Top 5 minor changes for your class


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
For arms 2h or pole

1) pre loaded xbow 1 shot while walking. reload still need to be done standing still but perfect to get lurie out of speed.

2) Slighly higher the absorb on pl8 armour. it still feels like paper sometime's

3) lower the end use on style's for pole / 2h or bigger end pool.

4) remove double spec.

5) FIX the 2h variance in hit. same hit style can be 200 - 500 . depends on the weather orso. could be with pole also but aint got that so dunno ;)

ABOVE all give NEW embleems / patterns / coulours.
like the epic armour where you could change the color of the plate and the colour of the ornaments seperate.
or give extra colours like shinny / metelic one's * nfs Underground lvl 2 paint *
and there are so manny guilds now you see much same logo's / colours.
it sucks, and could be very very easy be solved.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kagato said:
Armsman (polearm based)

1) Change the Polearm styles back to how they were before the 1.65 nerf, with some minor adjustments.

2) Fix double-speccing so it actually negates damage variance like it should.

3) Increase Absorb value on plate armour slightly.

4) Increase endurance pool or lower style costs for polearms.

5) Make crossbow range increase with spec level up to a limit equal to normal bows.

Kagato for TL! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004

1) Access to the realm ability MCL.

2) Timer on DD and DOT tobe reduced to 7 seconds.

3) Improve the utility of Python, and remove the AE Str debuff, and add a snare instead, to fall off an evade.

4) Remove chain and wear studded, and increase rate of evade.

5) Wear plate, but remove evade altogether.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Ill make some for all my classes ive ever played and owned:

1. Cheaper MOC for primary healers!
2. Access to Mastery of Blocking RA.
3. Dmg add into baseline, like druid has.
4. Move cure mez from minstrel to cleric, minstrels never wanted a cure spell.
5. Reduce insta mez timer, immunity timers makes that nerf redundant.

1. Fix vanish RA, it breaks too easily because of lag and delayed spell effects.
2. Give backstab 3 at high crit spec, make the backstab the primary crit move and then nerf normal fighting skills. Make the assassins assassins, not kungfu masters.
3. Return the effect of oneshot kills not removing stealth, let assassins kill in the dark, invisibly. Most classes will never notice this but the effect will be great for the feeling of the class and goes well with the above change.

1. Pbaoe in spirit line.
2. Body nuke on Ruby Simulacrum.
3. New pet look. The bigbelly giant with stone pants is getting old.

1. Wheres the oompf in the wizards? Any class nukes harder then the class thats supposed to nuke hardest but have no utility. Give utility or give damage.

1. Determination for hybrid tanks. More expensive, to follow the tank RA cost trend. Three levels at the cost of 3-6-10. For mainly Pallys, Reavers, Thanes, Champions, etc...
2. Make soulrending scale properly at higher levels.
3. Make block style chain more viable in RvR.
4. Give MCL.

Thats about it for now.. *whine* GIVE!!!! NOW!!"#""!1


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
If reavers would get det, which they never will anyways.

But just say they did.. it would get a promt whine from realms, as its already an overpowerd class as it is, just people arent aware enough of how effective reavers can be, this isnt due to the player or the class itself, its mainly down to the amount of active reavers on excal, the effectiveness of a reaver simply isnt noticed easily for some people and their guilds RvR groups.

Thats why I didnt request det, becuase its not a minor change, its a major change.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Pin said:
err... for Reaver...

1) Change Python to a 30sec AE disease proc instead of str-debuff
2) Add a snare to Asp

Implement these asap, would be very nice thanks.

Oh, reduce end cost on Python a little bit :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
For clerics, either give smite focus, reduce the power cost on all smite spells, or make the power cost on spec smites way lower while keeping the baseline as it is.

Give increased conc pool as you spec more in enhance, at the moment you're punished for speccing higher in enhance cos you can't give more than 2 buffs per person in a full group. If you're sacrificing the ability to heal well or deal dmg (as if smite even counts) you should at least get something in return.


