To all dont add111!!!


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Cameron said:
Theres lots of games u can play where u wont get adding just to name a few

- football... unless a streaker comes on the pitch then shout oi dont add and put away your jubblies
- chess... unless the wind blows and moves your prawn fwd one then oi wind wtf dont add
- golf.... if any of the forest wildife touch your ball its oi squirrel you ebay noob dont add

So we can all live stress free lives and get fit and healthy too!

these are set games where there are a set number of people who play, plus rules that state how the game is to be played, no comparison imo.

agreed it is a multiplayer game, and also its a game where u can play anyway u like to enjoy the game as long as it coincides with the CoC. Until Mythic say adding = bannable offence then there aint no reason why people should moan about it.

If 1 British soldier found and started fighting Bin Laden, do you think the rest of the British forces would say, 'we'll let that soldier kill him solo, its not nice to add' i dont think so, everyone would get in the action. Ok this is out of context but the principle's the same.

There is only 1 rule when it comes to battles, 1 side Vs other side !


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Z^^ said:
stop reading fh and pve more
you dont have your last two as ml10..
Working on it. :p Shame last yesterdays ML9 was cancelled, or I'd have my theurg ML10 tonight. Now I'll have to go with my minstrel instead.

Sye said:
If 1 British soldier found and started fighting Bin Laden, do you think the rest of the British forces would say, 'we'll let that soldier kill him solo, its not nice to add' i dont think so, everyone would get in the action. Ok this is out of context but the principle's the same.
OMG don't add on my Bin Laden! Wait for your own pop!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Deepflame said:
Working on it. :p Shame last yesterdays ML9 was cancelled, or I'd have my theurg ML10 tonight. Now I'll have to go with my minstrel instead.

OMG don't add on my Bin Laden! Wait for your own pop!



Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Oshikai said:
What most people tend to forget is that this a game & generally people play games for fun. In my opinion if you like to solo its not fun to be creamed every run by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - 20 whatever realm enemies.

I appreciate we all have different opinions about how we should / do play but somtimes i wish people would think a bit before being a bit lame in our virtual world.

completely agree, exactly what i was trying to say.

Rhori said:
well okey, if you look at it in that way.
But, if you are going to play solo, then you can't (imo) whine if you're zerged by people who like to play this game together instead of solo.

if solo'ers cant whine if they get added on, how come a zerger can whine when a solo'er asks 'please dont add m8!' ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Dukat said:
if solo'ers cant whine if they get added on, how come a zerger can whine when a solo'er asks 'please dont add m8!' ?

In most cases the soloer doesnt ask that...



Oct 26, 2004
Add thread#1234342

I will never add on a clean 1v1 or 8vs8, but if some idiots are playing "Raper and Steamroll" I will gladely help my fellow realmmates.

To me it's just a question about mutual understanding wether u add - or HELP - or don't.

If I solo with my chanter, I couldn't give a flying fuck if someone adds into my fight tbh. Aslong as I live at the end I'm happy. Ofcourse, don't push it tho ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Dukat said:
completely agree, exactly what i was trying to say.

if solo'ers cant whine if they get added on, how come a zerger can whine when a solo'er asks 'please dont add m8!' ?
Because adding doesn't exist, look from some side, let's take midgard for example: for midgard, the hibs and albs are the enemy, so if group a would see a fellow middie fighting an alb, and then group a can join in, because that alb is their enemy, that's why adding doesn't exist. Group a didn't add on the fight of fellow middie, they helped him to defend their realm :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Rhori said:
Because adding doesn't exist, look from some side, let's take midgard for example: for midgard, the hibs and albs are the enemy, so if group a would see a fellow middie fighting an alb, and then group a can join in, because that alb is their enemy, that's why adding doesn't exist. Group a didn't add on the fight of fellow middie, they helped him to defend their realm :)

Adding does exist, its a term used to describe the act of interrupting a fair 1 on 1 fight.

Whether you agree with it or not, it does exist. Looking at it from the point of view in you're story, if the group of mids see a fellow mid fighting an alb, if they interrupt the fight it is adding.

There is nothing wrong with adding, but that is the term that the majority of people playing the game use to describe it.

The thing is, I've been the alb in your story before many times, and its FAR more enjoyable when the mid I'm fighting asks the fgm to 'please dont add m8s'. both for me and the mid I'm fighting, even if I lose, I'd prefer to lose in a fair 1 on 1 than to a fgm adding any day. but when I win I dont mind getting ganked by the fgm afterwards.

