too all stealthers.



lvl 45/46 has been the hardest 2 get groups for me :(
anyway keep going envenom ull get there m8, then u can help me get there:p


All this NS luvin' is making me sick :twak:

Btw to the guy that said void elritches has an easy time lvling solo, hush! Oh and Envenom, you do tank fins well :) Maby not a well as a tank but you do keep aggro and you don't die(unless you get ambushed by a banshee or two that is heheh :)).


The only way for me to get XP was to make my own groups. That has been the way for me always. Im a gimped BM with paper armour and no shield. Rarely got invited to other multigroups, other then from people that was good friends in the game.

I made all my groups and made alot all the way to lvl 4x. And when you make a group that works well and does get good xp for a night. Most people in that group will want to come back. So when i kept doing this it wasent so hard after a while to get people of the "right" classes to make groups with. But still then you encounter other problems that come. Some didnt want to group with eachoter becaus of diffrences ore diffrent opinions, ore becaus this person had done this and that with a peep, etc.
Its hard often to make groups ore try to make the group happy mostly. So eventually you lose interest in making groups at all. But there it stopped, people keept asking me if i had a group, when i said no, the dialog stopped.

I almost got no XP at all before i started making groups again after lvl 4x. So then i waited to get group invites that rearely happend you get very bored. And sad but true when i did start making groups again, its important to make the group happy, in other words get good xp. And how many believes you can get this with a shade/ranger's in your group. You can maybe get it but still many think it will be worse then having a real tank.

And after fins groups at CF started, a list system was sett up. Now thats one of the dumbest things ever if you ask me. You sett youself up on a list and may have to wait 3-5 hours for it! ore maybe the group desolves and you waited for nothing. And what makes you think all of em will follow the list anyways and not just invite their friends. "admitting ive done this myself :/"

And why do noone anymore use "find" ore sett them selves up as "looking for group". We should really try using this grouping system alot more. In other server while using this system ive heard some rarely wait more then 5-15 min. MM, 5-15 min, that no time at all for us. Some of us are waiting 1-2 hours ore more...

And besides when i tank i really need to get a /guard from a tank. I take alot of dmg without it, i doubt i can tank much better then a Ranger/NS anyways. But with the /guard its doable. They usually block 4-5 hits from me each fight with purp mobs. It helps alot.

Besides if we specced shiled too, we wouldent have such a problem, but that would gimp some of us for RVR :/

Some of this is put on the edge to make my point/s i have gotten alot of help too :) THere are almost only good peeps out there, even though we all get abit depressed with the grouping/xp sitjusation.

Treson lvl 50 Blademaster


Originally posted by Eblessair

ive been in fin grps with more than one stealther class, and it worked shh..

so have i, and its slower than with proper tanks.. so shh..



Btw, what i meant with "admitting i have done this myself:/" as in i have waited for severeal hours on a CF fins list.

New motto: if a Gimp can do it, so can you :)

and thx guys.


Originally posted by Aeiedil

Giriam i never said anything about real tanks etc, but a fins group can work perfectly well with rogues in

Warden, Bard, Druid, 2x PBAoE, 3x Tanks

sure, thats a good group. finding two pbaoers is easier said than done though (although *loads* have started to level them).

shades can tank in that group, and things will be great. shades do however require the "support" to be better than a pure tank does, so the group has to be built thighter for it to work. if you remove the druid and one pbaoer (not rare these days) and insert 2 shades in tank spots, things are suddenly risky and with a lot of downtime, while 3 "real" tanks work as a charm.

you can tank them, but not as well as tanks. alas, people will look for tanks first, if they cant find any then they will settle for shades. (people that are out to maximize xp that is, friends etc are ofcourse different).



Originally posted by spankya
Little not to Giriam:
My reply: A void eld can solo a yellow mob easily, and often orange mobs without getting hit and just using a bit of mana. A NS solos a yellow and sometimes barely walkes away alive and has to sit on his/her ass for ages to heal....

sure, but soloing after 40 is a painfull experience to most people. even enchant specced enchancters give that up :)



Dont get to lvl 50 envenom, i like ganking u as u step out of cruachan gorge, and getting to lvl 50 will only mean a few more arrows:p


Nice words of encouragement Envenom, thanks. At level 36 now and often get disheartened spending more time trying to make/join groups than actually gaining xp. My brief spells in rvr have been lots of fun though and I suspected the hard work would be worth it in the end.



Originally posted by Treson

And besides when i tank i really need to get a /guard from a tank. I take alot of dmg without it, i doubt i can tank much better then a Ranger/NS anyways. But with the /guard its doable. They usually block 4-5 hits from me each fight with purp mobs. It helps alot.

Treson lvl 50 Blademaster

What spec is your parry?


Giriam almost any group can replace 1 tank for 1 shade at no loss. if the shade is guarded then it can tank very well indeed, bubbled aswell even better. and it can be done in groups with 1 pbaoer because ive made groups like that work before


there's always a space for 1 or in some cases 2 stealthers in a pbaoe group.

