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FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Thugs said:
There ain't any m8. I am uber. Lotta peeps think I am too :) .
Funny noone else has seen these "peeps" yet :) other than youre alt accounts on FH

As for lvl 50, you wouldnt drop any semi-descent class with a shield with that tactic

p.s a template to compete at a satisfactory level takes a week or 2 to build ;)
wont be the best since you will be missing the tweaks but enough to be competative

bah i fell into the trap , i fed him attention :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Oh and by the way if I wouldn't go anywhere near my zerker if you are an inf - buffed or not - cos he gonna spec in hammer and will drop you so fast you will be amazed!
rofl yea you're uber.... tsk tsk hamm0r lol.... infil lol... gnehheheh


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
you are a much better player than me
after all, the only thing i have done is beated the best guilds on excal, compete with some of the best players in this game
made a fg of mostly randoms in thid dyed them orange and wtfpwned endless zergs
Right Click Save As

But youre right, youre better than me
(spot the sarcasm :rolleyes: )


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
Chronictank said:
you are a much better player than me
after all, the only thing i have done is beated the best guilds on excal, compete with some of the best players in this game
made a fg of mostly randoms in thid dyed them orange and wtfpwned endless zergs
Right Click Save As

But youre right, youre better than me
(spot the sarcasm :rolleyes: )

There it is!!! The :rolleyes: !!!! Do I win a prize?


I want to know, if Thugs is so great and skilled and the best SB ever, then why can't he compete at all in real RvR when other (better) SBs can :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
May 8, 2004
Thugs said:
I can overcome most things in Thid even though it is incredibly hard to kill buffed oponents when unbuffed.

I have killed buffed people while unbuffed, so i am as good as you. We both share the place as king of thid. :clap: :p


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Actually, thugs - If you read - Care to duel my 50 SB with yours some time? :]

I want to see your tactics and I'll record =)

And too be far we can do this:

I'll buff you, we duel - I record.
I buff myself, we duel - I record.
We both be buffed - I record.

=) If you're up for it... Then just say so :)

Jecht VS ????


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Funkybunny said:
hmmm... someone got pwned ? :)
lol i play a 25merc highest level on alb/pryd and he was called Ghear, very strong. i dont play any more, but if i was to play vs thugs, he'd die :) childish kid make a level 50 and gain a name in RvR m8, then ur special, or just a G33K?


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Thugs said:
I got 2 level 50 sbs. Took em up to learn how to fight with them and to see their damage. Full la and full crit. To show you how rediculous the game is at level 50 I respecced one Norse sb to exactly the same spec as my one in Thid but this time with level 50 poison. Same tactics exactly. Hit an inf outta stealth cos I had 50 stealth and yet again I was too fast. My specs unbuffed though were lower than my level 24 buffed valkyn. Lower str - dex etc. Only things higher were con and hits. Talk about buffs? Anyways hits this inf as I always do and swapped to a 100% 2 hander for the follow up. I hit him for 95. He turns around and hits me for 350 on mainhand and 150 offhand. Now I know this game is terribly hard on SBs and all in favour of the other 2 stealthers at 50 but I could surely see that it was an impossible task to overcome that advantage.

'Respec to crit' I hear you shout. Nah, even if I perfed the bugger I doubt whether I could hit harder than 150 with it. Wot a rediculous way to design a game.

Another thing is I cruised around then hidden and watched the game. It was bloody awful. Nearly everyone dies faster than they do in Thid? No chance to show any skill in a lotta cases. Watched level 50 sbs kill things and then die instantly. I could see that you really needed to have a crit attack opener if you wanted to kill anything cos you had to do it very quickly to have a chance of living. Absolutely dreadful and is the reason why all the level 50 lads are returning to Thid. Like I said all along the game never needed to go any higher!

or u was just shit at 50 people dont like u so u waste time in Thidranki as u couldnt earn respect in RvR, well u cant earn it in thidranki. so go to level 1 - 4 battle grounds and see if u r0ck their?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
wirey ur obviously an idiot, if u want thugs to go away don't talk to him , but no, you take the bait. good one :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Go away?

I will soon. Am fed up of the game. Been fed up for ages. Returned to find Thid to find it is even harder to play in than it was the last time I was here with all the twinked level 50 players roaming around.

