Tired of Goa's Incompentence and going public!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
often found if you dont complain, nothing is done...

although in this case something is been done.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Okay. I think this is drifting a little off topic and some posters are getting confused between two different situations.
Firstly, the original issue as posted by Mandi. We are absolutely not denying responsibility for that, the situation is entirely up to us to resolve. I have a lot of sympathy for people who complain that it's taking too long because it clearly is. I keep saying that we're working on it as fast as possible and that is true however I understand that it's not much comfort to people who are still waiting after 5 months. I believe I've made the same point several times in other threads.

On to other issues. It is fashionable (and Goa is no different to other MMO companies in this respect) for the players to blame every possible problem they have on the provider. It is important for people to understand when the provider is responsible for a problem and when it isn't and as a spokesman for the company it's part of my job to make this clear otherwise the perception grows that we are responsible for every problem.
As far as the sitaution with Things was concerned, he was claiming that Goa had failed to help him with his problem and so I felt I needed to point out that we had helped him as far as we could however events outside our control had contributed to his problem and that those events were entirely up to him to resolve. People very often ascribe external events to us and we never turn our backs, however we may be genuinely unable to help.

If people felt I was overly harsh, then I apologise for that, however I maintain the position that I was trying to put forwards. There are some things we cannot have any responsibility for or help you with, there are some things that you need to take responsibility for yourself and there are some things we have no responsibility for but that we can offer advice about. People need to understand the difference between these situations and understand where their problem lies - with us, with themselves or with an external agency. It may not be what you want to hear when you have a problem but if we can't help you directly then there's nothing else I can honestly say. I would love to be able to resolve every problem every player will ever have but that's clearly impossible, the best I can do is to promise that any one who has a problem that we can help with, will get helped as far as we can.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005

There is no need for the GMs to be marketing gurus. What's the point? The customer is addicted, they'll keep playing even though they whine - that's what makes the paying-base unique to other industries.

However I do agree that missing items 6 months on would be frustrating

True - we're addicted so we're going to play anyway
But for any company representative to show his true feelings toward a particular customer and make it public is a tad unprofessional.
He's obviously pissed off with all the eejits complaining because they wanked all over the keyboard and their run button is now stuck. Which is apparent in his post.
I guess I'm just jealous, because I don't have the same luxury


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
Requiel said:
Okay. I think this is drifting a little off topic and some posters are getting confused between two different situations.
Firstly, the original issue as posted by Mandi. We are absolutely not denying responsibility for that, the situation is entirely up to us to resolve. I have a lot of sympathy for people who complain that it's taking too long because it clearly is. I keep saying that we're working on it as fast as possible and that is true however I understand that it's not much comfort to people who are still waiting after 5 months. I believe I've made the same point several times in other threads.

On to other issues. It is fashionable (and Goa is no different to other MMO companies in this respect) for the players to blame every possible problem they have on the provider. It is important for people to understand when the provider is responsible for a problem and when it isn't and as a spokesman for the company it's part of my job to make this clear otherwise the perception grows that we are responsible for every problem.
As far as the sitaution with Things was concerned, he was claiming that Goa had failed to help him with his problem and so I felt I needed to point out that we had helped him as far as we could however events outside our control had contributed to his problem and that those events were entirely up to him to resolve. People very often ascribe external events to us and we never turn our backs, however we may be genuinely unable to help.

If people felt I was overly harsh, then I apologise for that, however I maintain the position that I was trying to put forwards. There are some things we cannot have any responsibility for or help you with, there are some things that you need to take responsibility for yourself and there are some things we have no responsibility for but that we can offer advice about. People need to understand the difference between these situations and understand where their problem lies - with us, with themselves or with an external agency. It may not be what you want to hear when you have a problem but if we can't help you directly then there's nothing else I can honestly say. I would love to be able to resolve every problem every player will ever have but that's clearly impossible, the best I can do is to promise that any one who has a problem that we can help with, will get helped as far as we can.

ok fair comment, ur sorting the problem.. but can i just point out i did NOT say GOA had failed to help with my issue, just the fact the amount of time it took, and tbh, i think is what was put across in the first post, about waiting 6months on mising items/cash...

its not the fact it does not get sorted, just the amount of time these things seem to take.

"As far as the sitaution with Things was concerned, he was claiming that Goa had failed to help him with his problem "

cant remeber saying that, and i did not claim that GOA failed, got i my password, problem sorted, just the amount of time i waited for it


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Mandi said:
EZLAI !!!!11oneoneeleven

Why won't u come back u cwazy thug! i'll keep whining till u do ^^ eventually ur gonna have to submit to my ubah qq skillz :D

big hug for u and bunnytwo!
rofl he reinstalled it the other day but has managed to resist the temptation because neither of us can face it and after hearing about the ammount of nekkid people running abouit cammy these days im not sure its safe for me to come back..........

you know what i get like, me poor ole heart couldnt cope!



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Requiel said:
It is fashionable (and Goa is no different to other MMO companies in this respect) for the players to blame every possible problem they have on the provider.