- druid
- warden
- bard or mentalist
- pbaoer (full spec mana)
- pbaoer or aoer (if main pbaoer is very high level, 48+, then another stealther can go here)
- shield tank
- shield tank
- nightshade or ranger or anyone

there is much scope for improvisation. what is essential is that you have strong pbaoe/aoe damage, and 'tanks' that won't die (too often)


Originally posted by spankya
My reply: A void eld can solo a yellow mob easily, and often orange mobs without getting hit and just using a bit of mana. A NS solos a yellow and sometimes barely walkes away alive and has to sit on his/her ass for ages to heal.... NS's need groups to lvl

Sorry for the long reply :D [/B]

Easily? I can do a yellow easily but that involves using stun which positively munches my mana = long downtime (my mana takes forever to regen) Same with killing an orange but worse, the xp is good but the downtime is large. Plus the risk of death for a mage is very high, we get aggroed by a green at the wrong time and we can die. Besides, even when it's going well and i'm rocking through the mobs my xp bar hardly seems to move. The xp i get solo is nothing compared with what i can get in a good grp. I have had 2 (yes, only 2) good grps in my entire time playing daoc that i can remember. I was in a greenbark killing aoe grp at lower lvl (2 void elds no pbaoer, it works u know :p ) and the last time i got a decent amount of xp that took me to 42 was in a banshees grp. I was lucky enough to be on early in the morning when i was the only high lvl nuker on. We did the banshees with aoe, me and a mentalist (again no pbaoer) we had a shade too who only died once when he ran off and pulled without us noticing. The banshees were coming in 3's each one worth about 15mill each (once camp went). That's 45 mill per pull, and downtime was very low as we had a bard. Now 15 mill, that's about what i was getting for killing a high orange at lvl 41, resulting in massive downtime and possible death.
So the difference between solo and grped (even when not in an "ideal" grp (don't even think we had a shld hero)) can be massive.
I'm not saying i don't get grps, bcos i do, but most of the grps i get are desperate inv anyone who's around grps who then decide we aren't equiped for ez or banshees or even bw's and we end up killin bears or pookas for about the same xp as i get for soloing low yellows with only slightly less downtime. This is the reason for my lack of interest in playing my eld atm and u will mostly find me playing alts when on daoc atm.

Anyway, thought i'd come on and be the complaining void eld (a role i've been playing a lot recently). Maybe it's just me, perhaps my character is gimped and that's why i can't solo easily like i'm supposed to be able to (tho with 51 in void with items my dds and bolts hit consistently with low if no variance in damage). Maybe i'm also unlucky with grps, on at wrong time etc. tho over the past few weeks i've been on at almost every time and still little luck. Noone seems in need of a void eld when i'm on. I know a few friends who have enough points in mana (as do i) to get the lowest pbaoe. They then show this off and lie to get into grps by pretending to be a pbaoer. They throw out a few void aoe's during the battle to make sure they damage the mob a bit and not cause too much suspicion. Now i will never do that, for one i think it's dangerous. Fobbing off a low lvl pb as a better one is puttin everyone in the grp at risk as u wont be doing your job as damage dealer. But the fact that some void elds are resorting to this just to get into good grps has to ring alarm bells somewhere.

Come on people, let me use my aoe, ok it aint as good as pbaoe but get 2 of us voidy's it's just as good. Or inv me to a pbaoe grp and i guarantee it will go much faster, not only will i be able to aoe too but i can debuff the mobs resists to the type of damage pbaoe does. Meaning me+pbaeor is almost as good as 2 pbaoers.

As i said currently i spend more time playing my bard and shield hero alts. Being grp popular makes for a nice change but if i ever get them up to decent lvls i'm gonna start aoe grps at fins with no pbaeors only void elds etc. for damage dealers. I will also make sure at least one if not 2 stealthers are in each of my grps. Why? because i know how damn frustrating it is to be paying for something u r supposed to enjoy only to have to struggle with playing solo in a game that was designed for grps. Anyway, only thing that keeps me playing this game atm is the other people who play it. I've met some great people on here and the sometimes surreal banter over guild chat is the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes when i'm killing the umpteenth lesser banshee, siabra, greenbark etc.

p.s. sorry for the long reply :p


My parry is 28 + something, but i wouldent want it higher :)


Originally posted by Aeiedil
Giriam almost any group can replace 1 tank for 1 shade at no loss. if the shade is guarded then it can tank very well indeed, bubbled aswell even better. and it can be done in groups with 1 pbaoer because ive made groups like that work before

yeah so have i aeiedil, on *many* occations, and you know what *always* happens when im there? we sit down and rest while the caster is at full mana, because the druid is almost empty from keeping the shade alive. while with 3 tanks or two tanks and a high warden, we dont even need a druid, bard heal is sufficient.



