Time for an improvement with melee styles?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
At the moment, tanks usually face the following problem:

- Select main style
- Select backup style
- Target is out of view
- Player no longer any styles chosen
- Hit target unstyled for considerably less damage
- Repeat

The same applies to players too far away, etc. After every combat swing you lose your styles if you don't hit.

I'm sure everyone who has played a melee char would appreciate the following changes:

- Style selections are saved until you hit your target
- A cancel all styles button, which removes both your primary and backup style

It would take a bit of getting used to by players, however instead of barely being able to style on strafing targets they'd be able to do the style they wanted. Tanks running in from a distance can pick their styles earlier, instead of having to wait, /stick, then perform the style.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
What I find more annoying as a stealther is reacting to an enemy, and being backstabbed in the face or even worse pa'd in the back/side, on the flipside of things failing the same from stealth styles when im in the correct arc.

Not sure if its just me that has these experiances or what but certainly is far worse than it ever used to be.

As for saving styles till they land I'd personaly rather have that strafing SoB have to manually press ice storm than press it once at the begining of a fight and then just concentrait on strafing tbh :p


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
just keep walking backwards - stops the running through malarke that some stealthers do to u


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Bring in collision detection, no more walk thru.
It's not just walk through that causes you to miss styles though - strafing or just mistiming your swing on inc can do it too. Collision detection would just add to the lag and you can already see how the collision detection that is in game can be abused by players by seeing all the casters in towers/keeps who seem to miraculously develop laggy connections whenever there's a fight.

Not sure how 'holding over' a style would work in practice. The only way I could see it working would be if it worked like spellcasting - if your style fails because the target isn't in view/in range/whatever, then you don't enter combat mode and can spam the style again immediately. Only if you're out of end or hit f6 do you swing unstyled.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If I'm chasing a Shaman for example and I'm only just behind but I'm just a little bit too far to actually hit him - I have to constantly spam styles in the hope that they'll hit when I eventually catch up. If the styles were held until I hit the Shaman then I wouldn't need to constantly spam buttons.

Collision detection isn't a realistic thing that Mythic will implement. I do find it odd that they implemented it with ToA boats though, however if they were as bad as the boats then nobody would be able to move! :p

As for walking backwards - it really doesn't help everyone. It's only useful in 1v1 fights with stealthers.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i think it could be a good thing, but in some ways would take away part of the fun, timing etc


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Walking backwards doesnt help at all :x Just the odd 1v1 i actually get use of it.

Jamie: Jesus can this guy kite more !?
Guildy: walk backwards
Jamie: I would but its a ml 9 sm pet with 99% interupt.
Guildy **Silence**


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
the system they use in City of Hero's would be v nice imo .. u load up a style and when u in range it auto hits ..

it would defo get my vote ..


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Good idea, while we are at implenment a similar system for casters, so if you lose LOS (only the face LOS, if ppl go out of sight, IE behind something this should not apply) it will auto cast when target is in view again, bam walkthrough and strafing fixed at the same time.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
GReaper said:
If I'm chasing a Shaman for example and I'm only just behind but I'm just a little bit too far to actually hit him - I have to constantly spam styles in the hope that they'll hit when I eventually catch up. If the styles were held until I hit the Shaman then I wouldn't need to constantly spam buttons.

Throw weapon ffs!.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
how about all classes get WL chambers, make rvr more fair and interesting


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vladamir said:
Throw weapon ffs!.

and on classic? :p

anyway, the most annoying thing is something Gr mentioned at the start. If some cock is strafing and you try to style then get oov .. you still hit him, its just unstyled. If you can see him to hit him you should be able to style too instead of getting a fail on that.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
GReaper said:
- Style selections are saved until you hit your target
- A cancel all styles button, which removes both your primary and backup style

Both changes would be very good imo.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Illtar said:
Good idea, while we are at implenment a similar system for casters, so if you lose LOS (only the face LOS, if ppl go out of sight, IE behind something this should not apply) it will auto cast when target is in view again, bam walkthrough and strafing fixed at the same time.

