to the hibs hibs who took surs



grats with keep, we got pics of the door abusers. You would have got it anyways dont see why some resort to cheating.


aye, lots of SSs taken, this isnt a slur on hibs - just those who chose to abuse a VERY well known bug.

GOA has been infomed.


GOA says: seh coustomeré service aer la temporarali wout of owrder.


Come on Hibs, pls tell it in your /as because people are so blatently abusing this bug it is getting silly.
Chanters running through the doors, nuking, and running out again. Tanks going into the yard, and running out for heals...
Sure... they will say "Ich hab das nicht gewust" but that is just bollocks.
Regards, Glottis


Well, tbh, we were spamming in the cg. If you can't see a second door, stand outside keep till we say it's down. But either some people didn't hear (not in cg perhaps?), chose not to hear or lagged and ended up running in (no excuse to fight anything while in there tho).
Some albs were casting stuff through the doors (root, dds, theurg pets) when they came to take Renaris back off us later so it's not just our realm that needs to spread the word about the bugs Glottis, every realm has some people who either don't know or just choose to blatantly abuse the bug.

I'm looking forward to when the bug gets fixed as it hampered our efforts to put up a better defence at Renaris. Partly because of getting attacked through the door, and partly because we couldn't claim the keep and upgrade guards as one of our grp had the keep bug and couldn't get up to the lord.


Lets hear it again... Someone used doorbug! ZZzzzz u can't stop them from doing it, give it up blabla.


Really is time to sort this out Goa, i mean so many people allegedly abusing it you cant ban them all, i have never seen this bug and i have never really heard it spoken about in-game. so maybe not everyone does know about it. I do think Goa need to include any known bugs in the weekly news, as not everyone reads that it should be emailed to every subscriber. Not hard really


Originally posted by Lessurl
Well, tbh, we were spamming in the cg. If you can't see a second door, stand outside keep till we say it's down.

try main chat?
stop the raid attack?
flame them in as as bug abusers?
cut their balls ? (a bit tough :p)
bug abusers suck but they are a with them [and report them direct in the company..and pray to god that they gonna give a shit) or quit


Originally posted by Powahhh
try main chat?
stop the raid attack?
flame them in as as bug abusers?
cut their balls ? (a bit tough :p)
bug abusers suck but they are a with them [and report them direct in the company..and pray to god that they gonna give a shit) or quit

its not like you can see the bug abusers though?:p There is a closed door infront of you and if you are with alot of people than you cant keep track of whose there or not ;).

And Ravenbourne it has been fixed partially, no one should get it anymore. But only way to fix the people who have this bug is either patch to 1.65 or force them to delete the game and install it again. Only way goa will know someone has the bug is if people report it.


Originally posted by Powahhh
try main chat?
stop the raid attack?
flame them in as as bug abusers?
cut their balls ? (a bit tough :p)
bug abusers suck but they are a with them [and report them direct in the company..and pray to god that they gonna give a shit) or quit

I didn't see anyone go in personally (i was looking other way watching for inc) so i didn't know that spamming the cg wasn't working. I also relayed it to my own group incase any of them had the bug and hadn't seen it in cg.


Originally posted by catchme
Lets hear it again... Someone used doorbug! ZZzzzz u can't stop them from doing it, give it up blabla.



I remember 3 guys in my group said they had the door bug so they stepped away from it to make sure they didn't accidently abuse it


Nah that can't be true!!111

Hibs say they didn't do it, so this has to be lies!1111



I think it should be mentioned here (before some definately innocent people get flamed). Jokke is a ns who climbed in to attack you, he was also the person in the cg who spammed the most telling people with door bug to get back out of keep. Fragzta is a pbaoer who must have cast it at the door (can't see in that ss so must still be the correct side of door) the dot ticks could have been picked up from someone aoeing on the door. Also, most of the people in the ss who are through the door don't appear to be doing anything, just standing about looking confused.

Now, the people who are a bit dodgy. That celt cosantoir infront of you, though she doesn't appear to be hitting you with anything. And Cripl, though he is standing at the door, could have been a genuine case of confusion whereby he runs up to where second door should be, sees no door, sees you there, instincts kick in, /stick attack. As you can see in the screenie he has broken off already, perhaps realising mistake.

Nothing inherantly incriminating from that ss though, but it is hard to show people abusing in one ss. Best to let goa sort it out, they can check logs etc. and find out what really happened.

By the way, I'm only posting this as i know a lot of forum trolls will pounce on this as conclusive evidence that everyone in that ss was abusing when they can have no idea as they weren't there. (Just as i can't as i couldn't see what people were doing inside the keep). I'm willing to look at more ss which prove there was definately abuse and from who (another ss of cripl still attacking you for example) or take it from your word that the cosantoir stuck to you went on to kill you, or the bard standing there started to mez guards and defenders.

Anyway, i think what i'm trying to say is, just posting one ss can be deceiving. Givf more details before innocent people (jokke for example) get flamed for no reason. :) And i'm not being bias towards hib here, just trying to stick to innocent until proven guilty. If you tell me/show me that someone was definately abusing it then i will flame that person as hard as the next person.


Originally posted by Tualatin
Nah that can't be true!!111

Hibs say they didn't do it, so this has to be lies!1111

Where do we say we (using we as in realm) didn't do it?
I said we (as in people of good concience) tried our best to stop people from abusing the bug. But there are still people (in every realm) who wont listen no matter how hard you tell them and may even go out of their way to abuse bugs. These people deserve a ban imo, no matter what realm.