Dec 26, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

1 - Fix nightshade magic: reduce end cost of casting the spells by 50%, tripple the damage and reduce the timer to 10 or 15 seconds. Fyi: that would be 120 dmg instead of 40. Or give it a usefull effect like body debuff.
lol. why? the hp's you got less then sb/infil is equal to your dd now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Xmas Wishlist For Wizard

1/ Let us cast while running If they refuse to sort out te FUCKING INTERUPTS
2/ Give us some fucking armour
3/ Give us a FUCKING PET
4/ GIVE US SOME FUCKING DAMAGE POTENTIAL - remove all resists from game!
5/ Give us fly mode


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
For Runie and casters in general:

1) Con as a rising stat
2) 3 Costs for AoM, cheap for casters, more expensive for hybrids, more expensive still for tanks
3) 3 Costs for Det, cheap for tanks, more expensive for hybrids, more expensive still for casters
4) Linear mana regen, not on a curver, and power regen at end regen rates
5) MoC as a passive RA, 1, 3, 6, etc, each level decreasing interrupt chance by 5%

i can dream, can't i?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Kagato said:
Armsman (polearm based)

1) Change the Polearm styles back to how they were before the 1.65 nerf, with some minor adjustments.

2) Fix double-speccing so it actually negates damage variance like it should.

3) Increase Absorb value on plate armour slightly.

4) Increase endurance pool or lower style costs for polearms.

5) Make crossbow range increase with spec level up to a limit equal to normal bows.

1) I aint a poley so can't comment :p

2) Agree

3) Agree

4) See 1) ;)

5) Nice change without really being a lot of use as to spec xbow you gotta lose it somewhere else


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
waok`whips said:
If reavers would get det, which they never will anyways.

But just say they did.. it would get a promt whine from realms, as its already an overpowerd class as it is, just people arent aware enough of how effective reavers can be, this isnt due to the player or the class itself, its mainly down to the amount of active reavers on excal, the effectiveness of a reaver simply isnt noticed easily for some people and their guilds RvR groups.

Thats why I didnt request det, becuase its not a minor change, its a major change.

we noticed the effectiveness of Reavers when combined with a good demezzer ( Rure rocks tbh) yes you still left once you had all the necissary RA's.

(something im still a little bitter about)

Either way Reavers are balanced now, their RA is fantastic agains a PB box too. ( UToS vs 3 Pbaoers = full heals 3 interupts and 30% dmgs casters which 2 mercs can put down piss)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Thire said:
What would you change about your class if it was up to you?
Im talking about minor changes and bug fixes, not a totally new specline :)

Myself i'd go for the following as minstrel:

1. Being able to stealth by just pressing 1 button instead of a song first + stealth.
2. Stop that incredibly annoying endless spam of 'your target is out of range' when you try to single mezz someone and he/she runs out of range.
3. Remove the end costs on DD's & Stun, without a pally a minstrel is OOE in no time while spamming amyslash.
4. Increase the range of my insta stun to at least 1000, which makes it easier to counter Bards when they insta-mezz you.
5. Make the constitution from a drum go down less fast, atm im using a sidi drum for about 3 months now, and its already on 50% duration.

( p.s im bored as hell at work as you can notice :p )
as a fellow minstrel:

1) I totally agree, infact since my sc set is gimp at the moment (lack of teh fundz) i have to get my flute out for my +stealth to be capped so if im speeding its 3 buttons i have to press :(

2) I know what you're saying but Wait wait wait, you do know that this spam is because the spell is pulsing rapidly and as soon as the target comes back into range / back into los your mezz will insta cast onto them - this can be VERY useful @ keeps / mgs etc or running away stealthers.

3) yes definatly, and end cost for songs too - imo all hybrids who have instas should not take end

4) hmm nice but mabye overpowered, id rather just have some sort of 1500 range interrupt

5) aye, drum dies way too fast

again as a minstrel i'd add just a few things from my soloing perspective

1) Minstrels should get a TS equivalent RA
2) For gods sake fix that aoe mezz cast animation already sheesh :p
3) Aoe mezz should be 3 seconds, and effected by dex
4) flute mezz should be effected by dex
5) remove charm and instead give us 1.75 spec pretty please


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Rulke said:
I'll put 1 point for 5 classes instead :p
  • Theurgist - Make it so it comes with a trained monkey to cast EB and haste so I can go completly afk
what happend with exi?!?!


