To all the crafters,Urizen perma banned......

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Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
[CE]Hjendug said:
no will proberly be called, Synergy Deathcrew Inc. The story behind them.

hahahahahahahahahahaahah, no seriously, hahahahahahahaha.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Requiel said:
If they were caught by the tool or by me directly they'll have been perma-banned. Only the first wave of people caught by the tool were given two week suspensions, everyone else before and since was terminated permanently. We don't give 3 week suspensions and in fact our system doesn't allow us to - it's not a period we can choose. The longest period that we suspend for is 15 days, after that it's a termination. Either your friend isn't telling you the truth or he's playing on a different account because his original one was banned.

are you aware that theres alot of nerds in the world who gets excited by getting around the limitations and nullifie all the effort you put in preventions like these? 14 year old kids can break in to nasa's most secure servers but noone can make a radar or macro program that takes mythic 3 years to discover... sounds familar? nooooo

lets look at the game/movie industry that puts hundreds of thousand dollars to secure game copying and dvd/cd copy/crack security... and you can basicly have the 1-click tools to crack it before the shop owners have the software in their storage? noooo

wow, you rly did it... way to go :clap:


May 27, 2005
GOA terminate accounts just for a laugh i think, they don't give a shit who they are. for example terminating my 2 accounts because i'm related to somone who has been banned so they bann all 3 since same ip etc


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Sentimos said:
GOA terminate accounts just for a laugh i think, they don't give a shit who they are. for example terminating my 2 accounts because i'm related to somone who has been banned so they bann all 3 since same ip etc

they got pissed on by majority after giving the worst cheaters in the game a 2 weeks ban.... maybe this is their way to "make up for it" and show that they dont tolerate cheating scum..... or macro users for that case

force a eve or wow crafter to do it in daoc for 1 week and he will shoot himself... or get a macro tool


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Can i just ask.. what is wrong with not clicking the button?

its not like Mythic have made crafting exciting anyway, its shit boring to do... how does the fact that you are not there are crafting make any different? it only really helps the games economy imo, more crafters = cheaper prices and such i think.

i think its just a lame thing to do, especially perma ban Urizen. He was only trying to acomplish something that has been designed badly and is boring to do.

my 2 cents.

And before you start saying "oh i sat here to get lgm so you talk bullshit" that was just purely your fault.
Oh and in the end, do GOA actually give a shit about anybody? some people have paid.. ooh lets say as an estimate of £200 to this friggin company and for not sitting and doing something that is poorly designed.. they suspend the account. Imo they need to sort out their ideas and ban people for real offenses such as radar and bug abusing.


Dec 22, 2003
I am one of those that things macro crafting is not a bad thing, /who armor No matches

2 hours later

/who armor no matches

Unlucky mate :( I am sure you knew the rules its a risk you matter how silly the rules appear they are still ones we have to abide by.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Crafting in DAoC is FUBAR, just go look at the crafting section, some people are having to go through 300 retries to make an MP item, lunacy.

I levelled all my crafters legally, sat at the keyboard watching a little green line. If i craft, i do it the way it's designed.

I, however, have no problem with players macroing when it comes to crafting even though I went through the green-bar-of-doom pain that it takes to hit LGM.

The system is rediculous, GOA/Mythic should concentrate on fixing the problem, rather than banning players for trying to have life outside of the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Ok Tallen ... love your take on this ... lets see if we can stretch this a bit:

Running around trying to find enemies in RvR is FUBAR, just go look at the rvr section some are having to go through 300 hours of not finding any enemies, lunacy.

I leveled all my rvr chars legally, sat at the keyboard watching our pac healer drive us through the frontiers looking for enemies. If I rvr, i do it in the way it's designed.

I, however, have no problem with players radaring when it comes to rvr even though I went through the looking-for-enemies-normally-of-doom pain that it takes to find enemies

The system is rediculous, GOA/Mythic should concentrate on fixing the problem, rather then banning players for trying to have a life outside of the game.

I didn't thing so either :(

A line needs to be drawn ... that line is drawn at cheating ... any form of cheating. Allowing some forms of cheating while not accepting others would be really really strange.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Gamah said:
I am one of those that things macro crafting is not a bad thing, /who armor No matches

2 hours later

/who armor no matches

maybe because it should be /who armour ?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I think the lack of crafters on /who is more to do with everyone only wanting MP and it being so boring.

If people wanted 99%, and weren't bothered about MP my /setwho would be trades in a flash. I don't mind taking some time out to help others by doing something boring, just not all of it !

So, like most LGM's, I'm now Guild, Friends and lowbie crafting only.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
athom said:
you can end up giving 30 plats for a studded suit if you buy it on cm.... greed anyone?
which takes about 2 hours to farm, however makign the suit takes much much longer, i would rather farm scrolls than craft, much quicker/easier money and less whining mongs.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
GoldenThong said:
i think you may find ingame its armor much like (gothwaite) harbor......american spellings :twak:

thought GoA translated the american version? next i will find the stable master going

" dude, where's my horse"



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Darzil said:
I think the lack of crafters on /who is more to do with everyone only wanting MP and it being so boring.

If people wanted 99%, and weren't bothered about MP my /setwho would be trades in a flash. I don't mind taking some time out to help others by doing something boring, just not all of it !

