To Invisibul:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Corran said:
givf savages to us imo

Savages have been more of a curse then a blessing, you may see savages out on the playing field wtfpwning along side their healers in group, but you don't see much variety now as there was, everyone has rolled a savage, its killing mid (just like all are rolling infils) and I hope they will nerf them so their in line with zerkers. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well, what really gets my blood boiling, is that there are obvious balance flaws and that Mythic ignores them for too long. I mean, on various issues the community agrees ( except a few idiots or zealots ) and maybe a year after those chars get toned down. But a year is a lot of playing nights and frustration for the not so fotm people.

Me :twak: Mackey


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aenir said:
Well, what really gets my blood boiling, is that there are obvious balance flaws and that Mythic ignores them for too long. I mean, on various issues the community agrees ( except a few idiots or zealots ) and maybe a year after those chars get toned down. But a year is a lot of playing nights and frustration for the not so fotm people.

Me :twak: Mackey

couldnt be closer to the truth imo.

i looked at the TL reports and feedbacks (the latest ones that had feedbacks). to me it feels like they take time to think about fixing alb classes while mid ones get the: will look in to it to see if there is need of a change-kinda answer in almost every feedback.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
chretien said:
No they whine because you have a chip on your shoulder the size of a fucking forest and never shut up about it.

GrivneKelmorian said:
What can I say, im alergic to ppl who cant fight fair and show no respect for others.

And back then you use to have the guts to solo and we had some good fights.
This would be the guts you showed last night then? Run into you in odins your immediate instinct was to run (or kite as you like to claim). Only as im not a retard you were diseased and can't out run me :p Took you a good 20 yards to realise this so hit me (for the first time I might add) with a snare and set off again. Purge, end pot, keep running and hitting your back, Dwera sits down, you just killed Dwera ...

I won that because of adds? Because im overpowered? Or because you don't try to fight, don't try to see what a fight is like and arn't actually that good perhaps? A good stealther imo would use kiting as a way to win a losing battle, you just use kiting as the only way to fight. You lost that fight yesterday because you just tried to run vs a player thats not a complete reject. You tried the same vs my pala the other day, the second you stealthed I keep end chant on and run the other way.

Hell, the next time I saw you before I could react you had unstealthed and run off 10 yards before restealthing. Are you really that scared of fighting me? :p

As for an earlier comment about infils not using alch poisons. To tell the truth I can't use half of them. I don't need to use half of them because more often than not I can get an opener in. Sure infils hit hard but alot use slow weapons, are not debuffed properly and are well buffed. An nondebuffed SB will out damage my infil (admittedly thats thrust damage on thrust resistant armour vs slash damage on slash weak armour but thats another argument).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
And I cant stand up and fight for any reason? Tell me...dose an inf, solo (hahaha i know, they are never solo)

I am normally solo. Shame you seldom are.

GrivneKelmorian said:
But as mythics lil pets (albs of any kind) are blessed with abilitys of many kinds they dont have to use tactics to beat there targets...they simply press 4ish buttons and have there friends do the same thing = dey r l337!!!

Funny, we have exactly the same CS lines that you do.
Look, you have a choice. Sit there whining in your ignorance, or come duel me 1 on 1, no adds, no buffbots. Then you will see a true comparison of the classes, not the warped view of it you get in emain. Depends if you've got the balls to do it though.

PS: You hit me for 500+ from a non-stealth attack the other day, so quit the whining. SBs hit hard too, or is it their shamans?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
I am normally solo. Shame you seldom are.

Funny, we have exactly the same CS lines that you do.
Look, you have a choice. Sit there whining in your ignorance, or come duel me 1 on 1, no adds, no buffbots. Then you will see a true comparison of the classes, not the warped view of it you get in emain. Depends if you've got the balls to do it though.

PS: You hit me for 500+ from a non-stealth attack the other day, so quit the whining. SBs hit hard too, or is it their shamans?

What you mean im seldom solo? out of my 947.000 RP (have that exactly when i logged last night) is 918.590 RP solo (97%), 18.940 RP in duo/trio (2%) and 9.470 RP (1%) in groups larger then 3, Relic raids, guild groups, keep defence/keeptake. (the % numbers are estimated). Tell is yours?

first of all...Last times ive seen you (outside svasud, when i killed you last, your backup fg didnt make it in time, or on beno road running with that other inf).

