Tired of Goa's Incompentence and going public!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
i feel for u here m8, i do.

about 2 months before NF came out, i had to change my game password as i lost quite abit of cash for one of my charas. same e-mail account i get my e-mails saying u need to pay if u wish to cont. playing bla bla bla...

i click on give new password on subby page, nothing... did it again.. nothing, tried to log in with old password, cant get in.

it took goa 4 months to get my password back, i paid for the 4 months as i kept getting sent random passwords from goa and none of them worked. once i got it work, 4 months of not playing for what i pay for, i got 7days free /sigh

I feel the fact i pay £16 a month, 2 accounts (beening playin for 3ish years had 2nd account for about same amount of time, thats around £600 without the bloody addons and crap)
we should get better service for this sort of stuff.

GL m8


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Things said:
i feel for u here m8, i do.

about 2 months before NF came out, i had to change my game password as i lost quite abit of cash for one of my charas. same e-mail account i get my e-mails saying u need to pay if u wish to cont. playing bla bla bla...

i click on give new password on subby page, nothing... did it again.. nothing, tried to log in with old password, cant get in.

it took goa 4 months to get my password back, i paid for the 4 months as i kept getting sent random passwords from goa and none of them worked. once i got it work, 4 months of not playing for what i pay for, i got 7days free /sigh

I feel the fact i pay £16 a month, 2 accounts (beening playin for 3ish years had 2nd account for about same amount of time, thats around £600 without the bloody addons and crap)
we should get better service for this sort of stuff.

GL m8

So someone else had access to your account and you needed to change the email. You asked for a new password which would have been automatically sent to you and would have made your old password invalid which is why your old one stopped working as soon as you requested a new one. This system has never broken down since I've worked here, it's a very straightforward automatic mailer. If you didn't get the email it would have been because your ISP or your mail client filtered it or because the email address you gave was wrong or compromised (and whoever else had access to it was deleting the emails).
You got sent new passwords by the customer support but they didn't work, however as you've already indicated that someone else had access to your account, it seems likely to me that the other person was just changing them again.. And that's Goa's fault how?

I don't mean to single you out here and I know it's frustrating for you when you can't play but I get very tired of these stories of woe and poor customer service when in fact every effort has been made to help the person involved.


Aug 25, 2005
Well, not to sound too off-topic here, but my character got stripped, but for all the wrong reasons =(.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
This might be a bit offtopic, and i hope mandi get back some his items.

Requiel if you read this topic you might can help me.
one of my daoc account is registered on an e-mail address wich i can't access anymore. (that address got deleted long time ago).
And i have the subscription user and password too, but when i ever want to change my e-mail address, to the new address, it tries to send a mail first to my previous e-mail address for me to confirm it. But i think 80% of the subscribers are changing their registretered e-mail addresses because they can't access their previous ones. I've written 3 times to rightnow about this, and they keep asking my cd key, but the thing is, i've bought about 8-10 daoc cds, same with expanansions, etc (Just because daoc wasn't at shops in hungary and we made order from austria to my address, and a few of my frineds wanted only the keys, and then some of the boxes too, but everyone asked me to open the boxes and tell them the keys so they can and some time they will come for the box) And I still have about 5-7 cd boxes and i don't know wich is my cd key. And maybe i've given away the box which had the key for my account. Is there any way to update my e-mail address somehow without sending a confirmation letter to my previous not working e-mail address, or without asking the cd key which was one time use only, and i don't have it :(

Once it happened that the daoc servers got comprimised and everyone's password got changed. it would be nice to know that my account is safe.
At least its only my buffbot account but still. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
actaully i didn't allow anyone access to my accounts, and it was actually my e-mail account which had been hacked into. i know i shouldn't have kept the e-mail.

i changed my email address to ensure my new password wouldn't be seen by who ever it was. i never use the same e-mail account for forums/msn etc as my cammy sub one.

Sharing accounts, as far as i know is againts the CoC so i dont do it.

the matter of the fact still stands that the time it takes to get e-mails answered and actaully get back into playing the game is too long. i pay my money and have every right to voice my opinion about what sometimes can be 'poor' service.

Thats not to say i have not had good service, when i first started i had billing problems which were sorted within 3-4days. which i considered fast, and tbh friendly.

u where quick to be simpathic to the person who waited 6 months, so i take it 4 months is not enough?

i understand the fact that ur becoming annoed with the amount of post about service, but i think its unfair to comment about one of ur customers problems, automaticly thinking i gave access to someone else is unfair on my count


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 15, 2005
fight FIGHT fight !!!!! round 1 ding ding ding. i no wat its like as i got hacked and some one delested my toons on mid pryd and i cant get em back now that is frustraiting :( and they say its tecnicly impos its a game aint it sure it could be easly done or many not ???


