Total Class


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Ariacs said:
Albion - Bloodmage - Healer/Caster hybrid

Lifedrains and life transfers. But better than ingame atm, maybe a spread life transfer. Lifedrain over time DoT or life transfer over time. Not sure. But i think a healer/caster hybrid would be good.

Mid and hib Im not sure about. Dont really play either of them much.

Aside from lifetransfer over time (actually like the sound of that), Alb already has that... its called body cabalist, mine is levelling nicely and is an ace backup healer as well as topnotch solo dude.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Oro said:
Aside from lifetransfer over time (actually like the sound of that), Alb already has that... its called body cabalist, mine is levelling nicely and is an ace backup healer as well as topnotch solo dude.

Albion realy doesn't need a another caster as it is, just like mids don't realy need another tank that will either be obsolite or make one of the existing tanks obsolite. Remeber you will have to fit any new class into the guild/path/house system.


Dec 23, 2003
have no classes what so ever, and make everyone cows, with 1hp and an insta pbaoe moo spell that does 1 damage

ROFL leg it over to all the alb cows mashing the moo key, he who mashes fastest wins !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Balbor said:
A charm class for mid, maybe something like a Beastmaster, Hybrid Fighter, able to spec in weapon, shield and 1 spell-line, with a charm spell similar to Mincers/mentalists as well as some pet buffs. Would need to limit spec points to 1.5 per level otherwize they would probably all spec the same way.

For Albion Diabolist, a hybrid healing class who join the Guild Of Shadows or church of Awran, something a bit like the warden maybe. Able to spec Crush, perry as well as 2 spec lines.
Rej spec would be similar to wardens with a health stealing chant PBAE which effects all enemies in the area and turns all melee attacks against them into lifedrain (ie a tank hitting a target effected by it starts to steal HPs each time they damage them). Damage stolen would need to be quite low (10-25%) so not to be over powered.
Spec Enh would be similar to Healers, but with group chanting attack speed buff, low DPS damage shield. 3/6/9 % melee, elemental and soul resist buffs (that won't stack with clerics/friers/necros buffs to avoid being over powered). Attack speed Debuff (single and 30sec AOE) and instent AOE root).

Final ability is a kind of Soul bargin, which acks like the moose/hamster they are 100% damage immune for a short amount of time but will lose 50% of there max HP as soon as it is over (so using it with less that 50% of hits will mean they die as soon as it ends).

really like the idea..
but i also like Ariacs idea with a bloodmage


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Albion needs a 3rd healingclass, but also think we need some stronger tanks or something that adds resists.
3 of our resists comes from a cleric, which is rarely higher than green/blue ... the other 3 comes from a friar, which are often yellow/red which is excellent ..., and since albion is supposed to be the defensive realm, let him either wear plate, or spec shield... I see 1.5 specpts / lvl as a fair amount with 3 lines to spec

1 -
Healing (maybe give him a HoT smiliar to Mentalist version, groupheal)

2 -
Basebuffs / Resists / Celerity / Instant aoe mez / aoe stun (mid haste-thingy) (single cast bt, maybe instant on a 10 sec timer?)

3 -

Let him wear studded and give him some selfbuff-absorb in the enhanceline, or Plate without absorb self-buff smiliar to friar.

Could link him to the Arawn-path ... call him Commander or something ...

seeing the class standing back with the clerics, having an overview of the battle while being a medic...

Give him access to perfecter and Battlemaster ML
Damage-table = cleric thingy

Just thoughts... Might be too smiliar to a friar without offensive abilities .. but then again ,,, quite a few like friars due to the offensive ability backed up by the 'weak' healing

zolty mudcaster

Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Perhaps make a more offensive Paladin type??

Plate wearer - Slash , Crush og Thrust - Shield and with Clericens Rejuv og Smite (only those 2) and 2 handed

Could call him Crusader


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
New classes for Catacombs:

Alb: Paper (AE Mezz)
Mid: Rock (Large toon with Crushing styles)
Hib: Sissors (Magical Glow with Slashing styles)



Dec 25, 2003
I actually found a screenshot of the three new classes. From left to right: Hib - Badger of Magic - Alb - The Badgernator - Mid - Badgerwarrior.


  • newdaocclasses.JPG
    30.2 KB · Views: 69


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
To Mythic:

¡¡Albion does NOT need another class thx!!

Fix other stuff like armsman double specc, cleric smite, earth wizards, necro bugs.....


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2004

Think Mid needs a pet spam class like Theurg/Anims maybe combo with charm so multiple pets can be charmed like some mad "Pied Piper" or so.. could be fun :)

Alb dont need much tbh but they'll prolly get a pet spamming stealth healer ;)

Hib The Realm of Magic... with fewer casters than Alb... hmm lets see....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Balbor said:
For Albion Diabolist, a hybrid healing class who join the Guild Of Shadows or church of Awran, something a bit like the warden maybe. Able to spec Crush, perry as well as 2 spec lines...

So an overpowered new version of a Friar, are you talking about? lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Noita said:
Hib The Realm of Magic... with fewer casters than Alb... hmm lets see....

Thats the reason they are called the magical realm, they have all Alb magic abbilities on lesser classes (so more abbilities per class compared to albs).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Thegreatest said:
Thats the reason they are called the magical realm, they have all Alb magic abbilities on lesser classes (so more abbilities per class compared to albs).
And hib casters > alb casters. Love the stun.