Exactly the same CS lines yep, but I dont have the ability to spec for SS if i want decent venom and decent wepon or melee stun, meaning 34 CS is pretty much as high as i can go.
And if I ever hit an inf, buffed, for 500 except PA or BS (even then its hard as spec af a.k.a perma AP1.x tales away pretty much my dmg). Give me a screenshot of me hitting you for 500 without PA or else i would like of the stuff you are smoking ;) because that is just not possible.

I dont want to do such a duel, because if I win you will say: you see, SBs dont suck...if you win what will happen? nothing...I know that SB is the weakest assasin class, I dont need more proof. and for the 3rd, I dont duel other realms as its against the coc with pre arranged fights.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bigchief said:

This would be the guts you showed last night then? Run into you in odins your immediate instinct was to run (or kite as you like to claim). Only as im not a retard you were diseased and can't out run me :p Took you a good 20 yards to realise this so hit me (for the first time I might add) with a snare and set off again. Purge, end pot, keep running and hitting your back, Dwera sits down, you just killed Dwera ...

I won that because of adds? Because im overpowered? Or because you don't try to fight, don't try to see what a fight is like and arn't actually that good perhaps? A good stealther imo would use kiting as a way to win a losing battle, you just use kiting as the only way to fight. You lost that fight yesterday because you just tried to run vs a player thats not a complete reject. You tried the same vs my pala the other day, the second you stealthed I keep end chant on and run the other way.

Hell, the next time I saw you before I could react you had unstealthed and run off 10 yards before restealthing. Are you really that scared of fighting me? :p

As for an earlier comment about infils not using alch poisons. To tell the truth I can't use half of them. I don't need to use half of them because more often than not I can get an opener in. Sure infils hit hard but alot use slow weapons, are not debuffed properly and are well buffed. An nondebuffed SB will out damage my infil (admittedly thats thrust damage on thrust resistant armour vs slash damage on slash weak armour but thats another argument).

Well, as your class is an overpowerd one, yes i run.

I wounder...this is a ohhh...i wtfpwned you with my fotm inf!!111 ?

I try to avoid fights i cant win, and rr6 infs that hits me for over 170 dmg with garrote, where i usually hit back for less then 100 dmg (on a buffed inf). I cant possibly win such a fight without a PA, hence I run...when I cant get away why try to fight? I cant even get you down lower then 90% hp if I try to fight.

Also fun how you hit me in the back (with the disease) when you were like 2x melee range and streight out from stealth too.

For alch potions...
You cant even use half of them...that shows your unknowlage about it...there only is 2 types. And you dont HAVE to use them as you can win by only using melee.

Tell will a non-debuffed SB outdmg a non-dex/qui & str/con debuffed inf? An inf doing 150+ dmg on every style when non-debuffed

""Hell, the next time I saw you before I could react you had unstealthed and run off 10 yards before restealthing. Are you really that scared of fighting me? :p"" How the fuck could you catch me? Tell me...lag jump? Some inf speed? How?

And Im not scared of fighting, I just dont like to run for 10 mins couse of some fotm 1 - 4 button spamming inf killing me and I dont have a chance to fight back.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
first of all...Last times ive seen you (outside svasud, when i killed you last, your backup fg didnt make it in time, or on beno road running with that other inf).

That's guild rvr just out for a laugh, slightly different from what you're talking about. At least our guild does realise the value of stealthers in the right places, and does use them in 1fg vs 1fg fights. Ok I was pretty drunk by the time we got to svasud, and was being nuked as well as having Dwera on me. The rest of the group were dealing with Nolby Pride who hit us from behind at the same moment. Just one of those things. I don't just do stealth fights, you know, I do run with non-stealth groups and take on the other fotm groups out there, fully playing my part.
Anyway, the point is that I am often out there solo, as are many other infils I know. Just dont assume people like Deadly Sycophants are the norm around here.
As for beno road, well then let's see. The Rigante held Benowyc, most of the guild were there ready to defend. We had lots of reports of mids and hibs moving about HW, so we sent out a patrol group of me, 1 scout and 1 mistrel to look around and confirm these reports, when we ran into you. That's more realm vs realm tactical activities rather than stealther fights, minstrel for speed, scout for truesight. We weren't out looking for fights, we were spying out enemy movements in relation to our keep defence. There is more to this game than stealth fights, you know.

