to smite or not to smite?


Jarahl Valinor

Re: Re: to smite or not to smite?

Originally posted by Silenzio

u get damage add, 9 sec mez , 30 sek aoe stun... pbaoe dd

What? Where? How? :p Http:// check out char builder and point out the 30 sec aoe stun plz :) I think u got it all around really, its 9 sec stun and 30 sec mezz :)


More to the point, it's...

9sec * 0.60 for resists = 5.4sec single target stun

(which is also basline, and so irrelevant to your spec choice)


30sec * 0.75 for pbaoe falloff * 0.60 for resists * 0.55 for determination = 7.4 sec pbaoe mez

You have to factor in determination, because the spell is pbaoe, and the only people attacking you in pbaoe range are tanks, who bizarrely get to be practically cc immune for little to no Realm point cost.

Only Healers get aoe stun.

As for the pbaoedd, that is what? 100ish every 20 seconds.



Originally posted by Silenzio
but with the spec i've n some ra... my clerik heal bout 400hit per cast someone could say bad... to me is still good,
damage with 44 smite + 11+ rr is kinda nice such like +/-300hit

400 heals per cast isnt bad, problem is that with 44 smite, u are completely oom n MCL burned after 4-5 high heals of 400.


Originally posted by Moody
Just a little warning if you go rvr with a cleric in groups tho. Your group members have absolutely no clue what you can and can't do 80% of the time.

You cannot heal when mezzed, you cannot heal when stunned. You cannot heal when under attack unless its a very slow 2H and you time well

You will get told to rezz when you have zero power.
Your group will run in 7 different directions and still expects you to be behind them.
Your group thinks you have 10 instas
Your group thinks BoF doesn't have a recast timer
And once in a while you will get instakilled, and the Armsman beating on a zerker will yell "WTF my buffs just dropped!!11!!1" and "Heal!!1!1"

Omg... who do u group with? If its guildys u might wanna think about getting a new guild...


my cleric soloed 48-50 in barrows killing orangecon advisors in 3-4 smites with 39 smite spec

that was before nerf :(

but i'm taking my enhance spec off next patch as i'm sick of ppl canceling my buffs coz they got a buffbot.
i'll be 41 rejuv 35 smite i think

any comments?


Originally posted by Luv_Bunny
my cleric soloed 48-50 in barrows killing orangecon advisors in 3-4 smites with 39 smite spec

that was before nerf :(

but i'm taking my enhance spec off next patch as i'm sick of ppl canceling my buffs coz they got a buffbot.
i'll be 41 rejuv 35 smite i think

any comments?

Err since you play excal, I would say yes excellent spec (evil alterior motives)! If you were a cleric on prydwen... wouldnt group with you at all.....

If you plan to be a group cleric you need the rejuv AND the enhance.. You need the resist buffs that come along in the enhance line unless u plan to run back to apk or wherever you have your bot parked to redo resists every 10minutes or so...

The rejuv cleric who can play his class right and position himself right is one of the most powerful characters in the game for his group...


Im dead pleased with my level 1 smite on my Lvl 45 cleric bot, i actually killed Jawz with it in cs when i hit him for 79 damage.
Mind you he did have about 5 people hitting him too 8)

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