While i agree that u might be right on this i still think GoA shud run more events. I'd realy like to see us get an annual 8v8 tourament and mayb a GoA event once a month so we have something to say about GoA other then, OMG GoA Suxx, GoA fix this lag etc

I know with 1.81 inc theres some good times ahead in daoc i know that a few ppl will defo be returning to the game. I suppose its up to GoA if they want to change anything, and how long they want to keep these players


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Technodave said:
While i agree that u might be right on this i still think GoA shud run more events. I'd realy like to see us get an annual 8v8 tourament and mayb a GoA event once a month so we have something to say about GoA other then, OMG GoA Suxx, GoA fix this lag etc

I know with 1.81 inc theres some good times ahead in daoc i know that a few ppl will defo be returning to the game. I suppose its up to GoA if they want to change anything, and how long they want to keep these players

Yeah I bet we would have _loved_ GOA running events while there were still people that needed their items restored... nope wouldn't have gotten them flamed at all!


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Technodave said:
While i agree that u might be right on this i still think GoA shud run more events. I'd realy like to see us get an annual 8v8 tourament and mayb a GoA event once a month so we have something to say about GoA other then, OMG GoA Suxx, GoA fix this lag etc

I know with 1.81 inc theres some good times ahead in daoc i know that a few ppl will defo be returning to the game. I suppose its up to GoA if they want to change anything, and how long they want to keep these players
We are going to start the Goa events up again very soon. They've been shelved for the time being as we can't justify spending time on coding and running events when we still have characters that need restoring.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Baron said:
True - we're addicted so we're going to play anyway
But for any company representative to show his true feelings toward a particular customer and make it public is a tad unprofessional.
He's obviously pissed off with all the eejits complaining because they wanked all over the keyboard and their run button is now stuck. Which is apparent in his post.
I guess I'm just jealous, because I don't have the same luxury

I thought that was kinda refreshing actually. A lot of you know the score with people who work in customer support but you keep following the same patterns as all the "stupid" people you have to work with.

As I understand it anything written on this forum is seen as "unofficial" and its not under the same kind of censoring as things put on the main website are.

But I am sure all you people complaining about what he just said know exactly what you're doing when you have problems and RightNow it in a really grumpy unco-operative tone...


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Since ive been working in customer services and customer services related jobs since time began, a couple of hints about customer services and customer relations (basically what requiel does here) and dos and donts (relax requiel this is aimed at the playerbase):

  • DONT moan/shout/complain/bitch at the person youre talking to - odds are theyre hamstrung by the policies and suchlike set by their management. They deviate too far from the policies (some of them if you deviate at all) you get fired. Its that simple.
  • DONT take an aggressive tone with them - you can be 99% certain the person youre corresponding with (in whatever medium) isnt the person who caused your problem - yes theyre a representative of that company but if youre nice to them odds are they'll try and go that extra mile to help you (beyond the basics their job requires them to do.)

Requiel isnt having a dig at you with his comments or "getting his own back" hes stating policy - thing is you all bitch and complain at the carefully scripted GoA responses from the GMs on the website and often on the Forums - what you dont realise is that theyre worded that way for a reason -(legal partially but mainly>>>) so that its impossible to take offence to them or misinterpret them.

So cut the GMs more slack - if you want to show your disgust for the companys policies that are set by management there are other ways.

I reccomend carbombing the most expensive ones in the GoA parking lot ;) JOKE! Honest. Carbombs are fiddly things :D

PS Heheh took Ellie off the last post slot!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Pirkel you Pantysnifferif you look over the last 6 months you will see a few events across the other servers. I was just tryin to put a few idea's to the GM's and say something usefull. In my mind GoA shud be able to do more then one thing, and if you think GoA wud get flamed for running an 8v8 tourament then your a retard pirkel :puke:


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
But also i have seen the way DAOC runs now, will people want to do a goa event if there is no xp/rp/clxp/mlxp???

i dont beleive ppl will do it for fun. Like last night i was at the hurling field in ludlow asked over various channels if anyone wanted a game

"WTF We need all the xp right now or the world will implode!!!!!11" etc etc

The fun and randomness has gone from this game.... only greed left


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2004
I think GoA are so incompitent regarding this issue, I had to wait 6 monthes for my compo. Three of my characters were stripped bare, lost everything, including Mp armour, Artisqamd high lvl drops and all I got was a ridiculous amount og 30p and 30 magic gems. What good it this? I have spent ciuntless game hours lvl'ing them and getting their temps correct, not including the money I have spent on them and all I get is 30p, that won't cover everything I lost.

They should givf more compo IMO not just stupid Magic gems that are no good to anyone except a new starter.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
A different reply this time :)


Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

We are still working on the item restores and will continue to do so untill all items have been restored/compensated.

I realise you are frustrated because if this and for good reason. However you seem to think that you are being treated differently then other players who lost items in the Prydwen database corruption and this is not true. We have been handling the restore requests in the order they came in. However the large majority of these restore requests were submitted before yours was.

So to answer your question. Why you haven't been compensated yet: You are not an exception, your request is in the list as any other and will be dealt with when it is its turn.

I have just checked and yours is very close to the top and should be handled soon now.

Again, I understand your frustration and therefor I apologize for having to ask a tad more patience from you.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

w00t - not an automated reply this time :) they ARE human after all :))

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