So what if root interupts for a sec.. qc root vrs qc stun.. stun wins and could proberly kill the caster that rooted.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Noita said:
Think Mid needs a pet spam class like Theurg/Anims maybe combo with charm so multiple pets can be charmed like some mad "Pied Piper" or so.. could be fun :)

Pied Piper <The Last Watch>: L50 Briton Minstrel, RR4L4, RPs: 334,142

fear my minstrel!

wills will prob endup with a tank of sorts, very crap due to there SI classes being the best of the 3 realms.

Hib will mostlikly get somesort of defensive caster, with more sorc aspecs without high damage nukes, group buff spells that need to be spamed and ae amnesia etc, a basic suport class but nothing over the top.

Alb will prob endup with some healer, not uber for healing but have access to ae instant CC, this will come at a cost thou, mostlikly specing to get anything decent will endup leaving the char gimped for anytype of playablility outside of groups as well as make it just another extra class required in group setups removing damage output.

IMO mythic need to remove the idea of adding a new class to albion, rework there current ideas of spells etc in to the exsisting albion classes making them more usable as well as helping with group versatility instead of making many classes redundant.

[Edit:] forgot to mention, the new classes will endup with unbalanced classes/realms even more so than atm allowing mythic to apear to be doing a great job by "tweaking" them but never really changing them as they did to savages, also this will take the limelight off savages and other such calsses and allow them to fade in to the background and be accepted as balanced.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sigurd said:
I actually found a screenshot of the three new classes. From left to right: Hib - Badger of Magic - Alb - The Badgernator - Mid - Badgerwarrior.

lol :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Noita said:

Think Mid needs a pet spam class like Theurg/Anims maybe combo with charm so multiple pets can be charmed like some mad "Pied Piper" or so.. could be fun :)

i guess you don't have SI cause mids already have a multi pet spamming class, the BD whos pets spam heals.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Balbor said:
i guess you don't have SI cause mids already have a multi pet spamming class, the BD whos pets spam heals.

Personally I would put BD's in a class of their own ...... The melee caster.
Currently because Alb's have more classes than other realms I would agree with Krissy that Mythic should re-distribute the current abilities to Albion classes and not add another class to Albion. How you do this without turning all three realms into the same I do not know.
Then again I'm pretty thick so its probably obvious to a lot of people. :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Rookiescot said:
Currently because Alb's have more classes than other realms I would agree with Krissy that Mythic should re-distribute the current abilities to Albion classes and not add another class to Albion. How you do this without turning all three realms into the same I do not know.

And that is exactly the way to stop forever more the "nerf <insert enemy realm FOTM class here>" posts. Make all realms the same set of classes and just vary the names/skins. Simple.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
I i dont have a clue but i think it would be fun if:

mid + hib get low defence bolt range mezzers with something different to mid get petspam with it and hib get something similar to healer group combat speed thingy to make hib tank groups compare with their caster groups post toa.

alb get a higher defence mezzing class with instas but same range as healer and bard with something else to various debuffs and things, like mele debuffs or smt....but in a balenced way <shrug>

The thing is this would only be intereting in seeing if ppl would run with instas + low range/boltrange or both. And depending what the answer is it would make classes redundant in groups.

I realy hope they dont bring in a alb light tank that do to mercs what savages did to zerks.

Another plate class would be cool, plate looks funkeh xD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I think all realms should get all classes so we can get this:

Poster A: omg whine whine whine I pwned by class xxxx they are overpowered idiots why do I play *cry*
Poster B: Err, so go roll one! Be Uber and wtfpwn!
Poster A: Hey good idea!

1 week of PL later:

Poster A: omg whine whine whine I pwned by class xxxx they are overpowered idiots why do I play *cry*. This is my new char! Took me a 3 days /play to get to 50 ffs!
Poster B: Ok so go re-roll - you know it's make sense! After all we all want to wftpwn do we not and it's clearly not fair that you don't!
Poster A: Good point!

16 weeks later and 16 weeks of PL on 16 chars...

Poster A: omg whine whine whine I pwned by class xxxx they are overpowered idiots why do I play *cry*. This is my new char! Took me a 3 days /play to get to 50 ffs! This my 16th in 16 weeks and I still got wtfpwned. It's clearly not fair at all ffs!
Poster B: Has it occured to you that maybe, just maybe, you are actually a crap player with no idea how to RvR?
Poster A: Pfft the community and RvR scene sucks in this game. I'm off to Ebay to get account stupidly scammed and then come here and complain more than ever. I'll show you all!
Poster B: *sigh*...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I suspect mid will get a petspam class as they are the only realm without one...
No my hybrids, not until they make us thanes viable ;)

Hibs will probably get another light or heavy tank.

Albs, well they have enough bloody classes as it is ;)

Although i doubt people would have predicted the SI classes so who knows.


Dec 23, 2003
I dont want a new class in alb, its hard enough to make a balanced group, I would like alb existing classes to get more abilities though.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
punchy said:
And that is exactly the way to stop forever more the "nerf <insert enemy realm FOTM class here>" posts. Make all realms the same set of classes and just vary the names/skins. Simple.

God, how totally boring that would be. Why not just play Quake Team Deathmatch then?


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