to qui or not to qui...



Originally posted by rg-zorena
ppl without qui = gimps

hehe i see you played a healer, on a good crit I can hit healers for 1k+ with no quick with anytime style.


Originally posted by fyric
put 28 quickness in both your 1hand and your shield, and no quick with spear/lw imho

sound advice.


Originally posted by tris-
dex effects WS. if u dont believe me try it, if u still dont believe me then err :eek: i played polearms for 2 yrs, full str based weapon. when i increased str i gained WS, when i capped the skills i gained weapon skill, when i increased dex i gained WS. worked for me, thats all i care about ;)

LOL Dex does not effect ws for Polearms at all ....... not in the slightest. Go test it your self and then come back here and admit it, get a cleric / Friar to buff you with only dex and watch your ws is the test.

I have tested it, many many ppl have also tested it. Dex does not effect WS for Polearms or 2h. This apply's to 2h Slash, 2h Crush and YES 2h Thrust < again, tested this to clear up the myth> and The same is true for Polearm whether its SLash / Crush or even yes Thrust.

Please do not tell ppl something that you are not even sure about I mean when did you discover this ? post a screeny ? Was it only 1 time in band camp ?

I have also tested the same for hib weapon's. The same rules apply Spear/LW = 100% Str.

Originally posted by necrofill
well to all of u there say poles is 100% str u wrong :) im sorry but if u use thrust pole, 50% of ws is affected by dex, but ofc slash and crush pole shouldnt be affected by dex. Same on hib spear is a thrust weapon= 50% dex based, but then again LW hammers and sword should ofc not be affected by dex only str.
But this dont count for staves they r 100% dex based :) promise i got a friar and have tried it out me self :)

No mate your wrong and you must not have a clue to say something like that. Please actually sit down and test things like this before you say it. You dont even have a 50 alb arms or a 50 Hero/champ etc.

Just because 1h weapons have a set of rules it does NOT apply to advanced or indeed 2h weapons.

Yes 1h Thrust is effected by 50/50 Str and Dex

And yes 1h Slash and Crush are both 100% Str

BUT this is not the case for 2h/advanced weapons so please stop guessing and go check it out, even with a free /level 20 + a friend or bot whatever.

Originally posted by Shike
wrong I think, 2h thrust is 75% str and 25% dex or something.

all poles are 100% str though.

That's the myth. The fact your said think means you dont even know your just assuming the myth is True.

It is False, Although 'mythic' may have intended that 2h Thrust dmg be calculated on 75% str and 25% dex this is NOT the case when you actually look at the figures. Whether they will adjust this or leave as is .... well thats unclear but for now its 100% str and dont respond until you have tested it and not just think you know.

Originally posted by rg-zorena
ppl without qui = gimps

hmm for a hib group your definetly Right but for an alb group with a Frontloading Polearms you are mis-guided.

The Hero's role in a group is to guard and kill obviously, he needs to slam to guard and a good shield spec to block or switch guard in a fight. Therefore he will need maxium Dex so he will require a Base dex and a spec Dex/qui buff. Now ...... If he is going for a Frontload set up he will have 0 qui added and he will not use the dex/qui buff for obvious reason's. So if he cap's his quick he can take maxium advantage of the dex/qui buff improving his defencsive abilities/ and getting the most possible qui he can get so he can slam more often and block more < the dex part ;)>

However ......

An Arms role in a group is to Kill by /assisting the MA or by selecting target's etc. He will not use Dex for guarding as he will be using his Polearm mostly but not alway's, he will have 0 qui in his suit so he can Frontload to the best of his ability. So he will not take the dex/quick buff and because he is not taking the buff he should indeed leave qui out because the golden rule with qui is< generally> ......

Cap qui or leave it at 0.

I can understand the point about leaving some qui on your shield and 1h but that's a general rule not specific for a group or class or realm etc :D

Wait until you see the fotm alb groups with x3 0 qui Half-ogre Polearms all using 6s weapon's. They will kill most ppl in the first swing and if not the 2nd swing < 1st swing is free because of 0 delay on first swing etc >

But that's a different matter totally sorry to get off track slighty :D

so in conclusion, can ppl please stop making wild statements about how if you increase charisma npc's will react better with you etc ^^

< I'm aware nobody said that>



for s/s tanks max quickness
for polers atm anyway zero quickness
for hybrid pole 28 quick on 1hand weapon and shield

this general rule carries over across realm
and dex does not effect polearm ws i have no doubt about that.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
so in conclusion, can ppl please stop making wild statements about how if you increase charisma npc's will react better with you etc ^^

< I'm aware nobody said that>


hehe :D


Originally posted by vindicat0r
so in conclusion, can ppl please stop making wild statements about how if you increase charisma npc's will react better with you etc ^^

< I'm aware nobody said that>


It doesn't? Damn, that's 15 points i wasted at start up. :/

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