To GoL a.k.a. Selfish bastard gits!

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Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Sissyfoo

I could have read all of your fine replies but can't really bothered to read the same thing posted over and over again.

Here are my responses to the general response to my hissy post:

"Stop whining" : No. I was truly annoyed by these people and posting this whine made me feel better.

"Sort this out with PMs and don't drag your dirty linen onto the forum." : Hmm, could have done but I don't know the leader of GoL and I can't really be arsed to find out. On top of that, see response one.

"Stop whining because DF wasn't open" : Eh?

I may not have mentioned this but the other tangler spots were overcamped. Hunting telamons is dull. The barrows are dull. DF is too dangerous and too far away to bother with. Callileach guards would wipe the floor with us. The beach can support TWO groups with ease. We were not stealing their pulls AT ALL. Allow me to elaborate:

They pulled the tangler with their Simi. They AoE DoT the zerg and run around like headless chickens waiting for the zerg to die. As soon as the zerg died off, another Simi was cast and sent off to wait in the middle of the beach to await the...~sighs~

Well, I had no expectations that anyone would offer me a shoulder to cry on. I didn't post here looking for support, I posted to get this off my chest. I sincerely doubt that I would have felt as good as I did bitching to the GM (whomever that may be) as posting this whine fest.

I am surprised how many people posted though. Quite a turn out. Ahh, how much I love communities; always there to support eachother and defend eachother's honour when it is called into question. Wonderful.

your group where informed that gregorian was gm of gol so no excuses

wait you can force another group to move over so u can xp because the other places u could xp are boring? wtf kind of an excuse is that anything u do repeatedly for 4-5 hours is boring tanglers is definately up there in the boring catagory, so do kindly stfu

next thing u obviously know 0, naught, fook all, nada, about this game


They pulled the tangler with their Simi. They AoE DoT the zerg and run around like headless chickens waiting for the zerg to die. As soon as the zerg died off, another Simi was cast and sent off to wait in the middle of the beach to await the...~sighs~


have u ever ever xped with a cabby at gobboes obviously not as otherwise you wouldnt post such blatent shit like this, kthxbye, no really heres a spade see if u can dig that whole any deeper

simi is sent in after a full pop and only when full pop is up simi would die after 4 or 5 gobbos popped and started hitting it u cant and dont leave a simi in the middle of beach

also how the fook do suppose a cabby gets a pet to walk to the middle of beach without there being a target for him to send the simi to with GOTO TARGET command????



the case for the defence rest m'lud


<is speachless about the stupidity of that post>

The best thing would be both Endymion and GoL ignore each other or try to fix the problems they have ingame instead of bitching around in a public forum.

I don't know what happened at tanglers but to bring it on BW sucks.

So Sissyfoo, shame about you. :rolleyes:



Ok its late and I should be in bed, but i could not pass up the opportunity to give my two cents about GoL.
The fact is 90% of the people I run into seem to all share in the same opinion that GoL are full of selfish pig headed bastards.
I also share in this view.
I honestly think I have only met 2 members who were nice and fun to group with. The rest are like Herbal... they have a finger in their ass, and well, seem to like it.
Herbal makes me laugh serious, walking around like she owns the frickin game. Shouting at people like they are 5 year old and demanding people be at her beck and call. I get the impression
she/he is a dominatrix in real life. I dont give a rats ass who GoL seem to represent in the game or how much RP's they have or what they think of me. Point is if i see them dead i will NOT rez, and if im group leader you better know im not going to invite any GoL.
Vireb and I both had a nasty run in with Startart who showed us the true side of GoL. I pmed leaders in the guild and I was treated poorly... so the whole pm the GM is crap.
She acted like a child as do most of them.
I am not basing my feelings on just my run in with star, but on many things with them and also my friends.
There is a reason people dont like them... GoL ...:puke:
Also.. even if you are camping a spot and someone comes and might be rude but guess what? its a GAME and they pay to play like you do so get over it... :rolleyes:

