To all the very mature albs in thid not long ago



Originally posted by svendoc
I /slap people but only when they are alive dont emote unless good fight after with a /hug or /salute

I play thidranki to test different chars and how much fun i can get out of different classes. If I wanted to organise a balanced RvR group i would got o emain with my healer.

I is very rewarding actually finding an alb who honour (have changed my opinion there are a FEW). Its just a shame they have to struggle to get away from the idiot zergers whop are not even content to run around in full groups but have toi get 2 or 3 of them together

/salute those that deserve you know who you are

/slap the rest of you

yeah, like we care


/laugh when I kill some buffed stealther

Usually quite a few /laughs when that happens :p

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