TL reports


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
always has and always will be a complete waste of time


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Inf, TL report sounds promising, but minstrel one sounds like nails in a coffin.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Minstrels - 'Working as intended'!!!!!

mythic really are clueless¬!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Same every time, the TL thinks up last minute questions in the pub after 5 pints of stella, but the devs are 6 pints ahead of them and can only mutter the words "We'll do it tomorrow....hic" - which translates to "This is under discussion".

Sadly as we all know alcohol affects short term memory, and the only thing to come from this meeting is the comments about who bought the last round.

However with the recent cash injection from EA, the devs are now taking speed and LSD, and the archer TL is back on the magic mushrooms. Can you tell?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Minstrels - 'Working as intended'!!!!!

mythic really are clueless¬!

well last i checked mythic, and not you, were designing and running this game ?

so just cos you happen to want something denied to you , has feck all to do with what they want to do with the class.

grow a brain


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The usefulness of the reports really varies on if your class is due any changes, unless you find a genuine flaw with the class which does need fixing.

The light tanks got nearly all negative replies, and where the replies weren't entirely negative the response was that they'll look into it in the future. The Warden got nearly all positive replies and a load of changes in 1.87. Obviously for some of the classes they just don't feel as if they're due any changes, even if they probably need them. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
well last i checked mythic, and not you, were designing and running this game ?

so just cos you happen to want something denied to you , has feck all to do with what they want to do with the class.

grow a brain
Firstly, MEOWW out of the knife drawer tiger! Didnt see that attack coming!

Secondly, every player has the right to say his peice, this is a forum afterall, and everyone is also entitled to whine about their class and Mythic should be listening to players to make the adjustments needed to make classes more playable for the people paying to play the game in the first place.

Now wind ya neck in and have a nice day!

note: Mini dont need love IMO, you got all the toys you need dammit!


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Minstrel's should get some group util, mebbe ye. Though i dunno, when well played (which can be hard in a minstrel's case) its a powerhouse. Then again i never actually played one in rvr :/

- Classes that should get some attention asap are minstrel's (there you go), skalds, bards and menta's (fgs) mostly.
- Whorecocks need a compleet overhaul tbh.
- Fix the armsman, valewalker and friar reactive styles. Spamming DR, Conflag, Excom get's boring ever so fast.
- Monster rezz...

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Infi TL report looked really promising, but when it all comes in what they are looking at, the class will be extremly overpowered (IP, defence penetration).


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Secondly, every player has the right to say his peice, this is a forum afterall, and everyone is also entitled to whine about their class and Mythic should be listening to players to make the adjustments needed to make classes more playable for the people paying to play the game in the first place.

same shit, day after day WAA MY CLASS IS SHIT COS I DIED !!!111 GIVE ME LOTS OF STUFF I WANT!

no they really shouldnt be listening to the players tbh.

and there is a large difference between "playable" and how they are designed to fit into the realm template, but dont let that get in the way of a good old alb whine :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
same shit, day after day WAA MY CLASS IS SHIT COS I DIED !!!111 GIVE ME LOTS OF STUFF I WANT!

no they really shouldnt be listening to the players tbh.

and there is a large difference between "playable" and how they are designed to fit into the realm template, but dont let that get in the way of a good old alb whine :p

time of the month?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Minstrel's should get some group util, mebbe ye. Though i dunno, when well played (which can be hard in a minstrel's case) its a powerhouse. Then again i never actually played one in rvr :/
So speed, SOS, AE mezz, pulsing god knows, climb walls, safe fall, stun, charm the pants off animals and stealth isnt group freindly? yeah ok, right...not

- Classes that should get some attention asap are minstrel's (there you go), skalds, bards and menta's (fgs) mostly.
Not so sure about these without a total revamp, then you could say that for all hybrid classes that need tweaks. Many hybrids have no group utility at all, but this is a case of who gets the tweaks first, the chicken or the egg, Thanes for example havnt changed much in 5 years.
- Whorecocks need a compleet overhaul tbh.
And warlocks would say reavers, chanters and bainshees need it too, but hey, youre an Alb and bias.
- Fix the armsman, valewalker and friar reactive styles. Spamming DR, Conflag, Excom get's boring ever so fast.
Friar styles, oh man yes, take away that anyway heal style, its sick!
- Monster rezz...
Oh fecking yes, mythic were on mushrooms then!

All classes can clai they want XYZ changed, but then they forget to see how it outbalances another, give one ABS and another hits it for squat and so on.

Mabs dude, players are the pest testers there are, no controlled environmnent can ever put things through their true paces, but as long as the testers look at the whole (realm) picture, the feedback will be justified.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
All classes can clai they want XYZ changed, but then they forget to see how it outbalances another, give one ABS and another hits it for squat and so on.

