To GoL a.k.a. Selfish bastard gits!

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Cap'n Sissyfoo

The tangler beach spot ISN'T yours. It can be SHARED by TWO groups.

I am referring to a bunch of power leveling ninnies who were camped at Tangler beach yesterday. It comprised of Asal, Feroucioius (or however she mispells her name) and some low level gimps.

Whenever another group tried to pull from a spot DURING prime time hunting (16:00 ono) they were told to 'Go away' because the GoL group had been there since 07:00 and it was their spot. Of course, many groups ignored them and carried on hunting because it was a spot that could be shared by two groups easily, the trees were already being camped by two other groups and the Aquaduct was spoken for. Then they started debuffing other people's mezzed pulls which led to entire groups being wasted because of broken mezzes or stealing from pulls.

This type of behaviour is fucking disgraceful. Now I know why most people dislike GoL and they have made quite a few new enemies from last nights actions. I for one will NEVER invite a GoL member into my groups and I will certainly never help one.

Totally fucking disgraceful...


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I for one will NEVER invite a GoL member into my groups and I will certainly never help one.
Totally fucking disgraceful...

well this kind of generalizing isnt much better. no idea what happened there but try settle it with GMs or something but flaming the whole guild here on BW just makes a fool of yourself imo...



there is such a thing as PM, btw

Simply PM a GoL GM or officer and sort it out, rather than "trying" to discredit an entire guild on some internet forum, where you're only achievement so far is looking like a complete and utter tit


Asel...urgh...CG spammer supremez0r!



Guilds have got to understand that the actions of their members reflect upon the guild as a whole. Saying "you should PM the GM" etc... is daft. When you wear the emblem, you represent your guild, whehter you are the founder or a newly recruited grunt. If you behave like a twat, people will, quite rightly, think your entire guild are twats.


Simply PM a GoL GM or officer and sort it out, rather than "trying" to discredit an entire guild

From what I hear they do a good enough job of that themselves :D

Herbal Remedy

1st thing i'd just like to the point to the above post and say what aload of complete bollocks ^^^^^^^^

We'd started off the day with just Asel being played by Gunnerr farming cash and power lvling an alt of his at tangler beach no one about, everythings fine at this point.

Comes a bit later in the day and feroscious lvl 46 wizz logs on, trys to find tree group no look as everyones on pvp server. There wasn't a twee group or an around her lvl 2-3 tangler group about. So she joins asel at gobbo beach. At this point who excal reads around 300-400

So anyway a couple of peoples alts and a few lower lvl guild members 30-40 join making a nice group of 7 and alls fine no problems.

Then about 7pm gmt sissyfoos group turns up (or i atleast presume its him unless hes being a gutless wonder and doing someone elses dirty work?). And without saying a thing "lo mind if we pull?" or "Hey guys beach has enough spawn for two ok if pull?" procedes to pull.....

This causes some anger in the group 1st because its rude to barge in on a camped spot 2nd anyone have a rule that says beach must be camped by atleast two full groups? 3rd because we got abuse when we asked wtf they where doing.

So anyway we asked them several times over 30 mins to stop pulling as we where currently camping the beach, but no responce other than basically being told to fuck off

Now the important thing to realise at this point is when xping with a cabalist is that if u pull when half the beach has spawned you dot them, they come running towards you, most dying on the way. But quiet often the other half of the spawn pops while the 1st is dying to the cabby dot and as always happens with gobboes screaming its head off for help, this call for help is then heard by the 30 or so more gobbos that just popped. Resulting in 30 undotted gobboes running straight at you wanting to wak your ass when u have little end from running to safety after u dotted the 1st group.......

So it is very unsafe to dot half spawns of gobbo beach, at this point we've had several full group and partial wipe outs due to sissyfoos group pulling. Now incase they where to dim to realise the havok they where causing it was pointed out to 2 or 3 member of there group what chaos they where causing.

But still no change so ok we talked to them agreed the spot could be shared if we took alternate pulls, so we hope this is the end of the matter....... no not for sisfoos group.

We apparently suck and arnt pulling fast enough for there likings (apparently they still cant understand cabby pulling from half spawn = group deaths) so they pull mid spawn and when ever gobbos pop. This causes the gol group to sit around for 30 mins w8ing for a full pop all the while msging the other group how we need a full pop to pull.

