Toa and falling behind already.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
I do not play as often as I like but I see a trend in TOA that reminds me of past games.

The idea in creating Cryissa at the time was to hit 50 then climb the RR ladder having fun along the way of course.

With TOA I have found that alot of people have raced off including my own guild and cannot now help me in gaining ML's. For hours I stand around waiting for agroup to do some trials. We race off not really knowing where we are going to complete a trial that most need, on occasions I don't but think hey maybe we will do some more that I need after?

We complete a Trial which mean 95% of the time killing something. After that is completed the group falls apart or a few leave saying "I dont need to do that trial that you wanna complete next sorry.

Where does this leave us?

Well I know where it leaves me.

Middle of the road RR who within a month or two will be totally useless in Rvr seeing that most are already high RR and will be that time have a good ML.

I have thought to try RVR now but as your can imagine most have TOA and RvR is dead until all are high ML.

With little or no time to play anymore now anyway I fear that TOA has killed what was an enjoyable game for me.

To some who know me and have not really herd myself telling you via ingame my thoughts I am sorry.

Another thing I find hard to grasp is the underwater fighting. I have read many books and can involve myself within the realms of fantasy but Paladins in full plate swinging swords with no effort. Scouts shooting arrows underwater with no problems is alittle ammusing.

Just remember Gandalf never threw fireballs underwater!!

There I feel better getting that off of my chest.

Anyone else feel the same?


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
To be honest, i partially share ur feelings.

Personally, i have a job i would like to keep.I usually arrive home at 18-19CET so it leaves me like 4 hours of DAOC session before going bed (i wake up at 6:45CET).
This mean, i can not even aim to catch up with hadcore players that after 5 days of ToA are already ML3-4 n have some of the artifacts/scrolls needed to compete in RvR.

Hopefully im in an organised guild/alliance and i might be one day able to finish my ML/artifacts plan.

Neways, DAOC is no more the game i liked to play: arrive home after a working day, log in, meet some guildies n start a fg n have some fun in rvr while i climb the RR ladder till i call it a nite.

Guess im gonna lose lotsa hours of sleep in order to catch up with the ToA needed stuff (im the only one who thinks the only expansion we really needed was Frontiers?? )

Certainly, ToA has fooked the non-8 hours-a-day DAOC players....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
last step in each (maybe not each but 2 & 3 for sure) ml is to get so called ml exp
best way is to repeat some encounters with people who need it
if your guildmates went a bit ahead they can help you. this way you get the credit and they get ml exp. every1's happy


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Im feeling the same atm and ive got more time than most have, its still not enough ... I feel like i need to be unemployed to compete rofl :eek:

But seriously imo TOA is just too much at once...

If they had added just the new areas with new drops and quest items great. But they also added Mastery Levels and artifacts which is just a bit too much time needed for any sane person...

So lets get this straight someone new to the game to compete now has to ...

> Get their toon to L50.
> Get a bot to L50.
> Farm up insane amounts of gold to buy SC/Scrolls etc.
> Get their MLs maxed out.
> Get Realm lvl as high as possible.
> Level multiple artifacts to L10? (50 billion xp to L10 on most items i hear)


Cant help feeling that as much TOA has added to the game its taken away the same amount :/

PS: Just wanted to add to this...My biggest disappointment with TOA came last night. I had been farming scrolls for days to get a particular artifact. Finally me and a few friends completed a set and we went out to do the encounter. After probably an hour of reading on various ways to do it we started to do it, and after many hours of trial and error we got the mob to drop the artifact...except it only dropped one of it. So we have to do the encounter over and over until everyone in group has it ? Yeah....Whats worse is if you wanted to rerun it it'd take maybe 3 hours (1-2 hours for encounter and another 1-2 hours for repop) omfg, trying to keep a fg's attention span solid for 3 hours is enough without having to do it 7-8 times :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
50 billion rofl.
no way mad.
the rvr artifacts get a lvl every 30k, thats like 3-4hours a lvl. not much imo
also some artifacts are known to take onoly 3hours to lvl. it varies on each.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Agree.. just yesterday i realised that i don't really enjoy daoc anymore, it feels like work now. Before i could just log in at any time, check if there's a gg running and have fun, always gained something each day and whats most important, it was fun. Nowadays a normal daoc day (around 4 hours) goes to farming some stupid artifact and whats worst.. u can actually waste over 10 hours without gaining actually anything, but i don't really have a choice if i want to compete. I really think that TOA was the worst thing that has ever happened to daoc. I only have to hope that our guild continues to rvr after this months of pve hell...


