To Kemor



Just wondered if you had a comment on the following statistic...

A poll taken over a long period of time. The question was are you happy with GOA's service. This is the results...

No, and I have since left the EU game. 9.02%
No, but I continue playing. 42.21%
Don't feel strongly either way. 17.62%
Yes, I am happy with GOA's service. 31.15%

Does this figure tell you something about the level of service you are providing..... ( That figure would make my management team choke on their coffee)

Have a read back on some of the posts in the general discussion area. We have billing problems, we have massive delays to getting patches out, we have no in game support, we have a feeble "Right Now" customer support system thats highly unpopular for obvious reasons, we have massive connectivity problems to the servers, we have slow feedback on technical faults and the feedback is always minimal... (I could go on...)

On top of this players will of course have in game issues with the general playability of DAOC (something more for Mystic there)

My question to you, do you really expect this European setup to last ( more than a year ) if GOA continue like this????

I really worry for the future of this game in Europe.

I am also sad that the Facility Management of DAOC Europe didnt go to a company who would treat the game and its customers with the respect they desearve.

Your comments would be appreciated, a lot of players took the time to participate in the poll...

(no offense but this one is for Kemor only, Im not interested in any player comments. Those of you that are happy with GOA's service, fine. Its just im not (alone with more than 50% of the server) and I wanna see what they think about this poll.)


I am not Kemor nor do i work for GOA... but do you think your poll is representative ? I haven't seen that poll so couldn't vote. And those that are satisfied wont come to the boards to post that they are happy, those who rant have a much easier time to come to the boards.

Edit: OK i'm blind... vote is just a few threads down :rolleyes:


Censi :m00:

Bottom line is, the 9% don't matter as they left already.

So those that voted yes or don't care = (31.15 + 17.62) = 48.77%
Those that voted no but still play = 42.21%

Seems like a victory for common sense imho.

And no, I'm not Kemor, and I know you asked for only Kemor to respond, but these statistics not only tell that the active playing population (who visit these boards) are mostly satisifed, but also that you are a dumbass.

kthxbye :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I don't give a rats if you don't want to see player comments or not... if you were interested in a private conversation, you could have PM'ed Kemor.
But being the attention whore that you are, you had to post on the general forums...

The poll might have been representative for a while.
Until last night at least, when you amongst about 2oo other junkies, filled the boards with about a dozen different threads all whining about how GOA is in league with the anti christ because you couldn't play for a couple of hours.

Now do me a favor. Shut up and play the game or shut up and leave for the US servers. But shut up, you are being pathetic.


Actually that poll was just to get someone else to shut up...

They'd said that 80% of people would be unhappy.. they were wrong, there's quite a few happy people.

Bearing in mind this is only a tiny sample of the people playing, and many would say that those reading the boards are in general the more disgruntled unhappy customers, the statistic is completely invalid...

It was just done to prove a point :)

If GOA were to base all their decisions on the opinions of the 248 people that vote on this forum then they'd have their work cut out.

However considering there are 10-20k people playing DAoC europe....

It could be a good measure of the happiness of the general playing public, or it could be a completely skewed sample...


I think Censi has a heck of a point tho.

My management team would be shitting a brick if they saw stats like that even if they were representative and just created by consumers to prove a point.

I feel sorry for Kemor cause I think he does try hard but I honestly dont think theres a decent support network behind him and daoc europe (pure speculation), tho it seems pretty obvious at the end of the line.

The fact is that if you look at this forum you will see that the majority of your customer base is in fact unhappy, as soon as I have built up some cash I will probably order the US Daoc. Only because I get the feeling that the companies running the game here have given up and are trying hard to flog a dead horse.

I love this game, I wanna play in the UK but I do not believe we are receiving a serivce we should be. We have an option, to all hop over to the US.

Prydwen needs a server upgrade we need our third one, we also need our pvp and we wait donkies for patches. Why bother, its like ok you can have this skoda for £2000 or you can have this turbo charged TVR with all the trimmings for the same money. I know which one I would take.


if everyone hated it so much, surely the servers would be half empty? wow, imagine the decent rvr then ;)

go on scummers, leave us! ;)


Myshra were both in the same realm.

If people left the realms would become more unbalanced than they are now. Trying to take a relic would be come an oblivious hope.

Uncle Sick(tm)

if everyone hated it so much, surely the servers would be half empty? wow, imagine the decent rvr then

That I call a sarcastic remark.

Originally posted by old.Wicoa
Myshra were both in the same realm.

If people left the realms would become more unbalanced than they are now. Trying to take a relic would be come an oblivious hope.

That I call not having enough cerebral activity to recognize one.


Originally posted by censi
(no offense but this one is for Kemor only, Im not interested in any player comments. Those of you that are happy with GOA's service, fine. Its just im not (alone with more than 50% of the server) and I wanna see what they think about this poll.)

