TOA is a load of ..

Mr Kitty

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Oh for gods sake, either give it a go or quit. Either way just stop the damn whining!

Personally, really liking ToA a lot (I like RvR too, but then its going to be nice to see that improved in Frontiers also), graphics..really nice, sound..really nice, loads of new quests, loads of new toys to discover and a ton of new places to explore.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
look at this logicaly.

toa is an add on you dont have to buy it to play daoc but you will find that you will not be able to compeat easyerly in rvr with out a few artifacts on you.

ok now agiaan.
most ppl will use 4-5 artifacts per char thats 12-15 scrolls needed to activate them some scrolls might take you hours and hours to farm lets say it takes you 5 hours per scroll(some faster some slower) your talking 60-75 hous just to get the scrolls and i no some ppl who have spent 12 hours killing and still not got the scrolls thay need.

the drop rates for scrolls seam to be a joke it should be easyer to get the scrolls as most artifacts take time to obtain.

the pve geting scrolls lvling items isnt the problem the problem is the amount of mobs u must kill to get them that to me is where the joke in toa is the fact you might have to take days just to activate an item you allready might have spent ddays geting.

geting artifact geting scrolls lvling artifact might ttake u about 80-90 hours play per item that is a joke the drop rate for scrolls should be increased and the pop rates of mobs that drop artifact and scrolls should be increased


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Javlar said:
As i see it (ok flame me again pve-masturs) leveling 1-50 is the learning phase. You learn your class and get the items and cash you need. For what you might ask. For RVR. 1-50 is just annoying rr1-10 is teh funneh. I'd choose getting zerged ten times out of ten rather than PVE in some normal (non-fins, non-malmo) way. IMO thats just pure shit.

In that case see the ML&Trials as the Advanced Classes, to put it another way. Sure you know how to drive a car, but do you know how to tilt it onto two wheels and drive like that?

What doesn't kill you only makes you stlonger ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Asty said:
Thats like.. my thoughts exactly, only keep playing in hope of good rvr again in the future.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I'm with the people who don't like ToA.

For me, XPing is a means to an end. I want to RvR. The only PvE I do is to XP my toons up, and some seal hunting.

I hate every minute of it... but I can cope with it is cos I know that there's a fun reward at the end. At the moment I am..was..working on my hunter. But reading about this daft prescience node things.... it seems kinda pointless since everyone will be able to see me.

Anyway, I digress. As I said, I hate PvE and it seems to me that in order to be able to keep up in RvR you've now gotta go be bored out of your mind for hours on end doing the MLs and getting the artefacts.

ToA could have been a good thing. So could the MLs. What they should have done is make it so that they have no real effect in RvR. The MLs and stuff should have been designed to help people in PvE.

ToA forces peopel who HATE PvE to do PvE in order to get back to enjoring their much loved RvR.

Quite seriously, this could spell the end for many, many players.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Quite seriously, this could spell the end for many, many players

I truely agree, althoug the could be you can remove and say it like this

"This WILL be the end for many, many players.


Dec 22, 2003
I love TOA and i hate greedy people. Too bad those two seem to go hand in hand now but hopefully that will change when they get their items :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
judas said:
now you have to play daoc 24/7 to have a chanse getting all artifacts and mls :\
thats time i dont have :/

You mean you have to play daoc 24/7 to be as fast as all other uberc00l guilds and be first one's in RVR with lvl10 artifacts, ML10 etc. etc. ?

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I think the messure of the leangth of ones penis is no longer RR atm... It has become MLs and Artifactlvls! Or will soon anyways. ;)

"I got ML10 and all artifacts at lvl 10!"
"You must have a really big dick! Can I tell my mates that I know you?"
:D :m00: :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Teh FnoRd said:
I think the messure of the leangth of ones penis is no longer RR atm... It has become MLs and Artifactlvls! Or will soon anyways. ;)

"I got ML10 and all artifacts at lvl 10!"
"You must have a really big dick! Can I tell my mates that I know you?"



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Light said:
I've never really like pve much but i think some of the quests and encounters are cool and we are having fun in guild grps etc

only thing that is annoying is the incredibly long spawn times on some of the artifact mobs, must have tried almost 10 last night and not a single mob was there - fekin server reset twice i think must reset the mobs timers .. really fkn annoying especially after camping a mob for hours watching it gradually respawn then bang, server reset and it starts from scratch :(

other thing is been levelling an artficat and fuk meee its gonna take a shed load of normal boring mob bashing, bit lame tbh :(

and you guys who have gone rushing out to do ML's - why didn't u leave that, get and activate artifacts then do ML's - this would kill 2 birds with one stone ie level artfiacts so its usefull and do ML's at the same time :confused:

When u lvl ur atifacts u could PL some lowbie and he'll be ur friend forever :)
Just like im waiting for some1 to be that kind too :>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I think the messure of the leangth of ones penis is no longer RR atm... It has become MLs and Artifactlvls! Or will soon anyways.

"I got ML10 and all artifacts at lvl 10!"
"You must have a really big dick! Can I tell my mates that I know you?"

You do know me though matey ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>I love TOA and i hate greedy people. Too bad those two seem to go hand in hand now but hopefully that will change when they get their items

Nothing new, the greedy players just got new hunting grounds, just look back at the prices people payed for the Sidi/TG/whatever stuff when we only had SI. A very good driver for item farming in those dungeons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
thats why its called the "trials" of atlantis... you have to complete them to be able to keep it up! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Can't wait to get home from my 4months holliday and spend a month doing artifacts :/
And why did you abandon mid Javlar ? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I like my fair bit of RvR (I soemtimes even miss it with my Bard) but there are limits. I go to school and need to get good grades so I don't have time to go on a raid of 6 hours to get a ML. Rvr suits me cos I can port to Odin's , grp some buddies and hang around for 1-2 hours and then just quit when u want to.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
acei said:
Personally i like ToA ALOT the new items are great, new artifacts great, ML encounters also great... but then, i'm a PvE nut :). RvR is no good, and alot of the playerbase doesn't play for the joy of teleporting to Emain every 15mins so you can get zerged to death then repeat. ToA brings ALOT of new challenges for the PvE nuts like me including new mob AI etc. This is a great add-on imo!

Frontiers expansion looks promising for the RvR nuts :)



PvE fortehwin IMO


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
yaruar said:
THe one thing I've really enjoyed about TOA so far is that for the first time in a while I've felt the feelings I had when I first started playing which got me hooked. The joys of finding new and exciting places, the fun of not know what was round the corner or which mobs I can take easily and which I have to run like a bat out of hell from. Even the sheer variety of the mobs, like the undersea mobs which are essentially player class based. Been great fun taking on bonedancer mobs under the sea!

Aye, I saw the Naxos 'bonedancers' last night for the first time while doing the pre-quests for ML3...was a nice touch. Or the way Lord Krojer's Champions are effectively the classes of an enemy Realm - I know I saw a Champion and a Cleric in there...was waiting for one of them to turn into an underwater moose...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
And with ToA i think Mythic was trying to reach out to yet another audience.

With all these META Key packages and all that :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
etcetra said:
With all these META Key packages and all that :p

The 'buffbot for a fiver' package (Re: Gold) was pretty cool, i'm not even done with my free month yet :)

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