Time Travel


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
hmm not so sure of time travel but do believe in inter dimentional travel which is probably what happened to that weather balloon, been reading about the picard topography which is basically that the boffins now believe the universe to be trumpet shaped and the further down the stem you go the wierder things get (like you can see the back of your own head etc) they also said that the further out in the bowl of the trumpet you go if you go right to the end you'll just come in the other side which might explain time distortion, and it was a really neat theory as to why galaxies are eliptical (the sides of the universe are buckled like a saddle or a pringles potato chip so what is round when view against the side would appear eliptical), basically why im a bit sceptical of time travel is if it was true then we'd be over run by people from the future and there would be a lot more lotto winners.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Sigurd said:

Wow - right next to "Jesus Christ born in the Ukraine" :D

What next ? An article about UFOs ?

Oh wait, yes, there's one a bit further down.

Quality stuff that :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ezteq said:
hmm not so sure of time travel but do believe in inter dimentional travel which is probably what happened to that weather balloon, been reading about the picard topography which is basically that the boffins now believe the universe to be trumpet shaped and the further down the stem you go the wierder things get (like you can see the back of your own head etc) they also said that the further out in the bowl of the trumpet you go if you go right to the end you'll just come in the other side which might explain time distortion, and it was a really neat theory as to why galaxies are eliptical (the sides of the universe are buckled like a saddle or a pringles potato chip so what is round when view against the side would appear eliptical), basically why im a bit sceptical of time travel is if it was true then we'd be over run by people from the future and there would be a lot more lotto winners.

From the basic stuff i've seen theoretical time travel is possible, just not for anything with any mass, and on the whole not for anything that actually exists (theoretical physics amuses me, a theoretical particle can theoretically travel through the theoretical model of time if the specific theoretical model for the universe is right) I actually have a friend who did his PhD on time travel, maybe i should buy him a pint someday and borrow his flux capacitor.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
"And that, my Lord, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped"

"This new learning amazes me! Tell me again how pig's bladders may be used to prevent earthquakes?"

Time travel is highly improbable. I won't say impossible, because we don't know ourselves yet whether it's either possible or probable. In situations such as this, the application of Occam's Razor is advisable.

I think that there is a lot to be said for theoretical physics and the more esoteric branches of research. Without them, new theories would never be espoused. Look at quantam physics, for instance - it seems, on initial impression, utterly barmy. However, if you take the time to try and understand it, it becomes simpler. I'm not saying I understand it, just that it makes more sense after you've studied it for a bit.

The only problem I can see with trying to prove or disprove these sort of theories are that a bunch or religious nutters will get the idea that man is trying to play God and will start bombing the fuck out of things...ah, humanity, what a startling creature!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Ezteq said:
hmm not so sure of time travel but do believe in inter dimentional travel which is probably what happened to that weather balloon, been reading about the picard topography which is basically that the boffins now believe the universe to be trumpet shaped and the further down the stem you go the wierder things get (like you can see the back of your own head etc) they also said that the further out in the bowl of the trumpet you go if you go right to the end you'll just come in the other side which might explain time distortion, and it was a really neat theory as to why galaxies are eliptical (the sides of the universe are buckled like a saddle or a pringles potato chip so what is round when view against the side would appear eliptical), basically why im a bit sceptical of time travel is if it was true then we'd be over run by people from the future and there would be a lot more lotto winners.

yaruar said:
From the basic stuff i've seen theoretical time travel is possible, just not for anything with any mass, and on the whole not for anything that actually exists (theoretical physics amuses me, a theoretical particle can theoretically travel through the theoretical model of time if the specific theoretical model for the universe is right) I actually have a friend who did his PhD on time travel, maybe i should buy him a pint someday and borrow his flux capacitor.

Stop giving me a headache ffs. :twak:

oh and Ez,use points and capitals :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
not that i dont really believe this but the Pravda is known for making up alot of crap...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
however i do believe time travel would be completely evil and make us all vanish instantly...

as soon as someone comes from the future, and this person interacts with only ONE human for a brief moment slowing him only down for 1 second or turning his attention to the time traveller, history will change COMPELTELY, since this will cause a chainreaction, because this person is slowed down only for a brief moment, some things he would have said will not be said, maybe he wont meet people he was supposed to meet, maybe people will do other stuff just because they did not talk to that person only because he was not there only because that that brief moment...

what im saying is neither of us would have ever been born, even if his actions only delayed your 'parents' for 0.1 second, you will still not be the same you at the time you were being 'produced' (ermm if you get what i mean...)

what im trying to say is that if this time traveller would interact with anyone, it WILL change the flow of the atoms on this planet, i know this sounds silly and no one who lives in THAT time wont ever notice, the flow of atoms have changed thus history has changed and something will be different, everyone of us in our time would probably cease to exist..

