Time to leave Albion and this server I think



40 minutes we defended Sursbrooke last night and 6 people showed up to help. We had a huge amount of Hibs attacking and as soon as the shout went out for help half of emain went /anon so they won't have to defend the realm. The Hibs had a relic sized force there and 1 group of Albs tried to hold them off while the rest ran around after shadows in emain. The put it bluntly 80% Albion's have become realm point whores and don't give a shit how many keeps we lose as long as the realm points keep rolling in emain. Myself and Musashi have bankrupted our accouts this week just to stem the tide, almost 8 plat between the two of us. Musashi has solo defended Beno 4 times in week and was successful twice, we have given up countless hours to aid the realm and most people don't give a shit. Well I am just about done with Albion, will use my Theurgist to raise money for The Dragon Senate for a few weeks till PvP and then I am gone.

Albion lost 2 very dedicated players/defenders tonight, sorry to leave but I can't face the attitude of the realm majority these days.

NOTE : Thanks to the handful of Albions who did defend and mostly to Choppy, Musashi and Casbarh who were repairing doors with the only local wood, tier 9 stuff the crazy muppets :)

Also thanks to Steveh and Maxgirth plus the others in the defence /cg who were trying to mount a defence with very little support.

/salute to the above


Oh, pheonix and locomo you went down in my estimation tonight. Jumping on corpses and laughing at them after a brave defence sucks and I expected far better considering the honourable way your realm mates act.


hum :eek: I couldn't play tonight cho, went out. I dont think theres need to get really wound up about it, although I admit that the majority in albion is a realm point whore.


I am sorry that that is the reason for your departure :(

Hopefully you will be able to come back one day and see that things have changed.


you shouldnt think twice about leaving. albion is corrupted.


Every day I play I'm more inclined to agree. The only reasons I'm staying are A) because of the guild, and the various friends I've made in the realm, and B) In the vain hope that one day we may actually become a coherent force.

Don't throw in the towel chodax, it's admitting defeat mate. Stick to the people you do know give a flying, and support them for all you're worth. It might work out.

Turel Haven

If you're talking about the same keep battle I'm thinking of (brain not function right, too tired), then in my opinion I think it would be a reason to stay in Albion.

I could be thinking of a different event (but the names involved seem to match:)), but when a small group of Albs, consisting of different Guilds, holds back a bloody great force of Hib for that amount of time, it should be looked at as a success, not a failure. Normally, I wouldn't have given us (us as in Alb in general) 10 minutes to hold a keep when faced with that large a force, but lots and lots of rezzing (thanks Musashi:)) and some nice tough doors helped us hold up for a very respectable amount of time.

Like I said, I could be thinking of a different fight, but it seems to me that Albion (or at least select parts of it) are slowly becoming a more cohesive fighting force. There are an unpleasent number of XP whores around, but all of what Roalith said makes a lot of sense. Albions needs every skilled player it's got, as although the population seems to increase daily, the number of competent players seems to diminish.

Just my 2cents.


Chod don't go your one of my favourite players please stay.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Chod don't go your one of my favourite players please stay.

I was wondering when that would show up


He is though,besides i dont like anyone leaving the game really its good having lots of players and life in the game.

j000 d000d

I was thinking the same.

While attacking surs i was really thinking "WTF, still no other albs here yet?"


Sorry chaps :(

I was playing my mentalist on Hibernia/Excalibur ... otherwise I'd have been pleased to turn up for the defence. It is hard to tell people how to play a game which they have bought for their own pleasure and relaxation. But it does strike me that if they want to play an individual game, with no thought as to the larger scale situation of Realm v Realm, why are they playing a massive multiplayer game?

It beats me, I admit.

Not turning up to retake a Hibbie defended keep is one thing (its basically giving away free realm points) - but not defending against a relic sized army? That's rather pathetic.

Turamber will be online tomorrow if any retakes etc are needed. Hope to see you then Chodax.


