Matriarch|Sneakers said:Flim, once again all ur talking about is the fact IT IS NOT a 1v1 game. I think most ppl knew that when they bought it. Its not ONLY a 1v1 game. But that doesn't exclude the fact that you can 1v1 in this game. And if someone adds on my 1v1 ill get pissed off and ill maybe whine, yell or curse at the person, that is my right as mutch as it is his right to ruin my fights.
If you tired of the whine, don't add, if you don't care then take the whine as a man - and no iam not talkning about you now, but the ppl that think like you.
I do no like ppl outnummbering me when they have the choice not to.
I do no like ppl who go on the forums bragging about how l33t they are, making grats threads to rub eachothers backs and bascially bragging about thier success in the game as high realm ranks - how they obtained it doesn't matter for them. They fight with no honour and no sence of decensy ( imo ) then expect respect and acknowlagement.
I do no like ppl who in a FG set off to chase soloers b/c they are bored, when you create a 8man 10am in the morning then your not there to have challenging and exciting fights but to grief and ruin other ppls ingame time. Then ofc that could be called fun, but iam sure a serialkiller that rapes and murders could come up with a simular reason to his actions. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to.
Despite my view on this things iam fully aware of that ppl can do what they want and when they want, but they shall not expect others to be quiet and just take it in the ass, b/c we will not. We will be angry, we will whine and we will make threads simular to this until they stop.
Take the time to overcome your Teflon mind for a moment and see that this thread actually has decent discussion. We're slowly coming to a shared view here (that's not to say people will actually stop adding, if that is any objective at all, it is just a step in the right direction to actually understanding all sides).elbeek said:Add threads are like warlock threads...SO FUCKING INTERESTING.
Gahn said:Sry but i find your way of getting things a bit short sighted in regards of the overall health of game, the more ppl gets pissed off, the shorter this game will be healty imo.
Matriarch|Sneakers said:ill get pissed off and ill maybe whine, yell or curse at the person, that is my right as mutch as it is his right to ruin my fights.
Hrymf said:So, you are actually stating that noone, noone at all! can complain about others ingame? Yet you complain about the people backing up the non adding playstyle and you tell us all what we can do and cannot....
Its ironic that you are trying to talk down to us instead of sharing your opinion, you may have a certain godlike status on forums, but you got nothing even near that ingame, and telling people what they cant do just to do it your self is really low.
ebenezer said:believe me wont stop
And even if its just people with ur view left...guess what, they will also whine on you for adding...or add themself in one way or another^^
Best thing is to make a reality check...realise its a game, and loose some anxiety urself, no one but you are suffering or the ones whining. There are lots of people that dont even read this forum or care about the little whine wars going on here...they will logg on their character and play it how they like whether you whine here or not. in the end they will notice nothing different....enjoy it like they always have, and you will be misserable whining here and getting stressed over things that will mean nothing in a year or more when this game is no more...
pbaz said:If you are interested in increasing the sense of community and respectful behaviour in this game, your primary obligation is actually towards those in other realms.
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Obviously u care enough to reply to my post. And yes it is a game but what does that have to do with anything? If someone ruin my ingame experiance ill complain, end of story. I'm more trying to get some of you to understand that it is MY fkn right to complain when i'm not happy with something, just as it is yuor right to make me unhappy.
Hrymf said:Oh and Toxii, i often tell people not to add or such, and if its Llaw Arian i dont mind using a rather unpleasent word choise either when they add.
Vodkafairy said:you should just do what you want really but if you show respect to people in other realms, they will show it back. rvr is much more pleasant knowing that at least 50% + of the people that catch me fighting will let me finish and often just let me go
add on everything and everything will probably add on you, you choice what you prefer really. people shouldn't have to take shit for playing a certain way atleast, but well, getting killed or having a fight spoilt usually results in frustration and many people need to let it out at something or someone
at the end of the day i doubt people will hold serious grudges towards anyone because of daoc, frustration is only temporary
(i turned into such a carebear)
Jai13 said:tbh this is a very old debate and my opinion is:
In WWII when a german and an english man were in a long range gun fight (imagine 2 casters) would the german care if another german started shooting the english guy (another caster). No. then would the german mind if a Tank shot at him (FG). No
i know DAOC is only a game but its the same kinda thing. if you want set grp fights ie 8v8 or 4v4 or even 1v1 play guild wars this is RvR not FGvFG
sorry if i sound negative in anyway btw