What a complete load of tripe this thread is... as someone else has said, if you only want Kemor's input, don't post in a public forum. You really think that as the GM responsible for the Prydwen server the guy is going to post his views here? Would they represent the views of GOA as a whole? Don't be bloody silly.

As for your statement that 50% of the server are unhappy, that's just pathetic. How can you state with such authority these numbers when it painfully bloody obvious to anyone with any sense that the people who post on these boards are, by and large, the whingers and moaners... where are the happy players? Playing!!

If you don't like it... play somewhere else, its bloody obvious.


Or many of the ones that was not happy but still playing has payed 6 months in advance, and is killing time til <insert mmorpg here> comes out?

Well that is true about me anyway ;)
SW:G all the way baby :D

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Wicoa
My management team would be shitting a brick if they saw stats like that even if they were representative and just created by consumers to prove a point.
Majored in stats at University, this type of servey is absolutely bullsh*t and anyone getting worried by it shouldn't be in business. So if your management team is worried by it, quit now, while you're still in business.

I feel sorry for Kemor cause I think he does try hard but I honestly dont think theres a decent support network behind him and daoc europe (pure speculation), tho it seems pretty obvious at the end of the line.
<yawn> This "I love Kemor BUT..." line is boring me...quit using it.

The fact is that if you look at this forum you will see that the majority of your customer base is in fact unhappy, as soon as I have built up some cash I will probably order the US Daoc. Only because I get the feeling that the companies running the game here have given up and are trying hard to flog a dead horse.

FFS! It's NOT the majority of the customers. And you know what? Just sod the f*ck off for all I care. The only posts I see by you are your whining about wanting a third server and whines about how bad things are. If they're so bad, WHY are you still here, I mean, the game's been going 5 months now...f-off already. :flame:

I love this game, I wanna play in the UK but I do not believe we are receiving a serivce we should be. We have an option, to all hop over to the US.
This is NOT the UK, this is EUROPE. So stop posting here and f-off to the VNboards already.

Prydwen needs a server upgrade we need our third one, we also need our pvp and we wait donkies for patches.
You're still here? To use a saying I learnt from Verena, Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :sleeping:


Ahhh...that feels good.


Uncle Sick(tm)

... and I thought this thread couldn't get any worse.
Thank you, Lunar.


*goes for a smoke*


Originally posted by Myshra
if everyone hated it so much, surely the servers would be half empty? wow, imagine the decent rvr then ;)

go on scummers, leave us! ;)

Myshra u crack me up

BUT just for your information, the English servers are indeed half empty (or hapf full if ur an optimist... what do the neutrals say?)

Remember servers have pop cap of 3500, Prudwen peaks at 1500 and averages closer to 1200. Excalibur peaks at 2000 and averages closer to 1800.

oh an Jup :clap: :clap: :clap:

and the oroginal poster, I dont care to rememebr his name or scroll up an dnote it, :puke:


Originally posted by sickofit...
... and I thought this thread couldn't get any worse.
Thank you, Lunar.

Hmm.... I should says it getting a damned sight better, old boy :cool:

*goes for a smoke*

... I would too, only I just had one... maybe in about 30 minutes....

Lunar!! Get Over here!! :p

(Love the piccy, Sicko, but which is meant to be which please???)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Love the piccy, Sicko, but which is meant to be which please???)

George senior starts the conversation, of course.. tsktsk...
Watch out, Lunar. Barbara Bush is after Jupitus now...


Originally posted by sickofit...
Watch out, Lunar. Barbara Bush is after Jupitus now...

... ahhh just like Lunar.... it's the power they adore ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus

... ahhh just like Lunar.... it's the power they adore ;)

Hear that, Lunar? He is trying to imply that you are that shallow...



Nooo. it's the moves, ahh those infiltrator moves


And Sickofit, dear, a little light relief in a dull and boring thread never went amiss did it? ;)


Originally posted by Solid
Remember servers have pop cap of 3500, Prudwen peaks at 1500 and averages closer to 1200. Excalibur peaks at 2000 and averages closer to 1800.

Actually Prydwens peak was around 2300. No idea about Exca tho, cant remember the URL. And the servers been up 98-99% of the time.


I have had no problems with the service from GOA and the few times I have and used Right Now they have been resolved very quickly.


Kemor can you give some examples of bannings please? I noticed that the new dll you have us has extra messages for the bannees that's all.

It would be interesting to see the various reasons people get banned.

Do they all come under these catergories or are there more?

a. Exploitation of bugs
b. Harassment of other players


Pretty easy, we got a Code of Conduct for that.

If you go against the Code of Conduct in some way or another, you can get banned.

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