In you're description the result will usually be the solo mid getting pissed at the fgm for ruining a clear 1 on 1, the alb getting annoyed because he's now died to a situation that he had no control over and could do nothing about, and the fgm get 20rp's a piece and not alot else.

Surely it would be preferrable for the fgm to either leave or watch the fight, the solo mid and alb fight it out, either the solo mid wins and gets /clapped at by the fgm, or the alb wins and gets his deserved rps before getting ganked. That way both the solo'ers and the fgm come off happier.

and unless I'm greatly mistaken, the aim of the game is (atleast on some level) fun?

yes what you said is right in a way, but its not the only way things can or should go, and saying that people should always add on everything is wrong.

The day you get to have a stealther, and get to know your enemies from other realms, will be the day that you come to understand this point of view.

Being a stealther is not about adding on every fg fight you can find, but having fun in a way that visual fg's just dont get to see, you'll get closer to your enemies and see that most of them are not 'f'ing hib scum', but that alot of them are good and honourable players. Saving an enemy from mobs in the frontiers and the like is something that changes the way you feel about the game.

This is why people enjoy close 1 on 1's - the challenge involved and the fun of pitting yourself against a matched enemy, and its why people hate it when others come along and add.

As I said, sometimes people are rude about it, but if they're not rude, then whats wrong with asking someone not to add on your fight?


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
When an alb is fighting a mid/hib and he's losing I will heal him or kill the one he's fighting. I just get PMed with 'why the fuck didn't you help, you saw I wasn't gonne win?!' otherwise. They wont whine about adding when they were gonne die anyways, no one likes to /release /rebuff...
If he's winning anyways, I'll let him have the 1k rp ofc :D

though in most cases, even though I would have helped, I'm too late anyways :D
If the guy however says "dont add, let me die plz" I won't add. So basically I just try to do what the other alb wants me to do, but they don't always have time to /s it, so my rule then is 'not adding if he's winning, helping him if he isn't'.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Dukat said:
Adding does exist, its a term used to describe the act of interrupting a fair 1 on 1 fight.

Whether you agree with it or not, it does exist. Looking at it from the point of view in you're story, if the group of mids see a fellow mid fighting an alb, if they interrupt the fight it is adding.

There is nothing wrong with adding, but that is the term that the majority of people playing the game use to describe it.

The thing is, I've been the alb in your story before many times, and its FAR more enjoyable when the mid I'm fighting asks the fgm to 'please dont add m8s'. both for me and the mid I'm fighting, even if I lose, I'd prefer to lose in a fair 1 on 1 than to a fgm adding any day. but when I win I dont mind getting ganked by the fgm afterwards.

In you're description the result will usually be the solo mid getting pissed at the fgm for ruining a clear 1 on 1, the alb getting annoyed because he's now died to a situation that he had no control over and could do nothing about, and the fgm get 20rp's a piece and not alot else.

Surely it would be preferrable for the fgm to either leave or watch the fight, the solo mid and alb fight it out, either the solo mid wins and gets /clapped at by the fgm, or the alb wins and gets his deserved rps before getting ganked. That way both the solo'ers and the fgm come off happier.

and unless I'm greatly mistaken, the aim of the game is (atleast on some level) fun?

yes what you said is right in a way, but its not the only way things can or should go, and saying that people should always add on everything is wrong.

The day you get to have a stealther, and get to know your enemies from other realms, will be the day that you come to understand this point of view.

Being a stealther is not about adding on every fg fight you can find, but having fun in a way that visual fg's just dont get to see, you'll get closer to your enemies and see that most of them are not 'f'ing hib scum', but that alot of them are good and honourable players. Saving an enemy from mobs in the frontiers and the like is something that changes the way you feel about the game.

This is why people enjoy close 1 on 1's - the challenge involved and the fun of pitting yourself against a matched enemy, and its why people hate it when others come along and add.

As I said, sometimes people are rude about it, but if they're not rude, then whats wrong with asking someone not to add on your fight?
I have a stealther, but even then I don't go solo, because I dislike it, but that's my opinion.

Next defending what I said that Adding doesn't exist. Who invented adding? etc and blah bla bla.. if you look at that, you will see that it's invented by the players who dislike people who help their realm by joining on fights they see. So by this Adding doesn't exist, unless you dislike people helping to defend their realm, or invading another realm.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Rhori said:
Next defending what I said that Adding doesn't exist. Who invented adding? etc and blah bla bla.. if you look at that, you will see that it's invented by the players who dislike people who help their realm by joining on fights they see. So by this Adding doesn't exist, unless you dislike people helping to defend their realm, or invading another realm.

