Tour around the Midgard.


Brannor McThife

Thanks for the pics...

Just for interests sake. You DID report the wallbug as soon as you found it, RIGHT? I didn't travel all over Midgard first... You know... Code of Conduct and all...



Hmm afaik that bug is already informed and closed in later patches?

Kerram Darktyde

Did you get a Warning for entering midgard ?
Or a Suspension?
Or banned?

Brannor McThife

Ah. So you knew it was a bug, but still made use of it?

Nice...very nice...knowingly making use of a bug...

I suspect you'll get the standard 2-4 week suspension.



Yes I knew it was a bug, I didnt know where it was tho. Just walked along wall and whoops got through. We just toured around midgard, always wanted to see the Lavazone :) And I dont really care if we get suspended. Actually they should suspend alot of people from other bug "abuse". We didnt harm anyone, we tried to avoid any middies. I cant see any point of suspending me for takin a quick look around midgard with speedbuff?


Well to be honest mate, having looked at your pictures, you didn't at all try to avoid Mids because you killed a merchant, mezzed a Mid and charmed an NPC.

Also on your chat box it says 'Here we are', just as you enter the Vale of Mularn, meaning you did know where the bug was.

Pretty lame mate, in fact, it's very lame. You didn't just run around sight seeing, you directly affected a Mid player whilst they where in their own realm, that means grief, meaning you should get banned or suspended.

Good pictures, although I disagree about the way you got them. :(

- Pathfinder -

TBH I doubt Azal cared :p I wonder if merhcnats repop if you charm them, should test that ;)


I heard rumours of Sinister being loose on the Salisbury Plains again somewhere around the weekend. Anybody know anything about that?


well yeah we affected him. Cause he was giving us a tour? He was with us all the time. And that was just before we suicided and left, cause the tour was done. And if you look a little closer, that totally aint Mez. Its confusion, which does NOT effect another player anyway, just makes a fun not "Azal looks a little crazy!" And "Here we are", as I said, I was hugging the wall and got in. My friend was following me and saw I got through, and he tried to do it aswell to see if it can be done by him too? And he got through. We called Azal on irc to give us a tour, and he gladly did it. I dont regret doing it. Id do it again if I hadnt done it yet. And basically, only 2 mids saw us, and they told everyone. That was by accident.

Sure we couldve made a L1 character in Exca Mid and run around with L1 slow speed and fearing for aggro mobs all the time. Please no.

Brannor McThife

This isn't about other people. In fact, if you know of other people abusing bugs, then it is your duty to report them.

You screenshots, those you have posted, shows that you travelled through, hmm...

Raumarik, (the area between there and Vasudheim), Vale of Mularn, right up to near Svasud Faste and through a large area of Muspelheim.

That's no small area. I suggest you use your right to remain silent now, before you dig yourself a deeper hole. I'm really sorry that you've been targetted...but you walked into the police station with a smoking gun in your hand...

And as for seeing the could have created a L1 Dwarf (they start in Haggerfel?) or a Norseman (Vasudheim) or Excal - Hib, and just run up the road. Given, the toad might've eaten you...but it would have been legal...the site seeing...not the eating. ;)



I heard rumours of Sinister being loose on the Salisbury Plains again somewhere around the weekend. Anybody know anything about that?

No he was in Forest Sauvage and death messages show to Camelot Hills from there.

Perhaps, Brannor, I couldve just shut my mouth and never said a word. But I dont think I did anything wrong enough for suspension or ban. A lot of players use bugs (knowing or not) every minute.

Well, Its upto Kemor and his maties to see what I did.

If you charm a merchant, it doesnt pop. If you kill it, it pops immediatly.


Several Mids have been inside Albion since Sinister made his first visit. The bug to allow you through is still there if you can avoid the spirits of Albion (random but doable). I've seen a couple myself, they are for the most part just tourists taking a couple of pics and leaving again.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.kr0n
Perhaps, Brannor, I couldve just shut my mouth and never said a word.
Yes, you could of, and might never have been caught...who knows. They don't have ingame GM's checking up on people AFAIK.