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I just got my items restored today.
Got all artifacts back and 105p over 2 chars <3 GoA :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Ezteq said:
omg!! *throws nighty* get dressed missus, smellysox is here ya know your not safe unless you have triple locking underwear with a security chain on it when he's aboot!!

p.s hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo™ ^^ /hug

EZLAI !!!!11oneoneeleven

Why won't u come back u cwazy thug! i'll keep whining till u do ^^ eventually ur gonna have to submit to my ubah qq skillz :D

big hug for u and bunnytwo!


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Things said:
actaully i didn't allow anyone access to my accounts, and it was actually my e-mail account which had been hacked into. i know i shouldn't have kept the e-mail......i understand the fact that ur becoming annoed with the amount of post about service, but i think its unfair to comment about one of ur customers problems, automaticly thinking i gave access to someone else is unfair on my count
I didn't say you gave anyone access to your account, I assumed from the info you gave in your first post that someone had gained access to it in some way - and in fact you confirmed that I was correct in this in your second post.

Simba - send the subs service all the CD-keys that you have. They'll match the right ones up.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
If i was made to w8 for 6 months for my items to be restored i wud not be happy at all i think GoA shud giv out a few free month's subs to the ppl still w8ing for a restore and try a please there customers.

As for GoA i think they need to be seen to be doing more to try and come across as a better service provider, giv more GoA event's more breaks from the norm. What ever happened to our 8v8 tourament that the french servers got?:mad: I know the GM's do a good job but realy you guys need to get rid of the bad vibes the player base has towards you as its only bad for the game

I have also being trying to change my reg email address from a hotmail account when i found out that they cud be unsafe. i try change it get the email, reply threw the link given in the email i get from GoA and nothing it dosnt change and the the payment system can be buggy as well all have room for improvement


Aug 23, 2005
Requiel said:
So someone else had access to your account and you needed to change the email. You asked for a new password which would have been automatically sent to you and would have made your old password invalid which is why your old one stopped working as soon as you requested a new one. This system has never broken down since I've worked here, it's a very straightforward automatic mailer. If you didn't get the email it would have been because your ISP or your mail client filtered it or because the email address you gave was wrong or compromised (and whoever else had access to it was deleting the emails).
You got sent new passwords by the customer support but they didn't work, however as you've already indicated that someone else had access to your account, it seems likely to me that the other person was just changing them again.. And that's Goa's fault how?

I don't mean to single you out here and I know it's frustrating for you when you can't play but I get very tired of these stories of woe and poor customer service when in fact every effort has been made to help the person involved.
I just realized, it's NEVER goa's fault...
Not your fault the french ISP sucks
Not your fault people get hacked
Not your fault the files went corrupt
Sure it's not your fault, but thats really not what we want to hear...
But you could try for change to give another reply than "it's not goa's fault" ;/
If you buy a old box of milk, and go back to complaint in the store, and the clerk goes "it's not my fault, tell it to the guys in the back" you wont be happy now, will you? :(
Been a waiter myself, so I know how you feel about bitching customers that never feels happy, however you have to take some of the blame.
I never said "it's the cheffs fault" :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
CuddleBunny! said:
I just realized, it's NEVER goa's fault...
Not your fault the french ISP sucks
Not your fault people get hacked
Not your fault the files went corrupt
Sure it's not your fault, but thats really not what we want to hear...
But you could try for change to give another reply than "it's not goa's fault" ;/
If you buy a old box of milk, and go back to complaint in the store, and the clerk goes "it's not my fault, tell it to the guys in the back" you wont be happy now, will you? :(
Been a waiter myself, so I know how you feel about bitching customers that never feels happy, however you have to take some of the blame.
I never said "it's the cheffs fault" :/
Not a valid comparison at all. In your case it's the shop's fault for selling me bad milk and I'd expect them to change it. I wouldn't whine to the dairy because the shop left it on the shelves too long. People need to direct their whine at the right target and take responsibility for stuff like account security themselves. No-one 'hacks' a DAoC account, it simply isn't worth it. People make it possible through poor security or poor choice of friends to share their account with (not aimed at the previous poster, but so many of the 'OMG I got hacked' threads say something like 'no-one but me, my bestest mates, my tortoise and anyone with an internet connection know my account details'). Why should Goa say it's their fault you got hacked when it clearly isn't or that they are personally responsible for routers in London going schizoid? When you were wiating tables and people whined about the fact that the street outside was dirty, did you take full responsibility for the mess or point out that the council should come and clean it up soon?