How do you know that the person to first use the term 'adding' disliked people who "help thier realm" by joining on fights they see?

They could well have been someone like me, who doesnt like adding on clear 1 on 1's, but isnt about to lose any sleep over it? In sieges and zerg vs zerg fights I "help my realm" by joining in any fights that I see, but that doesnt mean that I do that if I meet a 1 on 1 in the middle of nowhere.

Your argument supporting the notion that 'adding doesnt exist' isnt really very strong, as I know plenty of people who use the term, but don't hate people who zerg/add/leech or whatever. Infact a few of them use the term even when they are talking about themselves.

I cant see why you would say that adding doesnt exist, seeing as this thread is whining about people who ask other's not to do it.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
Comos said:
When an alb is fighting a mid/hib and he's losing I will heal him or kill the one he's fighting. I just get PMed with 'why the fuck didn't you help, you saw I wasn't gonne win?!' otherwise. They wont whine about adding when they were gonne die anyways, no one likes to /release /rebuff...
If he's winning anyways, I'll let him have the 1k rp ofc :D


Thats happened to me on many occasions mate, my reply is usually "if you dont wanna die dont fukkin solo !"

From my point of view i have 2 toons i like to solo with, my ranger & my vamp. The reason's i like to solo are, i like the challenge, i like to pit my skills against one other person, no more no less. I know there are other players in Alb & Mid who feel the same experience tells me this (& the fact ive spoken to enough of them via forums, irc, Ventrillo & also in real life ;) ). Another reason i solo is because if i have things to do at home, i can leave my keyboard without having to worry about 7 other guys waiting for me.

All that being said i also run in our GG 3 nights a week (with my Druid), i aslo dont like being added on there when we are having a good FG Vs FG fight, but it happens. You just get over it & start again & hope you get the good fights you are looking for.

At the end of the day i do realise that when you throw so many different people into a big mixing pot you will get lots of different opinions, thats just human nature, at the end of the day the game would be bloody boring if we all had to form orderley queue's to fight our realm enemies one at time or group Vs group, the fact that there is so many differing views about playstyle does in fact make the game more interesting BUT! that still doesnt detract from the fact that if you aware of someones views of how they would like to play that you shouldn't respect those views, thats just common courtesy :)

Finally a few random notes .....

1) Whether or not this is whine thread no's 3123442 .. they are usually a lot more interesting than GRATS random alb/hib/mid on RR5 you are skillzor !1!!! (& ive never had one so grats threads suck imo ;) )

2) Please stop comparing DAoC to real life wars, i seriously doubt the british army (or any other army) spend there time watching the latest DAoC RvR video & exclaiming "Feck me mega meights, we lost Bin Laden coz we forgot our seige engines & our forward infantry arent ML10 ffs !!!

& Finally, its a game, have fun & see you in the frontiers



Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
Well this is really a situational basis and has many there a fair fight going on? is it in the middle of nowhere? is your realm mate winning or losing...has he died before you could find is the enemy an old advasary (kill on sight)...after going through all this and then say healing the realm mate, you may well have pissed him off for unevening a good fight, or conversly he may be crying out for help but hasnt got the time to type a help messge in the middle of combat.

so how the hell can you please everyone?

obviously this scenario doesnt take into account an fg just killing on sight and running on, but you get the idea. somone will always be upset, but good manners cost nothing. It doesnt really hurt to just wait 10 seconds before steaming into the fight just to get 20rp.

maybe they just had a bad day at work and squishing the little guy makes them feel a bit better (does me ;)) (joke)

I think more of a problem now is the disparity between high and low realm ranks. unless you got friends that you can hang with or are very persistent there is no incentive to make an new alt just to get rolled by a several higher realm rank opponent, but games been out that long now lots of people have obtained just that. (anyway thats another thread entirely).

happy hunting all


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Really now, the entire issue of adding all comes down to common sense, courtesy and a little bit of toleration from all sides involved. People fly off the handle way to fast, accidents happen and some people aren't fast/clever/skilled enough to avoid adding. ie; if a hib and an alb are fighting somewhere and my mum happens to bugger past she will attack regardless of any adding, simply because she doesn't understand all that. Not because she's conciously trying to ruin your fun or take realmpoints. All she sees is an enemy and it has to be killed. Period. (She doesn't RvR all that much though, and mostly sticks to realm missions. :p)

What also happened to my brother once, he was fighting a hib or mid, I can't remember, when suddenly, like, 5 seconds after the fight started another alb 'added'. Now, my brother didn't really make a big fuss about it, but then the alb that added started calling him an, and I quote, "adding gaylord" even though he was clearly fighting the hib/mid first. There's no tolerance at all.