GrivneKelmorian said:
And if I ever hit an inf, buffed, for 500 except PA or BS (even then its hard as spec af a.k.a perma AP1.x tales away pretty much my dmg). Give me a screenshot of me hitting you for 500 without PA or else i would like of the stuff you are smoking ;) because that is just not possible.
Of course I keep chat logs and screenshots, hit by hit of every fight I'm ever involved in and I keep a spare 200Gb hard drive to keep them all on.
Btw, this was yesterday in emain I was talking about.

GrivneKelmorian said:
I dont want to do such a duel, because if I win you will say: you see, SBs dont suck...if you win what will happen? nothing...I know that SB is the weakest assasin class, I dont need more proof. and for the 3rd, I dont duel other realms as its against the coc with pre arranged fights.

One word, coward.

The CoC is there to stop people farming each other time and time again for easy rps, and that's not what I'm talking about. Use some common sense.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Grivne, maybe you should talk to Durgi some time. Rather than whining about it, he uses items with Dex/Qui debuff charges against other infils and is rather good at it. But then he's got a few brains and thinks about how to beat people instead of jumping on the forums to whine.

Respect Durgi.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
Grivne, maybe you should talk to Durgi some time. Rather than whining about it, he uses items with Dex/Qui debuff charges against other infils and is rather good at it. But then he's got a few brains and thinks about how to beat people instead of jumping on the forums to whine.

Respect Durgi.

Durgi is the one that teaches me to play SB, he also played SB since release (about) and he also is rr9, meaning a few more RAs, a a year or 2 more of experience the me in playing SB. He is the best SB around in my opinion.

And Im still in parctice. I practice by soloing, how do you do? Set traps with a backup group around the corner?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
that might be true, but as far as i know...the last about 7 times ive run in to you, 6 of those times there has been 3 or more hib stealthers around. 1 time ive seen you solo.

but if you solo...keep it up...and duos mostly ruin my fun...when i do it, and when others do it. :(

Ah, so you've forgotten the two times you and Koxina(sp?) killed me when I've soloed in odin recently then? And ofc /dismissing me afterwards. First time you died from my poison after i was deaded, second time the hunter TS'ed me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
Of course I keep chat logs and screenshots, hit by hit of every fight I'm ever involved in and I keep a spare 200Gb hard drive to keep them all on.
Btw, this was yesterday in emain I was talking about.

One word, coward.

The CoC is there to stop people farming each other time and time again for easy rps, and that's not what I'm talking about. Use some common sense.

When an inf hits me for godly ammount of dmg I take a screenshot to be able to backup my facts. You clearly dont. As in, you are just bullshiting, there is no way a 1h + LA SB can hit for 500+ mainhand dmg, with the exeption of PA/BS.

And Ive dueled a rr7 inf once, asharith, and won (proof of that is in my film:p). I won due to melee stun and the rules we set was no RAs.

I use common sense, do you? I dont wanna break the CoC, period. If you want to, please do, but I aint.

Afaik, that time in Svasud, I got full RP from you, no other mids around, atleast not hitting you. The second you droped your group came up and zerged/ganked me and rezzed you and you back on bait/guard duty. If your group were fighting NP as you claim, how come they lived? NP dont lose against 7 ppl of albs. Also, mids hadnt spotted NP in odins that night so I think you should tell the truth.

I run in my guild group FGs too, but as we aint a rvr guild, that aint that often. I play for fun, not for RP and not to whine (as some of you fucking bullys seem to think).

I also have a question for you...Ive heard many inf players say that infs are overpowerd and need a nerf. How come you cant? You cant have missed that. Right?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
And Im still in parctice. I practice by soloing, how do you do? Set traps with a backup group around the corner?

