To all none christians..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Has anyone actually got a link to an article explaining what's going on? I've not seen anything other than the "Christmas Party Safety Guide" - don't dance on desks!!!


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
One of my bosses is a Jaen and when we were out for a drink a couple of weeks back I asked him about their take on Christmas and his view was that while they don't celebrate Christmas they respect other religions and they use Christmas as a chance for the family to get together. Although he grew up in Kenya he's lived here a long time now and his children were born here and thus are in tune with the culture well. The family celebrate Christmas as a traditional not religious festival (they celebrate Divali instead religion wise) giving gifts etc.

Imo anyone who is PC can go take a running jump. There are too many occasions where PC is taken completely over the top just like this one.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I know it's getting repetative but what yuck said

As for stories the only one I heard is that in birmingham some schools have banned the mentioning the nativity on any Christmas parafanalia (card etc)* and decorations are/were banned from a shopping centre there. This is all second hand of course so I'm not betting my house on the truth of it.

Also someone else, from another forum, said

*When the children were making them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
~Yuckfou~ said:
Great Britain is historically and primarily a christian place. If you are non christian then the chances are that at some point in your lineage there are descendants from other countries. Maybe you are a first generation immigrant, it matters not. If you come to a country you must expect and be expected to at least respect that countries culture. This does not mean convert, just respect.
If for example I went to a "dry" arab country then I would not drink alcohol. Likewise Mrs Yuck would cover up more than she would normally, if that is what is expected. If I decided to live in Israel, then I could hardly complain if the shops were shut on saturday.

My view is, that if you find the environment in this country so intolerable then do us all a favour and fuck off tbh.

BTW religion is bollocks imo.

Great Britain is primarily a Christian place? Do you live in a church and never leave its hallowed grounds, Yucky? I know about as many gay people as i do practicing Christians. True it's historically Christian, but these days i'd say it's best described as 'non-religious'.

That said, i would like to see the actualy article that prompted this thread. I saw on GMTV this morning (i was only watching it during the adverts in between the quality US sitcoms on c4) they had some woman from the 'Have a Safe Office Party' brigade telling us all not to run with scissors or juggle with knives at the office party, but obviously no one takes that seriously. I'm not sure if those people think they're performing a serious public service in telling us not to be dumbasses, but it does illustrate the annoying trend in the PC types thinking they have something important to say. I've never actually met anyone who was fiercely PC, so i don't know where they find these anal retentives, or who decides to pay them from the public coffers. But i imagine it's the same bunch trying to ban Christmas. It's customary to read and understand your opponenet's position before telling them they're fucking wrong in a spectacular way, but i'm not sure it's necessary here. I've never heard anyone complain about Christmas, non-Christian or non-religious.

Otherwise i agree with most of your post, if not the slightly xenophobic tone of it.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
OblongChicken said:
Great Britain is primarily a Christian place? Do you live in a church and never leave its hallowed grounds, Yucky? I know about as many gay people as i do practicing Christians. True it's historically Christian, but these days i'd say it's best described as 'non-religious'.

People don't have to be practicing Christians (i.e. regular church goers) to consider themselves Christian. The 2001 census for Eng & Wales showed that over 37 Million people (from 52 million) consider themselves Christian. I would say that that supports the statement that Great Britain is primarily a Christian place (esp as N Ireland will have a higher % of Christians).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
You don't need to attend church to hold the same moral values as the Christian belief would have us do.

In olden days, attending church was as much a social gathering as it was an opportunity to preach the gospel. Now we all have cars, phones, television, and the internet, those days are long gone. Mind you, if I lived in some small village in the back of beyond, I'd probably go to church, just to catch up on the local gossip!


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
I must have missed all the papers about this today but from reading the forum I get the idea. I consider myself a Christian (in theory...) and to be honest anyone that’s read a bit of ‘Revelations’ wont bee too surprised at what these morons are trying to do. As it states how Christians shall become persecuted throught the world, all that seems to be happening all the time but its always been “over there” for British Christians.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t have a hard-on for Jesus, but it is indeed a crazy idea what these MPs are calling for. In their attempts to be PC haven’t they forgotten that actually respecting Christianity also comes into this equation? I’m all for equality. However Britain has lost its identity in many ways, some ppl are so busy setting up rules and trying to respect everyone else that we will end up depriving ourselves. A zombie nutral nation!

Bit extreme?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
It's just another public holiday as far as I'm concerned. It does get abit annoying with all the consumerism going on, but I'm not complaining as I get time off work that I'm paid for.

I'll have to re-think it next Christmas :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You would think Jesus would have the manners to write us Thank-You notes. But OOOOOH NOOOOOO... one lot of fish fingers 2,000 years ago is supposed to cover all our praise and kindness ever since. Terrible ****.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
Apart from the naked mrs Yuck bit........*fap*

I never said naked :) I mean not wear shorts or whatever.

I was considering a holiday sunbathing pic of Mrs Yuck to give you a treat, but she doesn't think its a good idea :m00:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
~Yuckfou~ said:
I never said naked :) I mean not wear shorts or whatever.

I was considering a holiday sunbathing pic of Mrs Yuck to give you a treat, but she doesn't think its a good idea :m00:

What's the sub charge ?


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
~Yuckfou~ said:
I never said naked :) I mean not wear shorts or whatever.

I was considering a holiday sunbathing pic of Mrs Yuck to give you a treat, but she doesn't think its a good idea :m00:

But your mates think its a good idea......obviously we win so GIFV!!!


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
What all you lemmings seem to forget is this:

It's not the people that want it.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
ttfe, wtf do you only posts links to "funny pictures"?

on topic;

Christmas should be in celebration of the birth of our dear lord Jesus Christ.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Vae said:
People don't have to be practicing Christians (i.e. regular church goers) to consider themselves Christian. The 2001 census for Eng & Wales showed that over 37 Million people (from 52 million) consider themselves Christian. I would say that that supports the statement that Great Britain is primarily a Christian place (esp as N Ireland will have a higher % of Christians).

Well that's a grey area. I've just decided i'm a non-practising Muslim. But i also consider myself to be a Quaker. The point is, religion is only important insomuch as it's practiced, otherwise it becomes irrelevant. Most people put 'Christian' on the census just because they had to fill in the box that said 'which religion are you?' and that seemed the natural thing to put to the unthinking unwashed. Would you really consider 'Jedi' to be a real religion? To define 'Christian' as including those who don't go to church, haven't touched their copy of the Bible since the first Gulf War and only believe in God because they've never bothered to question the traditions they've inherited is probably an insult to real Christians.

The denomination of this country should be defined by its actual beliefs, not its de facto ones, and, misleading statistics aside, most people don't give any sort of meaningful crap about Christianity. Hence, to anyong actually applying a critical mind to the topic, England is largely non-religious.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Tom said:
You don't need to attend church to hold the same moral values as the Christian belief would have us do.

But this isn't about moral values. Most of the moral values Christianity holds are excellent (though many are hypocritically ignored - as if Christ would've been a cheerleader of corporate capitalism), but religion can very easily (and should, imo) divorced from the moral values it espouses. This is simply about what people believe, and what criteria is required for those beliefs to define someone as any particular denomination (my argument obviously being that you have to have a generous degree of active belief to qualify as a member of a particular religion and not some inherited, unquestioned notion).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
dudes, you took it way off topic now. never mind, people will be more interested in discussions on this calibre ;)

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