To dear Durgi



Feel free to tell me why I should get banned ...

Because I'm an idiot who didn't read a post right. :( Sorry

I should get banned............


ok to Hellsinki first off....

Point 1, at that second relic raid, there wasnt just 1 group of hibs, there were 3 all 45+ for the most part, and no i didnt see a single mid around the gates. And as most will atest to it was the servers coming down that stopped us not, you Mids. My thanks to GOA for actually recognising they made a boo boo this time.

Point 2, you said live with spies? learn to deal with em? HELL NO, imagine if we had in this world a spy that could not be killed, and could not be contained? The world would become a very very bad place to live if you were on the wrong side. This is what is happening in game, and this IS imho against the CoC. My flame is not against anyone in particular that this thread is based on or around, it is against those who would use second accounts to make the odds uneven.
This IS as bad as exploiting, it is allowing other realms to set up ambushes and attacks without worry of retaliation, which IS identical to jumping into a wall or something similar. So NO i will not live with this, any person i find in hib spying i will report to GOA, because it ruins the game for EVERYONE.
And for those who would say this is whining, grow the hell up, if people didnt complain nothing would ever get fixed.

As for the person that posted about the CoC rules....

Players undertake not to make use of any bug, not to use any undocumented functions and not to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults they may discover to GOA personnel as soon as possible.

My reference would be undocumented functions and design faults, albeit one that can never be overcome without swift action from the person who manages such a system. This is a design flaw wether we like it or not, and people breaching this should be reported.

On the matter of banning suspending, NO one deserves to be banned instantly for an offence(unless it is extreme, such as hacking a server). They should however be provided with a warning, suspension depending on the severity of what they have done.
If they continue to break rules and ruin the game after that, ban em forever i say.

anyways /rant off and back to xping


Originally posted by Kaylin
ok to Hellsinki first off....
löl ... I know the name is silly, but most ppl know me by that name from Beta ;)

Point 1, at that second relic raid, there wasnt just 1 group of hibs, there were 3 all 45+ for the most part, and no i didnt see a single mid around the gates. And as most will atest to it was the servers coming down that stopped us not, you Mids. My thanks to GOA for actually recognising they made a boo boo this time.

I never said there was only 1 Hib group ... it was only one MID group defending at that time. And you all died infront of the Relic Keep while the doors were still open.
And the Group of Mids did stop you from taking more keeps beside Bledmeer and Nottmoor.

Oh, and charged items can be used to attack realm mates aswell.
Just in case you get a lvl1 Spy again. Doubt it though, sounds more like a n00b wanting to see the big action to me.

And btw ... what would you say if some low level of your realm starts to tell you that he had just killed you at a mg in your frontier ?
Happened to a guildie of mine. Can we do something about it ? not really.

EDIT : Missread your post. corrected the content. it's late.


Originally posted by Hellskor

Oh, and charged items can be used to attack realm mates aswell.
Just in case you get a lvl1 Spy again. Doubt it though, sounds more like a n00b wanting to see the big action to me.

well actually we found out who it was and he apologized on mIRC
no names :m00:


One situation is this :

You buy a second account and play on the same server but in a different realm. You and your guild have already spent many, many gold peices upgrading the doors and consider the fort a safe place. Now while on your second account you discover a planned raid to break down those doors and take said fort.

You of course tell your guild mates, who you are friends with, to be in the fort for a fight and to repair the expensive doors you have yourself fought long and hard to upgrade.

Now this is just one situation but it is also one that faces many people on Prydwen every day due to people having two accounts in different realms.

Spying is going to happen. The only way to stop it is for the realms themselves to put a stop to people telling them of the enemy plans.

Even if we could kill a member of our own realm we wouldn't. It is a possibility he was a spy or just a newbie looking at what RvR is all about. Even in death he could report.

I accidentally thought Hellskor was the said level 1 stalker telling the Mids of numbers inside the fort. I was wrong and have apologized.

I made the post out of severe anger and out of all the guilds in Midgard, I probably respect Eye of Odin the most because of the excellent discipline they show on the balttle field. Sorry once again for my stupidity.


you peope seem to forget:

Us mids want big RvR battles too.... beating everyone on numbers and levels is not fun, though the albs seem to have gotten a bit better (attack on bled tonite for example.... failed, but hey, made my day interesting)

I actually saw my first hib army the other day, was about 30 of them at HMG in odin's.... never seen soo many hibs in one place

And what does arguing over spied help here? no one who posts here is a spy, so no need for all the flames

Lets end this peacefully, and go back to killing each other



Guys, having 2 accounts (or more) and using them to creat a character per realm on the same server is lame.