Well I've only run into you solo once or twice, most of the time with adds. But then at these sort of bottlenecks and hotspots, adds are not necessarily grouped with you. We all know how frustrating it is to be soloing, go to attack someone and 3 other stealthers from your own realm you didn't even know where there attack at the same time.

As for setting traps, with a fg round the corner? Yep, sure I do that some times on our guild rvr nights, works a treat against stealther zergs and other full groups, especially if you pop up and hit their CCer as your group closes in. It's called tactical play, and always wise to try things other groups are not expecting. If it's only 1 I encounter I normally try and solo it. Outside of guild rvr nights, I'm normally solo.

There's a difference to the stealther wars, that you're talking about, and the normal open RvR. I do both types.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
zYnc said:
Ah, so you've forgotten the two times you and Koxina(sp?) killed me when I've soloed in odin recently then? And ofc /dismissing me afterwards. First time you died from my poison after i was deaded, second time the hunter TS'ed me.

Oh yeah, those times. Both me and Koxine soloed that time, we do coop with TS ect when there is multiple enemies around.

The /dismiss is for the times ive been stealthzerged.
I use /dismiss as a sign of kinda...I lack respect for stealthzergers...kinda :)

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Infs are killing SBs dying
Infs are hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Mythic Mythic Mythic help us
Send some balance from above
Cause whiners got me got me questioning
Where is the love? (where is the lovex3)(the love2x)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
I also have a question for you...Ive heard many inf players say that infs are overpowerd and need a nerf. How come you cant? You cant have missed that. Right?

Because I dont feel the need to run in a zerg with a 50 enhance buffbot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
Because I dont feel the need to run in a zerg with a 50 enhance buffbot.

And that makes the class less overpowerd?
Ok...let me rephrase the question...

How do YOU think that the inf class needs to be fixed to be onpar with the other assasins?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
How do YOU think that the inf class needs to be fixed to be onpar with the other assasins?

No I don't. In the unbuffed 1 on fights I had with crit spec SBs, when I was a crit spec infil, the outcome was about 50-50. So ignore what is says on paper, as those are only ever half the story. Since I respecced to mercfil template a few months ago, my win rate against unbuffed crit-spec SBs has risen to about 60-40. Not fought any LA-spec SBs yet in 1 on 1 unbuffed fights.

Just looking at spec points, or 1 style when comparing classes is a very shallow way of doing it. You have to take into account the whole package, the spec points, the base hit point table, races available, armour vulnerabilites, the base melee table, the whole range of styles in the available trees, the damage scaling of LA while none in DW, the weapon availabilities (weapon types and 2-H) and the speeds of the individual weapon models for each realm. The only way to can make a balanced assesment of the WHOLE package is in the results of 1 on 1 unbuffed fights.

Alas the whole buffbot issue really does skew things totally, and after you add that into the mix, yes I do think infils are probably more powerful than SBs, but the use of bots should not be the basis for class balancing. Fix buffbots and you fix infils.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
GrivneKelmorian said:
How do YOU think that the inf class needs to be fixed to be onpar with the other assasins?

When I 1st started this game, I made a critblade, as its the role of an assasin to strike from the shadows, with a few powerfull strikes.

<sighs> but I've had to spec into LA to compete, assasins aren't ment to melee. Their ment to be hit and run, and fights are determined if you get your pa or not :/

The whole idea of DAoC's assasins currently, is more of a lite tanks atm, some better then others it seems :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jaem- said:
When I 1st started this game, I made a critblade, as its the role of an assasin to strike from the shadows, with a few powerfull strikes.

<sighs> but I've had to spec into LA to compete, assasins aren't ment to melee. Their ment to be hit and run, and fights are determined if you get your pa or not :/

The whole idea of DAoC's assasins currently, is more of a lite tanks atm, some better then others it seems :<

Jaem, this is the heart of the problem. Since the introduction of all the RAs, uber items and spellcrafting, those "few powerful strikes" hardly scratch the surface of most people's hit bars, except for cloth wearers. Combined with the lag issues many are experiencing these days making it harder to land those stealth attacks.
The idea was to have those few BIG attacks to launch from stealth, with a few mediocre other styles to finish the job off. As combats are becoming longer and longer these days, the CS line has lost a lot of it's impact making the light tank role a lot more attractive people people.

