To all the crafters,Urizen perma banned......

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Thornea said:
, If I remember right (back in the day) im sure mythic used to strip ALL crafters on an acct caught for macroing back to 0 skill

might be that Mythic did, but not goa, they told you ingame to stop it without any warning that your account would be banned if you continued.
Apr 20, 2004
UriZeN said:
do u know any lgry crafter that hasnt used sth similar? if yes plz name him to me if not stfu this is a warning not a discussion nor a qq!

actually yea my gf has lg wc/ac/sc/alch/tailor all lgm :p she sat there and pressed a key through all of it :p
Apr 20, 2004
Chrstffr said:
might be that Mythic did, but not goa, they told you ingame to stop it without any warning that your account would be banned if you continued.

Well tbh i understand they get punished for cheating.. although i honestly don't think goa GM's do jobs properly in this respect... my mate got banned for so called speed hacking once off a GOA gm... no appeal was ever answered.. and all it was was sprint+speed 5 because i was sitting next to him at the time... the gm basically msged him told him he was about to be banned and didnt even let him defend or say anything against it... so sorry and all but goa gm's really arent fair in some respects ;l i mean fair enough if they have solid proof on the matter.. but if its something like that being classed as speed hacking and a gm instantly making his/her mind up... then its just pathetic judgement


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
This thread is so funny.

A cheater calls Mythics crafting system retarded yet is too retarded himself to realise that you don't have to watch the little bar progress across the screen!

I got LGM without cheating, just carried a dinky laptop everywhere I went and just clicked when I heard the ding.... ffs read a book, watch TV/DVD, surf FH... LGM is so easy (if you have enough cash!)

I remember a certain BC member (healer) who used an auto click program.... shame he left his quick bar on his buff quick bar and not his craft quick bar!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
l0olz m8s i got obred of watcinh the green line for 1:56 mins and seconds for the 68547485th time, so i have used an overpowered 3rd party t00l that pressed the button approx after 1:56 time passed so i got wtfbanned :<

1, sucky crafting system really encourges anyone to abuse 3rd party t00ls Rrly (or if anyone can tell me wots fun in watching an idiot green line wojmin through a box every x-min for countless times xyD)O

2, radar users banned for the first time is BULLSHIT imho?!?! (hey skii tour anyone?!:pD)

3, you cheated, you got cought, you got prawned by goa nothing to see here

take your pick YXD:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 5, 2004
lol this is teh funneh, i cant believe someone got perma banned for using a craft macro tool, without warning.

who cares tbh, its not having a negative effect on anyones game, fair enoguh hes cheating. so slap him on the wrist and say 'do it again u get 3 day ban' or so, perma banning is really pointless, if GOA r trying to flex their admin muscle they're doin it in a pretty childish manor tbh


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i used a drilling machine for buying 1410 ingredients to do 30 tries on sc in a time where /mbuy didn't excist

i should be banned aswell i guess :(

crafting is retarded boring, even with a book

i retired my 6 LGM crafters and decided not to roll another one on the realm i play now


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
UriZeN said:
i just got informed by goa today that my account was perma banned because of the use of an auto klik tool. without any warning. Just a warning to any crafter that use or plan to use something similar instead of pushing a button like a retard!:puke: :puke:



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
legendary spellcrafter.

I found that ventrillo + chatting to friends + reading a lot of books + other stuff like writing was a good way to get through the grind.

no auto clicker for me.

And yups radar users get banned first time which is why goa is very careful with radar accusations.

anywho i sort of feel bad that you lost your account and hard work, then i think you used a third party knowing full well that you would be caught eventually so the feeling sorry part sort of disapears.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Awarkle said:
legendary spellcrafter.

I found that ventrillo + chatting to friends + reading a lot of books + other stuff like writing was a good way to get through the grind.

There is no way to get through that grind without loosing ur mind, and there is no way to defend the most retarded crafting system ever made.:twak:

I feel sry for Urizen that is simply to harsh for such a small offence.
And omg im getting sick of all u holy fucktards i got 5 lgms etc etc bla bla. I bet most of u used clicker at some point untill now mabye.:twak: :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Awarkle said:
legendary spellcrafter.

I found that ventrillo + chatting to friends + reading a lot of books + other stuff like writing was a good way to get through the grind.

no auto clicker for me.