That caster there does some nice tricks though ;) But GOA knows what to do.


When we retook Hurb yesterday afternoon we had an infil with us who had the bug. It was a bit silly, but we told him to come back out and climb up the wall to get back in hehe.

I remind you too that having this bug isn't only an advantage, but a disadvantage too as those people can never get to the lordtower, wether it is an enemy keep or a friendly keep. It is in their own interest to reinstall the game, or GOA should make a seperate patch that deliberately replaces the keepdesign files. I don't see a big chance to that happening tho :)


This is pointless... our cg was spammed with requests not to go through if you had the door bug and as many as can be expected respected that. Now when Albs came to take the keep back from us there where plenty who ran right through the second door and into the keep also.

Only solution is a fix by GOA not a whine and ss about another realm abusing a common bug for all three realms.


all very silly tbh.

I blame the rams, after all, there stickin through the door too



Lets bitch for 400+ messages about a Hib-keeptake to get Darkness Falls and where 3 silly hibbies missed a door.


Originally posted by catchme
Lets hear it again... Someone used doorbug! ZZzzzz u can't stop them from doing it, give it up blabla.

I can report them, i have reported before and i will do it again if i see it.


Originally posted by catchme
Lets hear it again... Someone used doorbug! ZZzzzz u can't stop them from doing it, give it up blabla.

as CrazyMuppet said, I can report them.
If they are albs i can contact their GM.

And if they are repeat offenders, that have been warned before I will expose them for the cheating vermin they are.

again, if they are in alb and repeat offenders and their guild doesnt do anything about it, I will conclude that the guild leadership supports cheating.

If it would be sameone in my guild, I'dd warn him once and kick him out of the guild the second time and make sure everybody knows he is cheating scum.


Originally posted by Lessurl
Fragzta is a pbaoer who must have cast it at the door (can't see in that ss so must still be the correct side of door) ...

And Cripl, though he is standing at the door, could have been a genuine case of confusion whereby he runs up to where second door should be, sees no door, sees you there, instincts kick in, /stick attack.

Fragzta hit me with DD spells in the middle of courtyard with 2nd door still up - reported.

Cripl slammed me in the middle of courtyard, got slammed in the middle of courtyard, ran out to get healed, came back in and attacked more ppl - reported.


Originally posted by Kirnan
a common bug for all three realms.
Now that's the keyword here, "common bug".

GOA has known about this for a long time and haven't done anything to prevent it, even when there was a patch on monday.
So if they are too lazy to correct bugs, why would they ban people for their own mistakes?


Originally posted by jaapi
Now that's the keyword here, "common bug".

GOA has known about this for a long time and haven't done anything to prevent it, even when there was a patch on monday.
So if they are too lazy to correct bugs,
because GAO has verry little conroll over the code and its upto mythic to fix it

Originally posted by jaapi
why would they ban people for their own mistakes?

If samone leaves his car unlocked, does that make it ok for me to take his radio ? Its his own fault, because he was to stupid to lock his car right ?

Its called respect and responsibility .
If you play this game you accept the CoC.
The CoC clearly states you are not allowed to use a bug for a personal advantage.
This is a multi player game, and thus you should show some respeced for your fellow players be they from your realm or any other.
Excuses, like but they know about the bug and havent fixed have no value, If you know its a bug and you use it anyway it is your choise and noone elses, GOA isnt making you run thru that gate, you pressed the button, your
responsibility and your own fault if you get banned


Originally posted by jaapi
So if they are too lazy to correct bugs, why would they ban people for their own mistakes?

Try reading what you accept each time you log on to the game.

It for instance says that you accept not to take advantage of bugs in the game.

From the Code of Conduct that is one of thoese annoying screens you actually have to press accept:
Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, nor to exploit any possible design faults.


When albs tooked the keeps back they abused as much as some hibs did. And still I'm not here GRATS ALBS U MAYBE GET BANNED BANNED BANNEDF YOU MAYBE GET BANNED BANNED LALALALAL!

And now can i ask what is different between alb and hib :p


Originally posted by decker
When albs tooked the keeps back they abused as much as some hibs did. And still I'm not here GRATS ALBS U MAYBE GET BANNED BANNED BANNEDF YOU MAYBE GET BANNED BANNED LALALALAL!

And now can i ask what is different between alb and hib :p

I don't think the thread starter was implying that albs were any different from hibs when it comes to abusing bugs.


1. Some of the hibs attacking Surs were abusing the door bug.

2. It had been screenied and reported to rightnow.

If you have evidence of albs abusing this bug (and i'm sure some from all 3 realms abuse this), then please do the same and report it.

If people continue to abuse a bug, they deserve to get banned regardless of realm.


Originally posted by jaapi
GOA has known about this for a long time and haven't done anything to prevent it, even when there was a patch on monday.
So if they are too lazy to correct bugs, why would they ban people for their own mistakes?

patching the game folder over with proper file does nothing for some reason, the only fix is to delete all files and then reinstall the game. How exactly can Goa do this? They fixed it so people dont get the bug anymore, but they can not fix it for the people who have got it. Well they can, by threatening to ban those people if they abuse it again and give them the explanation of how to fix it. So the only fix for this is to report those people, so goa can either ban them if it is the 2nd report (of another day) or warn them and explain how to fix it. Other than that Goa cant do anything it seems as the only fix is deleting the bugged files, which they cant do.
Off course patching to 1.65 would also fix it, but we cant get that within a month.

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