Aug 23, 2005
chretien said:
When you were wiating tables and people whined about the fact that the street outside was dirty, did you take full responsibility for the mess or point out that the council should come and clean it up soon?
I sure wouldnt say "it's not my fault" and turn my back....

The point is that goa should tell us they will try to do something, not simply that it's "not our fault".


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
just wondered, why, if you everyone is so annoyed with goa etc why do you still play the game?

I hate things that have gone wrong, like DR now makes my comp LD. I dont blame GoA for that, i just need to sort my comp. And the lag problems etc that why i play other games too.

Just think all this whine/flame doesnt solve anything. GoA aren't going to go "shit dude you have complaint now 34 times, congrats you now qualify to have things restored" Everyone knows the situation. How many ways do you want "we are working on it, we cant reply to mails cause we are fixing the problem" rephrased??

I know everyone is frustrated i was lucky that all my chars were only lvl 40 on hib. Alb is my main. But please i and i'm sure others are getting bored of all the whines on FH about the same thing all the time.

/rant off i need a coffee


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
[GOA] English Servers GM
Rank: One of the mods... Join Date: 21st Apr 2004
Posts: 0

So someone else had access to your account and you needed to change the email. You asked for a new password which would have been automatically sent to you and would have made your old password invalid which is why your old one stopped working as soon as you requested a new one. This system has never broken down since I've worked here, it's a very straightforward automatic mailer. If you didn't get the email it would have been because your ISP or your mail client filtered it or because the email address you gave was wrong or compromised (and whoever else had access to it was deleting the emails).
You got sent new passwords by the customer support but they didn't work, however as you've already indicated that someone else had access to your account, it seems likely to me that the other person was just changing them again.. And that's Goa's fault how?

I don't mean to single you out here and I know it's frustrating for you when you can't play but I get very tired of these stories of woe and poor customer service when in fact every effort has been made to help the person involved.

Fuck me...
If I had the audacity to write a letter like this to a customer I'd be sacked on the spot. Let alone on a public board where everyone can see it.
In short - "You customers piss me off with all your bitching when it's normally your fault"
Yes, we all feel the same way about our customers Requiel
But we don't publicly display that feeling


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
CuddleBunny! said:
I just realized, it's NEVER goa's fault...

Actually when they screw up they admit it - if e.g. network problems are in the GOA network they give out free days to make up for it once the problems are fixed (and in those cases they tend to get fixed after a couple of days rather than the months of wrangling with various ISPs)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Baron said:
Fuck me...
If I had the audacity to write a letter like this to a customer I'd be sacked on the spot. Let alone on a public board where everyone can see it.
In short - "You customers piss me off with all your bitching when it's normally your fault"
Yes, we all feel the same way about our customers Requiel
But we don't publicly display that feeling

He stated a simple fact. The mail script is working. The customer isn't working.

No point saying "oh it must be our fault" when it's blatently not.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005

He stated a simple fact. The mail script is working. The customer isn't working.

No point saying "oh it must be our fault" when it's blatently not.

I don't expect him to take the blame
A simple explanation on how the system works would be fine
But the tone of his post and the "and this is GOA's fault how?" Takes the piss


Aug 23, 2005
Baron said:
I don't expect him to take the blame
A simple explanation on how the system works would be fine
But the tone of his post and the "and this is GOA's fault how?" Takes the piss
Finally someone that gets it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Baron said:
I don't expect him to take the blame
A simple explanation on how the system works would be fine
But the tone of his post and the "and this is GOA's fault how?" Takes the piss
Really? Looks to me like he's just explaining to someone making a clueless whine that they actually did get helped as far as was possible. When the customer blames Goa for his own poor security, Requiel is just explaining that it's the customer's responsibility - how could Goa secure your computer and your email account for you?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005

Really? Looks to me like he's just explaining to someone making a clueless whine that they actually did get helped as far as was possible. When the customer blames Goa for his own poor security, Requiel is just explaining that it's the customer's responsibility - how could Goa secure your computer and your email account for you?

Fair enough.
I take it you're not in sales, marketing, CS or PR then...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
eggy said:
He stated a simple fact. The mail script is working. The customer isn't working.