Herbal Remedy


Originally posted by seeaira
Ok its late and I should be in bed, but i could not pass up the opportunity to give my two cents about GoL.
The fact is 90% of the people I run into seem to all share in the same opinion that GoL are full of selfish pig headed bastards.
I also share in this view.
I honestly think I have only met 2 members who were nice and fun to group with. The rest are like Herbal... they have a finger in their ass, and well, seem to like it.
Herbal makes me laugh serious, walking around like she owns the frickin game. Shouting at people like they are 5 year old and demanding people be at her beck and call. I get the impression
she/he is a dominatrix in real life. I dont give a rats ass who GoL seem to represent in the game or how much RP's they have or what they think of me. Point is if i see them dead i will NOT rez, and if im group leader you better know im not going to invite any GoL.
Vireb and I both had a nasty run in with Startart who showed us the true side of GoL. I pmed leaders in the guild and I was treated poorly... so the whole pm the GM is crap.
She acted like a child as do most of them.
I am not basing my feelings on just my run in with star, but on many things with them and also my friends.
There is a reason people dont like them... GoL ...:puke:
Also.. even if you are camping a spot and someone comes and might be rude but guess what? its a GAME and they pay to play like you do so get over it... :rolleyes:

Tbh im stick to death of this gol are stuck up shit as you say its a game we play for fun and we are a close nit bunch. What you your mum , your mums cat think doesnt and wont change one thing in how we play the game.

As for me shouting, when was that? At a wall fight in emain? or relic raid? then lmao rofl how do u thinking you control a zerg and organise 100 plus peeps into getting soimething done?

And another thing yes it is rude to do what sissyfoos group did and yes indeed it is a game but it was her not us that decided to act like 3 year olds and whinge on bw only came here to defend ourselves

And as for your dominatrix comment on one hand u call us childish pricks and thats its only just a game, yet you make a personal irl comment about me. Not knowing one thing about me irl, and also insulting someone about them irl when its just a game as u said kinda makes you out to be a retarded 12 year old. Hears a spade see that hole your in with sisyfoo u can dig it deeper if u want m8 :)

One last thing i act like i own the frikken game? I boss people about do i (pls note this is in no way a im leet love me) but can i ask would said person u describe above spend 30 hours straight repairing excals lvl 10 doors 1st time mids nocked em down?

Would said selfish stuck up prick who only cares about rps and everyone being under her command spend 3-4 hours crafting rams for relic raids, giving up all cash she has every time excals doors are broke. And spending 6 hours a day watching excal while excals doors where dmged incase hibs or mids turned up when no one else was there? thought not.

Jelousy my friend is a disease for the weak and feable minded and is in no way becoming no way how u paint it. GoL will help realm mates wherever possible, whenever possible, u need us give us a shout. We will come if we possibly can. We enjoy the game and rvr especially, we play lots and are proud when we do well, basically if u cant deal with it and accept it you need to do a bit of growing up. In the main most people who claim they hate gol and we are all stuck havent got a clue about us. Havent grouped with us in game or if they have have done it for 5 mins, most of it is just shit spread around from person to persoin like chinese whispers and tbh its seriously begging to piss me off.

If you have a problem with us talk to us if weve done something wrong we will appologise and do are damned best not to repeat the same mistake again. How ever if u feel the need to snipe at us behind our backs or go flaming us in a public place u can bet we wont be very happy and we will defend ourselves. Weve most of us been playing together since closed and early open beta we stick together through thick and thin we look after ourselves. So yeah if u call that selfish and stuck up mebe we are but i call it looking after your own.



Originally posted by seeaira
GoL are full of selfish pig headed bastards.

who were the ones taking keeps early morning in a grp of 5 or 6 ppl cos no one else was on?

who are the ones who repair excal doors mainly time after time, including waiting hours not leaving the doors while they were still open?

who the hell are you?


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
another Simi was cast and sent off to wait in the middle of the beach to await the...~sighs~

rofl, i NEVER did that, as it's not the way u pull tanglers...
1st a public whine and now lies? T_T

:( :eek: :p ;) :D :cool: :rolleyes:



For what its worth, I hear a lot off bad said about GOL, the selfishness, the greed etc etc etc

But how many realy know from experiance? or you just jumping on some pricks band wagon? or maybe jelousy of a guild thats self supporting, they dont need anyone else BUT thats not to say they dont, in my experiance GOL are some off the more fun people to play with and I realy enjoy teaming with these guys, be it Outlaw zoyster herbal and such in emain, or there lower lvl alts like Luv me the other day always pleasnt and have there own sence of humor,
to many think they know and think they have the right.... this tangler prob has been going for a long time sissypants deal with it, if a cabby or sorc is doing there thing hunt else where or wait, i always did..... and its only poilit not to go mouthing off about others with no need. I for one wont belooking for whiners like you to group with.


Ppl must realize that 1 person actions is enough to make a guild look bad. We still get that for what a member did a few months ago.


Wont bother to read all the replies. reading the first post is enough.

If you want to pull from the tanglers then go ahead. And ignore the fools saying that you cant. Its as simple as that. If someone bothers you, report to Right Now.


sars, you should read the other posts

cos the first one is utter BS, and the sensible ones are posted later (bar Sissyfoo's).