Nah have beat the best over and over so why bother now. Adrenalin flowed for Stingah cos I knew it would be the best fight I could ever win. I did it and sure was relieved. Have had other fights ofcourse but none really that was gonna prove how good I am once and for all.

Thing is that is different about me compared to you lot is that I won't give in. Numerous times I have attacked an inf that has never fought me before and he stands and fights. Next time he legs it at full pelt. Well that really is the difference. If you beat me once I will return better until I find a weakness and kill you.

I had already met Stingah and also been warned about him from Kinivin (Thugs wannabee sb saying that there was a murderous ns about). I attacked a luri on Odd Bridge or wotever you call it and Stingah added. Infact he perfed me. Then garoted me for 140 mainhand. Obviously I died rather rapidly as I was attempted to kill the one I attacked first. He wasn't orange then either. Back I came and played somemore then saw that Stingah had been killed. Now then I am about the only one that would do this but I rushed over to Hib and waited for him to show. Unbuffed - rediculously weak - yet I still waited to jump him. Not even the fact he was orange when he came out put me off. Now how many of you would do such a thing?


One of Freddy's beloved
May 8, 2004
Thugs said:
Now how many of you would do such a thing?

I would, why not? I have killed buffed players so im as good as you.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
oki. i r gonna say this 1 moreeee timeeeee

the only reason u win is not because u r neceserrily(sp?) good. its because these infs or NSs or whtever are slow.... the reason u win is cos u get the 1st hit in... if sum1 perfed u 1st off ur hp would drop and then so probably would u.

i was tempted to get me inf bck up to spec and come have a look for u but cba :p
still dont call urself king of thidr cos none of these mongs can get teh 1st hit in.
and seriouslllyyyyy that fight against stingah... he was running along unstealthed.... not good at all... if he was stealthed and paying attention then u jumped him and killed him then it might be considered a good fight.
who cares if he is orange con in thidr. it doesnt really mean alot.
and if u cant see that the fight was pathetic u r an idiot.

and as to how many people would do that.... judging by the amount of infs that camp mpk and sbs at apk alot of people would do that.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

M8y I wouldn't bother getting any inf of yours upto spec cos you and I know it won't last long against me even if you buff the damn thing up.

Am sick of saying this and that to you all but you all know that wot I did to Stingah with my sb being unbuffed and so weak was and is remarkable. Only infs ever complain about it cos you don't realize how badly nerfed us sbs are. You are so used to being damage dealing monsters you can't see how the other half are. Ask some of your long term players about the difference in damage between and inf and an sb - especially should the inf be buffed and the sb not. Colossal difference. But really tis the reason you die to me cos you get arrogant and don't bother to learn how to fight properly. Whereas I have had to so that I could kill anything at all.

Stingah is one in a very very long line of buffed players I have killed. Just one of many!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
thugs ive got to hand it too you, your good at winding a bunch of dumb fcukers up


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Chronictank said:
you are a much better player than me
after all, the only thing i have done is beated the best guilds on excal, compete with some of the best players in this game
made a fg of mostly randoms in thid dyed them orange and wtfpwned endless zergs
Right Click Save As

But youre right, youre better than me
(spot the sarcasm :rolleyes: )

m8, can u tell me what music u used for this movie? :) Artist + Song name, please:) cheers, and nice movie m8 :D


One of Freddy's beloved
May 8, 2004
Lakashnik said:
the reason u win is cos u get the 1st hit in... if sum1 perfed u 1st off ur hp would drop and then so probably would u.

He gets the first hit because he spams Closest Target button, its really easy.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
Totyn said:
He gets the first hit because he spams Closest Target button, its really easy.

thats me point.... no inf ever does that in stealth mode to find other stealthers. tis no wonder they all get arse whoopings... altho spose if ur crit spec u gotta make sure u hit the right positional style to do uber dmg otherwise u just gotta spam garrote.

and i have played a sb in mid/excal crit spec using a 2h sword... killed a few infs not many being only lvl 22 tops. but the dmg i did was still alot. even compared to my inf over here. whos dmg was quite high. cant remember wht but when had fight wit u in old thidr u wer going on about him hitting hard as a brick.
and yes i do know the dmg difference between a inf and a sb... it is alot even if inf is unbuffed depending on the sbs spec. old thidr unbuffed 2h sword sbs wer out dmging my inf by far. i know in higher lvls 2h sword etc sux as i have been told so much but at thidr lvl u can easily take off hlf hps if not more wit a successfull 2h sword PA on a unbuffed Inf.