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 5, 2004
I am sure people need think about this is a game a few more than 5 minutes while wait for join to the select char window, PLAY FOR FUN PLEASE, not for rps, ML´s, best SC, trying to be the best in a " game " ??...
To be honest, if you dont find fun in a game where you think that you need go better and better, stronger and stronger each day and that makes you expend hours, lose that thing called " real life " and when you arrive to the pc think: bah, shit game, i want be rr7 now, with ML 8 so ill be so important and so cool for the guys in my realm, they will respect me more.. .. .. patetic, and there is people that plays with that role.
If you like this game, take with patience, do few rvr, then some ML exp, dont need get everything at same time and NOW.
Play for fun, if ToA stopped giving you fun, is time to change the game.


Edit : For those who dont understand my words, and do a rude reply afther read the 1st phrase, i nevermind your life.


Dec 22, 2003
I simply can't understand why all these people are rushing so much. Many new zones, lots to explore and they go get the ML and the artifacts like mad cause they don't like PvE but need the stuff for RvR. No doubt soon the whines about zerging/overpowered ML and artifacs will be here soon. I mean, everyone had their own playstyle ofc so i'm not judging that but by all means don't let others rush you for no reason.

I don't have TOA yet, i'm anxious to see it but not to get ML and artifatcs asap, simply because i want to see the new zones that people are talking about. I'll take my time to explore and discover.

I'm sure there are many people around like you (and me) who also aren't in a rush to complete al ML and get artifacts. Just hook up with them (make a post on your realm forum for a group) and enjoy your time instead of feeling left out/in a hurry cause there is more in your life then DaoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Ziva said:
cause there is more in your life then DaoC.

And btw, wot I miss is the RvR, the fg stuff. And to be able to compete in that I need 1. A class respec 2. Loads of PvE to level artifacts and gain MLs.

Before ToA I just needed the 1.

I just want good old days back. Make it so that PvE expansions do not mess up RvR. Let it be for those who enjoy exploring and PvE:ing more than RvR. Please :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
stighelmer said:
And btw, wot I miss is the RvR, the fg stuff. And to be able to compete in that I need 1. A class respec 2. Loads of PvE to level artifacts and gain MLs.

Thinks its no so much as competing, as who you're trying to compete with. Let's face it...there will always be someone who is a higher RR, ML, has better artifacts, has more time to get their rvr group working perfectly, has a better system etc etc. We know the one's who play this game to be the best in it...and trying to match them in this game is futile. Way I see it is that I don't have the time or the inclination to try and get everything maxed. There will always be others at a similar or lower level that can be competed against, just as there will always be those who basically can't be matched without real life sacrifices (which most of us aint gonna make). So I reckon its just play it in a way that keeps it fun (which for me will be mixing up toa and rvr along the way), and if others want to grind it out to the max then let them.

Have to say that as I dont get TOA until tomorrow I went emain last night and had some of the most fun fights Ive had in ages - the groups weren't particularly balanced (not enough people around to get "perfect" groups) and it was basically chaotic scrapping just like the early rvr days. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I can completely understand why people are charging into ToA and having a great time if they can. For me it's an extremely frustrating experience as (despite having put weeks of preparation into the release) I now find myself in the situation where I can't do any of the group or battlegroup encounters because my uni connection can't handle it - and LD's me before I can get credit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
stighelmer said:

And btw, wot I miss is the RvR, the fg stuff. And to be able to compete in that I need 1. A class respec 2. Loads of PvE to level artifacts and gain MLs.

Before ToA I just needed the 1.

I just want good old days back. Make it so that PvE expansions do not mess up RvR. Let it be for those who enjoy exploring and PvE:ing more than RvR. Please :(

:clap: :worthy: :clap:


Dec 23, 2003
I recieve toa tomorrow and some people I know didn't do their ML's yet so I hope to do them together :>


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
They couldn't have timed it worse for me, i'm eager to get stuck in and explore around a bit, maybe try to get my sweaty paws on some artifacts...ML's i ain't too fussed, i'd like em sure but they can wait a bit.

Problem is i'm final year uni and working hell for leather on a project and 4 other modules. Once that's out the way (Mid may) i can get TOA and have some fun...but by then my guild mates will no doubt be ahead. And rarely logged on anyways.