And yups radar users get banned first time which is why goa is very careful with radar accusations.

anywho i sort of feel bad that you lost your account and hard work, then i think you used a third party knowing full well that you would be caught eventually so the feeling sorry part sort of disapears.

u think that im so stupid to risk my account if i knew this kind of program is punished like that?? i typed b4 that i used it some time ago without having any type of warning or an info that makro tool are banable, believe it or not i dont care thats the truth!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Got myself a LGM ACer and tailor the proper way and I just got through it by playing the guitar, reading, talking to guildies etc whilst doing it. I'd basically just sit down and get 5-10 points whilst waiting for an rvr group instead of standing at CS doing nothing.

It doesn't stop it being a stupid rule though. GoA giving people a week ban for radar using when NF first came out was ridiculous; it should have been an out right ban. If it was then I could sort of understand this being a ban too.

I don't see my crafters as a big acheivement tbh, rather something which I did in spare 'between group' times but people using a macro program is just a plain cheat. Okay so you say it's better then watching a green bar. If you don't want to do it in game, don't cheat, just get your money elsewhere. Where some people say to just strip his crafting abilities, what about the countless plat which was made by doing the very same way? How is this any different to somehow setting up your characters at a spawn, going out for the night and coming back 20plat richer? It's a cheat and if you don't like the way the economy is made, go play another game.

And to the poster above, I'd bet that most of the posters on here who say they didn't use a macro program really DIDNT. It's not a big deal if you split up when you do it. It becomes a big deal only if you have zero patience and you're one of the people who should be playing a different game where everything comes to you easily.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Requiel said:
Nope radar users get permabanned as well as does anyone caught using any other third party program to cheat such as a speedhack, autohunter etc.

if only that would be true your post wouldnt be so laughable.... seriously, you shouldnt try to fool your costumers when they already know you didnt even bann radar users on the "FIRST WAVE" (15 day bann for radar users). then you bann macro crafters permanately?

i dont mind losing macro crafters but after giving radar players a second chance this if fucking laughable. you really need to get your policys straight, goa is a fucking joke in the cheat appartment atm.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
UriZeN said:
u think that im so stupid to risk my account if i knew this kind of program is punished like that?? i typed b4 that i used it some time ago without having any type of warning or an info that makro tool are banable, believe it or not i dont care thats the truth!

Rules are rules, you had all the time in the world to read them.
If a radar user would go like: "omg I didn't know it was illegal blablabla" he would be banned aswell.
I also hate the crafting system in DAoC though I've never ever used anykind of program to help crafting hence why I never got further than 400-500 craftskill.
And the statement about no crafter reaches LGM without a 'craftbot'.. don't know where you pulled those numbers from but I know alot of people who would, just like myself, never use anykind of 3rd party program.

Only shame is that all radar banned people don't make posts like this atleast we could keep up with who got banned and what for.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
i think i remember reading, in a post like this a while ago, that u can use these types of programs as long as u are at the computer whilst its being done? maybe this rules been changed.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
just go to crafters corner and ask for a macro program and you will get it....

100% of the crafters i know used/use it, maybe 1% doesnt and thats some retard who rly lacks excitement in his life and do /vic when someone gets banned for shit like that

and to all you tards that think you achieved smth by pressing the same button in 1 month /played, how exactly can you feel offended by some guy making a crafter so his guild can get some proper gear without paying you 7 plats for a mp part that cost 300g material price? :puke:

(Tilda) do you realise how easy it is to spot macro?
(Tilda) script saying "report all instances where someones done the same thing, exactly the same time period apart"

do you realise how easy it is to fk that system then?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Well you just show you are stupid enough not to read the CoC, and then you come here to spit on something you are paying ?
You have broken it you are banned period, no need to warn other cheaters or to come qq on this forum.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Haazheel said:
Well you just show you are stupid enough not to read the CoC, and then you come here to spit on something you are paying ?
You have broken it you are banned period, no need to warn other cheaters or to come qq on this forum.

spit? he makes a post, a warning, that is usefull for the majority of crafters.... and its others who is spitting at him. so... can u like... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
UriZeN said:
do u know any lgry crafter that hasnt used sth similar? if yes plz name him to me if not stfu this is a warning not a discussion nor a qq!
Salicyn, Sheren


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
shame ;<

I got bored trying with or without so fuck crafting ;<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I also agree perma-ban is bit over a tops,14 days ban and watch him if he keeps doing would have done.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
athom said:
just go to crafters corner and ask for a macro program and you will get it....

