Top 5 minor changes for your class


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Kagato said:
Armsman (polearm based)

1) Change the Polearm styles back to how they were before the 1.65 nerf, with some minor adjustments.

2) Fix double-speccing so it actually negates damage variance like it should.

3) Increase Absorb value on plate armour slightly.

4) Increase endurance pool or lower style costs for polearms.

5) Make crossbow range increase with spec level up to a limit equal to normal bows.
What he said. Haven't played my armsman since Pallys got end regen. No use for us when the whole group can have an endless supply of end and mercs.
The absorb value on plate should be only on armsman tho, we need something that will give ppl a reason to invite us to groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Skaven said:
What he said. Haven't played my armsman since Pallys got end regen. No use for us when the whole group can have an endless supply of end and mercs.
The absorb value on plate should be only on armsman tho, we need something that will give ppl a reason to invite us to groups.

Yurka said:
1) Race respec with ToA
2) Double spec killed and same WS as warrior
5) Class respec to merc ;/

What they said. Arms need something to offer cause atm merc is better for damage and pally is enough for defence. Maybe to use 1h and pole/2h like warriors or heroes do not our crap way...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003

only 1 point really

1. give pet style moves like bonedancers pets


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
1. Fix juggernaut
2. Give new pet skins( maybe a stone <insert what race you are> or something )
3. Fix Resist rate in high lvl encounters
4. Make AE snare in spirit line unbreakable in combat (fat chance QQ)
5. Insta root


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Pin said:
err... for Reaver...

1) Change Python to a 30sec AE disease proc instead of str-debuff
2) Add a snare to Asp
3) Give advanced evade 4
4) Determination and
5) quad-hitting leviathan!!!1

edit: pfft

Well 3,4,5 are jokes ofc (i hope), but 1 and 2 would make reavers Overpowereds whitout doubt.

M® Zîllâ

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Kagato said:
Armsman (polearm based)

1) Change the Polearm styles back to how they were before the 1.65 nerf, with some minor adjustments.

2) Fix double-speccing so it actually negates damage variance like it should.

3) Increase Absorb value on plate armour slightly.

4) Increase endurance pool or lower style costs for polearms.

5) Make crossbow range increase with spec level up to a limit equal to normal bows.

Compleatly agree on all 5 points that kagato poited out arms need some loveing we r now conisderd as preety usless in rvr in groups at any spec.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
1: Quads.
2: Slash AND thrust in one line.
3: 9s stun on sidechain.

ill take any of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kagato said:
Armsman (polearm based)

1) Change the Polearm styles back to how they were before the 1.65 nerf, with some minor adjustments.

2) Fix double-speccing so it actually negates damage variance like it should.

3) Increase Absorb value on plate armour slightly.

4) Increase endurance pool or lower style costs for polearms.

5) Make crossbow range increase with spec level up to a limit equal to normal bows.

1) hello no. instead of that I would make Soldier Barricade more friendly whit one more cost reduction to 8 points.

2) yes

3) I agree,I would say 5% or so.

4)not vital, instead of that they should boost 2h/pole damage,like adding 100% criticals (in rvr contests) instead of 50%.and beleave me a merc would still overdamage us.

5) uh?? mmm ok but then you have to make prevent flight not working via bolt or it gonna be overpowered.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

1 - Fix nightshade magic: reduce end cost of casting the spells by 50%, tripple the damage and reduce the timer to 10 or 15 seconds. Fyi: that would be 120 dmg instead of 40. Or give it a usefull effect like body debuff.

2 - Remove the "you must wait 2 seconds before you can hide" shit, 10 second combat timer is 10 second combat timer... not 10 sec + 2 sec for clicking a millisec too early.

3 - Fix the str/con debuff, it just isn't fair atm. Make it a general weaponskill nerf, something ilke 25% at the highest level or so. Just don't make it destroy slash(/crush) damage twice as much as thrust. And don't let it take HP to negate the PA damage.

4 - Boost the critical strike line, pa/bs2 damage is a joke. Garrote needs to use a little less endurance but overall the normal styles are good.. and fix rip separation/ripper growth rate.

5 - Boost the celtic dual line to give it some kind of stun. Blinding rain (after evade) is fine, but the follow-up (blizzard) could be a medium duration stun (and of course make it higher level than it is now).

And last.. I would just like a complete review of all the styles for all classes.. what's the point of a bleed when it only does 20 damage in total? And what's the point of putting a snare on a reactionairy style? Or even worse, what's the point of putting a bleed on a style only to break the snare of the follow-up?

It would be nice if every melee line had something like:

-A taunt
-An anytime (more endurance, more damage)
-A backstyle (snare, and remove PF completely to compensate)
-A side style (low/med duration stun)
-A front positional style (haste debuff/high damage bleed/whatever)
-Reactionary styles/chains, with usefull effects... Stuns/haste debuffs/high damage bleeds/whatever. And make them suitable for all the classes that can spec it... :(

For a bard:

1 - Advanced evade 3. A bard usually isn't hit from the front and we need some kind of defence imo, even if it's only a 10% chance to evade.

2 - Change songs into chants and add many more songs. A flute to hamper enemies, like a dps debuff, nearsight, movement speed reduce, stuff like that. Drum to boost friendly melee in a 1000 meter radius with 100-0% drop-off, the faster the bard moves the less the effect is. Lute to boost casting (speed/damage/decrease interrupt chants), 100-0% drop off, the faster the bard moves the less effective it is. When these drum and lute songs are interrupted the effect is decreased for the duration of the interrupt.

3 - Nerf determination, and nerf cc in general to compensate.

4 - Remove interrupts on spells you already have, or have immunity against.