Never ever had a problem with GoL, whenever I see people having problems wih them, its cos their arses are growing on their necks, and the shit is coming out both ends.


Herbal how did sissyfoo's group make you die ? unless they broke your groups mezz or actually did summin directly to interfere with your pull her group DIDNT get you killed .. if you pull and die wether it be beacause u dont kill em fast enough or gobo called for help thats YOUR grps fault not anothers ...

and there is enough gobos easily for 2 groups there . so NOBODY can say we own this camp .or moan when they cant take a full beach t themselves.

to those above who hinted that there is plenty of other camp spots , why should either group moveon when there is enough mobs for 2 grps . it seems df was closed so they couldnt go there.. tanglers and other gobo pulls were over camped.. and hen was last time you exp'd on danoins or telemons . cos they both suck for exp .

imo both grps were right but also at the same time BOTH groups were wrong . a maybe one group was more GREEDY :)))) than the other , bu both right both wrong . as for p.m a gm that dont work if u pm a gol leader/officer in my experience they just back up there guild member and basicly call you a liar :)) so no point in that

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The best thing would be both Endymion and GoL ignore each other or try to fix the problems they have ingame instead of bitching around in a public forum.

This has nothing to do with Endymion and GoL. This was MY whine at GoL and nobody elses. It was nice that Apathy stuck up for me but I didn't want to pull him down into the pit with me.

I think some people have missed the point about this whine. I am not saying that they should have given up the beach. I am not saying that they should have sodded off elsewhere because they had been camping it for so long. I was 'trying' to get across the fact that they could have SHARED the spot instead of telling US to bugger off and messing up our pulls. Whether they did it us intentionally or not I can't say but another group who tried the same spot later told me that the GoL group had debuffed their pulls, AoE'd them intentionally etc etc. My group was not the only one to get annoyed with them and when I logged back on at about 21:00 I joined another group that took a great amount of delight in watching random GoL members getting killed and not bothering to rez them simply because of the crap that they had to put up with when they tried to pull from the beach.

Saying that I know fuck all about Albion simply because the group didn't want to hunt anywhere else is a bit lame. We were a group that was structured specifically for tangler hunting; 3 wizzies, 1 sorc, 1 minstrel, 1 tank, 1 pseudo-tank and 1 healer. The group didn't want to hunt anywhere else and we were simply pissed off that we weren't allowed to share the beach.

Anyhoo, I really don't care what you all think of me. Its not as if I have held any of you lot in high esteem. I posted this here because I was pissed off with GoL (incidently, I was never told who the leader of your guild was when I was at the beach). I feel a bit guilty that my guild has somehow been dragged into this seeing as I never mentioned them and this had nothing to do with them at all. I still don't like GoL and the majority of the responses on this thread have only reinforced this opinion.

Anyway, I have now seen the light and thanks to the responses this thread has provided I will now become a better and more despised player. Thankyou.


there is only 1 tanglers, there can only be one group.


was 'trying' to get across the fact that they could have SHARED the spot

They did, if I read Herbal's post correct

Alternate pulls, but that wasn't good enough for you :m00:



Maybe you forgot this or you didnt know, but I was in your alliance and I saw first hand how GoL are. Im not just some player walking around and saw one person from GoL do or say something distasteful and therefor saying you all suck.

People who know me in this game may have alot to say, but one thing you wont hear is that im a mean person. I am friendly to everyone and truly have NO enemies, until I met GoL.
Startart is the only name I can remeber tbh, but she was SO rude to me and thank goodness I have Vireb to back it up. When I tried to get in touch with GM i was told to get lost. Reason? Because I was one person and the guild I was in didnt mean anything to them.

Many times I have seen you OUTSIDE of RvR demand your way, and tbh I felt bad for the guy you were talking to like a 5 year old. I was at trees once waiting on a group when you came up... about 7 or 8 GoL were there pulling and you say in main.. "so and so (dont remeber his name) WHERE is your emblem? I suggest
you get it NOW" and you made the now capitalize. Then you left.. Im sorry but I found that rude. Another time i was helping out in taking a keep and we were waiting on Vireb and Wedge to get ram parts, you and Stone sat up on the hill and when I tried to let you know where they were, you just taked to stone and FLAT out ignored me. I find this rude too... I said it 3 times by the way then left and never got an answer from you.