You're seeing what I saw a few weeks back Chodax. Me, Musashi, Boney sat in beno reapeatly while Mids attacked, getting NO help whatsoever despite repeated calls for help.


sigh another one leaving....

I would help you out but i am still too low for emain etc..


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Oh, pheonix and locomo you went down in my estimation tonight. Jumping on corpses and laughing at them after a brave defence sucks and I expected far better considering the honourable way your realm mates act.


If this is a reference to one of our guild members, do please let me know and I will deal with it.

With regard the rest, sir, do please stand firm for now and await developments. I see the profile in Albion changing somewhat over the coming weeks and I'd love for you to be there as it does. Sadly I was one of those albs in Lyonesse... working my butt off to hit 50 and get off this xp treadmill, finally managed to ding 49.5 and will work hard this week for the rest this week, but I apologise for not showing. :(





some of us were trying to keep savage road clear...because the help you wanted could not get though.

l8rz Ziggy


Well as a keep defence in albion this one was different for me, cause there actually were others defending than just me :p

Originally posted by old.cHodAX
NOTE : Thanks to the handful of Albions who did defend and mostly to Choppy, Musashi and Casbarh who were repairing doors with the only local wood, tier 9 stuff the crazy muppets
Thanks to those who showed to defend, and Chodax i used 90% of the dyrwood on the outergate :) Choppy handed some 600 ironwood to me inside :p

Originally posted Dannyn
You're seeing what I saw a few weeks back Chodax. Me, Musashi, Boney sat in beno reapeatly while Mids attacked, getting NO help whatsoever despite repeated calls for help.
Yeah, i still remember the times defending benowyc , erasleigh, sursbrooke, etc. solo just by upgrading the gates to highlvl's at the 1st sign of mids or hibs, then buffing all the keep guards and smiting every now & then to get some reward for the hard work & gold loss... and its hard to earn rp's being more rejuv/enh specced than smite :(

On all those attack i annouced the attack on /as just as they started pulling guards and no one really cared, if some one did actually respond they were usually too late, either guards with my help had beaten the enemy or the keep fell just as they arrived.

Lately the lack of realm pride & dedication in defending the realm against invaders has really started to piss me off. Getting people for a retake of undefended keeps in albion is way hard, 80% or more of the realm doesnt care and the rest seem to be scared of possible defenders (specially if the keep is taken by hibs). :mad:

Propably wont play in prydven/albion for a while, as the realm is more of stress causer than a source of fun. Hopefully excal/mid stays a fun place for now :)


Hopefully excal/mid stays a fun place for now

This was 1 of the reason I left Exc\mid
But it has changed abit there ( I think )


The whole point is...?????

Make that 3 dedicated players bud,the seemingly over used and always a handy answer of " peeps play the game they wish" just doesn`t wash with me anymore.

We are after all at war and players priorities should be to defend our frontiers when being attacked,as you would any other war game( I can imagine the questions raised if playing FMoH or something and 1 of your team ran off to shoot squirrels or went fishing).

I must have missed the whole point of the game in believing that we should all do our bit and defend our realm,sorry guys I guess I got it wrong.

I will play until my account runs out,but for me to carry on after,a miracle sized change to our realms priorities must occur.

Please feel free to post peeps play as they wish etc. etc. as it will only fall on deaf ears. As my yells to help defend last night did (apart from the golden few).


for reassurance, to all who has felt a bit bad on this issue lately:

Remember yesterday?

/as gets 1 message: 80 hibs taking Sursbrooke!

some 15 minutes later, they have sursbrooke and berkstead, but the masses of albs are forming at excalibur, despite the handful of SBs terrorizing the road.

some 10 minutes more goes by, and hibs take Boldiam. Forces still massing.

about 10 minutes after Boldiam, they arrive.
at this point, i've seen 2 messages regarding this incident in /as. nothing more was needed. i had send word to other alliances off the top of my head, and they knew already. this means information chains were' for once, working.

We know have a alb force, about 50-ish i'd guess, could be more, but certainly not less.