5 - Remove interrupts of melee attacks that don't even hit you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
i'd be happy with

1. Get rp's for mezzing/rooting
2. Get rp's when dead
3. Give insta stun :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Lac Desariel said:
For a Caster,

Only 2

Reduce Det, keep it but make it reasonable, cas as casters we are dead to fast and cant qc root or any thing

Interupt code, if i have had the effect is should not intreupt again for 1 min

unfortunatly with out RA casters are weak

lack of det= minor problem
low hps and paper armor= minor problem
high resists= minor problem

imo :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
btw give sorcs instamezz

it will reduce a fucking lot of whines and its free immunity for us :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
damn you VF! this is an alb forum not a hib forum!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
awww just j/k ;)
Nice to hear ideas from other realms aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thire said:
awww just j/k ;)
Nice to hear ideas from other realms aswell.

Hi I'm an infiltrator and I would like these things changed:

1 - Dragonfang should get a bleed effect and damage adjusted downwards.

2 - I would like 2.2 x spec points to make rvr more fair for nightshades and shadowblades.

3 - I would like dual shadows to be changed to a 'target parries' reactionary.

4 - Whenever I hit someone with more than one other stealther within a 1000 units radius my attack will not hit my target, but I will instakill every other stealther in the area.

5 - Alb leather should be vulnerable to thrust, neutral to slash, and resistant against crush.


< bored


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
Hi I'm an infiltrator and I would like these things changed:

1 - Dragonfang should get a bleed effect and damage adjusted downwards.

2 - I would like 2.2 x spec points to make rvr more fair for nightshades and shadowblades.

3 - I would like dual shadows to be changed to a 'target parries' reactionary.

4 - Whenever I hit someone with more than one other stealther within a 1000 units radius my attack will not hit my target, but I will instakill every other stealther in the area.

5 - Alb leather should be vulnerable to thrust, neutral to slash, and resistant against crush.


< bored

Well youre not the only one who is bored :(
Ah well here is a nice steve irwin picture to make things more interesting.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
thats cool

im listening to "maak van je scheet een donderslag" from herman brood


school in a few mins and i dont have the bloody poetry shit for english finished.. :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
For cleric:

1. Fix interupts!
2. Unnerf smiting (I'm not a smiter myself, but some variety between clerics would be nice).
3. When you target a realmmember, let it say directly if it's diseased or not, not after you healed the guy/girl. I.e: "You target xxx, he's diseased!" or something.
4. Lessen cost on MoC ra-ability, maybe to 10 points.
5. Ah yes, fix interupts!

For armsman:

Well what Kagato said actually. Also Ialkarn made a good point about 100% criticals.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Keeping it to minor things...

Change the spread heal to a icon that doesn't match group insta.

Allow base AF buff to stack with armour.

Allow us to keep lower versions of spread heal for power management reasons.

Organise the damn spellbook.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'll put 1 point for 5 classes instead :p
  • Shaman -I'd like to see buff macros :)
    So instead of spending 5 minutes making sure everyone has the right buffs I can just select a pre-defined queue and let it cast.
  • Skald - Fix the stupid chant dropping bug
  • Theurgist - Make it so it comes with a trained monkey to cast EB and haste so I can go completly afk
  • Runemaster - Change our tertiary raising stat from qui to con >.<
  • Healer - Increased range or decreased cast time on celerity would be nice


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
*Ialkarn said:
1) hello no. instead of that I would make Soldier Barricade more friendly whit one more cost reduction to 8 points.

2) yes

3) I agree,I would say 5% or so.

4)not vital, instead of that they should boost 2h/pole damage,like adding 100% criticals (in rvr contests) instead of 50%.and beleave me a merc would still overdamage us.

5) uh?? mmm ok but then you have to make prevent flight not working via bolt or it gonna be overpowered.

Personally i'd like Soldiers Barricade reduced to a 15 minute re-use timer rather then being cheaper, but either would be welcome so long as its made more appealing in some way.

PF and good range crossbow might be over powered, but the low range on crossbows is just so damn annoying. I love the damage but the range lowers its usefullness to much, it quite often that you cannot even hit someone at the other end of the same fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Arindra said:
Keeping it to minor things...

Organise the damn spellbook.

You obviously haven't played in the US...this gets resolved with ToA. The spells are then organised by type under specific headings (Rejuv, Enhance etc.) and within that by level (and ordered by level also, with lowest level appearing first in this list).

Hope this helps!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kagato said:
Personally i'd like Soldiers Barricade reduced to a 15 minute re-use timer rather then being cheaper, but either would be welcome so long as its made more appealing in some way.

Ye but that would be overpowered :p
it stacks whit ap too (on 15 mins timer already).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
*Ialkarn said:
Ye but that would be overpowered :p
it stacks whit ap too (on 15 mins timer already).

Its about time we had a turn at being overpowered anyway :flame:

But on a more serious note, not many Armsman stick with the class long enough to be able to afford both without sacrificing IP and other basic abilities. Though using it at the same time a cleric hits bof is sweet.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Oh, another minor chage: inmunity for mages to all mele style stuns. asssins have more magic effects than most mages, debbufs, stun, snare, sisaese, poison, invisibility, etc... Give mages a change not only while purge activated

Or better, delete all assassins classes, they are totally overpowered and are killing the game. Assasins should going to play diablo 2 with cheats


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
1) Increase End Range from the puny 1000 it currently is :(
2) Make shield styles to hit reliant on Shield Spec and NOT Weapon Spec WS
3) Either Determination (high price, low price, any price) OR increased healing capacity, my preference would be for the latter given the move towards protection in S+S spec, but I'd guess the 2h Paladins would prefer Dete ;)
4) Remove Piety as our Secondary Spec as it does sweet FA; change to dex move str up from Tertiary
5) Allow Paladins access to MCL and/or serenity

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