However, at the minute, it is not against GOA's CoC, but it is against the CoC that Mythic have on the US servers.

So until GOA change this, it is perfectly fine to create characters on the same server, different realms.

But when the CoC is changed...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


How can GOA stop people having two accounts?

It's pretty impossible to catch anybody who is doing this........


Me spy....

I guess you can call me a spy to, since two weeks ago i was logged in the hib/alb mg dont remember witch, and all i saw as i logged was a bunch of enemies running over me, so i stood up and runned with them up to bledmeer, and when we got there i kept on running and got into the keep, but there was defenders there, but i had told my friend about your numbers, is it my fualt or yours for not killing me of. A pity i was only lvl 28 then, if it happened to me know i could wreck some havoc with all thoose nowdays greycons using my ram, and bellow spells... :)

And this is not the first time i've runned with Albs/hibs, done it three or four times. What are you BLIND!!!!


VidX your post is interesting. For one it highlight the way that the US IMHO is more organised with things DAoC but hey thats not news to anyone.

Although yesterday I made a post about dual accounting last night while playing and talking to my Guild's Co-Leader we both have all 4 slots full with chars. Some are parked for the moment pending what may happen to certain character classes in future patches i.e. Hunters which seem to be getting a rough time in the next few patches. Now as a lot of time and effort has been put into the characters neither of us want to delete them. However we would like to have a play around with a couple of the other Midgard char classes but cant because we dont have the space. Also we would both like to create a couple of mule chars on Midgard to store lower lvl equip etc.

Also my Co-Leader already has a dual account and I have been aware of this for a long time and is for his wife who also plays in the guild. Now in either of these scenario's no one is doing anything wrong, but according to the US CoC this would be wrong.

It is a shame that dual accounting isn't allowed but maybe it should lock you into the realm you have previously chosen and this would get around the problem. I am sure other people have the same issue and would just like to hear their thoughts.

For the moment I hasten to add I am not getting another account because of the flaming of this practice. It does seem a shame that poeple cannot for legit reasons, after all it make more money for Mythic/GOA. I know this is a different set of reasons to those highlighted but I feel it raises and issue that should be addressed. Maybe MYthic/GOA could charge a premium rate to allow more slots cos I am just too addicted to have only 4 chars :)


Sorry, I mightn't have made the part about Mythics change in their CoC clear enough :)

You can have as many accounts as you want, but you have to have them on the same realm, you are not allowed to have 1 on Hibernia and one on Albion in, say, Bors.

Musta been the fact I was dead tired when I posted that.

Ok, so I'm even more tired now, just been terrorising Yggdra again, eyes are no longer open for more than 5 seconds per minute, might go get sleep :)


If onlt Mythic would give us lots more character slots. I know it would be hard but with so many cool classes runing about, four just isn't enough.

I'm totally up for having two accounts in the same realm, good for you.

To Fafnir, if you met some enemy players and you reported their position and target, then good for you. You did your realm proud mate. We can't call you a spy......we can call you a lucky member of an opposing realm though.



lol... :)

Maybe it was a bug that made me invisible... :)


Fafnir I wouldn't worry about it, seems to be a common problem at the moment.



Luckily its starting to matter less and less if Midgard know were coming. I almost welcome it. After the performance in Hadrians & Erasliegh yesterday I say bring on the mids, we will meet you half way we dont need to hide anymore!!!!

-the infil bloke who refuses to lvl past 46 :)-



Well i never meet a alb force on the move that did't outnumber us..


Obviously there are tons of ways to do crossrealm spying... but I think people should have enough sense not to spoil the fun, even if they can. What the HELL do they gain besides... well... less fun.



or more fun if you find it fun of course ;)

just had to add that

~The Smarmster~


Midds/Hibbs/Albs I realy dont care.
If you play the game with style and arent a punk then no way can I ever hate you.

As for Spying via 2 accounts and getting info from friends: Did you realy OUTSMART your enemy by spying? Nah you didnt, you just sold your integrety by betraying people who trusted you. In my book that isnt to smart.


Originally posted by Kaylin
As i said this is against the CoC and not a thing we should tollerate, if you want something done about it report names to GOA so we can get this jumped on before it gets out of hand.

All i say is dont expect GoA to do all that much about it, If u think about it for a second :-

one person + 2 accounts = 2 paying customers

and paying customers is what GoA needs right now with all there cock-ups latley. Im not saying duel accounts is right im just saying dont expect much to happen to them that do it.


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