No point saying "oh it must be our fault" when it's blatently not.

So again its not GOA's fault, but its the customers fault completely... im not trying to say customers dont have any fault in it at all, and that goa should take it all, but atleast takes its fair share.

Baron said:
Fuck me...
If I had the audacity to write a letter like this to a customer I'd be sacked on the spot. Let alone on a public board where everyone can see it.
In short - "You customers piss me off with all your bitching when it's normally your fault"
Yes, we all feel the same way about our customers Requiel
But we don't publicly display that feeling

/clap.. glad someone pointed it out, its not a way to speak to a customer, even if you are having the day from hell, i'd be sacked on the spot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Whilst I appreciate it is not an easy job these items have been missing for 6 months. This is entirely unacceptable. My other half lost everything on his Bainshee and we have not played Prydwen since as a result - had it been our main server then I would suspect that GoA would have lost the business of 5 accounts (and 5 copies of DR).

To leave something you are paying for in a state in which it cannot be used for 6 months is outrageous - and to give no updates to those experiencing the problems (beyond general news posts) is even worse.

I am quite prepared to accept that a lot of what GoA get blamed for is not actually in their hands but this situation clearly is, I am sure it must be possible to run a script once a month to send an e-mail to all those still in the queue to let them know things are still being worked on - even though this doesn't resolve the issue it would be a big improvement on an unanswered RightNow sent at the end of September.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Baron said:
Fair enough.
I take it you're not in sales, marketing, CS or PR then...

There is no need for the GMs to be marketing gurus. What's the point? The customer is addicted, they'll keep playing even though they whine - that's what makes the paying-base unique to other industries.

However I do agree that missing items 6 months on would be frustrating :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
There's no reason to flame GOA, Yes they may have been slow. But flaming will not make things faster on my opinion.

Yes you may be frustrated, but think of the other things you can do with that anger of not getting your items back. i've only waited 1 month for my pallys items.

my point is flaming/whining won't get your items back faster.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
Demon2k3 said:
There's no reason to flame GOA, Yes they may have been slow. But flaming will not make things faster on my opinion.

Yes you may be frustrated, but think of the other things you can do with that anger of not getting your items back. i've only waited 1 month for my pallys items.

my point is flaming/whining won't get your items back faster.

may not get them back faster, but at least you may find out where they are up too and how much longer you have to wait:(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
Things said:
may not get them back faster, but at least you may find out where they are up too and how much longer you have to wait:(

you got an point there, sometimes it's hard to get attention through the nice way and flaming/whining can do that job sometimes if needed if i've understood you though right.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Technodave said:
If i was made to w8 for 6 months for my items to be restored i wud not be happy at all i think GoA shud giv out a few free month's subs to the ppl still w8ing for a restore and try a please there customers.

As for GoA i think they need to be seen to be doing more to try and come across as a better service provider, giv more GoA event's more breaks from the norm. What ever happened to our 8v8 tourament that the french servers got?:mad: I know the GM's do a good job but realy you guys need to get rid of the bad vibes the player base has towards you as its only bad for the game

I have also being trying to change my reg email address from a hotmail account when i found out that they cud be unsafe. i try change it get the email, reply threw the link given in the email i get from GoA and nothing it dosnt change and the the payment system can be buggy as well all have room for improvement

Well my fiance has just 2 lvl 50's and only 1 RVR 50 and thats her fire wiz Jadore - she has been stripped and she is still paying her subs.

SHe has reported this and as yet has had nothing apart from the default reply.

She has only reported the 1 stripped player and she is resigned in the fact that getting DR out on the shelves was more important than getting players restored.

I'm sure they are doing their best to get stuff sorted but unfortunatly it is poor Customer Support that has upset people and lack of information that has pissed everyone off.

Silence for a company with regards problems is sometimes the only thing you can do.

I work for an ISP that hosted Mir3/Roseonline and know how upsetting it is for EU's that are unable to get any information from suppilers of the game they love and sped so many hours playing.

All I can say not keeping us "your fee paying public" informed will have and is having a detrimental effect on the perception of GOA.

The more information you give the better people will feel, the less they will bitch, the better GOA comes accross.

As for the ongoing restoration I'm afraid the preception now is that you have most of them done.

So less staff are needed to work on it.

My partners account was left unreported untill it had all calmed down thinking that it would not take as long as everyone else.

This may have been a mistake on here part ;)

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