the rest of your life.

And while you're on the BW thing. You ain't any person of authority either, so STFU and move along yerself. :m00:

I happen to disagree with entering another realm too but do you see me in here screaming as if world war 3 just started. No I don't think so, I trust GOA that they'll take actions where needed. In the end there's always gonna be a little brown noser who feels the need to report her cause it affected his gameplay.


You are not a person of authority either around here Brannor, yet you don't stfu.


And while you're at it.

Please report yourself in RightNow for having 2 accounts.

COC<------- It's not allowed and you know that. Get your hypocrite ass into RightNow and report yourself. Then you can get that warm and fuzzy feeling again cause you just reported another criminal for breaking the COC.

Brannor McThife

Well... I never said Layl spoiled the game for ME...just others. Layl, you said yourself you gained two items which nobody else in Alb could get, that didn't make you think that maybe it was wrong?

SFXMan, I didn't start the "STFU"...and most people here don't, and there have been many threads screaming about cheating.

Verena, game mechanics are made that Albions should not be able to enter Midgard or Hibernia inrealm. The same applies in various formulae to the other realms. Now, there are holes in frontier zonewalls. These are design flaws. I'm not going to say what should or should not have happened once they went through. Perhaps, one solution could have been to log out immediately, and contact RightNow (that's a completely different issue...before you go there), rather than take a tour.

I started my posts off with sarcasm, because I was trying to get him NOT to say anything. I respect every single person of SotL, they're good players, but they did make a mistake, like human beings. Like me. Your personal "hatred" for me stems from my days in Hibernia, perhaps clarrifying that would let everyone understand your feelings towards me. The fact that I dropped out of Sidhe Brotherhood with 3 others without so much as a goodbye, something that I regretted. I had put that behind me, it seems you still hold it against me. I'm sorry about that.

This thread has nothing to do with me. Reporting this doesn't earn me brownie points, in fact, all I did was pass the link. I didn't pass judgement, didn't anything. Hate me for doing it, for speaking out against bug abuse. I remember this very type of thread when Fay of Midgard did a tour. That's really the same thing. I can't recall what happened with him. But he didn't pull a Sinister either. Just a tour.

Anyway, I'm off to play a bit. Cya round V. I see you're in Pryd-Alb...maybe you can come gank me and take out your frustration. ;)


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