Mabs dude, players are the pest testers there are, no controlled environmnent can ever put things through their true paces, but as long as the testers look at the whole (realm) picture, the feedback will be justified.

exactly, and the players invariably dont put things in the big picture :p


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
So speed, SOS, AE mezz, pulsing god knows, climb walls, safe fall, stun, charm the pants off animals and stealth isnt group freindly? yeah ok, right...not

Exactly what's got climb wall, safe fall, charm pets and stealth have todo with group util?

Not so sure about these without a total revamp, then you could say that for all hybrid classes that need tweaks. Many hybrids have no group utility at all, but this is a case of who gets the tweaks first, the chicken or the egg, Thanes for example havnt changed much in 5 years.

Well makes you wonder why so little "set" groups run with skalds or minstrels then. Then again, sure any class well played is an asset, it's just when people have a choice and pick the merc over the minstrel and the zerker/thane over the skald 9/10 somethings got to change.

Don't get me wrong though. Minstrels and Skalds are by no means gimped and are imo solid classes, but with a little more "group util" they might get an invite once or twice.

And warlocks would say reavers, chanters and bainshees need it too, but hey, youre an Alb and bias.

I play all 3 realms, just fyi. Though i will admit i play Hibernia a lot more then the other 2 l8tly. Don't see whats wrong with reavers atm, nor with chanters. I find bainshee's a no util class with some nice dmg output, but if i would choose for that i'd prefer a firewizz.
The silly thing about warlocks is that it goes against the whole "DaoC idea of a class" with its, chambers, powerless cast, range cast and uninterruptable cast. But that's just imho :p

Friar styles, oh man yes, take away that anyway heal style, its sick!
Oh fecking yes, mythic were on mushrooms then!

Admittedly HoT on melee classes is a bit thick at times, but thats not why i would like to see those styles adressed.
- For an armsmen it (nearly) serves no purpose to spam anything but DR, cause it's simply the best style for him (most dmg).
- For a valewalker it serves no purpose to spam anything but grasping roots then conflag, simply because you its the best combo (most dmg)
- For a friar it (almost) serves no purpose to spam anything but holy staff then Excomm, simply because its the best combo (most dmg)

Could argue that strafing a bit (on a vw'r and friar) to get some back/sidestyles in does bring some change in your swingin!

All classes can clai they want XYZ changed, but then they forget to see how it outbalances another, give one ABS and another hits it for squat and so on.

Mabs dude, players are the pest testers there are, no controlled environmnent can ever put things through their true paces, but as long as the testers look at the whole (realm) picture, the feedback will be justified.

Fair points made there.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Some TL's are pointless anyway, just look at the people that are TL's, they are mostly like rr3 ML1...
Now I am not saying you need to be rr12+ to be a TL but come on you should atleast be ML10(or have another char which is ML10 in the lines you can spec the char you are a TL for) and rr5+ to even be considered to be a TL imo.

I do think Mythic is listening to TL's though, you shouldn't expect every change a TL asks for to be coded in right away as Mythic needs to look at the greater picture and TL's mostly only look at their own class without looking how this change will address the other classes in all kind of situations(both RvR and PvE).


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 25, 2004
besides the usual clueless answers here or there * the whole picture seems good to me:

Mythic seems to be aware of the serious impact of CC "... we don't feel more CC is needed"
Mythic finally admits some fckup in the bolt code. Now they are aware of it with archers missing like shit, eh?
and finally and let's hope it's live fast:
Ments finally seem to get a revamp.

Funniest was IMO:
Mr. Clueless BD TL: "request upping 179 snare/dd to be higher in dmg cause other classes got 209dmg at the same spec level" ... but WITHOUT any snare, gimp.
Clueless Mythic: "yes, might be an option" ... I just thought "how thick can you get"


Dec 22, 2003
well last i checked mythic, and not you, were designing and running this game ?

so just cos you happen to want something denied to you , has feck all to do with what they want to do with the class.

grow a brain

God your fucking clueless..clearly never played a minstrel and clearly crying because you died to one in 1.60 or something.

Mythic listen to outdated wind buckets like you and that's why the minstrel class is well and truly dead and buried.

But yey, Mythic just sealed the deal on me never returning to DAoC :D


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
God your fucking clueless..clearly never played a minstrel and clearly crying because you died to one in 1.60 or something.

Mythic listen to outdated wind buckets like you and that's why the minstrel class is well and truly dead and buried.

But yey, Mythic just sealed the deal on me never returning to DAoC :D

firstly, i have played one. secondly ive played with people playing them a lot. but as i know its pretty much all you played cos your skill is limited to "oh lolz red con pet" , but cant really do anything on your own, i can sympathise with your image of minstrels being underpowered, but try to get with the program a bit eh ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
here we got the merc tl asking , notice mythics reasoning.