I find myself often running as part of a non-stealth full group playing the role of a light tank, who sacrifices armour and hits for more utility. Having a light tank who can disease enemy healers can be very effective. Also the group can pick up more kills from stealth detection too. Still a fun way to play the game, just a little different from the norm.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
No I don't. In the unbuffed 1 on fights I had with crit spec SBs, when I was a crit spec infil, the outcome was about 50-50. So ignore what is says on paper, as those are only ever half the story. Since I respecced to mercfil template a few months ago, my win rate against unbuffed crit-spec SBs has risen to about 60-40. Not fought any LA-spec SBs yet in 1 on 1 unbuffed fights.

Just looking at spec points, or 1 style when comparing classes is a very shallow way of doing it. You have to take into account the whole package, the spec points, the base hit point table, races available, armour vulnerabilites, the base melee table, the whole range of styles in the available trees, the damage scaling of LA while none in DW, the weapon availabilities (weapon types and 2-H) and the speeds of the individual weapon models for each realm. The only way to can make a balanced assesment of the WHOLE package is in the results of 1 on 1 unbuffed fights.

Alas the whole buffbot issue really does skew things totally, and after you add that into the mix, yes I do think infils are probably more powerful than SBs, but the use of bots should not be the basis for class balancing. Fix buffbots and you fix infils.

The way I compare infs to SBs.

The SB got more HP at L50, melee stun at L39 LA, 2.2x level, Norse as race (kobbie is, as stated on VN boards not a viable class to play as it got no other pluses from the norse). As high dex dont give anything special to the SB class. SB has the ability to wield 2h wepons.

More HP: aprox 200 more hp buffed/unbuffed - An inf dose that in about 2 styles.

LA (The mid counterpart to CD DW): Left axe beeing only good for the haste and melee stun, wich we get at 39 LA. - Wield a LA and you reduce your dmg to 62.5% of what it is compared to the infs 100% when dualwielding. Saying this its also so that infs cant use a 2h.

Race: Norseman beeing viable with higher con and str, dex, as stated on VN boards give less benfit to the SB couse of evade beeing more dependant on qui (of what i read) The kobbie beeing high dex/qui missing out alot of str/con so I think that there is no reason to give up hp for something you can get on dodger.

2h on SB: Yep! If you dualwield the enemy got bigger chance to evade you (of what i understand) and thats really a plus when you hit once every 4 seconds right? The only good I can see when using 2h is hitting hard on PA. But assasin vs assasin there is no pluses if you manage to miss PA.

What the infs have, in my opinion.
2.5x level spec points gives the ability to spec 50 wepon, high in critline, high stealth/venom (i count 35 as high on L50).
Dex/qui based wepons, slash wepons (wich gives plus dmg to slash weak armor such as shadowblades and results in VERY high dmg that atleast not a shadowblade can counter).

Spec options: 50 wepon, 39 CS, 35/35 stealthvenom, 27 (30 with autotrained stealth) DW. This spec, without autotraining, rr2 and Dualist reflexes got the effective DW of 51. Wich gives the infiltrator a HIGH chance to hit with his offhand wepon and hit for good unstyled dmg with his offhand (not rarly over 100), also the possability to spec slash for good dmg vs Shadowblades.
The infils spec options makes it possible to spec for both high stealth and envenom without taking down ANY dmg from wepon spec (as DW dont give +dmg what ive heard)

Evenom: With the above spec the infiltrator will have the best possible str/con debuff wich takes away both full weponskill worth the full debuff and bout 400 hp.

str/dex based wepons: Another thing the shadowblade lacks. If you debuff a thrust speced infil you debuff his str and con (if you aint using charges) but still, you wont debuff his whole weponskill as you cant debuff dex with venoms. This makes him debuff the Shadowblade more then you debuff the inf. (considering shadowblade is speced for 47 envenom (mostly 35 venom).

Melee stun in thrust line: Dragonfang...9 seconds melee stun after evade. Compare this to the 7 (or is it 6, not sure) for the shadowblade.
Dragonfang: Streight of evade with low fatigue, medium dmg, high attack bonus, low defence penalty. Compare this to Comeback Medium attack bonus Bonus Low fatigue Low dmg (that is prereq to Frosty gaze that is the actual melee stun) Frosty Gaze Medium attack Bonus Medium fatigue Low dmg. As it beeing 2nd in a chain you will rarley be able to do the chain again, neither do any other off evade styles such as the big dmg dealing hamstering chain.