Originally posted by old.giriam

yeah so have i aeiedil, on *many* occations, and you know what *always* happens when im there? we sit down and rest while the caster is at full mana, because the druid is almost empty from keeping the shade alive. while with 3 tanks or two tanks and a high warden, we dont even need a druid, bard heal is sufficient.


This obviously is pullers problem for waiting that healer to have full mana. You need a puller like me who will pull without regard to healers mana, warden going ld or all healers being afk.

If your pbaoe group has no stealthersas tanks, druid,warden and bard can just go watch tv while they exp and where's the fun in that.

I for one tried to bring some excitement to exping. There's nothing more fun to make double pulls with fins and banshees and getting 3 finns and 3 banshees and just as the banshees are in hitting range they decide to turn back. :p

FYI I haven't caused a group wipe. Not often at least. :m00:


Well, lewstherin being able to pull 18 azures at once was pretty impressive too yesterday :)


Originally posted by old.Iriba

This obviously is pullers problem for waiting that healer to have full mana. You need a puller like me who will pull without regard to healers mana, warden going ld or all healers being afk.

If your pbaoe group has no stealthersas tanks, druid,warden and bard can just go watch tv while they exp and where's the fun in that.

I for one tried to bring some excitement to exping. There's nothing more fun to make double pulls with fins and banshees and getting 3 finns and 3 banshees and just as the banshees are in hitting range they decide to turn back. :p

FYI I haven't caused a group wipe. Not often at least. :m00:

Sure i loved your pull rate until i began to get really close to lvl 50.
Nothing like a 3 fins + 3 Banshee pull from Iriba to puff up the day when your 0,15 from lvl 50 :p


Fins are boring full stop. They are fast xp with very little real danger. Far more interesting to fight Glimmer Warshades et al, and get 8 to 10 charging it at you, but it seems people aren't bothered about having any fun in the main, prefering to get to lvl50 in triple quick time, without ever learning their characters strengths/weaknesses.

Treson the reason you can't tank very well is because you neglected parry with only 28. I've been in groups with 1shield hero, 1 warden, 1 bard, 1druid, 2 PBAoE and a lowbie mage. We got a super pull at Warshades/Strikers (I believe 8 - 12 came) and I held aggro on 4 parrying like a demon, with us all still standing at the end even the lowbie. High parry BMs are only just behind Shield Heroes when it comes to their ability to tank, and for anyone that says they eat mana heal-wise, well the healer can't heal if they are face-down.


This is the reason i left hib a long long time ago, because the majority of people were eliteist and selfish, cared nothing for the building of their realm, but only for themselves and their friends.

Even nowadays in emain i see these eliteist groups run down crim valley past a load of dead hibs a few lvls lower than them, ress their dead group mate, and leave the rest dead.

Ive a lot of friends in hib, some have re-rolled to another realm, and some are seriously considering it because of these attitude problems in hib, but they dont want to lose their lvl 50 chars after all this time.

Theres a lot of great people in hib, but these eliteists have to stop trying to be god, stop being selfish, and you might actually have a happy realm there.


Originally posted by old.Akirai

Theres a lot of great people in hib, but these eliteists have to stop trying to be god, stop being selfish, and you might actually have a happy realm there. [/B]

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


if you have one highlvl hero with shield specc above 45. (had that at about lvl 46 with items and rrs) You can have almost anything lvl 42+ tanking the other finliath if that hero is guarding him (as long as he can hit it and do his part) coz with that high shield specc and 6sec warden bub and finliath hitting with about 4-5spd he will not be hit more then 2-3 times from the pull till the finliath is dead..
and the thing is that most heros that isnt pure CS:LW/PARRY have mostely very high shield and will have no probb blocking both himself and the ranger/ns/low lvl bm:s/(elf/luri champs) you should realy always try to have one of those ingroup as it will NOT alter mostly any dt for the group. so try help some of those groupgimped chars a bit and stop eliting your groups if your there for only exp.

PS. msgme ingame if you want someone to guard any of your groupmates if you are having trouble getting an tank for your exp group with 49parry 49shield you will only have to heal the rouge iam guarding ........

dont flame for the spelling plz :p

Idril Celebrindal Lvl 50 spearoinne Brehon of <In Vino Veritas>


Lo all :)

"the thing is that most heros that isnt pure CS:LW/PARRY have mostely very high shield and will have no probb blocking both himself and the ranger/ns/low lvl bm:s/(elf/luri champs) you should realy always try to have one of those ingroup "

Especially if they know how to use Intercept properly. Most Hero's should realistically be aiming for ..... shield (due to the Stun at shield 42), even the LW or CS ones.

I add to Nova's comments - there is always room for 1 stealth class in a group and agree with Treson.

I tend to make my own groups, with a focus on Draconis Members. We also used to multi group with Mystic Knights regularly which worked very well. Apart from that it is luck of the draw - seems that the focus in later levs (40 +), is on pbaoe/wardens/druids/bard - ever tried staying same levs with a warden who started 2-3 levs lower? ... Damn! :(

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