Now you'd think sisfoos group would understand by this point them pulling constantly = crap xp with very few gobbos or no xp because we die to a repop helping the dotted and dying gobboes. But no according to them where not pulling and everytime we pull we get a partial group wipe out:rolleyes:

Now we'd been doing fine, hardly a death all day till sisifoos group turns up and basically wrecks any chance we had of xping:rolleyes: :puke:

So after an hour or more of dying because of sissyfoos groups selfishness and quiet frankly blindingly stupid lack of any understanding of the game mechanics ie cabby pulling partial spawn = high chance of a group wipeout, members of the gol group where getting quiet annoyed at this point........

We'd been getting negative xp at this point, after doing well all day and the 46 wizz feroscious was close to dinging. So anyway i messaged sissyfoos group there was other places to xp such as dartmoor or barrows or even the 4th tangler spot hardly anyone ever camps which i even get checked out by a guild member in cornwall to be told its uncamped. So anyway i point out the possibilities of xping at other places or even at the 4th tangler spot which i knew to be uncamped at this point (hell i even gave them directions to it). To which i got the reply USELFISH PRiCKS U CANT CAMP BEACH ON YOUR OWN BEACH = 2FGS U SELFISH PRICK ALL GOL ARE GREEDY BASTARDS which i reported to the group

Now most members of the group including myself are decidedly pissed off at this point, partly through the other groups frankly astounding stupidity in how the game works and by there selfishness, it was quiet clear and had been pointed out many many bloody times how they where wrecking our xp group at this point, but hey they just didnt give a shit :puke:

So after the wizz dies close to ding yet again a lvl 36 sorc in our gol group broke a root on one of sisfoos groups pulls using an instant aoe debuff causing the death of ONE of sissyfoos groups members at which point we recieved a torent of abuse from sisfoos group including me being pmed by one group member being told to go fuck myself in spanish.

Now this isnt normally the way gol behave and yes the sorc shouldnt have debuffed their pull but after an hour or more of negative xp and xp deaths caused by sissyfoos group some membera of the gol group where a tad wound up and tempers where beginng to flare up.

We had done our best, explained the trouble they where causing, even agreed theyd could camp if theyd let us take full pops alternatively, but sissyfoos group where selfish and quiet frankly stuck up little dicks, they wanted the spot. They had a right to xp at that spot! And at a pace they wanted! because thats what the rules said! Beach = 2 spots, 2 fgs can xp here u dicks! Yes the sorc shouldnt have lashed out but im sure u can by now realise just how fustrated we where at this point.....

Anyway 20 more mins of half pulls deaths and negative xp go by and the group is fed up, the wizz wants to solo now because at least she will gain some xp rather than losing it. So as we cant stop them pulling and hence screwing us xping up, we decided to leave.

Id just like to point out to sisifoo that mebe she should get her head from up her whingy little arse and tell the whole storey instead of trying to spread shit about gol. Also mebe you sisifoo should learn how the game works before you blindly claim your god written right to camp a spot. That mebe a spot that can be camped by two cookey cutter groupsbut also might, just might have the possibility of being camped by one fg of different make up. Also sisifoo you might also want to learn some manners and common decency (or you will and i can assue you on this) make a whole load of enemies who think your a stuck up know it all 3 year old.

Draw what conclusions u like folks, id like to hear oppinions now that the whole storeys been told or has atleast from gols side. Dont think many of your will think selfish gol pricks after youve read what i had to say.....

And sorry if u just read through all that and thought what a waste of 5 minutes of my life, but it needed to be said and the WHOLE storey needed to be brought out into the open. I will, as ive always pointed out, defend my guild mates and my guiild reputation to the full.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
1st thing id just like to the point to the above post and say what aload of complete bollocks ^^^^^^^^

pls note that was in referance to sissifoos post not katagos ;)


Herbal in my eyes gol didn't do anything wrong , sissyfoo its so lame to take an allready camped spot just because df isn't open and you can't play there. Alldoh for GOL group if you were playing for such a long time you could think of doing something else in primetime because for the peeps who need to do those mobs for leveling normally its frustrating to see that a powerlevel group take that entire place.

Anyway sissyfoo double lame to spread this out on a forum , go to the daoc chronicles and see who are rank 0 - 1 and do your complaints to them.


rofl ppl still trying to make gol look bad via barrysworld?
u know u cold just pm an officer and gm, whining on bw is well childish...
tbh herbal seems to be in the right to so stop this noncence


"Our spot" does not excist. "Our pull" does. A spot can be camped by 100 groups, as long as MOBS are not leeched. I tend to ignore ppl who claim that it's their spot (for example at spiritual advisors).


~rolls eyes~

I can't believe that someone who wanted to take the entire beach to themselves, after having it for most of the day, is calling other people GREEDY.