errr im not good at trying to explaing such complex things in english but i hope you understand what i mean :rolleyes:

so i hope they will never be able to travel in time, no matter what the time traveller does, even if no one will ever notice he is a timetraveller and he wont talk to anyone, history will be comepletely different since the atoms wont flow as they were supposed to be that caused us to exist...

remember that if your parents 'created' you only 0.01 second later you would not be made from the same cells you are now, thus resulting in that child being 'created' not being you...

now if you start thinking deeper about this, that would mean the time traveller would cease to exist himself since his parents would probably never have existed either and he would never have been able to return to the past, and what would happen in this case? the complete annihilation of all matter and beyond or something??? since time will be stuck in some sort of loophole...

at least thats my theory, im no scientist but i do have a creative brain and basic knowledge over physics!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well that wasn't obvious was it?

The Simpsons pretty much explained time travel when Homer went back in time and killed one mosquito. He then went back to the present and everyone was about 50 foot tall or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dillinja said:
Well that wasn't obvious was it?

The Simpsons pretty much explained time travel when Homer went back in time and killed one mosquito. He then went back to the present and everyone was about 50 foot tall or something.

never seen that episode but i think that is what i meant, but on a atomic level :rolleyes:


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Dillinja said:
Well that wasn't obvious was it?

The Simpsons pretty much explained time travel when Homer went back in time and killed one mosquito. He then went back to the present and everyone was about 50 foot tall or something.
oooh yeah some one time travel so we can have a world where we all have long flexy toungs and it rains donuts pweeeeease!!!

imo we should all band to together and buy a delorian wouldnt work but imagine the pics we could post here hahaha


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ezteq said:
imo we should all band to together and buy a delorian wouldnt work but imagine the pics we could post here hahaha

yeah with a blender on the back that has "Mr. Fusion" written on it like in the movie ><


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Morchaoron said:
no way m8!!!1
aw go on morc you could be the cheeky michael j fox char with basketball boots and crappy 80's jacket!! \o/.......would look great with your blood stained hocky mask


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ezteq said:
aw go on morc you could be the cheeky michael j fox char with basketball boots and crappy 80's jacket!! \o/.......would look great with your blood stained hocky mask

you mean the avatar or the other one, cuz thats my real face :\

i'd rather be the doc


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What's really gonna bake your noodle later on is....

If a traveller goes back in time, accidently kills a bumblebee and causes a chainreaction that kills the one finding the "wormhole"...

The traveller never left 'cause there's no wormhole found.

The past would have not been changed by the traveller and the guy finding the wormhole is still alive.

So the traveller WILL go back in time and accidently kill the guy finding the wormhole.

But now the wormhole isn't found andthe traveller never left and never caused the wormhole finder to die.

And so on to infinity. Time paradox, gotta love it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
What's really gonna bake your noodle later on is....

If a traveller goes back in time, accidently kills a bumblebee and causes a chainreaction that kills the one finding the "wormhole"...

The traveller never left 'cause there's no wormhole found.

The past would have not been changed by the traveller and the guy finding the wormhole is still alive.

So the traveller WILL go back in time and accidently kill the guy finding the wormhole.

But now the wormhole isn't found andthe traveller never left and never caused the wormhole finder to die.

And so on to infinity. Time paradox, gotta love it.

2 ways round the paradox issue anyway. The first is the infinate dimensions theories which states that all eventuallities happen somewhere.

The other states that it's just not possible.

TBH I suspect that time travel of anything with mass will be a practical impossibility, in the same way that travelling at light speed is.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
And so on to infinity. Time paradox, gotta love it.

would look good on your CV tbh; "Caused the complete annihilation of existence"


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If they send someone back how do they hope to get them back again?


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Rubric said:
If they send someone back how do they hope to get them back again?
they just have to hope the dude that went through teams up with a groovy bunch of aliens, avoids scarey space military, gets boffed by a chick with blue skin, has a wierd encounter with some fella in a black leather gimp suit and.........oh wait why dont they just let future worm hole divers watch farscape?
best show in the world ever tbh \o/


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Morchaoron said:
you mean the avatar or the other one, cuz thats my real face :\

i'd rather be the doc
emmit brown is supposed to be fluffy and amusing in an oddball way......you think you can do that?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
yaruar said:
2 ways round the paradox issue anyway. The first is the infinate dimensions theories which states that all eventuallities happen somewhere.

Otherwise known as "the trousers of time" (ol' Terry Pratchett)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Morchaoron said:
am i not?????
well that blood dripping pic from your profile isnt really fluffy is it, maybe more like christopher lloyd in quicksilver highway more than back to the future ....not saying this is bad or having a pop but emmit brown doesnt drip blood

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