Yes I know you do what you do, but you do it for the game.. dont act like you are so selfless saint and that you go around helping repair the doors and do weapons.. its a GAME>... does that make you selfless?? Come on, I have spent so much money contributing to those doors you fix Herbal. Its not JUST you its the comity of Alb.
I understand that there are 12 year olds playing this game so at relic raids and dragon hunts you find it necessary to shout and yell ridicules SELF-explanatory commands but it doesnt make you apear to be very kind, especially in lue of how you have personaly treated me.

The reason why i wont rez GoL, and I doubt you guys really care, after all im just ONE person. But when Vireb and I were at Barrows exping.. we got an add and died at Advisors. Soon after Startart was coming around the corner.. so I asked Vireb not to release. I dont know why i was expecting her to be nice and rez us.. but I waited. She walked over our bodys and began to pull .. as if we wernt there... So I thought.. hmm MAYBE she didnt see us. So I sent her a pm.. " Hey, after that pull could you give vireb and I a rez :) " I got no responce.. then she started to point and laugh and to my shock said an out right NO "Im sick of being a rez machine and I dont have time for ass holes" well... I couldnt believe it.. but we all got in a big fight and she was nothing but rude and so i pmed GoL leaders and I either got nothing back or a "get lost". Sooo there you have it.. Because of how I was treated I will not rez any of GoL.

You said "Jelousy my friend is a disease for the weak and feable minded and is in no way becoming no way how u paint it."
Believe me Herbal.. Im not jelous of you or any of the GoL zerg. For all I know you are some chick with a dick in rl getting your jollys out of being a woman in the game.. Im just stating how I feel about GoL... its a free country last time I checked.. so I have that right and im not afraid so say how I feel.

On an end note.. I believe you do alot of good for Abl and the game.. I know you are involved in alot of things, but it would be nice to be personable to people once in a while this isnt PvP.. cause when its all said and done.. you are just a person behind a screen playing this game as if its your life like 36,000 other people here... you are no one special.


Re: Re:

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

Jelousy my friend is a disease for the weak and feable minded

As is the illusion of power

Cap'n Sissyfoo

They did, if I read Herbal's post correct

Alternate pulls, but that wasn't good enough for you

For God's sake Silverhood, shut up! You WEREN'T there and you are obviously biased anyway. Alternate pulls would have been FINE with me.

Now read this carefully because this is the last time I am going to post in this thread.

1) We weren't trying to take over the beach.

2) You CAN share the beach. If this is not possible then why do I routinely see TWO groups SHARING the beach? Is everybody retarded apart from you and your shining guild members?

3) We LET them pull and then we did a pull of our own which I mezzed. The group then did their thwacking and nuking but the GoL group kept using AoE debuffs and nukes which were stealing OUR pulls.

4) GoL were telling US to sod off because they had been there since 7:00am. I found this rude and selfish, especially in a spot that can be shared by two groups.

5) We were not the only group to try and camp the beach. Whilst we were there the GoL group DID NOT die so don't try and pin another group's actions on me.

As far as I am concerned this thread is over for me. Of course, it will be fun to see how many replies this post gets before it dies out completely.


plz stop with your crap comments and tell me how you share a tangler


bla bla bla

instead of continuous whining why dont u go and xp at tanglers? cos maybe by the time u've written ur post someone starts aoeing tanglers T_T


ppl/grps cant claim a spot
PLin is evil and gets on other pplz nerves
tanglerz is ment for lvl38-44
so bored and sick of albz tanglerz stress

ive seen ppl farmin entire spawnz 7/7 24/24
i just wonder if they got nothing better to do then gettin on all the 38-43ich albz their nerves expect for that gray alt of them

quit the mindless PL


Ahh tangs, soon to be turned into a pull of 40 mobs with more hit points each then the groups got togeather :D

Hmm would be fun to have seen that on pvp tho :p

P.S i like GoL am i alone ? well except Gunner pffft <sarcasim btw>


I played Alb/Excal months ago before moving to Mid and still remember how ignorant they were.
People say how lame Nolby are, but after months of playing mid/excal ive never been ignored by any nolby members,GoL lvl 50s acted like they were gods... pretty sad considering its a game.
Btw Aussie i never did kill you solo for that time you said my royal blue armour looked shit at tanglers you bastard :p


a bitchy tangler post :)

like meeting an old friend who you suddenly remember why you never kept in touch with...


Feck off dissin all of GoL for no particular reason..... more places than just feckin lyoness to xp



You people are so cute.
Thinking that anything you post on BW makes a shit bit of difference to the way people behave or think.
It's like looking at a room full of innocent, so much to learn.


Only got one thing to say about this whole topic :

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