Issue Description:
Light Tank Review: Light tanks in general are lacking in overall balance, especially in respect to heavy tanks with their archetype upgrades. While limiting the class to any specific changes is a bad idea, there are three areas that stand out. The first is an overall style utility review on both DW and the main hand lines, even though this issue is less light tank related and more aimed at tanks in general. Secondly, light tanks lack the defense that they need to be the front line of damage dealing. Additional ways to shrug off magic damage would greatly enhance merc defense. Additionally, with the prevalence of roots/cc/snares, long range dps, and siege, mercenaries are unable to provide their dps simply because they are unable to be in range of their target. Staying within the range to attack also puts mercs in line for the most damage, and with inferior defense, usually ends up with a quick death. Mercs need a a way to keep damage on targetted enemies, whether at range or up close. This is a complex issue, and when the Light Tank review comes around, it should be first priority.

Mythic Response:
Light tanks still maintain some of the highest melee dps of any class. With determination+stoicism, and charge on top of that, they are virtually CC immune and can almost always close range with a target. Because they are positional fighters, not using position to their advantage causes a marked decrease in DPS against classes that have defensive abilities. Aside from siege, using currently available abilities can circumvent all of the issues described here.


lets move to the savage tl report then.....

1. Lack of Desireable 3 Tier Realm Abilities

Issue Description:
Would suggest adding Charge, Anger of the Gods, or Reflex attack, or 2 of these, and remove Strike Prediction. Aside from Purge, Ignore Pain, and The Empty mind, there are very few 3 Tier RAs savages find useable.

Mythic Response:
We can look in to evaluating 3 tier RAs for Savages, but Charge will not be one of them.

/em befuddled


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Well, Im not in generall a melee player. Maybe they think that zerkers fills the counterpart spot to mercs?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So speed, SOS, AE mezz, pulsing god knows, climb walls, safe fall, stun, charm the pants off animals and stealth isnt group freindly? yeah ok, right...not

which is why you see so many of them in groups? c'mon, dont be stupid...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
which is why you see so many of them in groups? c'mon, dont be stupid...

CC and speed cant be more groupfriendly, so is SoS... Well, personaly I think its a bit stupid that british groups dont use mincers more. looks like french and germans seen the use for them (atleast on canterburey cluster)

ok, the CC is some how second grade to sorcs (even dough cc when still moveing is a nice thing, so is a insta stun to help the casters take out non det. targets). They allso have remove mezz (or was it NS, can never remember)... The class is not gimped realy, people just dont understand what its good for.

Why Alb groups dont want to have a SoS option in group is beond me... See how the Mid tank groups use it, to bypast the sorcs CC range to get there tanks in to the middel of the Albs and get there healers in range for there CC with the insta ace ready to pull out of the sleeve.

Mincers isnt about damage, its a suport class, suporting the group with a high amount of versatility spells and RA's for helping the own group and interupt/CC others.


Dec 22, 2003
firstly, i have played one. secondly ive played with people playing them a lot. but as i know its pretty much all you played cos your skill is limited to "oh lolz red con pet" , but cant really do anything on your own, i can sympathise with your image of minstrels being underpowered, but try to get with the program a bit eh ?

Yeh it's all I played :(

So Ranger, Bainshee, Nightshade, Shadowblade, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Wizard, Hunter dont count then?


I have veiws from everyside of the coin, minstrels are shit well and truly, after every other class in the game got love we can kill one thing every 10! Funny that you have "played" one yet talk like you have no clue..probably a random rog minstrel who played in the old days but still dumped every ability on a rr2 ns and owned him thinking |ZOZMG MINSTRELS R TEH OVERPOWZORED!!!1


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
So Ranger, Bainshee, Nightshade, Shadowblade, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Wizard, Hunter dont count then?

of those you played the mincer to high RR, and used the grey area cone thru wall to get cheap ranks on your Shee, afaik the others were all relative low ranks ? or u want to prove me wrong ?

after every other class in the game got love we can kill one thing every 10 min

i can kill anything i want when i want. fuck them, i like being no.1 . oh wait they got love and now they can kill me ?! give me love !.... didnt see you campaigning for all the poor people playing underpowered classes when you were top of the heap, now you arent, and your crying about it ? nice double standards :puke:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Well, Im not in generall a melee player. Maybe they think that zerkers fills the counterpart spot to mercs?

well mythic are making the argument regarding light tanks , not me , im just baffled by their inconsistency.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
which is why you see so many of them in groups? c'mon, dont be stupid...
Thats because half of them play as a stealther rather than a grouper I guess, skalds have the same issues and much less utility, yet you dont hear them bleating about it.

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