The fact is that the beach can support two groups. But only if neither group is greedy and wants the entire beach.

It would be different if you were fighting over the aqueduct or something, but that's not the case.

Admit it, Herbal. You're just greedy. And maybe just a bit peeved because noone asked for your sacred permission.

Now everyone grow up or there will be NO pudding.


Herbal Remedy

no if u had read what i said ud understand the gol group had come to a compromise, fine we will share the spot if u let us wait for a full spawn so when we pull it doesnt kill us. They didnt want that as it slowed down the xp rate so continued to pull all the time, which in turn forced us off the spot. Yet you think we where being selfish mmmmkkkk


omg what a tragic story, someone took a campspot and got pissed off when ppl who cant xp in df, danoin, telamon, calleach, barrows come to leech from their spot which they had been camping previously?

give kleenex pls T.T

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
~rolls eyes~

I can't believe that someone who wanted to take the entire beach to themselves, after having it for most of the day, is calling other people GREEDY.

The fact is that the beach can support two groups. But only if neither group is greedy and wants the entire beach.

It would be different if you were fighting over the aqueduct or something, but that's not the case.

Admit it, Herbal. You're just greedy. And maybe just a bit peeved because noone asked for your sacred permission.

Now everyone grow up or there will be NO pudding.


i'd also like to point out if you'd woken up early to get a camp spot and another group stopped you xping at all and causing you xp deaths, when there are a whole range of other places they could xp youd be a little bit pissed. As for greedy your telling me youve never had great xp at a spot say twee spot 2 and camped it for more than a few houyrs mmkk in that case no idea how you got to 50 and according you half of excals lvl 50 are selfish bastards:rolleyes:


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Asel...urgh...CG spammer supremez0r!


and no one else spams ?

ur not involved in this conflict therefore making what u say irrelevant hence...... spam?


I am referring to a bunch of power leveling ninnies who were camped at Tangler beach yesterday.

rofl we were 7 ppl in a grp, wouldnt really call it powerlvling :)

) they were told to 'Go away' because the GoL group had been there since 07:00 and it was their spot

which any other xp group (doesnt have to be gol) would have also said if they had done the same..

This type of behaviour is fucking disgraceful

i agree, ppl shouldnt steal mobs from camped spots.. disgraceful :(

Now I know why most people dislike GoL

cos we suck

they have made quite a few new enemies from last nights actions

omg noooo

I for one will NEVER invite a GoL member into my groups

does that mean i wont be able to join ur mithra xp grp anymore? pls forgive me!

I will certainly never help one.
u mean person u !!!

-=Benvolio=- Level 40 Jedi Master
wrong game, swg isnt out til next year afaik, go and pull tanglers there leaving daoc in peace pls.


sissy would u like some cheese wit this whine? :D


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
The tangler beach spot ISN'T yours. It can be SHARED by TWO groups.

I am referring to a bunch of power leveling ninnies who were camped at Tangler beach yesterday. It comprised of Asal, Feroucioius (or however she mispells her name) and some low level gimps.

Whenever another group tried to pull from a spot DURING prime time hunting (16:00 ono) they were told to 'Go away' because the GoL group had been there since 07:00 and it was their spot. Of course, many groups ignored them and carried on hunting because it was a spot that could be shared by two groups easily, the trees were already being camped by two other groups and the Aquaduct was spoken for. Then they started debuffing other people's mezzed pulls which led to entire groups being wasted because of broken mezzes or stealing from pulls.

This type of behaviour is fucking disgraceful. Now I know why most people dislike GoL and they have made quite a few new enemies from last nights actions. I for one will NEVER invite a GoL member into my groups and I will certainly never help one.

Totally fucking disgraceful...

thank u for remindin me why BW isnt even in my favourites list :)

try to pm me?
try to spell the names right?
try to tell the whole story? :rolleyes:

now bein the arrogant, selfish and by 90% of the excalibur server population disliked twat all us GoL r i have to say that i tent to believe in what herbal said and therefor (except the ONE debuff stuff) dont see a reason for u to whine mr. sissypoo. (feels good when sumone who flames u cant even spell ur name right, doesnt it? :p )

a :m00: for the not bein able to get in ur groups anymore.
too bad we got no such think like a "no-rezz list" in GoL.... ooops - wrong topic :p

so in general - if u want a serious problem solved try to PM me ingame.
if u just want sum attention by startin a useless flame war u did chose the right way.