We Completely annihilated the hibs. they did not touch the doors, at all. and with a size of 80, that's a very hard thing to avoid!

after the initial whipeout, and scouting for more, 2 groups form up. 1 goes Boldiam -> Beno and one go Berks -> Sursbrooke -> hurburry.

the few stragglers we meet, are not worth the Effort, opposed to RPs that could have been made in a ordinary emain zerg, but still everyone pressed on, Tirelessly.

After the keeps have been taken, i _still_ see people patrolling Excalibur. i see about 15-ish people hunting the handful of opportunist mids that has pestered the sauvage road.

at about 4 am, 4 hours later, i log, with the sense of massive pride.
Albion did good. Albion did VERY good!
Everybody did excactly what was needed, nobody whined, and nobody left for Emain, until their service was not needed anymore.
Had the War machine not been as efficient as it was, im 90% sure, we would not have any relics this morning.

Morale, of this story, is that people might not come running everytime a keep is under siege, but once they are REALLY needed, the bulk of Albion WILL show up.

Albions from yesterday, deserves a medal. no. make that two.


don' quit, come play mid

/em tries to hide playerpoaching

I'll even craft you free armor for the forst 20 levels!


Originally posted by Jupitus


If this is a reference to one of our guild members, do please let me know and I will deal with it.

With regard the rest, sir, do please stand firm for now and await developments. I see the profile in Albion changing somewhat over the coming weeks and I'd love for you to be there as it does. Sadly I was one of those albs in Lyonesse... working my butt off to hit 50 and get off this xp treadmill, finally managed to ding 49.5 and will work hard this week for the rest this week, but I apologise for not showing. :(



Nah it was a young Hib called pheonix mate accting like a prick. As for the people exping I don't have a probelm with that, it was the 40+ Albs in emain that suddenly dropped to 16 or so 5 minutes after the shout went out for help. The never arrived at Sursbrooke so I will bet my life they went /anon. You see it night after night, keep or relic under attack and the same people stay in emain.



Originally posted by yggiz
some of us were trying to keep savage road clear...because the help you wanted could not get though.

l8rz Ziggy

Ziggy you are a good guy so understand this, the deathspam you refer to came 30 minutes after the call for help at Sursbrooke went out. People were only just starting out to head towards Excal in numbers once Sursbrooke had already fell. I don't need to make this up just ask the Hibs, we gave them a nice little fight till the main Hib force showed up and then they just swamped us in less than 2 minutes. After that they headed south and that is when the death spam really started, a full 40 minutes after we had called for help which is unexcuseable considering the number of level 50's (over 120 btw) online.


Erm chodax i think you'll find that what your saying is well tbh utter bullshit about albs going /anon , i was on the pad ready to go to emain before the call for help got to me...<step in hobbie,barti,liste etc> liste yells: guys we need to get sauvage etc(btw this isnt exact -but it's the drift of it) <90% of the albs get off pad form into well organised groups> ..<groups of albs run like fuck out to sauvage>
so the fact that the number of albs in emain diminished is cos they were getting out to sauvage and trying to clear the roads of the mids/hibs like ziggy said..it's pretty hard to get out to the keeps to defend em when sauvage road is blocked

not only do albs deserve 2 medals liste they deserve 2 shiny gold ones with red ribbon !

Old Nicodemus

Hey cHo.

Don't go, Albion needs you. As does the entire Prydwen community.

This server is in need of players who take the time to get out there and get stuck in. To a certain degree we are all RP whores. The advent of Realm Abilities has made life difficult. Those players that made it to 50 months before the rest of us and are now wandering around with RA's that make RvR a little one sided. To make it a bit fairer other peeps are striving to get at least some RA's just to stay alive.

It isn't a problem with just one realm, we all face it. I would class myself as slightly guilty in this. I'm desperately trying to get 2 more points to get the RA that I need. Once I get those 2 points I'm going to do my utmost to try and run around Midgard defending things as much as possible.