At thidr lvl the difference between SBs and Infs is not that great. at higher lvls it shows more but thidr depending on spec u can do as much dmg.

and its not amazing.. u got 2 hits in on him to start wit, applying ur poisons etc. cant remember if he was buffed in that fight... i dont remember seeing buffs drop off but if he was that makes it a little better. but any1 wit a good enough lvl 24 stealther char shuld been able to take him down when hes running along and get 2 free hits in.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Thugs is just playing Easymode spec, try real spec m8:)
or just roll a Dwarf hunter m8, u get Self buffs + Spear spec, & Studded, maby u mite make a good hunter :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
Wirey said:
m8, can u tell me what music u used for this movie? :) Artist + Song name, please:) cheers, and nice movie m8 :D

my media player will never dl teh codecs so all i get is teh music

1st song is let the bodies hit the floor by drowning pool which every1 knows altho has been remixed or summat. (original better)

2nd song not sure but sounds like disturbed to me. in fact im pretty damn sure its disturbed no idea wht name of song is heh :( maybe meaning of life or sumthing along those lines... my memory of disturbed is fuzzy

hope tis been some help.

EDIT : just checked lyrics of teh song and it is Disturbed - Meaning Of Life from The Sickness Album


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Played this game a long time now

Been playing on and off for 3 years maybe. Played lots of different alts. My first love really wassa scout. Level 47 one before I moved to Mid. There first thing I made wassa hunter cos I love to play them. They bloody great in BG - scout or hunter both. The real challenge was making an underdog sb a killer. I always rise to a challenge and that has occupied me for 2 years or more. I now can kill any unbuffed inf in a duel and practically any buffed inf too as long as I don't miss too often. That is all I ever wanted. I honestly feel great about it. SBs have been so badly treated and still are yet I played as an inf when SBs were uber with LA and still I did remarkably well. Hell all that time ago Barrysworld was talking about me then - Jones the sb killer inf. One inf even put his second name to Jones!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Eh above should read that an sb put his 2nd name to Jones. Fixated for sure!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
lol every thread that has thugs in it is garunteed to hit 50+ posts, anyone remember what happend when u fed the animals at the zoo when u were told not to, same thing here effectively, thugs goes nuts and craves for more. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Invisibul said:
lol every thread that has thugs in it is garunteed to hit 50+ posts, anyone remember what happend when u fed the animals at the zoo when u were told not to, same thing here effectively, thugs goes nuts and craves for more. :D
he was nuts from day one, he just craves the attention more these days


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Lakashnik said:
my media player will never dl teh codecs so all i get is teh music

1st song is let the bodies hit the floor by drowning pool which every1 knows altho has been remixed or summat. (original better)

2nd song not sure but sounds like disturbed to me. in fact im pretty damn sure its disturbed no idea wht name of song is heh :( maybe meaning of life or sumthing along those lines... my memory of disturbed is fuzzy

hope tis been some help.

EDIT : just checked lyrics of teh song and it is Disturbed - Meaning Of Life from The Sickness Album
you need divx codecs installed, i believe i used divx 5.1 for that one but i forget :)
A nifty program that i found quite good called VLC Media Player, free to DL and plays most things :)

about songs will take look at home, no sound at work :(
but one is Drowning Pool - Let the bodies hit the floor, rest are disturbed


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
please, just lock these threads - the boy spent TWO YEARS of his LIFE working on making a computer game character, for the lowest competitive level... Most people who play spend two years on their vet once he's already 50, exploring all the places and adventures Thid-ophiles cant...

how do we get a thread locked?


VOTE BUSH - he might be a twat, but at least he's funny...




Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Rediknight said:
please, just lock these threads - the boy spent TWO YEARS of his LIFE working on making a computer game character, for the lowest competitive level... Most people who play spend two years on their vet once he's already 50, exploring all the places and adventures Thid-ophiles cant...

how do we get a thread locked?


VOTE BUSH - he might be a twat, but at least he's funny...


how dare you traitor! trying to ruin the amusement that goes with the morning coffee!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thugs said:
... Anyways hits this inf as I always do and swapped to a 100% 2 hander for the follow up. I hit him for 95.
You should try not using the same axe you're using in Thid.
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