And please, in your defense, don't use the "but everyone else does", it doesn't work.

I expect you'll receive an email soon. If I were you, I'd apologise to my guild for bringing their name into disrepute.



what does the spirit of albion look like anyway?

Kerram Darktyde

People who enter safe zones should have a long term suspension or account terminated.

And the penalty for using bugs/glitches/exploits should be harsher.

there is not excuse for using any bug in game, or entering safe zones.


what does the spirit of albion look like anyway?

Theyre these guard-lookin transparent mobs with speed of a light and hard hits.

Oh, and afaik no one got screens of me (Azal mightve taken, dunno) so basically no one couldve reported of me. I wouldve never got caught (except checkin from logs, if they log where everyone goes). But I decided to tell, 'cause I dont see what harm I did to the game/players. And no, Im not telling anyone where about the hole is.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.kr0n

Oh, and afaik no one got screens of me...
Ah...the perfect witnesses or evidence...still doesn't make it right. Shhhhh. ;)



Have to disagree with my boss cerebus here. I don't see the trouble, if they didn't go around ganking people but just went on a sightseeing holiday. OK it's a bug that they used, but as far as I am concerned they did not ABUSE it. Which is what CoC is all about.


If a bug is used, it's called abuse. You can't use a bug that Mythic/GOA have stated is wrong without it being it being an abuse of the game.


Have they only "fixed" the Albion hole with the spirits or does Midgard have its equivalent Spirits of Midgard until they sort the problem properly in a patch?


It's getting fixed in some patch in the future afaik

Kerram Darktyde

"Players undertake not to make use of any bug, not to use any undocumented functions and not to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults they may discover to GOA personnel as soon as possible"

Paragraph from the Charter of good behaviour of Dark Age of Camelot - from GOA's Right Now (and from the euro web page I believe)

If you find a bug (etc etc) you should take a screenshot and the relevant info needed to report it. Then I assume log out if you can not get out the way you come or /stuck if stuck in a wall etc etc

Not stay there and kill people or wander about for a bit..


Then I assume log out if you can not get out the way you come or /stuck if stuck in a wall etc etc

You assume? Basically, I took screens, I havent reported yet ;-) 'cause I heard its known and fixed in future patches. Doesnt say anything about that you should log out etc. And I exploited, yeah I admit that :-( I mean, how many people may see midgard from Alb eyes :rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.kr0n
I mean, how many people may see midgard from Alb eyes :rolleyes:

Lots...all those spies to keep sending us...Durgi was it? :D



Oh yeah, U reported for that? Isnt that against CoC too?


Why not just go to the other server and start a Mid and look around like Brannor said?

I know you started this thread with good intentions and it's a shame something bad may happen because of it. :(

Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by old.kr0n

You assume? Basically, I took screens, I havent reported yet ;-) 'cause I heard its known and fixed in future patches. Doesnt say anything about that you should log out etc. And I exploited, yeah I admit that :-( I mean, how many people may see midgard from Alb eyes :rolleyes:

I assume as i have not had to deal with a bug
But I would not Explore or use a bug if i found one , i would report it...

I believe it gets fixed in a future patch too but once you "found" it you should have gone back the way you came , not explore not matter how tempting it was...

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.kr0n
Oh yeah, U reported for that? Isnt that against CoC too?
Spying? Yes. Against CoC. I think one of the Albs posted something here where they asked about the two account scenario, i.e. a second account PURELY for the purpose of spying is illegal and will result in both accounts being deleted. I think it was Phoenix Legion person. Jupitus? Fetch please. :D

Oh, and spying will always happen, just that it is against the spirit of the game, and I've yet to hear (notice hear, doesn't mean it hasn't happened) of someone getting suspended/deleted for it. And I think Durgi actually MOVED realm...I just recall it being said somewhere that someone doesn't trust him/her... <shrug> That was just a joke on my proof.


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