Greg to msg you just 90% of the time are afk (afk alot as you said once self) and sometimes someone called Gregorski blocks any PM to you. So it ain't easy to reach you (just a note so you know)


i log chat when i go afk and check what i missed when im back tho ;)


My point is that camping from early morning until afternoon and then, when other people try to use the beach too, you call THEM stupid.

What do you want? The entire beach to be vacated and untouched by everyone until you are totally and completely done? Well, boo hoo and tough luck.

Camping a tree spot is entirely different. Each spot can take one group; everyone knows that. Even retards, NAS NAS NAS XDXDXD.

I did 48 to 50 solo in a weekend on the aqueduct. The aqueduct is a single spot and can't take two groups. If someone had trying to doublecamp me then, I would have been pissed off. And rightly so.

But if I'd been doing the beach (Which I can do solo also, kinda.) and another group came along then, no matter how long I'd been there, I would have no right to whinge or claim it as my own. And I, unlike some, would know that. NAS NAS NAS XDXDXD.


Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
My point is that camping from early morning until afternoon and then, when other people try to use the beach too, you call THEM stupid.

What do you want? The entire beach to be vacated and untouched by everyone until you are totally and completely done? Well, boo hoo and tough luck.

Camping a tree spot is entirely different. Each spot can take one group; everyone knows that. Even retards, NAS NAS NAS XDXDXD.

I did 48 to 50 solo in a weekend on the aqueduct. The aqueduct is a single spot and can't take two groups. If someone had trying to doublecamp me then, I would have been pissed off. And rightly so.

But if I'd been doing the beach (Which I can do solo also, kinda.) and another group came along then, no matter how long I'd been there, I would have no right to whinge or claim it as my own. And I, unlike some, would know that. NAS NAS NAS XDXDXD.


no ill post it again if yoru to retarded to understand what i wrote;)

what was greedy about them was starting pulling without any thought of how it would effect the other group in this case getting them xp killed ;/ repeatedly, and continueing to do so when we explained how they we causing us to be killed. They where greedy because they wouldnt do alternate pulls letting us w8 for a full repop so it was safe for us to pull. In there greed for faster xp they got us killed = greedy mkkkkkkk

ask again and its diagram time ok apathy?


I Haven't read the topic and all the replys .

GoL was killing the whole beach in less then 20 sec (DoT)
There is only 1 tangler, and i have no idea how you share that.
btw, your Albion Knowlegde is very low if that's the only place you know to exp.



I've been raping the beach spot (Asel & Warrior & Feroscious always been trees) every morning for a week or so now. (char being PL'd has come from 39 to 47)

Can i be on your 'never group' list too please?
Oh, and add all the sorcs that pwn aquaducts, I haven't once gone to AEDoT the beach for a few hours without seeing a sorc soloing tanglers either to powerlevel a lower char or for their own exp...

Sorry, but this really isn't the way to go about stopping people from doing it.

Incidentally, before i get flamed - I start at 7am. I never come and start pulling if there's already a lvl40ish grp there, but... I have has much right to it as the next guy. Same goes for Asel and Feroscious.


ffs Herbal please dont write such long posts !!!

im drunk and i got motion sickness trying to read through that lot !!


Ambulance Rejuv Cleric RR4+ < First Cohort >
Ambulance <CE PvP>

Cap'n Sissyfoo


I could have read all of your fine replies but can't really bothered to read the same thing posted over and over again.

Here are my responses to the general response to my hissy post:

"Stop whining" : No. I was truly annoyed by these people and posting this whine made me feel better.

"Sort this out with PMs and don't drag your dirty linen onto the forum." : Hmm, could have done but I don't know the leader of GoL and I can't really be arsed to find out. On top of that, see response one.

"Stop whining because DF wasn't open" : Eh?

I may not have mentioned this but the other tangler spots were overcamped. Hunting telamons is dull. The barrows are dull. DF is too dangerous and too far away to bother with. Callileach guards would wipe the floor with us. The beach can support TWO groups with ease. We were not stealing their pulls AT ALL. Allow me to elaborate:

They pulled the tangler with their Simi. They AoE DoT the zerg and run around like headless chickens waiting for the zerg to die. As soon as the zerg died off, another Simi was cast and sent off to wait in the middle of the beach to await the...~sighs~

Well, I had no expectations that anyone would offer me a shoulder to cry on. I didn't post here looking for support, I posted to get this off my chest. I sincerely doubt that I would have felt as good as I did bitching to the GM (whomever that may be) as posting this whine fest.

I am surprised how many people posted though. Quite a turn out. Ahh, how much I love communities; always there to support eachother and defend eachother's honour when it is called into question. Wonderful.
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