This is just a start but empty in my head atm. :>

Style facts is from the herald.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
Well, as your class is an overpowerd one, yes i run.

I wounder...this is a ohhh...i wtfpwned you with my fotm inf!!111 ?

I try to avoid fights i cant win, and rr6 infs that hits me for over 170 dmg with garrote, where i usually hit back for less then 100 dmg (on a buffed inf). I cant possibly win such a fight without a PA, hence I run...when I cant get away why try to fight? I cant even get you down lower then 90% hp if I try to fight.

Also fun how you hit me in the back (with the disease) when you were like 2x melee range and streight out from stealth too.

For alch potions...
You cant even use half of them...that shows your unknowlage about it...there only is 2 types. And you dont HAVE to use them as you can win by only using melee.

Tell will a non-debuffed SB outdmg a non-dex/qui & str/con debuffed inf? An inf doing 150+ dmg on every style when non-debuffed

""Hell, the next time I saw you before I could react you had unstealthed and run off 10 yards before restealthing. Are you really that scared of fighting me? "" How the fuck could you catch me? Tell me...lag jump? Some inf speed? How?

And Im not scared of fighting, I just dont like to run for 10 mins couse of some fotm 1 - 4 button spamming inf killing me and I dont have a chance to fight back.

Thanks for showing that you are just a whiner that when loses says ppl cheat. Its probably not worth me replying to your comments as lets be honest, you will just 100% deny everything I say, just like you do to every other post made on every single whine thread you make (thats one a week atm?).

Im gonna anyway as games down so im bored atm :p

I wounder...this is a ohhh...i wtfpwned you with my fotm inf!!111 ?
No. This is I killed you with my infil because you don't have any variation in your attacks, not because my class is 'so overpowered' as you claim. It was probably the easiest kill ive made all week.

I try to avoid fights i cant win, and rr6 infs that hits me for over 170 dmg with garrote, where i usually hit back for less then 100 dmg (on a buffed inf). I cant possibly win such a fight without a PA, hence I run...when I cant get away why try to fight? I cant even get you down lower then 90% hp if I try to fight.
The one and only time you have stood toe to toe with me and fought, neither side with an opener was near apk in Odins. We got run over by a fg of hibs half way through the fight, we were both on 60% hp. By your reckoning I should have been 95% and you30-40%. Needless to say we wern't. (hmm is wern't a valid abr. of were not? )

Also fun how you hit me in the back (with the disease) when you were like 2x melee range and streight out from stealth too.
Main hand PA sword has disease on it. You were stealthed, as was I. I could see you, I hit you therefore (que dramatic drum roll) you were in range. It was an unstyled hit, did sod all damage and proc'd disease onto you. From that point on you'd lost the fight.

For alch potions...
You cant even use half of them...that shows your unknowlage about it...there only is 2 types. And you dont HAVE to use them as you can win by only using melee.
Ok I wasn't too clear here. I don't have 50 envenom, therefore the 'half' I can use are the 2 level 40 envenoms. I find them a waste of time and money personally, im not an alchemist and having to find someone to specially make me something that only has a minor impact on a fight is a waste of time imo.

Tell will a non-debuffed SB outdmg a non-dex/qui & str/con debuffed inf? An inf doing 150+ dmg on every style when non-debuffed
There are quite a few sb's (rr5+ ones ofc) that do ~180 damage to me when they are not debuffed. Is why I die more often vs 2 sb than vs 2 ns without killing one of them (even if I PA) as their front end damage is so much higher. As for doing 150+ damage myself, I use what is currently the slowest speed thrust weapon on alb in general melee (not just to PA with) so of course the damage per hit would reflect that. This might be a good point to mention that sb's do have more hp than infils (i have 1730hp fully buffed with red buffs and mota2) so a SB outdamaging an infil over time would be wrong as you have the more hp :p Admittedly the hp difference varies from sb to sb and infil to infil so in some cases thats not a valid argument. In mine I belive it is.