Of course.

If a casters target is out of view, the spell could be remembered for up to 3 seconds (or more or less) - however any spells queued won't start casting. If the target comes back into view then the spell occurs and the next spell in the spell queue starts casting. A few seconds should be enough time for the character to /face the target and get line of sight - anything longer could possibly be abused.

If the caster changes target, if the caster moves, or the casters target runs out of range, the caster will have to recast as normal.

It's these sort of improvements which are needed to improve problem areas with the game.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
bigchief said:
and on classic? :p

anyway, the most annoying thing is something Gr mentioned at the start. If some cock is strafing and you try to style then get oov .. you still hit him, its just unstyled. If you can see him to hit him you should be able to style too instead of getting a fail on that.

Give warriors throw weapon on classic :>


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
just remove the "in frontal arc" requirement of the styles/spells within 200 radius say.

i.e. you cast a spell within 200 it doesn't matter if they are behind you.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Needs a rethink at style lines aswell tbh.

WoW combat system was a little more forgiveing on Range and Los checks and was less open to abuse.

Simular to what film said

just remove the "in frontal arc" requirement of the styles/spells within 200 radius say.

i.e. you cast a spell within 200 it doesn't matter if they are behind you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I agree that styles are a bit hard to pull off in some situations, however this also kind of represents the craze of a melee battle. I think the original suggestion about keeping styles prepared until you can swing is a good idea. Or keep them prepared for a little longer than just one swing. More like 2 or 3. And I definitely would like a "Cancel style(s)" button. I regularly screw up on the back-up style but I can never correct that once done, whereas with a spell the last queued one will get easily overridden.

bigchief said:
and on classic? :p
Play a real server. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Bring in collision detection, no more walk thru.

that be some uber mage love again sadly... now when they moc i cant escape (hardly cat whit walkthrough atm too, but atleast i have a chance)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Collision detection could be fun if it only effected you and the person you were in combat with. You could introduce shoulder barging and stuff - knocking casters to the ground then stamping on their hands and the lot.

I don't like the idea of spells failing, and then having three seconds for the target to walk back into view again. That'd just be giving everyone insta spells and I think casting is overpowered as it is.

Can you imagine Warlocks with this? They rarely get off their castable spells because they're so slow and often the target will dodge - you give this to locks and they'd have even more insta spells. :|


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005

Assassin load up with PA and BS2 as backup, and as soon as he see someone he will pretty much just land the style without doing jack

that sounds just swell m8's


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Heta said:

Assassin load up with PA and BS2 as backup, and as soon as he see someone he will pretty much just land the style without doing jack

that sounds just swell m8's
I suppose you'd have to impose limits such as only allowing styles to be 'loaded' while the 10 second combat timer is active, or the distance to your target is less than twice max melee range. We wouldn't want stealthlocks. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
just make it so if ppl is in melee range when style is pressed and is in melee range still when u should hit (behind/side form strafeing) then u still hit that would remove the stafe abuseing, do the same against runtrough against casters (only check for ppl infront when spell is started)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I don't have a problem with staffers tbh its people running that narcs me.

TBH all classes should get a rear style move like Reavers do with that extended range (asp style I think). Reaver is only melee toon I ever played where people running away wasn't a problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
rom pom

first! its a very good post. thank you.

And yes I think that save-style would help alot.
But the main thing is that people need to stop strafing and walkthru, it has brought the game down to a level that its just silly.

I start to move backwards and he flips around like a ball on my screen, I hit him but cant get any styles off.

To prevent the thing when we cant hit a running target I think they should give us more melee range.
As it is now I need to run infront of him or just in him to get a blow off and as you said I hardly ever get styles off then.

We all need to remember that this isnt a fps game.
Stop jumping around like a quake game and face the game as the developers intended it to be.

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