Besides, hunting you in RvR is half of my fun ;)

Give it a few more weeks. See what the new patch brings and then see how people react.



always send me, or any other BDa-member, a mess when you need a hand chodax. We're not in any alliance at the moment so it's hard for us to know when anything is going on, but we respond quickly on cries for help :)

<kicks Jupitus hard for not getting back to me during the 3-4 weeks that have passed since my last pm>

Left EC cause we were/felt 'too small', ignored by Unity ... doesn't look like we'll be in any alliance soon so please send us a message when you need help (goes to all albs of course).


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
Erm chodax i think you'll find that what your saying is well tbh utter bullshit about albs going /anon , i was on the pad ready to go to emain before the call for help got to me...<step in hobbie,barti,liste etc> liste yells: guys we need to get sauvage etc(btw this isnt exact -but it's the drift of it) <90% of the albs get off pad form into well organised groups> ..<groups of albs run like fuck out to sauvage>
so the fact that the number of albs in emain diminished is cos they were getting out to sauvage and trying to clear the roads of the mids/hibs like ziggy said..it's pretty hard to get out to the keeps to defend em when sauvage road is blocked

not only do albs deserve 2 medals liste they deserve 2 shiny gold ones with red ribbon !

WTF? Were you checking /who when the shout went out for help after Beno?? No you weren't so don't accuse me of talking bullshit, face facts most Albs won't lift a finger till we lose 4 keeps. Lame end of story.

Oh and they don't give medals for showing up late in battle or cowardice. Save the medals for a time when this realm shows some backbone.


Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd
Hey cHo.

Don't go, Albion needs you. As does the entire Prydwen community.

This server is in need of players who take the time to get out there and get stuck in. To a certain degree we are all RP whores. The advent of Realm Abilities has made life difficult. Those players that made it to 50 months before the rest of us and are now wandering around with RA's that make RvR a little one sided. To make it a bit fairer other peeps are striving to get at least some RA's just to stay alive.

It isn't a problem with just one realm, we all face it. I would class myself as slightly guilty in this. I'm desperately trying to get 2 more points to get the RA that I need. Once I get those 2 points I'm going to do my utmost to try and run around Midgard defending things as much as possible.

Besides, hunting you in RvR is half of my fun ;)

Give it a few more weeks. See what the new patch brings and then see how people react.


At least you guys are on the march as keeps start falling, you have commited people who don't wait an hour to respond or sit on their arses till 4 keeps fall. Albion has some real commited people but they are in the minority and too many people do fuk all to help no matter the situation. It is a fact that many Albions stayed in emain the last 2 nights that we lost relics, yet many of those same names have moaned and whined about damage output since we lost them. Typical selfish children.

I am not slagging off ALL albs, just those people who never donate a penny to door repairs or show up to defend/retake keeps. The people who do help out DO NOT need to feel like I am pointing the finger of blame at them, I know a great deal of the people who work damn hard for the realm and they are the same people that show up night after night. I also know all the lamers who go /anon as soon as keeps start falling.

Infact lets have an experiment, as soon as keeps start falling again watch how many people go /anon. Then have a wander around emain and see how many of them are still there.

As for you Nic :p Well I keep looking for you but all those damn SB's whollap me for huge damage before we even get close. Suppose we will have to a have private duel sometime, you are one middy I don't mind dying to :)

Old Nicodemus

As for you Nic Well I keep looking for you but all those damn SB's whollap me for huge damage before we even get close. Suppose we will have to a have private duel sometime, you are one middy I don't mind dying to

:) I usually find it's tanks that home in on me.. Some bow wielding Albs have learnt not to attck me (as the built in butler service kicks in, Jeeves is a marvel at annoying snipers).

Ooooo! a no holds barred, slap yer face in the dirt, good old fashioned school yard rumble! Sounds good to me! :)

We could start off with a Pet v Pet encounter and then move onto the main event of a staff weilding boreathon :p That would be fun. We just have to be careful that the Ewul Usp school bully doesn't show up to beat us both up!

As for PvP server. Not sure what I'm going to do as I haven't decided if I want to go on it. Would be fun to team up with you cHo for some fun ;)


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