How the fuck could you catch me? Tell me...lag jump? Some inf speed? How?
As I said earlier in this post and the previous one you were diseased. Along with halfing the effects of all healing and lowering the str of the target it has one other effect. 15% reduction to movement. Hence no matter whether you get a 1yard or 10yard headstart on me, if I have hit you I will catch you.

And Im not scared of fighting, I just dont like to run for 10 mins couse of some fotm 1 - 4 button spamming inf killing me and I dont have a chance to fight back.
yeah you made this comment on BW. An infil can win using, what was it? PA, CD, garotte and stealth? As I said there please get a clue before posting such bollocks. My infil has 3 full quickbars for rvr (and a 4th quickbar for pve positional styles). Its hardly a 4 button class :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I agree that the assasin classes need to be fixed in that matter that PA should be more important. I have read somewhere where an infil say "i dont have the patins to PA so i unstealth and attack"(not flaming infils).Becaus that works there is to many assasins around (witch i think is another issue).

At the moment i might not think that an unbuffed solo infil is that much op (exept DF) its more like SB is needing a boost (both RA and other stuff). When we start talkin BB,Mincer and RA then the the gap between SB and infils become truly big.What about NS? I dont know what the outcome between NS vs Infil will end in win %.

In general i think infils need a slight nerf (or fix).SB need a litle boost. Assasins in general need to be assasins again not light tanks.Assasins in general should have to attack from the shadows to be efficent.

(i dont want sb to be uber just want 2 equal skilled persons playing infil/sb/ns to have same % chance of winning whatever class they chose)

A litle something to previous post i have seen some test where a fully buffed about same rr infil and SB (saracen vs kobold) the sb had 4 more hp then the infil.(it was on a test server and they had same RAs)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
The way I compare infs to SBs.

Dex/qui based wepons, slash wepons (wich gives plus dmg to slash weak armor such as shadowblades and results in VERY high dmg that atleast not a shadowblade can counter)
Which gives the infil no stun what so ever outside of the PA chain. Also gives them fked up damage vs hibs. What is stronger vs one realm is weaker vs another. It all balances out :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bigchief said:
As I said earlier in this post and the previous one you were diseased. Along with halfing the effects of all healing and lowering the str of the target it has one other effect. 15% reduction to movement. Hence no matter whether you get a 1yard or 10yard headstart on me, if I have hit you I will catch you.

What I ment was: How could you hit me in the first place? as i was 10 feet away from you...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This is exactly what I mean't, you CAN'T break it down like this. It's the overall effect that's important, and the only way to see that is in the results of fair fights.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
What I ment was: How could you hit me in the first place? as i was 10 feet away from you...
Not in the initial fight. The 2nd time when you ran away sure. The first time I could see you and pressed the style when you were next to me. Its gonna hit (though usually a lag of a second or 2 as my conn sucks). You were well within range though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
I wonder why so many SB have quit/moved realm/rerolled when their faced with these facts each time they log in...

Alot of old SB play Infils on excal or pry now, I ask, would you infil players give up easy for hard mode in the assasin world?

Thanks Fotmfils :clap:
Thanks Mythic :clap:
Thanks Whiners :clap:

You have done a brilliant job!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Have any of you looked at the duskwave figures for the percentage of Albs/Hibs and Mids played and then at the percentages of realm points, both overall and last week? I think you will find that Alb hits well below its weight, Mid about average and Hib hits well above its weight.

You can make of that what you will, but the facts do not speak of Albs being Uber.

Also, shadowblades do more damage as a class than infils (not against each other because of thrust/slash weapons etc). Infils dodge better than shadowblades (which is in turn augmented even more with Buffs). The main reason that Infils own Shadowblades on Pryd is not because of class imbalance between the two (though buffs need to be fixed then the assassin class with automatically be toned down, and the autowin Dragonfang style needs a HUGE fix) but mainly because Infils have a 20% bonus to damage because of the Relics.

The best people to whine to are not each other but Mythic and maybe even Goa. Players can only change things if they complain to the right people, rather than having a go at the people who play the classes.

Damn and I promised myself never to post on a flame thread.

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