100% of the crafters i know used/use it, maybe 1% doesnt and thats some retard who rly lacks excitement in his life and do /vic when someone gets banned for shit like that

and to all you tards that think you achieved smth by pressing the same button in 1 month /played, how exactly can you feel offended by some guy making a crafter so his guild can get some proper gear without paying you 7 plats for a mp part that cost 300g material price? :puke:

(Tilda) do you realise how easy it is to spot macro?
(Tilda) script saying "report all instances where someones done the same thing, exactly the same time period apart"

do you realise how easy it is to fk that system then?

I dont and never have used a macro.

Whne Im crafting, I load up the ps2, buy shitloads of jewels and play on the ps2, every few mins or so check to see if it has done

Not hard and beats all that crafting boredom!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Even if it's a bit retarded to parma ban macro crafters and don't perma ban radarers it's still considered a cheat. Everyone knows it. There is a chance to be caught and I think you knew that when you started. Stop crying over getting banned for a cheat. Alot of people do it but it's still considered a cheat. :p


Jan 19, 2004
I don't like cheating, and i think it should result in a ban. If you cheat, you risk getting banned, and you know that. However, a perma ban is abit harsh, stripping your craft skills and giving you a 7-14 day ban would be enough.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
at the end of the day it doesnt matter what you think about the crafting system, which i agree is shit, when you log onto the game you agree to follow a set of rules, if you break any of those rules you run the risk of getting banned. everyone knows that, just becuase something is crap doesnt mean you have to cheat.

Also the argument about "we only cheat because crafted items are so expensive" well not really, it costs around 15-20 (at least) plat to get lgm AC for instance, add to that the (depending on luck) 30-50 retries for an mp part you probably looking at an outlay of 30 plat for a full set of scale plus the time it takes to make it. its much easier/quicker to go and farm a few plat in 10 minutes in toa/catacombs whatever.

those that say all crafters cheat must move in some very retarded social groups :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Hrymf said:
read it again then, GOA have many times stated that any playing without being there your self, being away from the keyboard, is ban reason :)
So if u click the craft button and go somewhere else for a few mins, then come back click the button again, and go away that is ban reason? Do they require u to sit and watch the green bar or move the tv, second computer, bookshelf etc to the computer u craft with so u can be in the prescence of the green bar at all times?

When they start perma banning people for playing music on the computer while playing DAOC, cause u have to listen to the in-game music (and cd-player being 3rd party program), that's when I'll leave this game.

I'm against cheating, but I'm also against perma banning!


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Lethul said:
if only that would be true your post wouldnt be so laughable.... seriously, you shouldnt try to fool your costumers when they already know you didnt even bann radar users on the "FIRST WAVE" (15 day bann for radar users). then you bann macro crafters permanately?

i dont mind losing macro crafters but after giving radar players a second chance this if fucking laughable. you really need to get your policys straight, goa is a fucking joke in the cheat appartment atm.

cudnt it just been a warning to all thirdpartyprogram users not just the ones with radar? If you use radar now you get permabanned afaik as with all thirdpartyprogram apperently.

If you look back, like you did with the massive radarban, macrocrafters got away with just a warning or few days of ban, so dont think you really can compare this with the radarers getting a 15day "warning".

Its a good warning to others using macroprograms tho, as alot of ppl dont think its as bad as radaring etc and dont think they get the same punishment.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
UriZeN said:
do u know any lgry crafter that hasnt used sth similar? if yes plz name him to me if not stfu this is a warning not a discussion nor a qq!

All my crafters where done with out any 3rd party programs. Crafting is not that hard, all you need is a good book and 2 accounts.

If you where using a 3rd party program then good you where banned, if not, then sorry for your lose dude.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
My considered opinion is that the punishment is too harsh for a first macroing offence. Reset all trade skills to zero is much fairer, ban on second macroing offence.

However, my sympathy in this case is zero as you feel that everyone else must cheat cos you did. That's just pathetic.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
UriZeN said:
do u know any lgry crafter that hasnt used sth similar? if yes plz name him to me if not stfu this is a warning not a discussion nor a qq!

I can name about 4 LGm's that haven't used any Crafting "tools" like that.

as for myself i'm up in the 900's in alchy and i havne't used anything like that

.... Cock
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