Dec 23, 2003
1. Give clerics a pet in rejuv line (Ellyll size, name Devine Guardian or smth)
2. Put the heal proc from enhance line to rejuv line.
3. Shorten the reuse timer of the pbaoe mezz in smite line.
4. Give scouts dual wield option.
5. Give all stealth classes climb wall.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aussie said:
lol. why? the hp's you got less then sb/infil is equal to your dd now.

and ns dmg output is the same as infils? ~~

sb has 200 more hp, fights dont take 200/40 * 15 seconds.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
For pallys:
1)Make the chants a more friendly in rvr espec (end bot anyone?), make the +x chants util.
2)Double espec sucks, remove it or improve 2H dmg; dual wield halving a large shield sucks too, improve the use of large shields, atm is a lot better use a medium or a small one.
3)Create hybrid-related RAs, tanks have their ones, and casters too.
4)Expensive det to hybrids, maybe 3-6-10, maximun det3.
5)Piety is useless to pallys, make dex up whit lvl instead.
For scouts:
1)We are scouts, we need tools to scout properly, givf us more chances to detect sthealthers at bow range, not only a 10 rps RA 30 secs each 30 mins.
2)Remove the pelnalty to evade vs dual wielders, is plain moronic that our 2 ways of deffence are halved vs dual wielders.
3)Archers sthealth dont give anything but the sthealth while chain wearer sthealthers can climb wall and have safe fall, again that is plain moronic, givf to archer classes some tools in st espec.
4)Bow styles, we need to train high in the only combat espec who eats end and dont have styles, we (i) want positionals and effects (bleed, slow, snare, STUN!...)
5)Archery related ML, sojurner (sp?) is inutil for scouts and we are not battlescouts to use battlemasters.
For cabalist:
1)Jade pet is useless, givf me a new one whit some utility.
2)Ok, my body debuff can be halved in time for me, but let other nukers use it at full effect.
3)Speed pet buff wouldn't break in combat, period.
4)Pbaoe lifedrain in body line, that should bring more body especced cabbies, and we need that disease.
5)Make snare and root work in different timers, again is plain moronic that 2 forms of CC are autoexclusives.
For reavers:
1)The "hybrid" related RAs and the minor det.
2)Python: reduce end usage and make it procs a disease (single imho)
3)Make indigo's proc scale whit flex espec.
4)Cobra is almost impossible to land in rvr, same whit constrictor, that screws the non-slam especs.
5)Soulrending over 36 is pointless, improve soulrending high lvls.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Antedeluvian said:
For pallys:
4)Pbaoe lifedrain in body line, that should bring more body especced cabbies, and we need that disease.

Godmode? lol, other ideas are ok though.


Wizards need something, but its hard to say what. Im not surprised that mythic are having difficulty on the issue because it would be too easy to make us overpowered. Personally id like to see a little more utilty on wizards. Maybe caster runspeed, gtae dot and/or a group casted offensive melee proc. Earth definately needs at least a base nuke, it really is such a bad spec line.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Antedeluvian said:
For pallys:
1)Make the chants a more friendly in rvr espec (end bot anyone?), make the +x chants util.
2)Double espec sucks, remove it or improve 2H dmg; dual wield halving a large shield sucks too, improve the use of large shields, atm is a lot better use a medium or a small one.
3)Create hybrid-related RAs, tanks have their ones, and casters too.
4)Expensive det to hybrids, maybe 3-6-10, maximun det3.
5)Piety is useless to pallys, make dex up whit lvl instead.
For scouts:
1)We are scouts, we need tools to scout properly, givf us more chances to detect sthealthers at bow range, not only a 10 rps RA 30 secs each 30 mins.
2)Remove the pelnalty to evade vs dual wielders, is plain moronic that our 2 ways of deffence are halved vs dual wielders.
3)Archers sthealth dont give anything but the sthealth while chain wearer sthealthers can climb wall and have safe fall, again that is plain moronic, givf to archer classes some tools in st espec.
4)Bow styles, we need to train high in the only combat espec who eats end and dont have styles, we (i) want positionals and effects (bleed, slow, snare, STUN!...)
5)Archery related ML, sojurner (sp?) is inutil for scouts and we are not battlescouts to use battlemasters.
For cabalist:
1)Jade pet is useless, givf me a new one whit some utility.
2)Ok, my body debuff can be halved in time for me, but let other nukers use it at full effect.
3)Speed pet buff wouldn't break in combat, period.
4)Pbaoe lifedrain in body line, that should bring more body especced cabbies, and we need that disease.
5)Make snare and root work in different timers, again is plain moronic that 2 forms of CC are autoexclusives.
For reavers:
1)The "hybrid" related RAs and the minor det.
2)Python: reduce end usage and make it procs a disease (single imho)
3)Make indigo's proc scale whit flex espec.
4)Cobra is almost impossible to land in rvr, same whit constrictor, that screws the non-slam especs.
5)Soulrending over 36 is pointless, improve soulrending high lvls.
dont know if this is a joker or someone actually serious

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