So, like most LGM's, I'm now Guild, Friends and lowbie crafting only.

the lack of crafters is down to whiners saying its to expensive, while they are pressing that leggings button for the 100th time the buyer has just farmed 4 times as much cash in toa.
same here, friends and guildies only.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
which takes about 2 hours to farm, however makign the suit takes much much longer, i would rather farm scrolls than craft, much quicker/easier money and less whining mongs.

IF it takes 2hours to farm 30p i could farm 120p every day(8hour farming on a whole day seems fine), that means 840p in 1 week hard farming?
And if you check some summ sm's they do it for several months so they have like 8400p? right?

You are not a casual player, you are a hardcore player, I know you don't play much hours a day but still, you know what i mean.

If someone dings 50, you say he will have 120p by the end of the day if he thinks "mm now i have to get some money!"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
if you put your mind to it (farm for 3/3 scrolls, gov, som, scalers etc) then its not hard to make money at all, probably a bit of an exageration but the point is its much quicker to make money farming than it is to craft and no wonder there are fewer and fewer crafters.

Mythic have said that the crafting system is on thier list of things that they will look at, i am hopefull that they will do something to make it more fun and interactive but i wont go and cheat if they dont :)
Thats the point of this, he cheated and got banned, it doesnt matter whether its lame to be banned for something as smalll as a craft macro, its zero tolerance, deal with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
I cannot understand why people complain about the ban, he broke the rules and he got what he deserved, and we may think the crafting system is bad, but noone force us to do it, and surely noone force you to play the game. So saying GOA should fix anything instead of ban is utter silly, they follow their own rules and ban according to it.

So if you dont like the crafting system, dont use it? If you dont like how the game rules are? Dont play it, it is rather simple :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Tbh, we don't know the background of his account - i.e whether he has been warned before or not. I find it slightly harsh to perma ban someones account if it is his first violation, specially if its just macro crafting as any crafter will tell you how shite it is atm.
On the flip side, can also see why requiel did it..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well i dont think anyone will disagree that if he gets a 2 week ban, he wont ever touch a program like that again. so why not just give the warning instead of instantly permabanning?

or hell, ban him for 2 weeks and take away all the crafting skills. but perma? way too harsh

all crafting is really is one big test of patience, green bar drives people insane :p crafting macro's should come with the game for the sake of sanity :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Skaven said:
Tbh, we don't know the background of his account - i.e whether he has been warned before or not. I find it slightly harsh to perma ban someones account if it is his first violation, specially if its just macro crafting as any crafter will tell you how shite it is atm.
On the flip side, can also see why requiel did it..

We have made clear on many occasions that any external program that modifies gameplay by giving you an advantage over others or that automates part of the game is not allowed and any use of such third party programs will result in the termination of your account. We do not issue warnings to people caught using such programs, they are permanently banned on the first offence.

i was never warned or accused of anything before and many people can confirm that still that was the reply i got from goa. anyway since this topic leads nowere i would like to say 2 things and that matter to be over!
1. it was made clear to me that and why i violated the game rules, and due to goa law im guilty with the penalty of death,and its not the point if i deserve it or not. treatment was prolly on the first insidents witnessing the new goa policy which says we dont ask questions and we make no exceptions,which ofc is a result of the numerous kids which have abused goa's tolerance.
3.i still love this game(although i wont play it again) and i hope my punishment will be a threat to all the ultimate offenders out there that really destroy the game fun for others.

thats all and thats it for me.....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Well thats abit shit tbh, not gonna be the same with me cacking my pants stealthing around the bridges no more :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
wittor said:
so radars users get 2 week suspended and cus u craft afk ur acc gets terminated w/o warning .. :eek:

Requiel said:
Nope radar users get permabanned as well as does anyone caught using any other third party program to cheat such as a speedhack, autohunter etc.

Tilda said:
No, radar users get perma banned first time too.
GOA's stance on 3rd party programs, of any sort, has been that its a perma ban first time, whatever.

Maybe you should read the news Tilda instead of just following Requiel :p

Requiel said:
Only the first wave of people caught by the tool were given two week suspensions.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
you are using a unique event to argue for sumtin general wittor. Ever since that 2 weeks ban people have been insta terminated (afaik, seen sum examples atleast). I feel sorry for Urizen cuz i agreee its to harsh, but dont see why they he should be an exception if this is GoAs policy


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Pipppi said:
you are using a unique event to argue for sumtin general wittor. Ever since that 2 weeks ban people have been insta terminated (afaik, seen sum examples atleast). I feel sorry for Urizen cuz i agreee its to harsh, but dont see why they he should be an exception if this is GoAs policy

You are kinda right but however .. ;)
It was wrong what Urizen did and he knows that aswell but still its a bit harsh to terminate an account for this. I just can't understand why the guy's that got caught in the first wave only had a 2 week ban, they should have been perma banned in the first place aswell. I don't support 3th progs etc but in my eyes there is a difference between macro crafting and radar. Radar should be perm ban no matter what and crafting should be a 15 day ban or something.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
wittor said:
It was wrong what Urizen did and he knows that aswell but still its a bit harsh to terminate an account for this. I just can't understand why the guy's that got caught in the first wave only had a 2 week ban, they should have been perma banned in the first place aswell. I don't support 3th progs etc but in my eyes there is a difference between macro crafting and radar
yer agree
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