Also, by the time you finish typing "Don't add please" to the guy(s) that is/are adding, your target will be dead anyway.

In the end, it's impossible to avoid adds if you fight near main points of activity. Simply because there'll be too many people out there. Most of those people wont add, but there will always be one or two that aren't paying attention. If you want add-free fighting, go explore the frontiers. They're big enough for everyone. Sure, you wont run into a fight all the time, but if you do it will be usually add-free.

Stick to the main choke points and you will be sure of a fight, but you will also be 90% sure of an add. The keyword, however, remains tolerance.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Dukat said:
How do you know that the person to first use the term 'adding' disliked people who "help thier realm" by joining on fights they see?

They could well have been someone like me, who doesnt like adding on clear 1 on 1's, but isnt about to lose any sleep over it? In sieges and zerg vs zerg fights I "help my realm" by joining in any fights that I see, but that doesnt mean that I do that if I meet a 1 on 1 in the middle of nowhere.

Your argument supporting the notion that 'adding doesnt exist' isnt really very strong, as I know plenty of people who use the term, but don't hate people who zerg/add/leech or whatever. Infact a few of them use the term even when they are talking about themselves.

I cant see why you would say that adding doesnt exist, seeing as this thread is whining about people who ask other's not to do it.
What I mean with what I said is: Adding is simple something someone came up with. Just to let people know that someone joined his fight, with the first impuls that he wasn't liking it. Now it is used so common that you see people using it as a thing with which they're happy with, or just dislike it when other people do that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I don't really mind adding, only 1 v 1 fights I ever win are with my Pally anyway, and only if someone is bored enough for a really long fight. Generally it goes on so long that adds turn up.

Only thing that gets my goat out there (other than dumping Warlocks/Bainshees through walls, of course) is people not rezzing realmmates when no enemies in sight. Seen it too many times.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
The only fair fight imho is when mids are fighting hibs (on those rare occations) and we add on the fookers


Loyal Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
i remember this macro from some time back:

/y if u see this message u to close.

rofl in rl first time i saw it, sec time i added :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
Its not at all about the rps.

I could give all my rps to you if you just didnt add on me.

Why? its simple, I like fair and even fights.
ofc all have diff opinions but to roll over a 1v1 fight with a fg is just mean to bouth of them.

I get that it can be a reflex sometimes to just nuuuuke :twak: so I never flame anyone or so thats just stupid and mean to do.

But you got to respect other peoples opinions as we respect yours.
I think it all comes down to the freakin rps "sigh" who some of us is so eager to get.

I dont realy get it, why some of us is trying with all means to get rps.
Doesnt matter if they walk over their momas corpse, they just got to have rps.
Some of us is only playing the game just to show your guildm8 and all others that you is so good and you have all artis and have the most rps a week etc.
tbh who gives a shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Dukat said:
To the same extent if two rivals are meeting (by sheer chance, not pre-arranged) and having a real nice fight thats going to be close, both using all of thier abilities and item charges and everything trying to win, it kinda takes the piss when some random full group comes and spoils it at the last minute.

I cant see a problem with asking others not to add on a fight you are having, if you think it will be close.

I've asked people before, some are ok with it, others try to get arsey via pm, saying "omfg I can add if i want!!!111". to which I reply "I know, but I was just asking that if its all the same to you I'd prefer it if you didnt."

some people say "F****ING DONT ADD NOOBZ FFS I PRAWN SO DONT LEECH MAH RPS !!! FFS **** **** ***", I can understand people getting annoyed with this, but having a macro that says "Please mate! dont add please!" is hardly going to make someone cry IRL, is it?

i agree in principle but how many stealthers add when fg Vs fg ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Oshikai said:
Massive = BIG !
Multiplayer = Lots of people can play.
Online = Played over the internet.

No where does it say that this game should be played 1v1 .. 8v8 or zerg Vs zerg.

What most people tend to forget is that this a game & generally people play games for fun. In my opinion if you like to solo its not fun to be creamed every run by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - 20 whatever realm enemies.

I appreciate we all have different opinions about how we should / do play but somtimes i wish people would think a bit before being a bit lame in our virtual world.

Then we have the RPG-part, many people would help out fellow soldiers in a fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Ashala said:
yeah, alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll albs are the same tbh every single mother******g one of em

Your sarcasm is so true, the reputation albs have on most servers to be zergers must be pure coincidence. Imo nowadays all realms zerg as much as the other but in the old days Albs were the kings of zerging.

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