But cest la vie.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Vasconcelos said:
Hopefully im in an organised guild/alliance and i might be one day able to finish my ML/artifacts plan.
you will :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
i had a hard time finding grps for ml1 cause all parts was so spread out, but now on ml2-3 it wasnt hard at all, all their parts is in same dungeon so just do /who sobekite eternal (ml2 dungeon) etc and pm someone in there and u get a grp or if they are full just ask if you can join their /BG and run with them


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
ill get toa for other acc tomorrow ( i better had ). My bros hogging the sorc acc, will hopefully be able to find grp on my mincer


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Just don't bother doing MLs imo... level up artifacts, from what ive read most MLs are pants anyway, and there will be alot of people using MLs in RvR so I'm sure there will be no shortage.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
oh my god cry more

if people put more time into something they deserev to get more out of it

why should you be able to compete against someone who plays twice as much as you?

Your the guys who complain you dont have a 6-pack like the guy who spends hours a day in the gym and you go once a week


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Thank you all for your replies. I see that I am not alone in these feelings.

I don't wish to have a six pack, wouldn't look good on me.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
If they live a moderate distance from work and run to work everyday and then go gym once a week they might ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Last night i helped some alliance friends and some randoms do some of the FG steps needed, did it without a pally in some cases and a less than perfect group, but we managed to do quite alot of ML and i like to say i enjoyed it. i had done most of the steps before but the thing is insteadof just doing the ones i needed, i assisted others first on ones they needed.

Give and recieve.

When i was about to log i got word that a Cetus attempt was about to go on, got on that and he went down piece of cake.

All in all last night was the most enjoyable ive had in a while :)

You gotta relax and slow down, or you'll get frustrated and annoyed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Point is you hardly online and when you are online it's at times our guild doesn't have many online. We will ofcourse try to get everyone in our guild to get some MLs just have patience please... it's only been here what? 4 days?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dont forget that mythic just recently severly nerfed alot of artifacts and ml abilities since they realized they had to much impact on rvr.
I dont worry so much about what ToA is gonna do to rvr myself - many abilities are usefull for an entire grp, meaning that not everyone has to have them.

Im very hardcore (based on the time i spend online) but even so i refuse to grind out artifacts and ml levels as if it was work.
There is absolutely no point in playing a game if you dont find the experience of actually playing it enjoyable - the enjoyment you get and the friends you make are the only real things in the game: everything else, items, rr-ranks, ml-levels etc, will disappear the day the servers are finally shut down.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Fana said:
Dont forget that mythic just recently severly nerfed alot of artifacts and ml abilities since they realized they had to much impact on rvr.
I dont worry so much about what ToA is gonna do to rvr myself - many abilities are usefull for an entire grp, meaning that not everyone has to have them.

Im very hardcore (based on the time i spend online) but even so i refuse to grind out artifacts and ml levels as if it was work.
There is absolutely no point in playing a game if you dont find the experience of actually playing it enjoyable - the enjoyment you get and the friends you make are the only real things in the game: everything else, items, rr-ranks, ml-levels etc, will disappear the day the servers are finally shut down.

Yes yes, but its so addictive. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Pitspawn said:
Im feeling the same atm and ive got more time than most have, its still not enough ... I feel like i need to be unemployed to compete rofl :eek:

But seriously imo TOA is just too much at once...

If they had added just the new areas with new drops and quest items great. But they also added Mastery Levels and artifacts which is just a bit too much time needed for any sane person...

So lets get this straight someone new to the game to compete now has to ...

> Get their toon to L50.
> Get a bot to L50.
> Farm up insane amounts of gold to buy SC/Scrolls etc.
> Get their MLs maxed out.
> Get Realm lvl as high as possible.
> Level multiple artifacts to L10? (50 billion xp to L10 on most items i hear)


Cant help feeling that as much TOA has added to the game its taken away the same amount :/

PS: Just wanted to add to this...My biggest disappointment with TOA came last night. I had been farming scrolls for days to get a particular artifact. Finally me and a few friends completed a set and we went out to do the encounter. After probably an hour of reading on various ways to do it we started to do it, and after many hours of trial and error we got the mob to drop the artifact...except it only dropped one of it. So we have to do the encounter over and over until everyone in group has it ? Yeah....Whats worse is if you wanted to rerun it it'd take maybe 3 hours (1-2 hours for encounter and another 1-2 hours for repop) omfg, trying to keep a fg's attention span solid for 3 hours is enough without having to do it 7-8 times :p

I dont think Mythics idea was to release an expansion that keeps people busy for 2 days then they got everything needed from it. They want it to take time, the longer it takes the longer people will be playing and the more money they make.

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